Tim Vine's First Night of the 77 date Tour

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so I said to this bloke because I was one two it's a fine kitchen tiles off the plan one two oh I said Tim Vine no it's Andrew drama I haven't seen Mr Thomas for so many years he used to uh Palmer's green the backbound and gagged oh Monica bloody hell Mr Joe on the other side of the look at the other side of this hello Mr John Archer and the other side of this is Mr Tim Vine it's the first show separation we get closer as the tour goes on let me jump shut up yeah because you mentioned that just before you were saying that it seems quite a lot but you've always done the tour this week haven't you well it's not so much [Music] what I mean is normally you put one leg in and when you get towards the end of that thing in this situation but um we're just saying how do you because we're talking about writing jokes and um and we were but how other some people have different methods how do you write your jokes so do you think of a subject then you think of all the stuff to write on or are you just quiet just trying to make up some stuff for a stand-up show and I just I'm just right often I often I will write one to ten and I will and I'll just write 10 jokes right on anything any subject yeah and you're just right but it's got to be finished I don't care about the quality at all yeah whatsoever they're just going to make some sort of sense as you say the enjoyment is actually writing something I think this is funny and if it works great yeah and you never write a 20 it's as quick as your first 20 ever again dude no no that's true but I I think the problem is that place like genres and all those places that you were scared to try out new stuff because the audience were full of hymns and Stags and you know you just want to get through it you know 90 minutes and you're off kind of thing yeah totally and John you do do right how do you write yours so I tend to either live a lot of them I'll say something I like I'll be on the way yeah texting yeah yeah he'll be in the wing um but on this tour I don't know what I'm doing so hopefully by the end of it um [Music] lots of ideas this job interviews he's got a very keen comedy part um and also great with impressions of the career this is the moment it normally happens in armchairs in the in the hotel but this is the moment so we'll go straight in please with Charles Hall are we really doing this yeah [Music] [Music] he's going for it why are there so many songs about rainbows what's on the father's height okay all the time that's amazing as I've never known you all these years I've never known you why don't you've never thought about going on stage like that never never I did a bit of um [Music] Israel to stand in front of the tanks [Music] very good or the our Peter Sellers version of Michael okay that one yeah did you know if a man in a Tweed suit falls from the top of the Empire State Building wow what a tour this could be [Music] [Music] that was a tremendous one done 76 to go 76 to go and and um you think you know when you think the foreign [Music] [Music] before [Music]
Channel: Steve Best Shoots
Views: 6,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3B0OitxNXGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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