TikToker Exploits Husbands Death to Sell Her Book

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actually like to pay for the person behind me my husband was brutally killed just wanted to pay for their order and also if you can tell them too that today um is the anniversary of when my husband was laid to rest after he was brutally killed well guys prepare to get angry now normally the stuff we talk about on this channel is Pretty innocent and light-hearted but every now and then I come across something that is just genuinely objectively bad and today is one of those days now we are not strangers to seeing people do bad things on Tik Tok we've seen our fair share but what we're going to be looking at today might actually just be the most disgusting thing we've ever covered and it comes by way of the tick tocker Lisa Mia who was a self-proclaimed author SLP poet who was using her quote husband's brutal death as a way to promote her writing unfortunately I am not joking if you go to This Woman's Tik Tok page there are dozens and dozens of Tik toks where she starts off the video by saying something like my husband was brutally murdered and then she goes into reciting a poem or tells you to go buy her book on Amazon and it gets even worse when you learn that the man she's basing all of this around was not even actually her husband they were never married and this woman was not even mentioned in his obituary yet she has seemingly dedicated her entire life to using this man's death as a way to promote her dream of being a writer apparently the family of this man is absolutely disgusted and in no way in support of what this woman is doing yet she continues using this man's death as a way to build a social media presence and sell books now I could honestly sit here for like an hour going through this account because basically every single Tik Tok has something to do with this woman's deceased boyfriend but I went through and I picked out some that I really think highlight how insane this situation is and the absurdity of what this woman is doing so let's not waste any more time let's begin Please Subscribe I actually like to pay for the person behind me today is um national day of remembrance for homicide victims and my husband was brutally killed so um I just wanted to give some love today and I hope that you know if anybody that you lost and I I feel like there is somebody and she's watching you she's watching you all the time and she loves you okay so yeah this is a real video with real people at a real drive-thru and this woman somehow thinks this is socially acceptable behavior hey uh can I get a Big Mac um extra sauce please by the way H Quake fact about my husband I mean seriously who does this and why are you recording it if it's really for the homicide victims and it's really just to let this girl know somebody loves her why would you record it it's because it's not for those reasons you want people to find this video feel bad for you explore your page and buy your book out of pity or read your poems even though they don't want to there's no reason to film this and posted online whatsoever unless you're trying to benefit off of it so um this is for the people behind me I [Music] know I actually record these things could can you say hi to people this is Trinity thank you for being so we need more kindness okay um sure I can get on board with that more kindness can't be a bad thing but uh this is not kindness this is exploitation which is like the direct opposite of kindness I mean even if the husband thing had nothing to do with this I find it very strange when people feel the need to record themselves doing nice acts it's the same thing when people like record themselves giving food to the homeless when you record these things and add cheesy music and then post them onto Tik Tok it's really hard for me to believe you do these things for any other reason than a pat on the back all right so she really enjoys putting cheesy copyrighted music over her talking so I'm going to be talking over these next two videos which are about the book in question so the book is called Juliet lives which is in reference to Romeo and Juliet she's Juliet Romeo is dead so Juliet lives which I feel like is a terrible title even if you aren't doing all of this on Tik Tok I don't know maybe that's just me but it's interesting to me how this video talking about her book and how to buy it has no tears no balling no crying no over-the-top acting about how she's missing her husband so badly and this is the pinned video on her account not something to do with her husband or the story what actually happened no the one thing that this all ties into to make her money yeah I find that very peculiar now in the next video she's responding to a comment about what the book is about and how it's about his murder the injustice how she's been healing and how she's been dealing with life afterwards she continues to say that it's partially about how he turned her into a better person and made her stronger and then quotes one of the most disrespect ful lines I have ever heard written in my entire life this man was brutally murdered and part of that murder was him getting set on fire and this woman wrote in her book there's a fire in me greater than the fire he was consumed alive in I think we have definitive proof that haunting does not exist because if anybody's getting haunted it's This Woman This is like something you'd hear in a diss track not a book dedicated to a deceased person thank you yeah I just wanted to pay for their order and also if you can tell them too that today um is the anniversary of when my husband was laid to rest after he was brutally killed you are an insane person who does this who raised you who taught you this is okay Behavior yeah I'm going to pay for the person's cheeseburger behind me but uh can you tell them that my husband was killed today can you drop that bomb on them for me huh you only get paid $8 an hour no no no you don't get it it's for a Tik Tok I mean how can you be this Shameless I don't get it you don't want to make a difference you don't actually want to spread love you want validation on Tik Tok and attention for your book if that wasn't true you would take this money and donate it somewhere meaningful like I don't know maybe the organization of justice for homicide victims but that probably wouldn't be as easy to record right and that um I saw that they're also military so please thank them for their service for me oh wow and even if you can't remember all that I have a letter for you to give to them imagine burdening a fast food worker with all this nonsense and then tricking yourself into thinking you're doing a good deed husband wife partner spouse these are not just legal titles with paperwork um yeah they kind of are but there's more pressing matters right now any heart players watching this video is this a real method a Kimbo Harps surely this cannot be efficient it's so much more when Souls usually to love each other so much that before the government gets involved their Union is already signed in commitment to each other and sealed with a verbal promise of loyalty through ups and downs successes Joys challenges in whatever life throws choosing each other in this life over and over and in some cases like mine forever yeah uh sure but if you don't marry somebody they're not your husband I mean you could call them like your life partner your soulmate whatever but saying he's your husband is purposefully misleading and you know that there's a connotation with the word husband that is causing you to use that word over the word boyfriend and you're doing it for your own gain Rob and I said our vows create L to one another no paperwork he was killed before we could do that our families and friends look forward to celebrating our Union like we should have the month he was killed this is an absolutely crazy thing to say because there are people on Tik Tok who have come out as this Man's family members and they've said he wasn't even really dating you when he died and he was actually with somebody else and that they don't even really know you to say that you were his fiance and people were looking forward to a wedding I don't know who's lying but based off This Woman's Behavior I know who I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt my husband was murdered in one of the most gruesome homicides in Florida yet here I am and I'm telling you if you're in pain I write poems I write people affirmations and if you need one just drop a comment this video is a prime example of what this woman is doing she's talking about something completely unrelated writing people poems and affirmations and for some reason she feels the need to include that her husband died in a gruesome murder like does that make you more credible as a poem and affirmation writer like why would you say this if not just to get people's attention I mean this is genuinely nothing more than milking a person's death in order to try and get people to comment on your Tik Tok video so it gets boosted into the algorithm there's absolutely no reason to mention any of this now I can go on and on like I said there are dozens of videos just like this but they're basically all the same she goes through a drive through she recites a poem for a random commenter she sings a song starting off every single video whether it's relevant or Not by saying my husband was brutally murdered with the way she treats this situation alongside what the supposed family members have said about this woman it seems like she might honestly just be using a random person's death that she heard about to boost her Tik Tok and her book and honestly don't know which situation would be worse well guys what are your thoughts what do you think about this situation this is definitely one of the more Despicable things I've covered on this channel I mean every single day I am surprised at the links people will go and the lows people will stoop to to get attention on the internet I mean if this woman was close to this man when this happened obviously that's a terrible thing to have to go through but to be milking his death every single day of your life 13 years after it happened for no other reason than to try and sell a book you wrote that's unforgivable if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and walk on over to that subscribe button and touch it it's free it won't cost you anything but for now that's all I have for you today bye [Music] subscribe
Channel: AugustTheDuck
Views: 319,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: augusttheduck, august the duck, august theduck, augustthe duck
Id: GYKHoslvjvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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