Timelapse Build...HO Train Layout 5x10...Start to Finish

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come on in let's do this we'll be putting the uh collar ties or floor joist whatever you want to call these 16 in on Center the length of the build of the platform is going to be 10 feet and the width I was going to go 12 feet but it's really that's kind of big this is so ahead of the game having it all painted you don't have to do it after the fact Chad's helping me put the table together we're going to use this OSB some I had left over all of this stuff is left over materials that I've [Applause] had woohoo choo choo does it work with it on Wheels we can move it around we're going to put the uh blue board on here now actually it's gray board we'll put on there so we'll be able to carve carve things into it like um streams or ponds or just deep Cuts where we might even cut into the to the actual OSB to make something deep but we're going to uh glue this down I have some leftover adhesives rough up the Ed the the bottom of this just lightly just use a saw so the adhesive will stick really enjoying this table it's nice to move it around because we we come in here and work quite a bit doing uh construction all right so we'll put some adhesive on that stuff's thick I'm going to call in the big guns see how hard that squeezes huh wow you going to do it you're doing a really good job on that this is going to be the best railroad track modeling railroad track I've ever done in my life you done put some weight on that going to run out of tools to work with and the last piece it should fit that much closer actually maybe putting some track down all right foam is down let that sit for two or 3 hours before I take that weight off this will give it more of a uniform look going to end up putting a trim board all the way around here nice piece of pine which I have I have a lot of that stuff it's kind of an industrial black flat should uh should be a good back backrop for anything that we put on top I roughly sketched out what I want to do for the uh uh one corner so I'm going to cut that out set it over there and you can see what it looks [Music] like I cut the notch out for the ramp to go down there just going to throw a quick coat of paint on here feel like a kid with a brand new toy set train set I've cut this to length now so that it will sit on in in there it'll be a nice transition right up onto there so I've made a Mark here and I know that or I made a mark there let's cut that out oh nice oh that's good gives a nice definition here nice ramp should be pretty good and I do want to paint everything keep it all painted cut this piece to go in here to come underneath this and we can remove those blocks I'm just going to put some paint real quickly on just the surface of this one see if I can do this without getting paint all over me no I already got some on me I guess I'll think I'll set back going to use the jigsaw and cut out some shape to it because I'm I'm anticipating a tunnel in there for the train to come out so I need to remove this part but I was thinking it might be interesting to see some Landscaping here so I'm going to cut that out right [Music] now all right we'll set this piece on here and see how it looks right there I've cut these to bring it up it it'll be up an inch at this point and then we're going to turn and go the rest of the way with this transition I've marked that out so I have to remove some of the foam right in here so that it will come down and and be nice and flush to make that corner so wow that's that's right on I'll put a couple of screws to hold that all right all painted [Music] we're we're going to finish the framing aspect of this layout today see if I can gently get that on there it's about 4T by 6 ft try to do it without breaking anything okay that was that was a hard part so now I've got to situate it then I can sketch out some lines I have that sheet roughly set so that I can and I set one track on there it's just sitting there this is the other section all right looks like I've got all the spacing correct so now we'll we'll just draw some lines and then we can cut that out I'm sketching on this existing part so I know where to cut that out so that this will sit down and start the slope all the way around there it's a pretty exciting part finally the last [Music] piece there it is out of a whole sheet of OSB so I drew lines here looks like it's it's pretty good I chipped out where that part of the ramp is going to go into it should be flush when it hits there and should be a great transition transition let's see if it fits I believe it does all right this is mostly dry it's pretty dry I screwed on the temporary support here to hold because I'm it's just me to hold one end of the board and I started the screw ahead of time there we [Music] go very nice nice oh this is a great okay all right soon as the uh box here is dry I'll put that together and we'll add that on then we'll have a good place for the uh controls to sit oh very solid I like that here good I'll put probably two more in here just to make it good and solid but that is very firm nice all right I can screw this down that actually went pretty easy now we'll connect this track and we will have completed a loop there we go so the ballast I'm kind of doing it maybe UNC I don't know I'm just filling it in and then I'm going to brush it around I know you can buy something that is that places it correctly or something kind of spent all the money I want to spend for a while so I'm just going to fill this in and then I can come back with a a small brush and clean it up after the fact it's probably a lot about about you a lot of about a lot of you out there screaming no I can't believe he did that I know and you're probably right somebody said tap on the rails gently looks like we need a squirt there just trying to make it look even I'll go inside and clean out the inside of the tracks and a little bit I'm just touching on the ties getting it down so that it's not up on the inside of the the rails this is going so well I think I'm just going to keep on going staying away from those switches going to be very careful with that I have all the ballast placed all the way around I have a ton of cleanup to just make it pretty to do that wanted to take care of all of this uh sound basically when the two sections of track come together so I found if I take just a a sanding sponge I can I can feel which some of them are are smooth that one's not that one's not it bumps so I'm going to take a flat file and on the length of the rail just go back and forth there's quite a few track sections that I've got to do this to Let's listen for that oh that's that is a lot better that will sound much smoother I Proclaim it good enough so now I'm going to uh try gluing spraying glue on the ballast and I'll just show you the switch controls there's one here for this one and one for that one so it just flips over and then you tap it and you can see it switches it same over here very good this is a moment been building up for quite some time I'm going to spray the ballast to a lot of you folks it's probably not a big deal to me it's like it's all new so I haven't done it I haven't even tried I picked up uh Scenic cement and a Scenic sprayer dripping quite a bit it says to saturate it I've seen a lot of people cover the tracks before doing that I'm just going to take a sponge after and just go over the track and and remove the debris the uh any buildup of the glue okay well I won't bore you with doing the whole track but it seems like it's pretty straightforward supposed to let it dry overnight and so come back and see what it's like tomorrow the package said 16 trees they lied there's 17 they sent me a bonus plus I I wonder if I could use this the um stuff that fell off as Moss or something number one and number four did it okay so this might be a little better angle so this would be put back on there would be uh a ton so it just be two tracks coming into the tunnel there'd be one coming out here to the rail yard so to show you what that kind of looks like I did have two of these so I could fit that in make sure that this one works before I cover it up kind of feel skeptical about putting this one in and because it's such a chore to get to it but I I think it would look really nice uh it was fairly loosen Loos in there and now I have to try to fit this in here I also have to drill a hole to get that down through I have no idea how easy this or hard this is going to be to do this I'm loosening it up underneath there so here's a big moment I've got Stone built up all the way around here I think it's time to cap this thing I have selected the appropriate stone for this I'm going to go something like that here we go a big moment let's bring that train up [Music] around perfect I love that [Music] see [Music] l two
Channel: Ken's HO Model Railroading Adventures
Views: 502,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MO8ZRZ1B1ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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