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hello everyone and welcome back to the team Frederick's videos now I'm currently grazing the two horses that we bought with us and the only one that I expected to ride whilst I was here but about four minutes ago Lucinda popped her head round to our barn and she said Ellie's had an idea Meg and lo and behold I walk out and Ellie is riding Marley the advanced Eventing stallion in the arena and their grand idea is that I have a jump on him now Tina has uh geed me up and my heart is absolutely racing but I'm gonna give it a go so let's go meet Molly [Applause] [Music] can't fight it when it feels so true [Music] I think we're going to get a demonstration now of how it is done biggest fear at the minute is death second biggest fear is ruining Ellie's Advanced horse and his reputation so he can no longer go to stud y well she thank God she's got out of bed Ellie's being a very poorly bless her she's not just lazy I'm so Gonna Miss as well good that'll prepare him for me getting on oh he's very used to me missing don't worry he just kind of does his own thing Travelers is an early Miss it's probably about a centimeter off a Meg Miss is two meters oh my gosh oh my God that's the first time he's like oh I'm gonna miss him and then she just goes down and does that no idea what distance it is having a master class right now guys this is insane wait good boy my arms have gone like jelly wait good pal wait good boy you're so easy bud that was the last time you jumped yeah blimey gosh he says I'm just perfect good boy Lolly Molly you are blooming cool he knows what he's doing he's happy look at these big jumps you do he only gets enthusiastic when they're slightly bigger well you won't be enthused with me on them hey buddy he's like I can smell the mess corners and then triple bar to that one oh God okay do not miss I'm so gonna forget where I'm going it's fine I'll make it up as I go [Music] again [Music] for me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God my heart was in my mouth then good boy once you can go to bed for three days [Music] I'll put it down yeah okay A little little jumper none of these scary distances right so you're gonna go around the whole course exactly yes a little bit please it's a little bit small for my liking good boy you know he he takes you he's not complicated yeah he's not complicated for you and Ellie no he's really not complicated you just put him in put it leave them in your hand and don't be too fiddly you just okay if he's pulling you great yeah just hold hold his mouth nice it'll be fun um how does one get on I'm not the best one to give a Lego I have no body strength can we go on three three one two three oh perfect thank you good I think so yeah look good thing all right yeah steak I need that he's a bit lazy he is a gem honestly I'm not disputing he's a gem I'm just just worried about my skills or luck thereof right Meg um just go into Canter just go into Canter yeah just go into Canter walk kanta all right just get used to him pull him a little bit together [Music] yeah I I know that and as I was coming around I was like what's the a for a flying trip try to make him a little bit more together in front okay that's better all right [Music] do you want Canter poles or something easier for you okay so we're gonna steady do it do a change look keep just right on a diagonal line right on a Target line ride straight hold his mouth change your legs there you go yes it's that easy all right is it all right comfortable yeah yeah really comfortable you look beautiful look at each Corner Square yeah yeah I was really nervous about jumping in no you don't need to be I'm going to give you counterpiles and you can't miss promise you you will be fine I wouldn't put you on it I know I have to worry about breaking him no you're not gonna break him he he will seriously look after himself do I get a crossbow to start with no do you want a crossbow do you do cross poles here we do in Trot surely you're not making me come straight down to the ox there well I was going to oh well right I'll do something nice thank you I know I know nothing I'll be annoying at myself when I get off and I'm like why was I just like okay so you're actually going to come Round Here round in the right on the right way okay yeah and over that okay and just ride to the first pole yeah and let him do the rest yeah yeah no just keep riding the same feel over the fence okay yeah yeah she got good Canter slightly in the hand yeah so just hold him in the hand not too fast that's good just look at your first Pole that's lovely perfect sorry sorry where are we going straight so that was a classic was that my body weight yes Telltale where your body's not straight look straight ride straight [Music] look straight and change good one more now you've got a slightly bounce the Canter a little bit more here so you get a better distance in look at the pole tight in your hand just move his mouth move his mouth move it good good good counting looks right in the right straight there you go and change good that's a hundred percent Marley going and change and not me oh yeah Marley listens yeah because I've done so much teaching of Ellie going three two one Aid change yeah then he he feels it honestly he's very good okay come off the left rein to this again um when you land when you land trying yeah am I is it right so you're going to come on the left brain yeah left leg here yeah then when you go over here change your legs to right and ride to the right okay okay then you'll get your heel change over the sounds incredibly simple look straight sorry change well that was a bad change yeah it doesn't matter open him up a little bit now I'm gonna come to the oxa LEDs can go back in but really are you sure I'm gonna be all right doing that Lisa yes but I want you to ride like there is another jump afterwards okay that'll make you ride more forward because he's so polite yeah okay yeah he's very polite it's weird like over a fence it almost feels like it doesn't make up that much ground no because he's so polite Compact and just press in there yeah all right he doesn't Rush no okay he's not used to it so you've got to think about the back legs coming forward okay and counter again and the other thing is if your flying change is not correct it's because the Canter's not good enough so bring him together and remember ride the fence like it's bigger all right collect him make him sit sit hold him hold him hold him hold him hold him look up good girl oh my God it wasn't great cool he just sort that for me because he's good honestly I was going in thinking that here goes my life draw money your eye to that and then when you're there look at the fence and when you're stride away look up I can't believe he just like redoes but you've got to maintain the Canter sit sit sit sit there you go lovely perfect that was bad that was better wasn't it insane yeah but that's that's what I mean if you ride him like that and you stay connected with him he just operates whoa that's why the train is so important to train your horses do you want to go one more yeah right I actually love it now he's wild you know it's it's not exciting because it's exciting oh okay do you want to change the rain come off the right the left turn okay right no trotting flying to me yeah sorry hold him the looking hold up the green green Counting look up look up not enough in potion with that no it's just use on the take off ride like it's bigger okay right don't just sit on his on your bum yeah right yeah ride like it's bigger how do I ride like a speaker loosen down price him off the ground now nearly halt come on nearly halt nearly halt nearly halt good great oh it's gonna be so clever with his feet he's honest I've never sat on a horse like this before well no you wouldn't have but it's like not many people do how we had like we get there because I've missed him yeah because you're gonna do it again and not Trot hey right one more I was having my celebratory I've done it yeah no you haven't okay okay so yeah two now is work on your work on your Canter all right don't come now all right now push him now like you're gonna take off over a fence hold his mouth hold his mouth feed his mouth good there that gently good sit straight straight good look up up up good oh my gosh oh come off the right Reign flying change now hold him straight straight straight good sorry I didn't hold him completely straight did I straight now this way when you get to the jump don't Crouch right don't Crouch hold him hold him there you go stand up good oh my God sorry I keep shouting it's great there you go now there's no excuse not to breed from him I didn't need an excuse me now now down round wide hand there you go wide down and left and right and left and right there you go you feel that yeah now he's rounder oh my God [Music] I have to say you're one of the few people that have jumped him oh my God thank you so much I feel so honored right now you're a precious boy you are yeah oh super I can't believe that it doesn't even feel like no the same sport [Applause] and word thank you so much for that that was amazing actually amazing oh you are so cold okay living the absolute dream he's a good boy he's amazing he is a good boy right guys as much as I would love to stay up here all day long I'm gonna have to get off Marley and hunt him back to Ellie so we can go off and do you know crazy things like four stars but in my word biggest thank you to Ellie and Lucinda for letting me literally be taken for a ride on him because he is just amazing like I I that's crazy crazy crazy crazy right I've now got to try and replicate this feeling on DD which me quite hard I live love love you guys and I'll see you in the next one where me and Dee are gonna tackle this course but a lot smaller bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Elphick.Event.Ponies
Views: 112,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HORSE JUMPING, STALLION JUMPING, jumping a new horse, show jumping, eventing, ellie fredericks, horse riding
Id: g9Ld3Z0Pp94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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