LARGEST family owned O-Gauge train layout in the America!! - Cornerfield Model Railroad Museum

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hey train friends welcome back to another train store slash layout walkthrough video today we are at corner field model railroad museum in middle field ohio and as you can see here they're advertising lionel trains like crazy and it's a snowy day and we're gonna go inside and check this place out let's go [Music] all right walking into corner field hobby let's go in and check this out so corner field model railroad museum and trading post is located in middlefield ohio smackdab in the middle of amish country it's just east of cleveland ohio and north of akron and youngstown ohio depending on which direction you're coming from it's easily accessible and it's definitely worth a drive when you arrive you will be amazed by this huge and awesome o gauge layout the train museum layout is 32 feet wide by 145 feet long amazing it is the largest family-owned model railroad three-round layout in the country when i arrived i had the pleasure of meeting the owner tom alesh his wife vicki his daughter ashley and his son tom jr tom was kind enough to tell me a great story about how he'd been in the hobby for over 60 years selling and collecting model trains and he worked at the trading post train shop in cleveland ohio for 20 years with the original owner ralph brown it was his lifelong dream to have a hobby shop and train museum to carry out the name fast forward to 10 years ago when the museum was started and then later on a couple years ago when jim barrilla had passed tom and his family had the opportunity to make their dream come true he always knew that he wanted to sign the rights in the name of the trading post and that legacy lives on now [Music] so this is what it looks like when you walk into corner field model railroad wow that's all i can say it's just wow it is incredible this is ridiculous so cool check out the uh turntable in the roundhouse here these are all top of the line i'm assuming lino and empty each locomotive there's a cab forward on the turntable spinning right now uh thank you sir [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow i know it's crazy here comes a nice eerie lackawanna diesel [Music] look at this car the guys are moving on it oh this is a long cold drag guys i don't even see the end of the train yet i was just told this is 101 cars on this train going by it's still going by here wow [Music] look at all this detail [Music] that's really cool it's like a whole oil field scene this train's still there's the end of going [Music] jeez i've died and gone to train heaven guys wow let's move up a little bit operating got the whole town over here wow they're really detailed it's really cool there's even little scenes down here too oh yeah scenes that are under the track scenes oh yeah well there's a movie theater where's the movie theater oh i see it down there there it is tons of diecast cars i forget the count of how many buildings they have but they have a ton of buildings here [Music] oh this is cool you can like walk into the layout over here look check this out nice this is like a train station right here that's awesome [Music] really cool whoa lily look at this [Music] wow [Music] there's a huge fish [Music] that's funny got the red owl [Music] [Music] let's do this [Music] that does that button you just press does this gas station back here see the bus moving look at how cool these tall city buildings are wow nice uh nice backdrop too with the buildings on the wall that's cool over there oh there's a little harry potter store so bump and go trolley well i'm making my way over there lily this is crazy all the detail in here this is nuts oh wow look it's like harley harley-davidson avenue here there's a little got the taco bell back there from menards cool i know aquarium that's a that's a neat building [Music] oh yeah the m m's there's a bump and go trolley running up here [Music] so so [Music] this is crazy really cool let's turn around and see what's on this side here there's a little another train station [Music] well just the details in every little scene this guy's not taking him take one on the on the fire escape it's one of these menards buildings look at all the details on there i think they definitely added some extra figures in but that's awesome here comes the subway [Music] there's a whole nother town over here check this out wow this is awesome [Music] [Music] so [Music] look at all this stuff here is there any buttons over here [Music] [Music] some nice engines parked over here oh yeah there's a there's an amish carriage right there [Music] look this is like the country scene over here [Applause] [Music] i like this this is cool [Music] did you see this house over here the ladies walking on the it's straight ahead of us there's a lady on the walking chair and then there's something moving up in the window there i'm waiting for it to come past again oh there's a guy walking around in the inside [Music] look at all the detail and all these buildings [Music] i really like the um the farm scene and they got the the uh the menards ufo over there extracting the cow [Music] all the crops and the fields clothesline really cool gosh you're anywhere in this area you've got to come see this you gotta come see this in person it's the video the video is not gonna do it justice like whenever i saw in the pictures i was like whoa that's really cool now i'm here and i'm like some more detailed buildings it's like a comparison company farm supplies all right so we're moving here toward the back of the layout [Applause] this is an mth es44 [Applause] [Music] old mcdonald's farm like carnival this is like the little carnival that's going on over here not so little though it's pretty big check out the rides that's awesome see the guys chopping the wood i like the mini golf can see the mini golf over there i've never seen that one before that's cool check out the uh the power company over here on the corner of the layout that's awesome stand back and take a look going back toward the front of the layout look at this that's insane so oh yeah there's like a a drive-in theater over there that's cool with the tv screen we gotta check that out i was just admiring the power play and how well done this area is i like the the blacktop around it it's uh very simple but it looks like clean and nice i like it there's a little cat in the trash can talking to the dog there's the this is at the very back of the layout and that train below us is the one he said that has 101 cars on it there's one engine in the middle there let's check out this drive-in theater [Music] that's cool we're watching trains [Music] that's really cool [Music] [Music] the people at the theater are watching unstoppable that's perfect [Music] oh here comes the cornrow t1 [Music] [Music] that's awesome [Music] over here we got a transfer table check this out you see the transfer table that's for like big diesel engines you can see they got some big union pacific [Music] this is awesome oh it's the uh the nature reserve very cool that's awesome let's see if we can zoom in on a little bit see all the details in there a lot of detailing going on a train coming past here [Music] out all those fm train masters what's up oh yeah so that's it is the walter c best wildlife preserve located in charlotte ohio built by tom house junior and family in honor of their great grandfather walter see best so that's awesome the uh little family history on the layout that's cool i like it very neat oh yeah the the materials plant oh yeah definitely real sand i like the trucks under there getting loaded up with sand that's awesome really cool all the details with this guy who's [Applause] check out if you can see in the middle of the layout over here there's like there's a big yard right there and uh auto auto racks it's awesome it's kind of hard to see the behind the quarry there oh we may have come up to my favorite scene here lily the steel mill check this thing out [Music] this is the last furnace built by harry kempel from shangrin falls [Music] that is awesome love the uh the lights at the top of the smoke stack that's a cool idea check out all the detail inside there [Music] see the guys in the hanging car going around that's funny very neat looks like they're uh they're melting down some left over steel from the tracks nice oil field here big one look it keeps going on the oil derricks i like this this keystone full company building in the back look how detailed that is that's awesome that's a really nice looking building oh wow i just noticed this thing's moving check this out nice little railtown station here i like the um i like the roadway like the road coming down off this bridge that's really neat oh yeah look at that there's a nice fire station that's really cool i believe if i'm not mistaken that that's a menards that's nice really nice then you got the uh the fedex building the moving forklift that's definitely an mmr building [Music] here comes a fast mover [Music] so [Music] the pencey s1 right there nice oh that's like the is that the puppy mill that's the puppy mill [Laughter] or it's the the dog vacation place it's diamonds in the rough i called it a puppy pill [Music] there's the echo gauge foreign headquarters if you're wondering where that's at on the layout awesome this is neat there's like a stairway to go up to the platform where the compago trolley rides oh here comes the car rail this is gonna be a nice shot [Music] [Music] there's the og forum custom engine there good [Music] so this is on the the back side of this walk-in area where we were at just a little bit ago there's a nice shot of the uh subway going through one of the menards buildings is that a menards i believe that is it looks like it's a custom in ours building looks a little bit taller than normal there's the csx world headquarters nice and they've done just a fantastic job everywhere you look at here all the detailing is amazing check out wally's gas station here i like the uh the spinning logo on the top that's cool somebody's getting their vw bug ready for racing washed up oh here we go we got the the lionel train store oh yeah those are really popular uh accessories yeah yeah lionel actually makes it like that there's some uh neat detailed buildings here check out all the detail on that one i like this tall building right here in the middle with the the red and blue leds on it that's nice [Music] very nice oh here we go we got the first responders train [Music] nice [Applause] [Music] oh wow there is a huge church right there oh there's a wedding inside that's funny that's really cool wow that is that is a big cathedral oh they got i got the manger scene too [Music] coming into the uh [Music] rest of the town here [Music] [Music] [Music] i think that's what it's called yeah yeah that's really cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] check out this view down here with all the the trains ready with in the yard under the main central station comes a little trolley [Music] wow [Music] this is neat so i know these two are these the ferris wheel and the swings those are lionel accessories oh look there's a little ho scale train for the amusement park train ride did you see the turtle the turtle right there the ride the turtle at least kennywood's called the turtle i'm pretty sure pittsburgh it's called the turtle because it looks like a turtle yeah that's a fun ride check out that that roller coaster in the back it's fast oh look at the nice streamlined k4 right there yeah that's my cup of tea right there look at all these trains guys wow big union station up there that's really cool i love how this track in the middle is elevated it goes past this is just incredible kind of steam oh i missed the pirate ship you see the pirate ship back there ah [Music] maximum train action oh so so so [Music] hmm so so so this layout truly speaks for itself it's really hard to actually grasp in a video how amazing and huge this is it's just uh it's mind-boggling but before we do the train still walk through i just want to add in the um owners did tell me that they are adding a new section coming soon it's going to include some of cleveland's buildings from the past and the cleveland terminal power so whenever you come visit the layout next time maybe you'll get to see it so let's get into the train store and check it out so the trading post train shop is an authorized line out and mth dealer they sell new and older trains alike and you can call and ask them if you have any questions or see anything in the video that you like and i'm sure they'd be glad to help you out and make sure you mention that you saw it on the pgh train fanatic video so this is the store where you can buy trains and accessories and it's very nice and organized and they will be very friendly and help you out if you have any questions when you come in i'm sure you could buy something over the phone and they would ship it to you as well lots of uh unique pieces in here what do we got here oh man we got a beer weeper nice some accessories and things on the wall thank you this is a neat cute little store the main attraction is the layout which is awesome so very nice lots of trains on the wall there i'm spotting that one up that's nice there's a nice uh empty long island subway set 349.99 those things are popular if you're looking for a a bluetooth subway set they have one here give them a call these sets are hot i have one of these this is the pennsylvania train master freight set and it comes with that uh vision line stock car that's a a great set 809.99 a good price too and uh the nickel plate road freight set to work train that just came out [Music] we've got the polar express subway set really nice some uh christmas cars and beer cars little operating oh gauge layout [Music] oh the thomas set there you go 189.99 these just came out recently the um the es44 sets really nice well i hope you enjoyed this trip to the corner field railroad museum and trading posts this place is absolutely incredible i think i'm going to walk around another couple times to see everything it's just amazing so anyways guys thanks for watching and commenting see you the next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: PghTrainFanatic
Views: 2,961,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7vIg05Bgedg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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