Why Overwatch 2 Is Failing

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hey what is up you guys it is your boy keeper rule I want to thank you guys for clicking on today's video if you are looking at the screen right now you see that I'm gonna be talking about OverWatch now I'm talking about OverWatch because OverWatch is near and dear to my heart it was a great multiplayer experience basically the only thing I wish the game had was a single player mode because I wanted to learn so much more about the characters with the dialogue inside the games and the matches they would talk before the game and they if characters didn't like each other they would actively communicate with each other over and over and even as you played the game if you did any action or anything that was significant to your character role if you played your character how it was meant to be played it was typically you would typically hear dialogue amongst the characters even at the even at the start menu so recently OverWatch 2 has come on esteem and it's been straight up under Fire and I kind of want to elaborate so let's look at OverWatch one real quick it's sitting at a 91 percent on Metacritic by critic reviews and then 6.4 with 6642 user reviews this is that's that's just to show you the the contrast so they're almost I same identical game the OverWatch 2 is just slightly graphically more enhanced the I don't even think it's more graphically enhanced I think that the designs just changed and not all of them are for the better so whoa October 4th 2022 May 23 2016. six years six years this is why you get this this is why you get that 1.4 score with 3721 ratings and even a lower critic score this is this is what I'm talking about when a game not only has a lower user review score and it also has a lower critic score and it's the same exact game essentially then what did you do wrong how could you have failed this miserably to lose all of your fans to lose all of your consumers blizzard you suck Activision you have no clue what you guys are doing you guys did it with Diablo you guys are ruining Diablo's reputation such a good game that could have went on for years and you just don't know how to handle a gem you do not know how to handle the things you have yet you want to have more so a big reason why this game has been under Fire is because of the monetization the monetization is absolute greedy the game has already made millions of dollars it was a top multiplayer game at the time of release and for years to go it had an Esports scene and the Monet the monetization wasn't the best but it wasn't so greedy you can at least play the game and unlock your things but look at this so when they were advertising for OverWatch 2 we all heard about a potential story mode potential single player mode and it was apparently supposed to be a part of the game at launch it was supposed to be a free part of the game okay now here recently I guess they didn't make as much money as from the Skins as they thought they would so look you can buy the PVE for 15 bucks when you purchase it for 15 bucks you can also get 1 000 OverWatch coins wow that you can buy a premium oh my gosh dude this makes me sick to my stomach how many games have to come out with a stupid battle pass for them to get the idea that not every single game needs a battle pass not everybody wants your stupid skins from a battle pass I just want to buy a skin specifically that skin and I want to keep it pushing sell me the skin for five bucks and I'll keep it moving I don't understand how difficult of a concept that is for you that no the battle pass system only works if the game is good to begin with that's the only way it works and if you implement it day one you can assure that you're gonna lose people so you get a new short dorm skin and permanent access to shorejorn for new players okay you're telling me right hold up you're telling me that if I pay 15 dollars fifteen dollars for a free game I get a character that if this was OverWatch you could have got for free because you already paid for the game and most the people that are playing OverWatch 2 probably already paid for OverWatch one I I just I I don't understand where their where their ideas are going oh and not only that you can buy an even more expensive Invasion bundle that's 40 dollars dude oh gives player a full anole sector premium battle pass with 20 Level skips oh my gosh makes me shiver down to my spine I'm so excited to skip battle pass levels you know why people skip battle pass levels because the battle pass is egregious it's disgusting and it takes forever especially on OverWatch dude it's so slow to get these scans even when you pay for the battle pass it might as well just be like you signing up for a premium membership and never using it oh and you get a another thousand so you get two thousand battle Buck coins the only game capable of doing this realistically and beneficial is fortnite and I do not even play fortnite but Lord have mercy on their soul the only company that has done it a proper way is fortnite and even to this day I still believe so because I can play fortnite for three days and get like 25 p 25 sections of my battle pass just by doing in-game XP you can't do that in this game you occasionally get like a headshot challenge a kill challenge kill this type of person over and over again and then you get like a little chunk of XP dude that is ridiculous it takes forever it takes hours to get a battle pass you paid for same with Call of Duty if you play Call of Duty Modern Warfare this is Activision and blizzard when you buy the battle pass it takes forever they make it seem like it's smaller than it has always than it has been forever but it's not it's still those hundred levels and it takes forever to unlock those levels and lets us double XP weekend for the battle pass it takes forever the the double XP should be the normal nobody should be forced to play a game after purchasing something that makes them want to play more and then losing out on all the content what happens when you're on your last day and you got five levels to go you used up all your skips and guess what boom you just lost the main point of buying the battle pass which is the last skin and possibly weapons dude games don't want Activision and blizzard specifically do not understand how people work they are robots they are absolute AI NPCs running that company on Blizzard's website here to confirm what I had said before Invasion bundle 15 bucks and 40 bucks for The Invasion ultimate bundle here we go with the uh what it brings okay oh yeah Souljah so you pay to be able to earn a character Lord have mercy on their soul please let this company go to waste before it does any more damage to the Gaming Community crucify that thing on a wall let it go blow it up I don't even know don't blow it up because I ain't trying to enforce no terrorist crimes but brother let it go oh my gosh anything I say is gonna sound terroristy this this company needs to go down not in the grave just disappear oh my gosh guys don't add me and if if anything happens to Blizzard please don't come back to this video so let's look at what the bundle brings so the story missions three epic bashes oh I can buy a 10 game right now that brings me quadruple the content and 99 more happiness so vigilante shortage orange skin basically just taking it from Doom look at that look at that she's trying to be cool she's not she needs to relax get to play as sojourn if you haven't unlocked her yet in game after completing the story missions bro oh my gosh you guys need to go to the dumpster on number one worst rated games in the Hall of Shame here we go OverWatch 2 and because of what I just showed you is exactly why they're here it's exactly why cod has a mixed review it's exactly why they're Diablo I just want to like gosh man so many great IPS so many great games just absolutely getting Obama just abolished because of this stupid practice that they want the most money possible as fast as possible if you would just release the half decent game and then offer me these little small packs here and there it would work it has always worked it worked you guys just became so greedy that you guys needed to implement things such as battle passes um 25 skins 25 skin bundles they don't let you sometimes they don't even let you in games they don't even let you buy the skin individually you have to buy the entire pack and that to me is so greedy so greedy a skin in OverWatch costs you the same as if you give your left nut to the doctor just go give up your nut if you want to play OverWatch too it's not even free everything you love about OverWatch is gone it's gone Activision and blizzard were like oh you guys like this um that means money you know what OverWatch no it doesn't no it doesn't it doesn't always mean money nine percent of the 132 000 people think it's negative so clearly clearly there is the disconnect and either you guys are trying to purposely bomb your company or you guys just really don't care look even redfall at the state it released isn't as bad as OverWatch too and redfall was bad Resident Evil reverse if you did not play that I'm glad do not play that Battlefield 2042 now this game is a little bit better than it was at launch but same thing same thing it's like they lost it's like all these companies just lost what made them good and now they're surprised that nobody wants nobody wants to play it so I just want to read a little bit of the review so you guys see what's going on OverWatch corn creators work harder than game developers word a cycle bring back free loot boxes when people are saying this that loot boxes are better than the current form of getting skins in the game and characters in the game that is an issue I never supported loot boxes I tried never to buy them unless unless it was back in Call of Duty advanced warfare and I was trying to get the obsidian I don't even remember what the gun was called but I remember I bought like five bucks worth and you know what I got it from that I was pretty surprised but not this everybody not OverWatch you know OverWatch you could play the game and then get loot boxes with in-game currency now OverWatch 2 so now everybody's saying bring back loot boxes bring Matt loot boxes and I swore this is a loop in blizzard where they make us hate something so much that they can go back to other bad practices and kind of just shove them down our throat and we're gonna say well this is better than what we had previously no it's not this is what they do every time they release a game they're like well it's kind of better of what they released back then maybe we should support it you know it's a little bit better than it was no free PVE nope 15 bucks Megamind I have over a thousand hours in OverWatch one and two combined many things have killed my interest Heroes lock behind the battle pass and obnoxious grind look the fact that you either paid to have a competitive Advantage for your team or obnoxiously grind for the hero which is tier 45 of the battle pass if you missed the battle pass you have to win 35 games of a roll you may not necessarily enjoy to unlock the hero not play X Games wins Grant double process when only count towards unlock process rest in peace keep it real I'm going up I'm going up this is re oh my gosh OverWatch suck it blizzard suck it so before I leave I want to show you guys exactly what I'm talking about by it's not really a graphical update it's more of a cosmetic you know it's not like a graphical enhancement after six years you think so you know I even give that to Call of Duty man I even give that to Call of Duty now OverWatch 2 no I still believe that Cod that the Cod online is still the best Cod multiplayer so look at this wow this is like going from high settings to ultra settings look at this they got the any analyzing smoothing out edges like it's not this absurd graphical upgrade maybe the Shadows are slightly better but this this right here isn't gonna make me upset to log in and play this right here might piss me off because I'm paying 15 20 40 for Invasion PVE that was promised to me and it was free that's their main thing it's free but free doesn't always mean free you know it always comes at a cost and regardless of what you give OverWatch whether it's your hard-earned money or your time you're paying for it you know time is money and you will always hear that time is valuable when you when a game is not worth your money right so it becomes free do you think it's really worth your time think about every hour you spent slaving away at your job do you think that in exchange for three hours of you working you should work you should basically work at playing OverWatch probably not this game is not worth any touch this game is should die um blizzard should really should blizzard and Activision um I really hope that they get acquired by Microsoft I am so tired of seeing these practices you know at least I can say Microsoft is putting games on the game pass and giving us a way to play their exclusive games so I'm not afraid of them taking games such as OverWatch and Call of Duty and making them necessarily exclusive um but they need somebody else they need somebody else to be like we run the show because they have lost all guide guidance they are lost Activision and blizzard is not who they used to be they used to release some amazing IPS some amazing single player games and then they're just stopped in 2015 in 2016 I feel like OverWatch came out and that was the last good year and then they've just consistently been going downhill trying to catch up to the OverWatch hype and trying to make as much money as OverWatch did Even though Cod is one of the top games of the year every single year it's why they're releasing a 70 DLC for the game because they know people will buy it so look at this barely any change so the left is OverWatch and the right is OverWatch too if you if you if you got them switched I'm sorry because they look so similar wow they added some bricks see this is the most disappointing thing this the pigeon is asking blizzard right now brother what you got going on because I'm tired I'm tired of being here I'm tired I want to go to a different game look at people have their their likes and dislikes hey if you like OverWatch one and two so what I'm glad that you can enjoy this game I'm glad that you can find some of your enjoyment playing this game and there's nothing wrong with you enjoying the core amazing features that are in the game because personally I love them I love the hero system I love the PVP I love the online matchmaking you know there's really not a lot of complaints for the game it is just when they took the game that I loved and made it in a just a greed Fest a money money machine they're trying to make passive money off of OverWatch too so before you go and download this game realize that you're probably gonna have about two Heroes three Heroes you have the potential to unlock them if you buy the battle pass or you grind like you have nothing else to do because it takes forever and if you want to play PVE you cough up some money personally like I said in my last video if a game comes out and it has 20 DLC and I have the option of buying Red Dead Redemption 2. or going and playing OverWatch and paying that twenty dollars for some DLC scans I'm gonna buy buy a game like Elder Scrolls Skyrim I'm gonna go and buy Red Dead I might buy GTA again because it's still a better game than this even though they're just as greedy um any game that comes out that releases 20 skins is trying to take your money thank you guys for tuning in I apologize that OverWatch 2 isn't what we wanted but so is life things come in things go out pause sometimes we don't get what we want but hey things will be there to replace it things will come in in place of the item that we were missing such as games like Baldur's Gate 3 an Elden ring and I'll always reiterate that those games fill a void and they make us feel very good and I can't wait for the rest of the season we got Starfield coming out and Spider-Man so with all that being said you guys have a wonderful day stay safe out there and keep it real
Channel: KeepItReal
Views: 351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s-tyu0XJruo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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