Time Block in Notion - Free Notion Template

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if you pressed on this video you already know what time blocking is I'm not going to spend the first five minutes of this video as an intro explaining what it is you know what it is that's why you clicked on the video and I know what you're thinking wait a minute wait a minute this template is way too simple I'm not going to pay for this well don't worry you don't have to pay for it it's a free template so why are you complaining you don't have to pay for it time blocking basically long story short you divide your day up into blocks and every hour kind of has a purpose and and that's that's the gist of it okay and I know what you're thinking I've tried every single solution and this will this be my my my fix for productivity because I need help will this solve all my issues yes okay let's get into it so at the top bit here right don't worry everything's connected actually let me before I go into the details let me give you like the grand overview real quick okay calendar view this this and this it's all the same database you're not working with a bunch of different databases okay you're working with one database but with different views so this view here is the view the like the full month calendar view right and you can see all your tasks and look at this this is kind of cool you hit Tech Boom the task is gone don't worry don't worry it's still here under all tasks you can find it there it is ticked and then you can also see your projects in different views here so if you just want to see stuff relating to project a maybe that's work maybe that's School whatever Project B let's say that's your side hustle or something like that project C Fitness whatever it is I don't know you might have three different kind of Life buckets or categories or whatever you want to call it so here we have those okay you can see all your tasks here and then if you think of a new idea you just hit the plus and then let's say it's a it's either a task and eat the frog or an email they're they're the kind of three uh types of tasks that I I thought of and typically that I work with okay what's a task that a human would do um call Gary down here then we have unscheduled tasks so these are stuff that let's say call Gary let's not say you're gonna do that on Wednesday specifically okay it's just a thing you have to do it doesn't really matter when you call Gary okay you don't even like Gary that much let's say then okay on Sunday I have a bit of time oh cool Gary you just drag it there boom it gets removed from here and added to here so only there's a filter I'll just show you how it works the filter here has one rule where date is empty that's it very simple again it's the same database so this database here uncomplete there's just a filter with two rules where complete is not checked in and we don't want to see breaks here you can see there's a break so I use this obviously this is a fake one as you can tell or or at least I would hope that you can tell but this is not actually my real life these tasks here right they get taken over and shown to me in this display every day so in the morning all I can see is my entire day as a Time block I know it doesn't look as cool as time blocking in Google Calendar or drawing it out on paper and stuff like that it's not about that we're I'm sick of these notion aesthetic videos okay we are about productivity and actually just getting things done here wait that term is taken we're about achieving uh activities now there we go so that's what we're about we're about achieving things now we're not going to worry if it looks good we're just going to worry on what we have actually achieved at the end of the day I start the day with eat the Frog I'm lying when I say seven I actually typically start my day at five yeah it's typically five on a weekday but let's just say seven whatever eat the Frog so eat the Frog if you've seen my other video it's basically where you try to do the most difficult task of the day first I've put this on Project B so let's say that's your side hustle right film notion video cool that's my eat the Frog for the day well quotes on that frog are so I'll do that the first thing in the morning then after that emails I'm presuming if you've clicked on this video you know who uh Cal Newport is but he I I think he's talked a few times about you know only checking your emails once or twice a day and I actually do this it's really useful that way you're not constantly looking at your emails and getting distracted there's so many reasons why you should not keep checking your email every every minute I I forgotten what the average statistic is but it's it's not good don't distract yourself check it once or twice I know it's different for every job but the main takeaway is don't check it that often it'll limit it as much as you can let's say from eight to nine you check your emails then nine you've got a task let's say walk the dog do climb thing as mentioned before with this filter you're not actually seeing the brakes show up in here yeah task task email workout blah blah blah all you do is you check it off when you've done it and here as you can see they're being removed once they've been checked off you can always see the tasks here so if you're like you know looking at previous stuff or if you're like hey what's I do last Wednesday you can always see it in this tab because it's always nice to know isn't it so you kind of have two options of working you can look at this view throughout your day or if you're trying to get like a grand picture of your entire month you might be looking at this and you're like okay cool tomorrow I have to eat the Frog here that that's actually typically how I plan on my day all things okay what's like the most important thing and that will be my defrog edit notion video let's say that's the most difficult part of my day then I'll have that as my frog and then I can just tick it when it's complete and boom it's gone so this is a free template again this is how Cal Newport saves hours every single week it's time blocking you've heard it before every single big that's a lie but many uh successful people use this it's just a really productive way to get through your day by actually understanding and allocating a task for every single hour of your day that way every single hour actually has a task assigned to it and you're you're working based on priorities and and stuff that needs to be done not just you know sitting down on your desk and then just randomly going through emails and just doing the first thing that comes to mind and stuff like that you're actually thinking okay how am I going to get through my day what do I have to do and assigning a time to do it so this idea actually speaks to Parkinson's law which you might have heard of before which is basically you'll do the work in the time that you've given yourself to do the work which is true you've you've probably noticed this before if you say hey I have to finish this assignment tonight because it's due tomorrow and you only have tonight to do it you'll finish it but if you say I have all week to do this assignment then you'll spend all week doing the assignment so that's a really quick explanation of Parkinson's law and it really does help so if you say okay from 11 to 12 I have to do this client thing it will take you one hour but if I said I have all day it's just on my list I have to do it at some point it's going to take me more than one hour to do it so again Link in the description it's free I hope you like it thanks for watching bye oh and subscribe sorry I I forgot to mention subscribe thanks okay bye
Channel: Productive Setups
Views: 26,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, notion template, cal newport, time blocking, time block, timeblock, timeblock notion, deep work notion, how to timeblock, notion productivity, notion cal newport, notion timetable, timeblocks technique, world without email, free notion template, notion productivity template, notion timeblocking, notion time blocking, notion timeboxing, time box notion, notion blocking template, notion elon musk, time blocking tips, productivity in notion, how to timeblocking
Id: azTqbes0tio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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