Tiny Epic Dungeons Board Game Review

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Love this game so much. I'll probably never win and I don't care.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Z3M0G 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

This was a great review, pretty accurately sums up how my group felt playing it. Icons aren't super annoying for me, but the rule book wasn't quite enough and we found ourselves constantly looking up various rules and then looking for erratas or better explanations for a number of situations.

I would say the game is really good though. We enjoyed the game despite the rules being a mess and there being a ton of icon interactions that aren't well defined. The goblins are annoying, but searching is fun, the boss was fun. The torch and goblins were an annoying interaction, but were there to keep you from just stomping gearing up and making it too easy. At least thematically it felt fine with the torch and goblin pushing you forward and back trying to balance your decisions.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/No0ther0ne 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Wasn't a fan. Every room felt like basically the same thing, and I thought it fell completely apart in Act 2. The whole reverse chase part is boring. I can see this being a decent introduction to dungeon crawlers for someone, but I don't recommend it to anyone else.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TiltedLibra 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

This game has one of the worst rulebooks I've ever seen. I'm not even sure if the game is good or not because I have no idea if we were playing it right. We spent so much time trying to look up rules, it was a miserable experience.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Vendictar 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
it's tiny it's epic it's dungeons what is it it's tiny it's epic it's dungeons what is it well let's review it let's review it [Music] this is the review for the board game tiny epic dungeons the good and bad about it but in this video you will know this game's for you right we have six burning questions that we will answer in this video but before we do that janice what is this game all about it says on the box it's about tiny epic dungeons in this game you are heroes trying to vanquish evil which is basically a boss at the end of the dungeon that you need to defeat and you do that by collecting stuff getting stronger and actually finding the boss do you know where he is no we don't at the beginning we don't know where it is you do know where he is he's in the dungeon he's not in the attic he is not in the garden where is he in the dungeon exactly just you don't know where in the dungeon on your turn you can do one hero action you might ask what is a hero action what is a hero action there are blue icons and each of those blue icons means that it is a hero action that you can use it has z's here so sleeping is a heroic action yeah i'm a hero baby for example this time you can attack giannis is obviously sleeping already next to that you can do any amount of orange or bonus actions this one and then this one also repeat this one and the last thing you can do is move when you move you just move to a new place and turn it around and see what's there so you explore the dungeon and what happens when you explore the dungeon you die you die and then you die some more and then sometimes you will find the boss and then you'll die and then you'll die some more and then sometimes you will beat the boss and then he'll die after your turn you move this torch token one space forward and that moves the game forward and different events happen and if this goes to the very end the torch goes out and you guess what what happens yes you die again you also have these character sheets and you can upgrade them with different loots or different magics so you are strong enough to fight the boss maybe even if you get lucky defeated and obviously the most unique thing about this game is it is so small but there's so much stuff in it so i guess it could be epic but we'll find out as we go who would you get this for three two one just read the title i mean it's tiny so you can place it wherever it's epic this is really something you could compare with much much bigger boxes and games and it's about dungeons so it's a dungeon crawler you go explore things fight monsters and fight the boss if those three things are something that you would like or you know somebody who would like that then it's for them it's for someone who's like you know what i heard these dungeon crawlers i want to try them so this might be a good way to actually get the feel of that type of game it is fairly cheap it's around 30 dollars so not that big of an investment unlike descent or or imperial assault and it will give you the feel of what that type of game is what are the best things about this game what did you say just read the title it is tiny in a good way because it doesn't take any space it's easy to store more games should come out in these formats now with like huge boards and huge mirrors it does give you a feel of a big game absolutely it does and if it's in this small box all the better for it my number three is character sheets and bosses there's quite a lot of bosses even in the base game and they all feel quite different and unique the powers that they have the ways you can attack them is really fun and what i like the most about that all is that actually character sheets very very different from one another in these tiny little sheets they have hidden a lot of unique things that i love about it my number two is the replay value yes there are a ton of bosses well not 10 some but to get to them you need to find their room because they're in their room their boss mom probably said go to your room and dunk them out so you have to go and find them while you do cars are going to come up differently so the dungeon is always going to be different this is very different except the part where you die before you get to the boss is going to be pretty much the same for this small box a lot of game in there number two is the dice or the dice system i thought this is pretty unique you roll four dice and then from all of these dice you use just one for this combat and rest of them either give you bonuses or if where there is this plus sign you can add to the die you just chose so it gets stronger so this system is very very interesting where i just use one yeah and it's like very contained simple three dice is all you have to work with i don't know if it was noticeable up to this point but for me this game is tough to beat i know do you think they got it i died a lot in this game like a lot and you might think it's a bad thing but for me in co-op games i feel it's a great thing i feel like okay next time next time it just makes me more want to come back to this game to beat it to try to get to that boss and try to win it it's a plus for me and a big plus first thing which i like the most about this game is loots and upgrade when you kill somebody you get loot when you search specific room you get loot some of the equipment will have specific symbols for example this lion symbol right here and you can collect this armor that has the symbol you can collect weapons with this symbol and they are called sets the more items you have from a single set the more powerful they become and just collecting the right items at the right time is so satisfying yeah and you can really feel how much stronger you get by getting these items i think that's one of my favorite things in co-op games in general that feeling of upgrades of improvements of getting better at this game and your character getting stronger and it's very very well made here what are actually the worst things about this game first thing i want to mention is being unconscious is kind of annoying yes it definitely sucks because you might get into this loop all you can do is just do the heroic action for resting and move and then nothing else and the next turn somebody attacks you you might go again unconscious it feels like a wasted turn essentially feels like you skip your turn once you get knocked out the first time it feels like this might not be the game you're gonna win it's just not fun i'm gonna give it 2.5 oh well i would go higher really yeah mine is going to be a paraphrasing a song by katie melua it's gonna go something like this there are 9 million icons in this game it's a fact you can't deny but you will never learn them until you die i played it for the first time obviously i can't remember all the icons right or how they interact that's okay then i played the second time still can't remember all the icons then i played the third time and i thought either i'm very old which i might be or there's just too many icons in this game look at them look how many icons and there's more in the rulebook but guess what they can be mixed together to create a certain effect so you have to know that x plus y equals z times two mi it's just no no also just rechecking the rulebook wasn't like straightforward that was annoying and i would say it's a four yes i agree it's uh for me the biggest turn off are the icons last one for me is it from time to time can feel grindy especially with the goblins there are goblins who are very weak monsters they all have one health but they are annoying really annoying and when you kill them they will soon come right up i kill goblin on my turn two other players do their things and when it comes to my turn there's again a goblin i have to kill it and then that's all i'm doing it's not fun hunting them now no cause it's one of the loose conditions it's like you have to place a goblin you can't you lose it's just something you really don't want to do it's like your parents calling you and saying can you come please and help me you're like yeah of course sure i'll be there on sunday no problem i hope your opponent doesn't orange just no they don't so that's why i'm easy with this okay i hope the goblin situation is in contrast with other monsters the big monsters here because i feel these monsters are fun because they are unique but those goblins were just annoying i guess it's two i mean it's part of the game that's about the bad things and we should move on to the honeymoon yeah how long is the honeymoon alright three two one let's go i feel like this would be a game that i would be ready to play almost whenever setup is also a bit fiddly setup is a bit fiddly finding the right cards but when you get used to it and remember stuff then it sounds bad for me it goes back to what i said about being being tough and me wanting to beat it and i really want to beat all of the bosses until i do that doesn't matter if it's solar multiplayer i will come back to it afterwards i don't know what is the best alternative one it does remind me of gloomhaven question mark obviously it's nothing close to gloomhaven but i think mostly the things that i like about bloomhaven kindness here and the things that i don't like about gloom heaven is here if you like the grindy feeling of doing similar things all over again then it's there uh but also this exploration which is fun is there and if you have that massive box and you enjoy it maybe on top of it you could place this one and it would fit in your shelf really nicely well mine's a dnd board game series wrath of aschaldron and then there's uh castle ravenloft uh and it's also a very basic dungeon crawler you just have your guys you start on a tile so you move on to new tiles reveal tiles and reveal events and then there's monsters attacking you just less icons i think it's actually even simpler than this and now ladies and gentlemen the final rating let's go better than okay good i would say good overall i have good feelings about this game i enjoyed playing it i was really actually excited the first time i played it i had tons of fun especially the looting system it's so satisfying the second and next time we played it was like we know what these tiles are you know hiding for us so it's less like that it's more grindy and like mathematical and not quite in a good way yeah it's like a to-do list basically okay so we gotta get stuff we gotta find the lair we gotta kill the boss all right we first have to kill its minions overall i have really good feelings about it i would as i said play it almost whenever i could do it but i'm not super excited to play it it is not a bad game it's actually like you said a good game it's just i'm like you i'm not that excited to go back to it for example as a solo experience we recently reviewed the hadrian's wall man i can't wait when i go back to that one and this one is like i might do this so so generally it's better than okay it's good it's good it's just not something extraordinary fantastic must have no you no no i hope if this game is for you like subscribe and do check out our patreon page just uh nothing that there might or might not be an option to hide the secret message in our videos there so uh be sure to check it out if you're interested into that [Music]
Channel: Board Game Hangover
Views: 7,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board games, Board game, Board Game Hangover, Best Board Games, tiny epic dungeons, tiny epic board games, tiny epic board game series, tiny epic series, tiny epic, epic dungeons board game, tiny epic dungeons board game review, tiny epic review, tiny epic dungeons review, tiny epic board game hangover
Id: SwaZEGd2M78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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