Tinberborn: Dam tutorial guide

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hey guys welcome back mario's here and today we have timberborn and let's talk about dams because that's most important part of the game and this will be full tutorial guide everything you need to know how what to do okay so let's not waste time let's jump in the game and i'll show you quickly what we are talking about this is i have set up but it is meant for everyone from the scratch uh the progress i have in the game has no impact whatsoever the guide about dams are the same and just to show you what we will discuss today is something that you want water obviously but the problem is for example i'm showing this is the most advanced it will be at the end of the video i'll try to cover as well is one particular point where if you have uh too much input of the water right for example here i have narrow space for my water wheel which is great because as you can see the speed is huge it means they spin uh they don't slow down but there might be a problems if we are uh putting in too much water which i'm not able to do as as of now [Music] okay we'll have a night time and here you have one two three four five i have five open uh floodgates as you can see but that through the amount that water can go through here is not that much so that leads to the point where water is good but too much water is not so great and if i remember correctly even set to this height will make a problem so the main main thing that we are going to cover today is how to avoid and properly set everything you need for your perfect let me open just a little bit two of them i need two of them that's the output we can handle so while water is running and we need to cover basics principles right not every map is the same not every map has such one straight river next to it or another river or yeah don't look at that setup so what we are going and i'm going to show you the tutorial because i realize not everyone has i don't know has been in physics class or i don't know just skipped or whatever so i hope maybe some younger audience also might find it useful maybe we'll jump ahead a little bit and you will have your insights in in physics as well just a little bit so for that let me show you something just my absolutely amazing paint skills this is important i'll go quickly through so simply explaining what what we will discuss today so um this as you can see this is basically ground that's why it's covered in every of the pictures so figure number one is when you have water flowing in we we will take a look at volume so if there is no blockade water has particular um direction from top to bottom and obviously in a map you will see it flows it finds a way and flows without any problems so far so good yes next up when you place that's your option when you place an object or or a building or something that blocks the flow it obviously the the river keeps flowing but what happens next is the water river rises so far everything is just basic thing you know how it goes so the water level goes up and then in figure three what we see the question what we will be trying to find today is the amount of water and where it flows because if you place an solid object in front of water the water level will flow until the height of that object and more and this more is overflowing this basically flat that's what i showed you that's the flood basically how much comes in that much will go over the level of your object you put in so not not ideal scenario but that's where we going for so next up the ideal situation what we are looking for is water figure number four water coming in water rising to the level or set level and if we can find a piece that has let's say this is a hole where the water can flow through right because we remem remember from figure three uh it will find the the highest possible point and then we'll flood there but it stays in a level where we need like we need some level above it and some specific level below it so that's the that's the area where we want water flow to fluctuate whatever but it never reaches too high and never drops too low and reason is simple why we want that so if we have such an object in the game which we have that's what we want to put as a damn that's the piece we want and even better figure number five if such in a river for example uh or wherever the water flows if we place two of those objects where incoming has exactly the same effect then as you can see this is fl flooding area basically that's the reservoir that's the dam effect and then when it's too much water it overflows so we have livable area right here yeah that's a beaver tail yeah i'm not going to draw a beaver tail okay you get that yeah and that's where you can live so you have no problems with flooding your town and river flows through and most importantly figure number six is the ideal situation where as you can see when the dry season kicks in there is no incoming water nothing comes in nothing comes out but until this this this this this level this um position we have a stored water and that's the thing we want to maximize this let's call it y so we have a huge amount of wide the the reservoir then we have stable flow in and flow out and not flooding your uh city and in the droughts moments yeah when the water flow resumes then everything is fine so this is the setup we will be working and applying basically everywhere no matter of the structure whatever um buildings or or yeah the the buildings you you choose to use this will be descended so in this example i'll show you the basics principle and i have i tried at least set up everything so it replicates the main the main things my main setup as a river i'm demolishing everything so nothing distracts you and me and yeah i have everything set up no worries guys um okay i will need to leave this one part they this um path not path platform uh doesn't block anything it's it's all the water goes through so it's just purely for blocking so what we have here is a river that is coming through and block this one so as you can see water comes through so the first example if you remember was if nothing happens water keeps flowing in ideal scenario let me simulate what happens when obviously there is a drought coming in and it will take some time the water level decreases and and obviously uh all the older land becomes infertile and it's bad that's not what you want all right so yeah it will take i'm not i'm not able to simulate drought as that easy as i figured fine we'll go with that instead remember what we want to achieve is let's take a look at levy i don't know how to pronounce it so this will be the case if we build something like this uh full blockade now the drought kicked down drought simulation kicked in awesome okay so if we build anything like this now i don't have now i don't have enough water to show you what will happen well i do have [Music] that's why i have speed up the game water comes in then it reaches the blockade then the water fills up yeah the same scenario where everything is over flooding no no no this is not how you build a dam because we don't have overflowing this this remember the rectangle where flood goes on uh through we have a dam that is called dam and if you read the description it says blocks water but allows some water to pass through the spillway oh that's the name i'm trying to find spillway at the top so if we build something like this that's why i have preset already and gathered the wood and everything so what happens now is the water reaches the level half of the um well it should be at least not at least but half of the level when a little level is reached rest of that goes through and you see above the level everything is fine this is a basically a basic idea of them itself another point was i was in in other video i mentioned you could kind of go with full damn setup no blockade no full blockade so just just this setup so here i i need you to pay attention what happens if you have such setup and what we are looking at is okay even better let's set up the measurement [Music] should be build in a moment because uh in this scenario your water always whenever it reaches as yeah it's fluctuates all the time damn it um whenever it reaches half of the block it overflows so basically you will always have a little bit above the the the average i don't know average at 0.5 0.6 and those damn waves kick in why stop waving damn it trying to make a measurement here um so why and again it decreases and then again increase so the point is whenever it's uh reach the spillway it automatically in all four five of those blocks spills out the excess water and that's it as as you can see we'll we'll try to get some measurement 0.78 something and everything is at this moment about how much water comes in and how much water comes out of this we could this is the reservoir basically this is the reservoir we are talking about if all the drought kicks in this will store at least half of the block height the water yeah 0.78 is what we can achieve instead what we do instead is if we block and even go with three of the blocks why because we know just you will figure this out in a moment in a moment uh how much water is the input and if you want to calculate your input in your map same game is you'll find basically how much water comes in beneath uh these rocks water source they make uh uh water you count how much you have but that's not that that's not it then you need to find where it splits for example i have one here split this is too high and there's another and there's another so basically you need to take an account that it not ever all the water goes in one way so we have four splits so everything anyways the idea is currently i have specifically regulated this spot where only two of them passed through 0.5 so it means if i he'll build here not adjustable but just pure uh this this damn setup it should put in exactly the same amount as output and even with the stupid fluctuation as you can see what we can achieve is a little bit higher levels and the reason for that is [Music] you regulate if a little bit more comes in then comes out you are doomed to have flood basically if you have too much that there is huge flood but if you make this just a little bit you see we have we will have 0.5 that's the height of the blockade the dam but everything else is blocked so now i'm i'm risking with the flood which comes in let's see if that fluctuation is the key or not yeah too much yeah we can't allow to have so you see we have too much water coming in there's no way this one one one um dam can put out as much water so there's basically inevitable that the flooding yeah and you see it's not going away so yeah something like uh sorry nah two of them and as soon as we deleted the block you see water output goes through easy as that but even more let me yeah it's i hope now there's drought not coming in but fine so one thing is building one such dam which is cool another thing is input output uh usually when you start the game you don't have such setup you have just general water coming in and you cannot control how much water goes in and goes out that's why i suggested you need to control input and output both of them how to do that especially at the beginning of first off why i'm building here what you want is find the furthest place actually okay if we be really honest then that would be this spot this is a perfect spot why because it gives me more this room and you can always place so let's build two of them uh why why this is better because you see we gained here extra space for this reservoir this is the input remember in from this my ugly images the input allows to pass to such dam half of this height and here will be the same output so absolutely controlled perfect and this this little area is my reservoir uh in my case what's the benefit well this map is really generous is here i have if you look there is one gap that basically that is called waterfall which means when the drought kicks in in two days um the water will stop and it has a natural this this income this income comes from the height then i have fully blocked uh one height and this hole can be this whole area what we are looking this water will be hold held in place this will be the reservoir and only thing we are missing will be this top half that overflooding area in a moment we will have um [Music] dry season and i hope i i will be able to show you exactly what i mean by that so this is the most basic setup you need to have controlled input controlled output and everything in between will be your reservoir right basic but the same principle what i applied is there um let's go extra step further 0.12. uh extra step forward is there's not actually much to it [Music] um not quite sure next step is two two things that is only to improve your uh dam one is having a bigger area here obviously holding more water which means you will have you can withstand uh longer periods without water coming in the moment we will experience it let me just blockade already input the water will find a way elsewhere hopefully the price season kicks in so as you can see all the water that was too much went over the spill area and rest of that this is the reservoir this is the and basically what i have here is split one reservoir here one reservoir here it's still flooding too much water yeah because i have control oh sorry yeah this this is the reason the water is nowhere to go it needs somewhere to flow so that's another thing about improving the dams there's two options i can't show you in other areas how what i did but basically one of them is instead of building these dams which basically has one block one block a bow and a half uh that's the height you can go all the time if you want to hold more water but it doesn't change it's fixed it's that if there is more or less water coming in uh you can change it it's unchangeable unless you uh take a floodgate so floodgate in our case here it's one block height will be enough uh one thing to note here you don't replace them you build next to it why because floodgates are the worst beavers cannot go through them they are separate buildings so in this case i have exactly the same current setup 1 1.5 height and you can adjust it there's no difference whatsoever currently there are one 1.5 and 1.5 they work exactly the same uh and this this part obviously if you want to water go through which you want then you build a platform that has no blocking limitations whatsoever so this is the advanced setup uh to adjust the levels and i can explain also why adjusting kind of makes sense and as you can see in in such way we have a road over and we have control over the water flow why you want to build this is you see this is the limitation by this blockade you could have twice as much water stored here but you could not because it's over flooding it's it's the spillway puts the rest of the water out so before right before the drought kicks in when the river was flowing we can actually try to simulate that can we let's put a little bit water what you could do is increase this level a little bit not a little bit but exactly fully blocking the um right let's stop so okay a little bit too much so when you have a floodgate that you can fully block or half of that you see the possibility for you is to have full reservoir and this currently contains twice as much if you have this uh basic setup for the beginning for the uh begin beginning of the game up to mid to the game it is fine to have not control non-controllable uh these areas you don't lose much well half of it to be honest but this is the one update you can go as you can see this this floodgate is quite cool uh and the same of course works for the input input output when you can control this is the best kind of but currently we are limited because you see the same amount if i continue playing drought season uh becomes long longer this might be not enough in dry season actually it can uh evaporate and be dry out then i run out of the food and you know all the problems so second thing what you can do and you should do i will show you here so you can see naturally what i had this was the water flow let's wait for the morning so you can see better come on morning kicks in dry season is over as well so uh here drought ended here if you check the water originally water level was where these blueberries and trees were growing now they are underwater how and why the same principle is applied what i did is extended the depth of the reservoir it was already deeper in here but here i raised the um the levine i hate the name i don't probably pronounce it wrong and second the same principle applied where i have this overflowing area at the top as you can see here i store full height of the block and then in the second level i have set up so this is let me pause this is what it means okay fine uh 1.5 height one height this would be one block and then increasing 1.5 this is the level i'm storing so another upgrade for your default dam is having borders at the side which allows water to flow higher than originally the river allows the same absolutely the same is true for uh rest of the map as you can see here you need to pay attention remember where i showed you at the beginning blockade where the you stop the water and then control the flow inflow as well keep that always in mind water needs to be trapped from all sides you can't just just build for example this this this huge awesome uh floodgate and damn sorry let me increase 0.5 0.5 everywhere in here and expect just things to work i will it's especially in this map when the water reaches a level when it goes beyond full block for example here you see what initially happened is right away the water came from here then overflowed this one level because i built blockades everywhere and then immediately of the map just overflowed overflowed here and that's it basically water came out flooding and then going away with all the water was wasted so i had to go back and this literally is uh controlling the input uh if you want and this map particularly is painful in that sense i had to come over here and blockade these openings to the side of the map up to the level so i can trap the water if you look around every every blockade i have has the same setup has the same height possible and that you need to be aware of you can't just build one blockade and say that's fine no no you need to check if from all sides water will be trapped right and here basically this is one huge reservoir it works as a reservoir this this this whole area then i have separated floodgates so i can control how much adjust the height uh this is one reservoir more as you can see this is not working it's too much water input and then there's next reservoir there's way too much input and why because there's no output right you see we we forgot to open those two necessarily so this is a potential problem you might have if too much coming in then output and as you can see this is not what you want none of the buildings work none of the resources can be gathered none of the food can be taken nothing basically it's it's called it's kind of really bad position to be in let me see what we can do first off we can make some water flood over there and keep in mind that the the level height and all that it takes time to kick in the water is flowing you see we have all the time full speed and it seems it should be normal yep it's all normalizing yeah here's a little bit overflow fine something suck something's wrong here and wrong is this synchronization it's yeah this is really bad blood uh floodgate i'm having here now we have [Music] i wanted to say normalized but yeah not quite yet oh you're right because we have this one we have totally forgot about this one so there was no water flowing through now it should be normalized so there's no much to it all the rest of the game is trying to find the level you can flood as you can see if i put too much water in here i am endangering all my town which is not the case i need either move them somewhere higher basically flooding this whole area or as i said another option as i did elsewhere would be going a little bit crazy and securing the sides so that gives me extra one level of the one height of the what it's called the v where i can store water that's another option that's obviously possible and you need to do that in both sides and and make sure there is no openings obviously this that would not work you need to trap the water from all the sides and make sure input and output matches i think if i don't i don't know i'm what else what else am i missing what else mine is one thing dude to mention uh these huge uh original i'm not quite sure if i can find there is a basically a a holes right a hole in the ground which you can fill up and the water stays there naturally example this one you see this one it's blocked here and here's another blockade so if we can put a water in here this will be stored in in in this one area the problem with this is it's um when you're not especially controlling it um it's hard to explain it's hard to explain well first off this is easier to show they are in specific areas you need to then move your orb all base of operations and food and everything growing over here if you want to exploit this depth right extra level you can use dynamite as well to dig deeper which is actually i'm totally exploring but that's at the late end of the game because you need metal you need paper you need gears you need basically whenever you have full technology opened then you can use um where it's here the dynamites and i actually can dig deeper not build up but i can do both i can go one level up one that will below which gives me this the same the same area the three times the the water i can store but exploring the dynamite would totally be out of this this part of the video because it's endgame i'm and i'm not super fan to use anything that uses limited resources and this 30 iron blocks that is required you need to have metal scraps that are you need to collect these which are finite you you collect everything from the map one two three probably four okay five it's a lot of metal don't get me wrong but six but i hate the idea that i'm using something that is finite i'm just i'm more of a ring you know renewable things that i've always been so yeah i'm dynamite is fun dynamite is awesome building some new river gulfs or how it's called you see the path currently the map has everything already set but i can do my own i can basically dig a water area here water flow and make here as well that's possible but that's out of the current scope currently it will be enough if you build something like this you fully blockade and then two dams that allows enough water to flow through all right enough enough enough enough enough enough i think which you should be able to build now your best awesome dance just to show you how to deal with such situation which will be the case remember in in final version your beavers are allowed to go through the water so in this case i absolutely can still leave this just i don't need to rebuild it uh when and if the water will be fully flooded here this path will be under water but i don't care because beavers can still pass through it let me quickly show you how how it will look like at the end [Music] if we finalize this part just this part not going to waste much of your time okay this oh no it will be fine that's why i usually uh such blockades use as a path see this would be my final kind of setup of course it needs to be connected uh i have prepared of course everything for you guys so i can show you no no no wrong block something like this and for example here yep yep you know already end of the video so beavers keep working of course this is not usable anymore but you see this setup it's totally fine i'm not quite sure i can [Music] okay i'll try i'll try i'm just just because i'm fast and you're fast and everyone so let me demonstrate otherwise i collected all the wood and built so much builder for nothing final final piece of the puzzle will be [Music] showing you how to go and gather twice as much [Music] water than i had before the same flowing the same area the same path yeah you lose a little bit because of the stairs you need extra stairs but look what we have now okay a few viewers are lost that's fine actually it's not fine when there are beavers lost it's oh it's such a pain because they can't find our way home it's one thing another thing when there's beaver they cannot complete the buildings which is so bad these sleeping believers basically are blocking the finalization of this project i'm having here not a big fan all right beavers wakey wakey eggs and bakey god damn it please please please finish we need to finish because this is yeah the gap remember trapping the water from all sides every sides no exceptions so what we do have here we just increased our our our but actually i have the measurement remember we had 0.78 when we had just the one block then we with overflowing with which was too much was 1.11 now naturally without any issues and any problems we have 0.7 so basically by one block but one huge block as you can see one height of the block we just increase the area of the and that that's that's the dam that is the dam and if you want to go beyond you can add another level but then you will have a problem you see trap next level of of this blockade yeah i can i can go here it's easy but at this side if we want to increase by one level i need to build a game here here here here here basically until up to the this cliff then it can be supported then we need to check yes it can be trapped here yes yes we have everything prepared at that side and at this side we also need one level up oh this we need to block and then all this area needs to be blocked as well only then we can raise up by one level because this would mean there's a gap and when level rises it will start overflowing here and it will never reach this full height of the next block all right that's how you build and this is look it's pretty cool we have two level of dams we have one reservoir here and one reservoir here with extra water basically stores we had 0.7 now we have 1.7 what's the percentage more than twice that's that's my point more than twice well approximately twice as much water is now stored here all right enough i'm closing the video if you have questions of course feel free to ask that's why we have comments section uh this is just not needed and of course i will try to answer and build more videos with what kind of questions you might have will cover of course and so you have so your beavers can thrive right that's the most important part and so you can have fun gaming all right guys thanks for watching we'll meet in other videos cheers
Channel: MLMariss
Views: 18,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn gameplay, timberborn guide, timberborn dam, timberborn tips, timberborn tips and tricks, timberborn tutorial, beaver city builder, beaver dam, city builder games pc, timberborn review, city builder games pc 2021, timberborn gameplay ep 1, city builder games, timberborn mega dam, timberborn biggest dam, timberborn dam guide, timberborn damn, city builder games 2021, new strategy games 2021 pc, lets play, new strategy games 2021, timberborn steam
Id: W_rKM3cjzhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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