UNREAL Endless Ocean Coho Action | MUST SEE | *Day 2 of 2*

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[Music] [Music] oh day two back in the hotel that little woman having sleeping still jordan's in the shower for some reason and uh we're gonna be crossing that bar here in 35 40 minutes it's four o'clock in the morning and uh we're gonna get some fish man we're gonna get we're gonna get our coho probably have an attempt at some rock fish today depends on lala uh hopefully we get some fish guys so stay tuned hit the subscribe button day two ocean coho is gonna be a rodeo cross our fingers oh now jordan's up good morning we're going to get him huh i don't know if evan is look like you didn't sleep did you sleep i love it driving to the tillamookie grounds where the coho and rockfish live here we go we're at the launch there's a million boats out here today and we got evan backing up right now here he goes let's go evan evan finally made it to the dock jordan i've been waiting a long time for this stay tuned guys we're gonna go across the bar right now calm day we're gonna go find that warmer water and hit the coho grounds hopefully get our fish quick native [Music] [Music] [Music] heading out to the deep blue alex at the hill evan he's not sick yet gonna be a good day [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] get it evan show the world how strong you are we just put the lines in the water guys day two trolling away evan's feeling better huh we found some birds there's a lot of birds out there go see if fish are in there oh all right oh i'm getting hit double double check it check it keep good job man see here i need bait dang huh double and then all of a sudden there's two fish in the boat that did not take very long huh that was two doubles yeah two doubles wow that was a hot little bite there for a second there's some fish around baby hit that subscribe button guys they're in here they're in here we're seeing them jump too we had we had to run out to 300 feet of water huh yep you excited jordan oh oh yeah always oh oh oh you spit you spit it no no no no no [Music] no ugh how's he pulling that drag oh yeah yeah spin fish too he's back there hey he's back there [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] that is that's a smooth back okay that's your guy's limit you guys are limited by hatchery guys it's been it's been lights out i don't even know what to say we have three or four doubles huh yeah and we're just getting takedowns left and right what we did we came out to former water we found birds and that was it was game over we got away from all the people too you're the only boat out here sir well we need one hatchery fish and we're done that happened real fast we've been out we've been cold fishing for like 40 minutes 30 minutes that's a rodeo huh i've never had that many haircuts in my life that's crazy i'm trying to hold up [Music] oh look at that bird is that bird trying to eat your fish yeah the other one [Music] that looks like a big old native yeah it's a native all right let's get a good release on that fish there he goes hey he's hot oh you got it no is he still there he's still alex is on again what are we looking at how do you flip this back all right guys limits yep all right we are done we are going rock fishing oh you can see land now the fog cleared up nice look at that you can actually see land couldn't see land for a long time felt like you're in the middle of nowhere but that was awesome man that was so awesome that was a rodeo doubles no triples surprised a little bit but dude i think if one of the fish broke my thing off and it was floating down the ocean and i haven't seen it with his eyes and we picked it up somehow a little tiny little tiny plug we got it back but it was an epic adventure coming out here in the deep water 300 feet getting some coho so stay tuned guys seeing the rock fishing grounds jordan at the helm [Music] yeah bud yeah baby doing some rock fishing 65 70 feet of water um my buddy did real good here yesterday so we're gonna give it a go and hopefully we can find some rock fish so stay tuned guys should be a good one fish on devils doubles i think i got a nice bass on here yeah me too doubles boys [Music] might be a keeper what is it 12 inches right 22. that is it he's in your line he's all wrapped up get the net [Music] he's barely hooked we're going to measure these links here i got i got a keeper here can you get it yeah mine's all wrapped up let's give it a minute here free spool no look at that guys look at that little uh cab is on there that's a good size huh how look at that jordan huh just cavazon ever man you excited oh yeah baby that's a beautiful fish man yeah well beautiful in its own way beautiful in its own way nice no no all right [Music] i'm just gonna bring it in nice we'll take it huh that one bit pretty good yeah ate the whole thing anybody throw that bonker back there oh fish on another crab no it's falling it's actually a rock fish oh that's got some meat to her oh he's peeling hey nice three cabs nice job getting it done there's cabbies everywhere man look at that there's our limit on cabazon that happened quick gotta release the rest of the cavazon and uh hopefully we can get a bigger link and some some nicer rockfish you know bass alex bottom fishing oh it's a crab you got a crab it's a male but it's not a keeper awesome what in the hell i'm good so we got our uh we got our cabbage on and got a link caught in the boat so we're just gonna call it right now go get our crab pops it's been a good day we got plenty of fish no fish complaints here so we're gonna go in and uh see what these see what these crab pots look like man so stay tuned get it evan show the world how strong you are day two pulling pots didn't pull them yesterday soaked overnight let's see if they got more than one crab in them huh yeah oh what that's an example me second part here oh damn that's a big male two keepers though yeah two giant males look at that one yep that's a big male for the size of that nice that hardshell [Music] not two that's me though yeah all right i'll pull this next one oh dude a chinook just just i'm not even playing i'm not it wasn't even a coho that was china wow just right there maybe they're in let's troll this ocean this ocean's like that [Music] wow those are all males good size oh look at his barn look at his uh yeah last crab pot alex got it pulled up the last one this one feels heavier got some pretty good sized crab in here get it get it [Music] the crabbing was uh uneventful but we got about eight big keepers it's okay we thought there's gonna be a lot more crab we didn't do very good on that but anyway stay tuned guys we're heading back in and uh got a lot of fish plate later all right guys we got a good time out there two days in the ocean evan's over there say bye evan we had a good time out there we caught a bunch of fish it was definitely a coho rodeo it was that was the definition of rodeo absolutely definition of a rodeo evan wasn't sick today so everything panned out the way it was supposed to and we got a few rock fish and uh we got a few crabs too so we had a good time guys hit that subscribe button stay tuned for the next one
Channel: Fishing The Odds
Views: 5,597
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Keywords: amazingbroll, bottomfishing, cabezon, deepbluesea, doubleonlingcod, dronefootageoftheocean, droneshots, fishingtakedowns, fishingtheodds, fishingthesalt, inshorefishing, inshorerockfish, lingcod, mustwatchfishingfilm, neverendingaction, oceancoho, oceanfishing, oceansalmon, rockfish, salmoninthebigblue, saltwater, takedowns, thesesalmonarestrong, unrealsalmonfights, youtuber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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