TINY 16 Foot BOAT OCEAN COHO Fishing!!

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[Music] [Music] look at that the little engine that could huh we made it we're going out in the salt guys it's a calm ocean today 16 foot boat we're gonna do it sixteen foot squall's gonna be fine ocean coho baby it's gonna be a rodeo we got 12 gallons of gas in the boat we're ready to go motors are working good hit that subscribe button stay tuned it's gonna be a good day you look excited huh [Music] so [Music] been trolling five minutes and got two takedowns guys we're seeing jellyfish everywhere that's a little annoying but 190 feet of water 51 degrees and they're stepping hopefully there's a couple more mark the waypoint right there [Music] oh niles is on one still there okay right here okay [Music] all right bring it that way no no no no on my line yeah there you go there you go check it slick back yep look at that hold it up maybe one in the box look at that now huh got one so far huh one for four finally one to go they like that smiley don't all they is this film a little bit might be a nice one yeah we got alex what's going on here oh yeah i get the net you all right go ahead and get the net ready weird spots check it god damn oh that's hatchery dude look at the size of that hat one in the boat baby [Music] two in the box beautiful hatchery coho i'm gonna go ahead and let but now let's take care of this get back fishing two more to go look at all the sea lice on that good job buddy you still there guy i just let this one go okay it's a hatch are you sure there he goes okay let a little one go huh yep sometimes what you got to do let them grow find the big boys good gun done that was a big one right here oh my god it's a wild oh is it a wow all right let's just what do you do with my pliers [Music] it's like a little native fish yep little native fish there he goes we are four for nine everybody pretty good day so far that was a native fish and a small one to boot so no one's complaining it's been a pretty good morning so far out here and then a little engine that good that pink i think smiley blade's doing real good thing oh he's heavy it might be a nice one oh yeah all right get the net stay on buddy get below me oh that's my limit right there guys we got we got to get analysis let me release some fish it's been a good day so far but it's a nice little keeper there i'll take it good day huh yep i got one big one in the back too the thing is almost ten i know you got the good one of the day so far but we started seeing a couple natives so we decided to keep this one uh it's been somewhat of a grind we're five for ten yeah yeah all right guys [Music] so it has been a while since we had a bite we are now at 152 feet of water we did a lot of exploring we got a little bit of time left we released our limit because it was a small hatchery co-oh and we actually caught another little hat trick at least but we had a limit but i was like to let fish go this and that you know but we're in the hunt for one more fish um then we'll be done today is we only hooked like 17 fish so today is not really the hottest day in the market you know but some days you got to work for it the way it goes stay tuned guys subscribe like and share what do you got to say you know you win some you lose some it was a battle of wits today's still a win dude it is where else you can see 17 take down here [Music] we're heading back in super nice out here it's like a lake we could probably stay out and get our hatchery fish but we're just gonna go in early get some food i'll see you guys at the dock all right guys we had a good day out there in the ocean we're on a super bumpy road right now terrible timing hold on folks hold on folks but uh first time in the 16 footer out in the salt and uh we had our limit but niles is a nice guy here he felt a couple of those little uh hatchery coho needed to grow a little bit right yeah yes indeed and so there they are they're swimming around growing for the next guy i'm just i'm just kidding no yeah we had a limit but we got plenty of fish in our freezers we released a couple smaller fish and we ended up with three hatchery coho so yeah it's a good day that we hooked 18 or 20 of them and driving home right now anything you got to say about the day now great day first time on the salt for uh coho got my probably earliest coho i ever got never caught a coho in july before so that was definitely fun there you go but uh yeah looking forward to cooking one up throwing it on the new smoker at home and see what the taste like guarantees can be a good food for sure though hell yeah and it was his birthday recently so he's got that new smoker that he just mentioned yeah yeah we've got an oklahoma joe smoker can't wait to do some rib eyes everything like that and start getting these fall fish coming in and cooking them up more so oh yeah yep nothing like some good old nookies especially fresh ones out in the ocean we got all that stuff coming up guys so a lot of fishing coming up hopefully you enjoyed this video and i'll see you next time guys hit that subscribe button share the video out give it one of these too thumbs up see you guys
Channel: Fishing The Odds
Views: 6,207
Rating: 4.9014778 out of 5
Keywords: bigblue, bigoceansmallboat, cohorodeo, coldocean, coldwaterstrong, epictakedowns, fishingtakedowns, fishingthenorthwest, fishingtheodds, fishingthesaltwater, hotsummerdays, nearshorefishing, oceancoho, oceansalmon, offshorefishing, pnwfishing, saltwaterfishing, silversalmon, summeroceanfishing, tinyoceanboat, trollingtheocean, westcoast
Id: f0AeoxYT2kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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