Tim Henson Says That We BEND Like BOOMERS... GUILTY!

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okay since we're getting set for this i'm just gonna dispel this we i do this all the time uh but this is not a green screen for yes that think that pick up pick up one of those heads or or this is the most expensive shot in youtube history right it is i'm just not not that good of an editor yeah yeah right i could not do that i wouldn't even know how many people ask me that like that's a blue screen i'm like i don't know man people think it's when i do live streams this way they think it's yours 10 feet away you've got the people that are doing the the cg for marvel movies running your youtube channel right exactly like i've i've never i've i've seen people that post they'll post their layers of final cut pro and you'll see all these stacks of things that's rhett's videos look like yeah my videos are just one thing occasionally with a little text box [Laughter] never there's never anything stacked on anything on my edit window and that's why they look like that but i think if i did anything fancy editing wise people well they do anytime i've tried anything like what are you doing that for stay in your lane right oh and the other comment is can you get jeans that don't have holes in them technically that's not a hole because there's a patch there that's a hole okay so what are we going to talk about today so rat brought up this thing about this video i just did right yeah the the top 10 tick tock viral viral videos or viral songs i i enjoy tick tock i get on tik-tok and just browse and i have to admit uh i made it about halfway through the video and i had not heard a single one of those songs on my tic-tac-toe i didn't i mean i didn't either there was i was i mean i'm not on there a lot but yeah i and i'm not probably a good sample size because mine i mean billy billy looked him up and he found all this song yeah yeah but i'm saying that i think my tic-tock is mostly just like guitar stuff and photography boomer bends mainly right like you like blues there's one that there's one of my favorite ones the dad that plays metal guitar he sits in his recliner lays back [Music] and he's shredding playing great metallica and stuff and his kids are walking behind they're coming in through through the door and he's just sitting back playing and just killing it because bald head is amazing yeah boomer bins that's the new channel that's from from tim henson from prolifia tim thank you very much for that because you said that to tosin and and misha and i and we both look each other like boomer benz wait a minute is he talking about us too the boomer-ish sound of like a you know yeah i'm not even a boomer and i feel attacked i mean i was the only boomer there and he's talking about boomer beds looking at toast and misha and i was like my entire vocabulary i don't know how to play anything well how about the other white elephant in the room we all collectively hate stevie ray vaughan i get it all oh you never talk about street rory we all love stevie ray vaughan but people are like rick you don't do videos on stevie ray vaughan so yeah so you don't like him so what are you talking about rick you've never talked about but people say i don't talk about all these different things i was like i've made eight videos on this you know i made people angry by like talking about anytime there's i'm talking about a strat or a tube screamer or jimmy or anybody in the video well you didn't talk about steve rayvon so or rory gallagher that's another one i get constantly robin trower yeah yeah who are all of these guys i love and you can't play strat not like those guys i'm sorry it's just impossible you can't talk about everybody right and when you do i have 900 videos so to say that i haven't talked about them i mean i can make eight videos about someone and people like i can't believe you haven't done that so well except for the eight videos i've made about them you just i can't keep going over the same things okay let's talk about this talk list here though your top 10 videos i think are really great uh you and i have discussion on my channel about the alternative list and how it spawned a just tidal wave of hatred i feel sad that my generation sucks so much that you feel a sense of duty to waste time making long videos like this reviewing crappy music when you have so much other good content you're offering i'm not even gonna watch the rest of this video i can't stand the crap that passes for music these days i thought that one was interesting because i thought a lot of music on that particular list was actually pretty good it was pretty guitar forward and guitar focused i thought that was cool but the tick tock thing was a different experience for me four chord vamps just about every song there was the one that had you know they went to the four minor which was cool went to f minor yeah well they were getting really and it was it was cool because it went four minor when f minor then to a minor into the sixth chord and people like rick you're always talking about the chord just like i said well if you talk about the the kick drum the snare it's everything else they've used on every other song so right there's really nothing else to talk about which is not to say that the type of or the number of chords used in a progression are is directly correlated to the quality of the song that's right right there's a lot of great songs that are two chords yes point well taken and i don't think that the number of chords in a song people like rick thinks the number of chords in a song equals that it's good no it's it's the fact that every song nowadays uses the same four chords and has for the last 20 years is yeah but it's not just that it's also similar bpm similar sounds melodically they're very similar if they if they have a melody at all it's it's very um music today in that sense because we have to be careful when you start talking about oh music today and and painting with a broad brush you really can't because i think there's with the advent of spotify and youtube and the internet i think there's more music being made today and there's more access to different types of music today than ever so you can't just say oh there's some incredibly great music yeah yeah exactly but the uh the viral yeah it's the viral stuff that's just that's cool and the things that that people i make these videos about contemporary music because i you know people that watch my channel they don't they probably wouldn't ever turn on these lists and see what's actually out there but i listen to it and i talk about the you know kind of how the things are put together and i think it's instructive to know what kind of music people are making nowadays in popular music and not popular music there's many great things that are coming out today but they're not at the top of the charts and to try and pretend like you can just ignore what mainstream culture is embraces one of the interesting things that i don't know if red or dave talked about just before we turn the camera on is is the length of music that people are using i mean how much in their tic-tac videos are they actually using up to three minutes but most of the um the songs that you encounter on tick tock that are like platform wide that become trends yep um are usually i would say at least in my experience you know you're it's the same section of the song usually it's the hook or the pre-chorus end of the hook and it's 30 seconds at most now there there is some pretty creative things happening on tick tock right now like there's this berries and cream trend happening right now have you seen any of this stuff [Music] that's a whole lot of discussion but um yeah it's it's interesting it's like people talk about you know our attention span today being shorter than ever uh and i think that is you can kind of see that in in some of the tick tock trends music trends that are happening it's like here's the same thing yeah over and over again well it's not even a song it's right or a section of a song that's that long it's just across the board every musician is now in this little like well i've got to do it in this amount of time and that's it and it's just man that's so so unfortunate because it's everybody that's coming up younger people are that's what they're going to focus on they're getting programmed in in the this these one-minute blocks of music that you need to create i mean it's very much like making commercials honestly i was just gonna say and as a guitar player you're sitting there going you know you got to do everything in 60 seconds i have a lot of friends that did commercials historically and then they would go back to trying to write music and it would be difficult to sustain ideas over the course of even three minutes when they're used to writing one minutes worth of music yeah yeah i did code commercials for years and local around here and yeah you would have 45 seconds get out get in get out and they would just cram everything into this one thing and if you do that constantly you i started thinking like that in a lot of ways it was it was cool i know when i'm doing an instagram post i know exactly how long 60 seconds is i know how to make yeah i've done so many posts i know exactly how much information you can fit in and i use every bit of that quick lesson there's a few scales i like using over minor chords let's say i have an a minor use a minor blues a dorian use a aeolian use a phrygian you could use a melodic minor like that one you could use a harmonic minor like that i've had people say your videos are the longest one minute and i i actually take that as a compliment maybe it's maybe they mean i'll say maybe maybe i mean that in a bad way but i fit in i fit in so much stuff into one minute nothing that rhett understands unfortunately [Music] and i stay away from boomer bends because uh i i i'm a boomer if i bend then i'm gonna be i'm going to get boomer bends all the time i just need to leave the room if that's the case that's all i got and i'm like hey i will say though there's a there's another side to this this tick tock phenomenon that i actually think is a really good thing and when i say tick-tock i think i mean just social media and the internet in general which is at least on my experience with tick-tock i see a lot of guitar players and i see a lot of really young guitar players seeing people that are in their late teens early 20s and people that are really talented and it's not just shredders or people it's all kinds of stuff i see people i see songwriters i see people that can't be older than 18 years old with an acoustic guitar that will take that 30 seconds or 60 seconds and play you the hook of their new song and it's like oh my god that's that's beautiful yeah i stumbled across a uh he was doing a live stream the other night a country guy that i cannot remember his name he's 18 years old and he sounds like he is one of the the country legends of the last 40 years and it's so when you combine that with the fact that you know last year was the biggest year for guitar ever in terms of sales and new people picking up i think we are coming back going to be coming back into a new wave of guitar and guitar bass music and instrument based music becoming more popular it may never reach the same level that it was at in terms of you know rocks popularity or things like that but there's going to be a lot of a lot of young people playing instruments that are going to be the next wave of music makers in the next five to 10 years i think and i think talk yeah in particular even now more so than instagram tick tock is becoming the platform that all of those people are flocking to to put their stuff out there yeah i agree i think the other thing i noticed too is that for me the ones that always impressed me the most as far as some of the tick tock stuff is usually from some real far country from here at least not notice but um no i agree though i think the the players are younger and the technical abilities are definitely getting better you know i mean i'm envious i wish i had that this platform and all these platforms as a kid you know i can't tell you how many you know needles i broke and records i ruined learning stuff you know my concern is that it's okay these small increments the song is suffering in a lot of ways yeah in terms of what's popular and top 40 yeah yeah well this this is the this is the thing that that we're talking about though about these these top 10 lists just what people are interested in and now i did go and look back at 1971 as a comparison i looked at the top 10 songs of 1971 and there was massively big records that came out historic records came out 50 years ago but a lot of the songs that were in the top 10 are songs that people would not recognize you know the pop songs right if you take the top 10 songs of that year and i'm going to make a video doing a comparison of that but it's kind of always been like that and people make that comment they say oh well yes but are you going to remember any of these and the answer is probably not you're probably not no we don't know it's not going to be like the guy that says uh that wrote the article that i did the video on that says they you're not going to remember paul simon in 200 years like what am i talking about but going back to the tick tock thing that has been responsible for taking older boomer music and exposing it to young people that's right in a huge way that's a massive massive way and and people still connect with it no matter how old they are because it's great it's good yeah i think that'll that'll stand true no matter when the music is made no matter who makes it what era it was in if it's good if the art is good if it's high quality it will stand the test time people will connect with it so i've made this point on my channel before but music on streaming platforms because you can listen whether it's youtube or spotify or apple music or amazon you can listen to anything from any era and they're all accessible on the same plane yeah you can go from led zeppelin to jimi hendrix to mamas and papas to ludicrous to whoever to jay-z and just back-to-back yeah right from your from your phone you can play it in your car you can make playlists of anything you want and everybody's on a level playing field if you look at queen i just interviewed brian may and and i mentioned you know we were talking about queen has a massive following spotify 37 million monthly listeners that is huge that's as big as almost any contemporary artist queen is still massively big well kids can hear listen to queen just as easily as they can listen to any contemporary artists right yeah yeah yeah and well i say this a lot on my channel which is i think and i say this with the caveat of being 31 years old but i think there's never been a better time to be a guitar player from the perspective of a the gear and the accessibility to be able to get any type of sound imitate any type of player that you know or learning you know having the exposure to your channel and instagram and being able to find everyone you can be exposed to and learn from the best people in the world that you know as long as you have an internet connection and a device to to consume it there's a there's a percentage of people that are learning from us and know marty schwartz and paul davids and you know music is win and all the other guitar channels and so you know i think it's beneficial for us to have these conversations and talk about this and talk about well what do we want to take these platforms and show people and teach people because i think it has an effect well for me my what makes a song great series that i started really because a rhett told me i should do it uh from my on my second channel follow me on rick beato too but that channel's been around for five years and i played some multi-tracks one night years ago and rhett was listening he said you should make a show of that and my what makes a song great series is actually about songwriting it's about arranging it's about engineering it's about mixing there are so many elements that i try to incorporate in there but ultimately about songwriting how things are put together demystifying how arrangements are done and doing it through all different genres of music because i figured that if you teach people if you give them the access to these things especially when you hear multi-tracks or stems and you hear these are the components that make up a drum sound on this song that you listen to a million times this is what the bass sounds like by itself these are what the guitars sound like if it's boston more than a feeling or if it's if it's tool if it's prolifia it doesn't matter once you hear those things separated it teaches you how songs are put together yeah definitely as we were just talking about you know we these platforms there's so much information now that you would hope that all of this information will actually lift up the music itself and and we won't just be stuck with the same four chords in the same three loops you know and unfortunately at this point we're kind of sort of that you know at least in the viral videos that we're talking about and i think you could say a lot of the same things about music that was being made in uh in the 60s 70s and 80s i mean they talked about it in you know my favorite movies is um the documentary it might get loud i love that and you know they were talking to the edge and he mentioned watching top of the pops in the 70s late 60s early 70s and now most of the stuff on on top of the pops was just what we're talking about signs that you've never heard of anymore right right because they did it they weren't good right it didn't work so i think you have to keep that like my tic tac list yes that you will not hear any of those songs ever again yeah if you're lucky so i would say like i'm just kidding as the resident millennial on the board here um you know i think don't judge a platform like tic tac or instagram or youtube based off of what is strictly viral or popular because just under that surface under that facade there's a lot of really great art happening and there's a lot of really inspiring people that are making really good stuff that will stand up and those people are using these platforms right now to launch their careers and there's some people on there now that we'll be talking about for the next 50 years some of which use boomer benz [Laughter] well leave your comments in the comments below and uh let us know what you think it's great having these guys back yeah this is fun uh we'll see you soon that's all for now don't forget to subscribe ring the bell and leave a comment check out my new quick lessons pro guitar course that just came out also the biato book if you want to learn about music theory that's how you do it and check out my beato ear training course at beautiertraining.com and don't forget if you want to support the channel even more think about becoming a member of the biato club thanks so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 623,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, Boomer, ok Boomer, Guitar, Rhett Shull, Discussion, Tim Henson, Tosin Abasi, Misha Mansoor, Rock Guitar, TikTok, Social Media, Talk, Les Paul, Gibson, marty schwartz, Paul Davids, Music is Win, Spotify, Apple Music, Berries and Cream, Life Goes On, Oliver Tree, TikTok Guitarist, TikTok Music, TikTok songs, tiktok mashup
Id: W_RMvv53BBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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