The inside is adorable! They live in a teeny tiny house

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hey there welcome to my channel where I  take you on tours of tiny and unique homes   in today's real estate market it's almost  impossible for young couples to find an   affordable first home and that's why today  we're featuring Chloe and Brian who figured   out a way to do just that they purchased a used  tiny home online and have decided to park it on   their property they're going to talk about  their experience making this home uniquely   their own and how they plan to expand the  living space in the future but before we   jump right in if you like videos like this  where we showcase stories of people living   alternatively make sure that you subscribe and  hit that notification Bell so that you know   every single time we publish a new episode will  you join there will you go make this house our tiny hi I'm Brian I'm Chloe Welcome to our tiny house before we moved into this tiny house we were both  living separately in Seattle I was living on a   boat and I lived in a studio apartment so we're  both used to small living for sure so when I was   looking for Real Estate conventional houses I was  just finding that the market was too competitive   and I was getting out bid the tiny house we found  on Facebook Marketplace Brian was really excited   about it like on a Thursday and like went to see  it on Saturday and brought it home on a Monday   but I was a little bit unsure about it I was  like is that really the right model is it big   enough is it the right price cuz it was just so  early in his process of looking and I said like   we're never going to live in this together it's  definitely too small for two of us and then the   more time we spent in it together I realized  like oh actually this does work and now we   joke about it because now it's perfect for us  when you're inside the house it just feels so   warm and comfortable felt like quite a step  up from living aboard a boat on a clear day   this property just has such an insane view we're  at about 1,000 ft of elevation and we look out   over the islands and then the Canadian coastal  range you can see the city lights of Vancouver   I feel really lucky to have landed here the  push just to get the house here and to have   the electricity and the water in place that  was a full year of work with rented tractors   and jackhammers so the property itself was  152,000 and that's 1. 4 Acres the tiny house   was 32,000 we've probably spent another 30 grand  on the excavation work and the utility Ingress   there's no such real estate for that price  at least in this region that I know [Music] of as compared to renting we're  actually investing each month into   something that has some gains the  house is kind of a means to being   able to live somewhere as dramatically  kind of beautiful as as we get [Music] to this is where we live we've got our tiny house  and our shipping container and the combined space   is what makes it livable for us cuz we've got  sort of overflow out of the house the property   was purchased end of 2021 and it came with  a septic which is great even though we have   a composting toilet in the house so we're not  utilizing it right now it's really nice to have   it there for future plans we connected to the  power at the end of the driveway we basically   have really strong extension cord that runs  all the way to our house and so we power off of   that the shipping container it's a 20ft shipping  container it's a former job box so it came from   like a construction site they basically put in a  wall dividing the space in half and one side was   like their old office we kept the doors on this  side cuz we think they're just kind of fun and   there's like a industrial look to them when you  drive up to the house and then on the other side   there's like a normal door that you can go into  the insulated side as well so I'll take you in   we just keep this locked up when we're not around  and I actually just painted it it's been um gray   up until about a couple weeks ago this half  of the shipping container is really just like   our Workshop got all of our tools and equipment  and then like sort of longer term storage we've   got everything in bins got to be a little bit  organized cuz we're working with a small amount   of space there's just a normal door here and so  it just transitions into kind of like a really   big walk-in closet we're eventually going to have  our washing machine and our chest freezer and then   this is going to be more organized the shipping  container appealed to us cuz it's kind of this   fun industrial look the fact that it's already  four walls and a roof and we could just have   it delivered here it was like a very quick way  to get storage so we could just put everything   in here very quickly and then figure out the  next steps we did spray foam insulation because   we found out that's really what you need to do  against a shipping container because just metal   on regular insulation you'll get condensation in  between and then you get mildew which is what we   discovered when we pulled everything out and so  we spray foamed this whole area not the workshop   side and then we added additional insulation and  then we put up this finished plywood I think it's   Birch this is where we gather with friends when  we have people over we tend to have Gatherings   spring summer fall and not in the winter because  we just can't fit a lot of people inside the house   we usually gather on the fire or like we have our  little outdoor cook station here um and actually   often even when we don't have people over Brian  and I will cook dinner out here in the summer   because we just would rather be outside when  it's nice out we knew we wanted to like hide   the trailer hitch and our heating and cooling  unit they're actually both not very attractive   so we were trying to like block that space and we  have the added benefit of having this really nice   bamboo that creates really nice light when you're  inside looking out as well the house itself is   road legal so I think it's 14 ft tall and like 8  and 1/2 ft wide and maybe 20 ft long that's with   the front porch so it's actually like livable  SPAC is a little bit smaller than that it's a   double axle and the siding is Pine which is  really actually not great for the Northwest   it wasn't built for our climate it was built  for a drier climate the wood tends to soak up   the moisture really well when we bought it it was  looking okay and then like over the next year and   a half it turned this really deep gray color and  so last summer we pressure washed the whole thing   and refinish it basically took off a lot of mildew  in the process when we brought the tiny house in   we basically backed it in we knew we wanted it as  close to the edge of this hill as possible because   this is um a really fabulous view on a clear day  unfortunately um it's a little smoky now but we're   basically looking straight at the Canadian  mountains you can see it's really beautiful   and it's also the best view you can get at a flat  point on our property the door came with the blue   we' love it we did pick like the other colors  to go with it but I think we'll never change   the blue it's our favorite thing about the house  so if you follow me we can take a look inside the house [Music] welcome inside our tiny  house as you can see it is kind of a   one space layout and we really love living  here this is a tumble weed Linden 20 I think   is the model name as far as I know it was  built in Idaho at like a carpentry school   so it was built by students found it locally  and have had it for about 2 and 1/2 years or so one modification that we changed is  that the ladder used to go up to the   Loft in this orientation and we found that  this space is already being wasted because   of the swing of the fridge and these cabinets  um and so instead of bringing the ladder down   to land in a space that um is already kind  of busy we chose to orient it 90° and that   has Honestly made a big difference in just  kind of the layout and the feel this is kind   of the main dining space this table really  doesn't do much more than two I think this   model in particular is nice cuz you can  kind of fold away the tabletop and get a   little more space um if you wanted to do  any stretching or yoga or anything like that this is a relatively new thing for us  but it's an air fryer and an oven and we love   it it distributes heat a lot better than the  small little toaster oven that we had before   we honestly haven't done that much to the kitchen  other than we changed out the faucet we added the   little knife magnet there was never an oven  or stove top installed so we just have these   induction cook tops we added this little piece  of I suppose it's kind of a marble countertop   product and that just gives a little bit of heat  protection to the wood um I would say that wood   countertops are extremely fragile they love to  stain and get marks and then we hung up the cast   iron just cuz you know getting any space saving  things is pretty critical in here and we utilize   these tiles to kind of keep the um the cast iron  from touching up and leaving marks on the wood   cuz they're pretty oily and greasy most the time  the main feature that makes this kitchen feel big   enough is this farmhouse sink I think just being  able to have a place to Stage dishes and free up   counter space is so critical and then this island  or this table is often where where we do a lot of   prep so cutting board and chopping we definitely  are maxing out our fridge with the two of us these   days and the freezer we do have a chest freezer  in our shed outside which helps and then pantry is   pretty limited but up here is dedicated to Pantry  I would say that that's pretty much the food storage so this is one of the beasts that live  here in the house her name is Hobie Hobie Cat   I've had her since she was a little kitten  and we've lived on actually two different   boats together and now she's a creature of the  forest so she spends this time year probably 15   16 hours a day outside her litter box actually  lives on this Loft up here so if she has to use   that she goes up this ladder and then we've  left this top shelf and this area clear so   that she can get to here and then jump across  quite the stunt that she'll do back and forth so come on up this is a queen size mattress  and we've actually experimented with like a   a bigger memory foam kind of fancy mattress  and we just decided that the the clearance   of your kind of head is more important so we  have just a 4-in mattress and honestly for us   it's enough padding it's pretty comfortable  so this mini split obviously um if you know   the technology it's a very efficient um way to  heat or cool space and what we find is that in   the summertime during a um Heat Wave it cools  the house really well but during the winter   time um it's such a vertically like it's just a  tall house that we get a striation of heat and   then freezing cold downstairs um and so we've  actually added a few little um heaters in the   bathroom and then kind of in the corner um by  the front door it just keep the the kind of   heat mixing pretty evenly through the house  but it's nice like if you come home and the   whole house is cold you can hit that and at  least the bedroom area gets hot in about 2 minutes and then if you come on back here we've  got lounging space underneath here is utilities   there's actually a water tank some filters and  then our hot water heater which is just a six   gallon we've talked about wanting to go for an  on demand one cuz unfortunately that six gallons   does not allow both of us to shower back to  back we have a surface hose that feeds our   our water to um the house so in the cold snaps  in the winter time that obviously doesn't work   so we have to fill up the tank and um yeah gets us  about a day of doing dishes and and whatnot mostly   we kind of drink our coffee and hang out watch  TV the two of us can kind of both sit here got   the bamboo kind of filtering the light in these  windows which is pretty Charming especially in   the snow here we've got the bathroom um which  is pretty functional very small but um one   thing that we have had to do is doing one of  those cold snaps I forgot to drain the water   pressure um within the house and so we burst  the pipe behind this wall we had to full demo   this um in the middle of winter and it took us  quite a while to um get the money and the time   together to put in this shower we actually took  advantage of taking everything down to the studs   to add in this window and so I think that has  just made this space so much more pleasant to   have a shower in cuz you get the natural light we  went with like a um it's called like a silk stone   or something it's it's a ceramic or like a like a  cement produ product that you can actually paint   on the wall and we pigmented that to this green  color it kind of has inconsistencies and kind of   a layering that we like and then we sealed that  with epoxy so it's really easy to clean I would   guess this is probably 2 and 1/2 x 2 and 1/2  ft Square this is probably the smallest sink   I've ever seen in my life and we find that it is  pretty ineffective for brushing your teeth and   so this is pretty much a hand washing sink and  we just brush teeth in the kitchen so this is   a composting toilet there's a urine separator  so the urine goes down and out with the gray   water everything else goes into a basin and that  gets taken out and externally composted I'm 61 I   think and this is yeah plenty of head room there  is a little bit of like this entrance here is   very narrow um so sometimes you have to like turn  your shoulders sideways to get through there but   other than that I think the layout and spacing  of this model um I've been really happy with it my advice for anybody who's looking to  go tiny is like have a really great place   to put it we really lucked out Brian said  this but he bought the house first and then   the property and that's not really the  ideal way to do it we got really lucky   that we got this property and if we didn't  I'm not sure where the tiny house would be   I joke sometimes that like this is a place  that I would go for like an hourlong hike   just to be in a space like this with the kind  of birds and the plant diversity and so it's   just pretty incredible to live at the top of a  mountain where you get to enjoy those things day   in and day out thanks for watching this week's  episode I hope you guys enjoyed it please make   sure to like share and subscribe and I will  see you soon with another unique home [Music] tour [Music] a
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 174,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, off grid living, off grid tiny house, tiny house design, tumbleweed tiny house, washington tiny house, tiny house nation, tiny house big living, shipping container home, container home, shipping container house, diy shipping container, cheap tiny house, minimalism, outdoor living, tiny house private land, affordable housing, cheap houses, tiny living, tiny house on wheels, tiny homes on wheels
Id: FeoKnt4d4i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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