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hello everyone and welcome to what's going to be speed vlogging so if you don't follow me on Instagram can I give you my phone case sorry you all know it's been a pretty rubbish 24 hours none of us are feeling particularly chatty but we're Eventing it a week and we really needed to get out and do some competition experience but also have my mind's taking off of things so this is going to be a very riding based video maybe do some voiceovers maybe not we'll see we've come show jumping to Allen's Hill which one of our local venues and I have actually entered the 90 and the 100 however I'm just gonna see how I go see how I feel and do the 90 if I don't feel particularly confident doing it or just feel a bit blah we'll go straight back in do the 90 again HC equally if it goes well we'll send you 100. it's kind of the plan we're mic'd up as well that's exciting very good very good so we can hear all the nasty things of it says it's actually Mother's day as well I never say nasty things happy Mother's Day Hobbs right you need your stool I do need my stool I just need to wipe my boots over [Music] right it's been very very last minute this morning guys and you can probably tell if you can see any glimpses of inside the Lorry or inside the tap Locker it is an abomination that's fine hopefully Megan's going to tidy it up this week before we go venting really excited to edit this back with all of them sassy comments in the background it's Mother's Day yeah mum can say what she wants oh dear we've got a bit of poo on that oh this is rude oh gosh I'm very sorry it is very nice to be back in my Aztec diving jacket though did have to dust a bit of grub off okay don't forget okay good go DD she says I'm happy are we good yeah wee well done [Music] my top secret can hear me crying today guys no crying No Cry No Cry not on Mother's Day good girl [Music] okay switch up yeah let me know if you want me to do anything thank you dude he's looking quite feisty this morning today thank you that's good we go should I put it up good girl oh what are our legs doing it's better go could go I think I should know how many I've caught until about to go in I've got a nice kind of Cheers do you feeling oh this is hard isn't it that's really hard yeah all right um it broke my heart and I watched yeah that was before I reached out pretty hard that was really sweet of you oh well I just you know we'll take you up on them there's no charge nothing I just want to help oh that's a sweet of you it's I don't teach many people but I just when I watch that I just thought I just want to help her and knowing that she's got badminton as well yeah it must be a lot of pressure on her shoulders yeah that foolish shark at the end of the season just horrendous when you go that last thing yeah so much yeah exactly it's like okay great so what do I do now for the rest yeah that was good and then the trouble is she was so busy with other stuff but she didn't deal with it exactly as you do don't you and the thing is some people can move okay it's there it's going to stay there and then other people will be like well I think the problem with Meg and when she had the fall um Simon what's his face also known as Simon grieve um this is my mama my friend Emily having a little conversation was quite cute so we'll leave it in I called her and said in my experience Meg don't watch it but of course you know with her job yeah you've watched it again and again and again and then it's imprinted isn't it yeah oh totally feel a bit bad having their entire conversation broadcasted guys so you're gonna be stuck with me for the rest of this round but what an improvement from when we were last out I actually really enjoyed this round and it's been so long since I've enjoyed show jumping so coming round to the double here Allen's Hill famously build their distances like quite strong you know they're always long so I knew I had to push for it but really pleased that we made up that distance there and this was what I thought was one of the most epic show jumping turns of the century because I went inside those jumps rather than around the outside and over the last absolutely buzzing oh that was a really nice round yeah she prefers like when Meg's not in charge you're very good she does it's like I've got this yeah that was really good well done I actually enjoyed that guys which oh it's been a while since I've enjoyed bicton since time to speak it's been a while since I've enjoyed jumping um yeah because I haven't since picked in like I was actually really fun and we went clear and I tried to do a show jumping turn at the end so really really happy and I'm feeling confident so I'm gonna stick with my entries and do the 100. if I feel good about it but we're doing good didn't cry and felt confident okay very happy happiest I've been jumping for months hey DD you're such a good girl should we unhook that a bit early haven't they Google you were good girl you're worse girl I don't know I've got any snacks oh Diddy you have to go try and find some and we're biggie yeah this is very good guys mum missed my epic show Jimmy 10. she was like was it time I was like yeah you don't see my turn oh I was in the wrong position well it clearly wasn't a very good turn I thought I was being Fearless being only eight straight strides away from an upright on the eight yeah as opposed to going all the way around the arena right it doesn't take you have a good little sausage roll aren't you she is a good girl that was beautiful around Diddy beautiful I mean we're just United all the time still jump easy peasy ready nothing has changed okay I think they've gone down this is his mum I don't mind they are the same height fences good girl hey [Music] we're trying to just pop over this one thank you right guys so we're going up to me Didi and make you seemed happy in the warm-up so that's really positive all righty so I did promise a voiceover here you go guys so we're in the 100 now obviously and I think there's definitely a difference between how I rode the 90s how I rode the 100 certainly more nerves and more kind of snatchy however there is a big improvement from how I wrote at Prestige which I'm taking as a massive positive one of the nice things about Alan's Hill is firstly it's a beautiful big arena which is always more confidence giving than grass but secondly I don't think they build particularly full-up courses like they're full up towards the end but they're really nice generous courses which was perfect for me anywho we do have a little bit of a hiccup here so I'm just going to stop a minute sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I forgot my bit was that strong I'm so sorry so sorry well done oh that really made me cringe watching it back it was so bad I kind of like half halted her and you know how I get between related distances and I didn't feel like she was coming back to me and normally I have her in a Snapple mouthpiece so we kind of have no pull pressure where I've actually changed my bit which I've been loving however I was riding like I said it's not full so very very very disappointed in myself for taking her teeth out there poor Pony but luckily D wasn't too offended and she finished beautifully I'm so pleased with how she jumped be pleased with that I think Meg will be really pleased it's awesome so he's worth taking your teeth out on this Lane foreign just having like a snaffle so yeah and she was just like bloody album yeah because I was like all right well I did one half hole and she didn't do anything so then I did my yeah Mike's classic left her I think and she went blinking neck I need those teeth sorry Didi guys I'm so proud of you I don't think I can see it good girl and she feels like really keen and yeah wanting to do it he looked epic didn't you you were a clever girl lemonade that's not like me two double clares wow we very very pleased oh that was like a weight off my shoulders as well doing a hundred yeah well done yay all right guys I feel like you've had all of the debrief there that we're gonna say practically absolutely buzzing feeling like we're ready to get back out of venti now we've got our first event in six days on Saturday it's now Sunday so if you're feeling ready for it anyway I live laugh love you and I'll see you very soon bye guys [Music] thank you
Channel: Elphick.Event.Ponies
Views: 65,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jumping, show jumping, horse riding, show day, training my horse
Id: smD2bMh7NJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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