Tillotson 263cc BIG BORE Build | Billet Head, 13:1, 30+HP Monster!

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the short block is assembled yeah you're not moving those you know that old saying chrome doesn't get you home well Bill it'll get you away from home really fast what's up everybody today on cars and cameras we are building the biggest most powerful Tillotson small block engine we've ever done 263 CC's three inch bore billet cylinder head massive valves 100 octane Sunoco fuel it's gonna be a monster and as you guys know many mayhem's coming up this weekend and it's my 30th birthday and I've been talking some smack about mini bikes racing on the drag strip so we just wanted to make sure we were coming prepared yeah don't go at all if you're not going to be prepared that's right so we've been keeping this entire build a secret for months now Ike doesn't even know we're building this engine we have to thank our buddy Wyatt for putting the package together gopowersports.com for the majority of the parts and Mark and Johnny for some of the really trick Parts they're going to take this engine build to the next level sit down relax enjoy the engine build and we'll see you this weekend so like we mentioned this is the highest end build we've ever ever done and this is the this is very far from a just bolt it together type build yeah this this is top secret so shh all right so to start things off we need to do some block prep and going through the parts we we have a uh we have a head gasket that's going to be blocking off the oil delivery and so we need to open up the drain hole to allow a lot more oil to go down so that way the oil stays in the rotating assembly instead of up into the cylinder head because with this with this oil delivery system at 9000 RPM all the oil is going to be at the top you don't want that so blocked off open that up good to go [Music] that's it I was gonna let it smash my thumb instead of the block so the next thing we need to do on Block prep is to chamfer the top of the sleeve and that's to help with the piston ring installation and potentially premature like detonation so we don't want to don't want to blow this one up and I've safety tipped it and when you want to not hit the cylinder walls and go at like a 45 and just kind of foreign [Music] [Music] thank you and we're back welcome to the cars and cameras cooking show today we're going to be cooking up 263 cc's of sauce and it's garnished with fresh Greenery from the garden with a biscotti on the side now that I've prepared everything we're going to turn things over to Sous Chef John so we're going to be installing the bearing into the block with no hammers required so you're going to want to start by preheating your oven to 400 Degrees you're going to want to plop your bearing in the freezer for about I don't know overnight would be ideal make sure you lather up your block in some butter stick it in the oven for about 10 minutes on a non-stick pan bring it out and then you're gonna be able to plop your bearing in no problem holy matrimony tilts in 263 with biscat now that you've heard the ding the block should be ready we're looking for a warm Center oh my goodness careful now just like that you can see the difference in the temperature now that bearing will not move dropped right in now it's time for a biscat a broke character sorry so for years we've talked about how the Tillotson 212 it's a reinforced block and the block itself is made of a higher quality casting van of kind of the other options on the market this was an engine it was a 263 built by our buddy Wyatt who's been helping us this whole time on our Tillotson 263 build and as you can see it was actually reinforced here it had about 10 hours on the engine this is an electric start block too because he wanted a 263 that was electric start 10 hours in uh the engine started making a little bit more noise than usual he pulled over and saw that these huge cracks had started to form and it's a good thing he was able to pull over and shut the engine off because there's barely any material holding this block together he was able to salvage all the parts and put it in a Tillotson block non-electric start but this is just a prime example of why you use a Tillotson on your valuable high dollar high-end engine builds I mean that is that is gnarly right there if you look very carefully at the end of the threads where in the Machining process they have actually let accidentally left a little Burr right there and I bet you you know once you get this engine going that thing's going to fly out of there and just be bouncing around so there's just one example of what we're trying to take care of yep attention to detail is key here I was looking over this piston and I noticed that there was this sharp edge right here on the skirt so I'm going to go ahead and take this fresh razor blade and try and chamfer this this Edge down and you're like why are you rolling it backwards well because it's shaving it off and if you go the opposite way you have potential of putting flat spots in it you don't want to do that oh yeah nice that shouldn't scratch the cylinder wall so here's another example we love all these products we use them all the time and we're not trying to say that they're shipping dirty products this is your responsibility as a builder to go over all your parts before installation but check out what just came out of the uh the Billet side cover there and that's only one drain hole yeah you need to check everything that's been machined yep it's just part of the uh just part of the Machining process that that stays behind on some of this stuff and you know if it's a much cheaper engine you may not care but this is an expensive engine that's going to make a lot of horsepower and live at a really high RPM and one of the pieces just fell on the table so we gotta find it so here's a little Tech tip for everybody at home on your piston rings you have the writing here and that always faces it goes up towards the Piston so it faces out kind of like how it's oriented right now also another fun fact is that the uh the Piston Ring end gap on your top ring is always tighter than on your second ring and that's to prevent any air that goes by the top ring doesn't make it past the second ring and cause bounce back and cause the top ring to unseat wow that's some debris oh yeah oh we're gonna have to clean it out again well that's okay oh yeah so we got even more debris out of the cylinder we cleaned it out and we blew it out with some air and now we're getting ready to install our side cover including our o-ring so we can check our end play and shim it if necessary so yeah just sometimes when you're you got to be real careful with these machine edges can be real sharp but you want to instead of like pushing your thumb on here you want to uh you can use like a socket a smooth smooth edge socket to kind of help you use your thumb to guide the gasket and then just use the socket to uh kind of push it down in the groove I'm gonna take a little razor blade and just apply just a little bit of pressure here we go like that so now we're going to check our crankshaft in play and we've installed our shims on the flywheel side so that way we have our cam gear mesh proper or meshed perfectly is that all the way in no I need to go a little bit more no a turret you didn't see that those are all metal shavings right there off camshaft so it might not seem like much but you definitely don't want that floating around in your engine so Parts prep is pretty much done with so now we're starting to assemble some things we're going to start with doing the piston rings on the Piston to be exact I'm going to start with the Euler ring there we go everybody's got their own way of doing this but just like that you got to be careful because you can break these rings now we're going to install our rod bearings and you want to locate the bearing Tang which is kind of like it's a little tooth or alignment guide and you want to locate the same the same thing on the rod and you're going to want to get it flush nice and tight in that corner you don't want it any amount of Gap right there and you want to push the two the two ends together and down oh gosh see look look at that wanted to try and walk over so you push them down and in and you want them flush and you see how it scraped some material when I installed it you want to make sure to remove that because it will cause a high spot when you clamp the two the rod and the rod cap together there it is gonna get the pick and remove the leftover material so now we're gonna join the connecting rod with the piston with the wrist pin we're going to lube it up with some regular 30 weight oil I want to make sure we get it pretty much every mating surface that it's going to have cover that all right and the Piston arrow is pointing down and this is the way the rod points down and we'll double check that before we put the snap ring in oh yeah there we go look at that ah having trouble there we go make sure you really want to make sure that this is seated in there and a good way to do it is if it's in the groove you should be able to free spin it and the seat and we're going to do that to the other side make sure that one's good oh yeah you don't wanna rub the oil in because all you'll do is spit you'll you'll end up spinning your rings around and what I'm doing is I'm I'm making sure I'm packing the oil in and all around the Rings making sure it's not going have a dry spot you want to make sure you get you have the the road the like the high side of the crankshaft all the way down because when you you could potentially smack the crank journal with the Piston rod or the connecting rod when you go to Dr when you install it so now that it's in the compressor the ring compressor you're going to want to push it down to where the skirt start to poke out because that's going to let you line the piston piston up in the bore and you're going to want to make sure that Arrow still is pointing at you look at that all right now that it's on there flush air is pulling the right direction should be able to just all right now I might have to go a little further but we we want it in this position to install the cap and the rod bolts we're going to start things off at 60 inch pounds not foot pounds because remember one foot pound equals 12 inch pounds you don't want to do what 176 foot pounds on those you don't have a bad time so start at 60 and work our way up in 15 inch pound increments so now for the final torque 160 inch pounds oh gosh good click all right should be good to go all you got to do is sign my name in there put the cam in I guess the lifters and seal it up things that you want to lube up now and at this point in the process would be the timing gear for the cam on the crankshaft you're going to want to get all 300 get 360 Degrees around there and maybe even a little bit on this face right there you go want to get both sides of the rod so it doesn't rub on the crankshaft and then as well as the bearing all the way in the back Lube up the cam lobes real nice and you're going to want to get this gear as well all the way around I think let's see that's a good click it's real all right all right good to go we've got one of the vent holes uh vented back towards the cylinder head we're going to plug the other one and uh what is our parts guy he sent us the 90 because it's specifically meant so you can put the gas tank back on top except especially in my bike application because I need that fuel tank let's go get that snug yeah I don't have to go anywhere wipe off the excess a little bit and now we'll install that PCV all right good morning everybody so last night we got the short block assembled it's looking fantastic So today we're moving on to basically the secret sauce of the build this is a black market uh moflow one all billet cylinder head we have to thank Mark at Black Market Innovations for getting this to us and Johnny at leaned back racing for uh doing some secret work to this head we have some top secret valve springs in here Charles you want to give him a rough idea of how stiff they are oh gosh yeah you're not moving those good gracious without breaking your thumb yeah fracture your thumb uh valve spring there's a lot of really cool technology that goes into the cylinder head so check it out start with this uh nice Fire Ring we have that Johnny put in here for us and so this firing in conjunction with our copper head gasket is going to keep a good seal on our 13 to 1 compression ratio the valves are just insane so we have a 36 millimeter intake valve and a 27 millimeter exhaust valve for reference that exhaust valve on this on the cylinder head is the same size as an intake valve on a stock Predator 212 so just let that sink in some of the other things going on is that the valve placement has actually been moved around to optimize to put the intake valve centered basically for uh best flow and the uh spark plug has been repositioned to account for that so we're going to flip this thing over and you can actually see that the where the Rockers Mount are actually a little bit cocked in there and that's just to optimize the placement of that intake valve so you also have optimized Port angles for again better flow we can't tell you exactly what this cylinder head flows but it's about three times what a stock cylinder head will flow so go power sports actually just put these on their website so I'll link to these in the video description but this is an exceptional looking unit and there's just so much thought put into the design can't wait to see how it's going to perform so in order for the O-ring on the cylinder head to adhere to this copper head gasket we need to anneal it with some heat and basically just season it get it ready so when we clamp it down it's soft enough that we get a good tight bite see how it doesn't really doesn't really look like copper anymore that's what we want the final step besides torquing the head down of sealing up this combustion chamber is we're going to use some Ultra gray Ultra Ultra gray Max torque and high temperature RTV and we're going to just lightly put it on the surface of the head gasket and just kind of dab it around make sure we've got a good sealant there and doubled up there because we are blocking off this part of the oiling system of the engine centered up because it has a little bit of play just push it there we go all right now for the uh the cylinder head oh my goodness this is the first time I've seen them together this is awesome all right so let's get the uh I guess the the nuts for the head studs yeah because we did the head stud kit for this one because uh golly if it if it comes apart this cylinder head is going to orbit the Moon and we're gonna get a call from NASA and they're going to say you sent what the space for how much 20 foot pounds is 240 inch pounds so all right there's one click there's two [Applause] three all right so we're mocking up the ratio rockers right now and we're going to have to do some clearancing because the valves are offset you know horsepower so we need to clearance the shoulder right here and right here on either one because they're going to end up hitting the the what is it the valve spring cap or the actual valve spring and you don't want that to self-clearance in the engine because you know metal bad stuff boom okay so I've got the rocker arms installed started painting on the side cover looks great some good plum crazy purple now we need to move on to the push rods so this is a stock push rod this is a 3 16 performance push rod that'll work for 99.9 percent of all performance applications and then you have the quarter inch pencil that we're going to be using today built out of chromoly there are very very few mini bikes running a chromoly quarter inch push rod but uh you know 9000 RPM and as much as much spring pressure as we're gonna have wouldn't hurt to have those that's that's almost the same size push rod is in a small block Chevy I mean you weld two of these together and use it so now let's move on to uh torquing the rocker arms we're going to do 10 foot pounds oh boy all right let's go back all righty so we're gonna torque this to spec let's see click found the valve spring we've got the flywheel torqued on got the cup and we started rotating it and we realized that uh we've got some cam clearance issues possibly with the crankshaft so we're leaving it right where it's like not really bound up but doesn't want to move with without excessive force so we're going to leave it right there we're going to open the side cover up and just inspect it gentle but firm all right so we made a tool an inspection tool for an engine basically we cut a factory side cover open so where you can see the rotating assembly while it's bolted up because it's it's crucial to have the cam and the crankshaft supported so when you roll the engine over you can actually get a a perfect example of what's going on behind the side cover um and we've inspected it gone through everything and we couldn't find what we were hearing I think what we were doing is we were rolling it backwards and some in the the compression release was just hitting and making a noise so we've rolled it around all all three of us have checked it out and we can't seem to find anything so we're going to button it back up now I'm going to install the this intake port and let me tell you this is nice it's light as a feather too oh yeah it's kind of funny because um so we're gonna have to when we when we install this they don't actually make a gasket this big or if we use the factory gasket it would be like tissue paper thin all the way around so we're going to do the RTV uh dab it around all the way around and then secure this thing on you know that old saying chrome doesn't get you home well Bill it'll get you away from home really fast plum crazy purple I didn't read the instructions on the can but it looks good also carburetor oh yeah we got that we got the uh the Magic The Magic happening so I'm going to leave I guess somewhere right in there because we'll probably go and put a fuel cut off right here just for safety but yeah man what do you think about this per the purple I think it's subtle on the metal oh it's good yeah this uh our buddy Eugene uh backyard repair hooked us hooks us up with all the best colors I know and we just so happen to have enough purple left over yeah thanks man it's time for the exhaust all jokes aside because I think we're ready to start this up I'm getting excited me too oh another seal all right so we're gonna put in some Sunoco 100 octane yep Sunoco racing fuels is a sponsor of the channel they hooked us up with a pail of 260 GT which is there 100 octane fuel which we're gonna need 100 octane for this 13 to 1 compression engine I think that's enough yeah ah this is a first for cars and cameras both box all right you ready John yup all right foreign I have trouble putting these centered it's hard it's close enough all right so fast forward a couple of months and we're now three days before Minnie Mayhem and Charles's 30th birthday party at Busco Beach this weekend Ike has no idea that we built this 263 engine and we installed it on uh the super hog which we're gonna do a video on installing the engine on the bike and ripping it in a separate video but we're gonna unveil it to Ike this morning and see if he wants to take it out for a spin and some other items good morning sir how you doing I'm doing good I was just shooting uh some CR500 stuff real quick oh you're fine you're fine how's it hanging boy happy birthday Charles just in the Box why don't you find out birthday gifts was it a you know it sounds like he's choking on something maybe he's not alone in there he better be alone in there housekeeping go away more sleepy and we're having fun with this one of course one screw I don't think there's only one screw I think there's another loose one inside happy birthday to me there's a lot of screws out there what is wrong with him dude uh-oh uh-oh is that a yeah it's a different bike yeah and there's a dog toy up here so that's the noise behold the super hog remember when you called me and you're like I gotta be at work because you guys don't seem to get very much done when I'm away that's because we've been building an entirely different bike without me yes [Laughter] I expected him to say but the thank you I'm totally honestly I can't wait for you to ride it how did y'all keep this a secret from me it a lot of trips under the house seriously that's okay it's a good it's a good height a super awesome I see a very uh nice head on that I see studs in the block rather than head bolts yeah that's all you know few other things black slime hey this is just stuff extra happy birthday what external he got news for my birthday yeah happy Birthday Chuck my dogs had several of those and he you know it just so happens to be purple and that was the theme it sounds different with the Box open it sounded really weird I'm sure I'm sure yeah like what is the mystery box it's kind of sounds yeah like you were choking on something colors the best part is the forward most thing on that entire drag strip is going to be a purple dog toy [Laughter] what kind of Cam uh I'm honest we don't even know yeah it's top secret we use a blank box yeah from Mr Berry that's right how did y'all keep this a secret for so long from me like how long has this been going on uh three months maybe longer you know normal valves are like this ours are like that so you almost can't fit a piece of paper in between them nice so we're releasing the full super hog build and send in next week's episode leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed the most powerful until it's the small block we've ever built enjoy Ike ripping around here for a few minutes and we will see you this weekend at the drag strip at mini Mayhem all right yeah he likes it this thing is insane and just to show you how insane you have to park it on top dead center because otherwise you'll stress the valve springs you want them evenly sitting we'll build you one yeah because you do not want the wrist pin coming out while the engine's running because that's just that's a wrap that's an unscheduled rapid disassembly for sure all right
Channel: CarsandCameras
Views: 188,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tillotson 263cc, tillotson big bore, tillotson racing engine build, racing go kart engine, racing mini bike engine, small engine build, 263cc engine build
Id: 5ncTUWTvG1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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