Time To Break Out The Big Bucket: Major Dirt Moving Ahead!

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good morning guys it's going to be an absolutely gorgeous day that's the good news the bad news it's just uh well it's just me and you guys Aaron got called into an emergency outage Gunner is back at school so let me show you what we got in store for [Music] today we were back down here on the little project where we took all the trees off the ditch bank here yesterday and the ultimate goal for today is to get this Bank sloped back the best we can we got to build up that pad over there a little bit where he wants to store a few containers the rest of this dirt we're going to take and kind of fill in this area here I almost wish I had one of the bulldozers here but uh this is kind of a last minute job for Ralph they're all tied up on some other job so we're going to try to make do the best we can with bubba dump and check that out I did bring the big bucket that I bought down at auction in Florida we may give that thing a hand trying to swing a little bit of dirt here but first we're going to go over there and uh get our fire throw together it actually burned up pretty good yesterday but it needs to be tidied up just a little bit man it is uh it's too late in the season for that stuff I like it that sun is so bright right in our face I don't know if you guys can even see anything but uh the pile actually burn up fairly nice last night me uh get this this side throw together we'll go around the a side I'll give you guys a little better a little better view of what she looks like she did burn up pretty good right I tell you I like it it's going to be a good [Music] day there's a lot of heat and a lot of hot coals in there I think it's only a matter of time before she takes off and gets going again I don't know if you guys can see if she's flaming flaming pretty good down below there L the bigger nastier stuff left so it's going to take a little bit to get her going but once she uh once she takes off think she's going to be uh she's going to be good and hot again she's definitely burnt down quite a bit from where she was at yesterday so that's a that's a good thing oh yeah I think she's going to go all right let's switch over see if that other bucket fits and start moving some dirt well I guess the first thing we need to do let's find out if this new bucket fence give you guys a little bit of a size comparison this is a 42 in what they call basically general purpose bucket the tag on this one says the capacity 1.22 yard the a yard and a quarter this new bucket I bought does not have a tag on at first capacity if I had to guess it's somewhere probably between a yard and a half and a yard and 3/4 so basically every third to Fourth swing with the machine should be an extra free bucket if it don't slow us down too much well we're off to a good start folks it's on the machine Let's go see if she good back can talk let's go see if she digs all right first first scoop here we go fing this hole a little bit here so I can get leveled up I guess we'll see how well this machine handles bu all that all right Ralph stop me there and make sure we got a plan man my bucket's about perfect on there I reach all the way out and just just starts to get a little bit Tippy all right boys and girls Let's uh let's look some dirt like I said I wish I wish I had a little D4 down here but unfortunately it's on uh it's still on one of the field tile jobs so we're going to have to we're just going to have to make de with what we got for now all right though man this machine handles is awesome better than I thought it was going to to be honest with you look what I'm going to try to do is just rake this back close and eventually we'll get the uh 240 down here and we'll kind of see if we can't use that as our bulldozer for the day this stuff's got a little bit of trash and debris in it but keep in mind guys this isn't a building pad it's a parking pad this is the only material we got available to us so we're going to have to have to make it work it'll definitely work for what we're doing Ralph Got His official measurement stick right there Flawless PL I tell you maybe you guys can see the vision a little bit better now so basically I went down through here with the excavator and just kind of pulled this big rolling hump back thre it up the ultimate goal is is Ralph wants to be able to mow and maintain this basically this will be yard all the way down to the uh ditch there that'll also give them a view of the water from their Sun porch up there and then we need to take that material and get get this built up to uh level this pad off I guess he's going to store a couple shipping containers in there for storage uh not for sure what his plan is there but he wants a place to put put a couple I think Ralph owns I think what he's got in mind is he owns the marina up here and he's got it for sale so if he sells it he's got a few shipping containers up there he wants to keep for storage so he wants to have a place to go with them just in case just in case that all goes through nothing wrong with having a plan so this would be absolutely perfect job for the dl550 with the Dozer blade and uh bucket capabilities but unfortunately that thing is long gone and all we have available to us this morning is the 240 so let's go hop in it basically what I want to do before I get too far ahead of myself is just kind of get our mess cleaned up here a little bit excuse me get our mess cleaned up here a little bit and uh make sure we got the right angle the right slope cuz eventually we're going to carry that all the way on down through to the property line so let's go get that Jewel fired up and polish up a little bit hopefully you guys can see it through the Sun but check that out Fire's back uh Fire's back going strong oh she feels good just a little a little nippy this morning not going to lie what M hanging out next to the fire all right we got stuff to do is it Rous machine so cute it's actually been a really good machine for little case cx60 all right this is what we need wo she a little chilly this morning too I brought the uh rockus stake with us in hopes of we getting that far we get this all cleaned up who well my plan folks I should uh I should probably undo the tilt trailer before oh hold on got de with the camera hang on this is probably going to definitely help the unloading operation oh yes much better now we got tilt action back in we go hope this is the most convenient way to crawl in and out and I've got to get a new shock this lap bar cuz it does not stay up all right spoiled with all these new ones don't know what to do with this old thing oh yes tilty action buto better all right let me grab that bucket we're going to go push some dirt all right bulldozer mode well hang on engaged oh that's not good going [Music] down I don't know if you guys can see down there it's a little softer next to the water than I [Music] anticipated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a oh this thing's not an actual bulldozer or dl550 but uh it's going to work oh yeah come on baby a bit of stuff on there we go all right let me get this last little bit pushed up here and I got of show you guys how it shaping up all right guys got this kind of roughed in here a little bit I know it's hard to tell our official root over there with all the other root and debris in here that Ralph is absolutely in love with that slope right there so that's good looks like we're going to need one load of dirt up here on top maybe one load here long story short we're going to need a couple loads of dirt to uh finish off this pad so well truck's not going to load itself what's not going happen [Music] basically three three buckets less with that one versus the other one make here will load 10 to 11 Scoops the other one was 13 to 14 so it does slow my cycle time down a little bit but overall I think it's going to be it's going to be faster all right it's first I've got to run this thing with the uh fancy new cameras we're off look at that I think we can see everything we need to see go hit Ralph back here [Music] it's definitely not see that out [Music] here it's going to be nice as we can see how much dirt comes out of the bed Shadows ain't helping as much let me tell you all right we got scooted over [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Laughter] man we got those C Replacements absolutely Ely perfect I don't care what anybody says on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] w [Laughter] we are making progress baby Ralph's getting the hang run a little taco over there he's did a pretty good job at least getting everything close that way we can come back in hopefully finish it off the other thing is just making sure we got enough dirt over there to do what we need to do cuz the rest of it needs to go out here in the yard bger bucket is working working really nice in this looser material I'm kind of curious what it would do if we were digging some harder ground this stuff here is almost like load and sand so it's pretty it's heavy and the Machine handles it well as far as actually need breakout Force to dig it's pretty easy dig all right let me finish getting this one loaded up go get it DPed I think we're going to need this load let loaded one more over there where R out the rest of it will go out here in this low spot in the yard another load on Ralph said he wants this one dumped up on top so let's see if we can make her [Music] happen [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] sh BR thinks she's got enough dirt up there for the pile so we're going to start dumping a few loads I love you theard got a same dist right there kind smooth that on out all the way around there so we're going to start dumping a few of these out [Music] there [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] [Music] w all right I believe you guys kind of get the gist of what's going on basically we're going to continue this slope on down move as much of this dirt as we can over there we'll throw you guys up with your time lapse for a little [Music] bit [Music] a [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] man oh man guys she is looking she is looking good down through there about 2/3 of the way down through here it looks like the dirt's got to hold out everything's kind of sloping and smoing in pretty close new buket still working out awesome absolutely gorgeous day I'm sure Aaron wishes he was with us instead of stuck in a bll or somewhere but sometimes you just got to do what you got to do although if you guys can see down there I went uh had to run a few errands for lunch real quick and come back Ralph was going to town on the L 240 there I see a I see a random set of tracks down there that lead to the water so don't take much of imagination to know what probably happened or is it just about happen to us on the first go around this morning head that be moving dirt folks [Music] sh no oh [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] all right I'm going to switch Ralph out here for a second he thinks we got enough up there to do what we need to do Ralph did a good job of keeping the dirt moved around but he was going to kind of go through and actually put a finish on it or get it close and kind of see what we got so there we go [Music] hopefully this load here is enough to carry that grade on across that'll work out there F so it's got to power up so it's got to power down too huh that is [Music] correct going on up just a little bit far you still got a half load in there there we go keep on going up there you got her all right guys we're going to get this leveled up one way or another here we go [Music] I drink up no they're all long gone oh got everything cleaned up there behind us coming down kind of cleaning up the cut here gr load [Music] out getting close folks we're getting close it is looking good oh come on [Music] bab we're load heading out folks that's a run I'm back in the excavator guys we are just about to the end we got maybe this load and one more that's going to have this is pretty much pretty much sloped out the way we want her I believe it looks fantastic down through there you guys notice the uh casualty on my new to meat bucket we're missing a tooth that's not the issue I've got the tooth bigger issue is the shank two slides on it's pretty much completely a wore out which means we may or may not be able to get a tooth back on it but other than that the bucket seems pretty solid we can fix that I know a welder I know a guy all right we're going to get these last couple loads hold here right this one and one more I'm going to throw out rocket strike on there and kind of get an idea how this is going to clean up there it goes guys the last load heading out it's just a matter of getting everything cleaned up now that's easy part right well guys we have switched over to what I like to call the miracle rake we're going to make a few passes on this see if we get her cleaned up call this one around [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] the day has come to an end guys we are not 100% done but we got the majority of it done and for just being Ralph and I we got a lot accomplished this morning I went through and kind of ruckus strid everything out one time Ralph's going around this tractor in his greater box and just kind of polishing up a few little few little spots it's really close man it's going to turn out way better than I anticipated the main purpose of us being here was just to get the dirt moved and uh Ralph was going to go around and kind of get everything polished off but hopefully you guys can see here with the sun in your eyes this looks absolutely awesome everything Blended out really nice they can see the water in the creek from their from their sun room up there Ralph's thinking about coming back at some point and maybe put a line of those cubes down through here to kind of make a barrier between the water and the bank and that way he can mow right down to it but uh what's the old saying Rome wasn't built today one one step at a time so that's a lot of dirt move we also got the pad up there looking pretty good so he's got a place to put uh put his containers but as far as we're concerned that's pretty much going to be a wrap on this one we are on to the next project you got the fire soaked up one last time she's burning down nice I cannot uh if you guys seen the last video that was one massive pile of stuff and we're pretty much down to a couple logs and some stumps which is uh extremely impressive but I got to get out of here Gunner got baseball practice and I got a few other errands I need to run hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did Big a little thumbs up definitely helps the channel and we appreciate it want to make sure you don't miss that ones coming up next consider subscribing and catch you on the next one later guys
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 81,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dig drive dyi, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, stanly, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, sloping a bank, landscaping, how to, diy, slope, dirt work, haul truck, dump truck, trucking, general purpose bucket, skid steer attachment, brush fire, land improvement, excavator bucket
Id: GfwpdQVtW08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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