TikTok Tech Hacks need to STOP

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- Today, we are testing some TikTok tech tips with the tech tinker himself, Mr. Yeester. Are you ready to pour water onto hard drive? - Let's do it. - Okay, here goes nothing. (cheering) - It's still working. - It's getting back to work. It's trying. - That just evaporated, soon it's spinning so fast. - [Both] It like sizzles. - So we're gonna see what happens when you put a marker on a running hard drive. - Ooh, that's cool. - Hey, you're just writing some custom data right on hard drive. - 1 0 1 1, should go without saying but do not try this at home. (both laughing) We're just gonna unplug this real quick here. - So we were recording at 10 times slower than regular speed. So this is at 240 frames per second. (both cheering) - Do you see the water coming flying toward the lens? - That's so cool. (laughing loudly) And the thing about this is you can just recover this probably sell this hard drive on eBay. Who's gonna know? - Oh my God, that's some villains. - Don't do that. - That's full like chaotic evil. So what happens if I try to like open something on a hard drive? How about I open up the OS Drive? Oh, there you go. - Oh, no, it's not working. (upbeat music) No, okay, we killed the hard drive. (laughing loudly) - For next, TikTok tech tip. We're gonna be using Flex Seal. The world famous liquid rubber ceiling coating. - When I did this in a TikTok a little while ago, I used a different hydrophobic spray as a way to try to waterproof a computer. And today we're trying with Flex Seal. - Wow, that's really thick. - There we go. I mean, it looks pretty cool. - I don't like how it bubbles after you hear it. - Bubbles a lot. - Okay, so. - It's really covering up everything. Oh my goodness. And the reason we have all of the components already plugged in is because this flex spray is actually going to block all of our connective pads. And so if we try to plug in each of these components, after we spray it on, we're not gonna be able to get any connectivity. - So it has been 12 hours. - Give or take? - And it is time to see what monstrosity have we wraught. Wow, that's thick. - I mean, it has dried. - It is dry enough. That actually looks, this looks like an art piece. - It does. - I think we did good. - I'm gonna like, hang this up on my wall. Afterwards, I think this is gonna work as if it was out of the box. - I think it will probably fire up. The question I have is will the fan blade spin? And because there's so much rubber on it, it might just overheat. Some weird thing is just gonna overheat - I just spend life. - Oh my God, is it actually? - They we go. (audience cheering) - Flex Seal for the win! - It's alive. - Not only does it work, it's working fine, dude. - This might be the only PC that's ever been covered with the Flex Seal. - We're well good point, world first. - This is working with flex seal but the point of flex seal is what? - Waterproofing. - The waterproofing. - Do not try this at home. Oh God. - It feels so wrong. - Look at beading up. - Oh, flex seal. Shout out to flex seal. - I mean this is a running computer that we're spraying water. If you sprayed water on this without the flex seal, it would likely just have stopped working right away. - It would just immediately. - Oh, what is that? - USB device not recognized. So something on the board just stopped working with USB. - Interesting 'cause there's nothing USB plugged in. - No. - At all. - One of the, maybe the control, oh, yep. - USB devices are popping, but it is still running right now. I think we should quit while we're ahead and immediately stop before something breaks. 'Cause I feel like this was a wild success. I'm gonna now unplug this gently from the wall. There we go, all, right. - Wow. - Successfully flex sealed and waterproofed a PC. - Dude, that is awesome. - All a day's work. - Well done. - Next up we have what should be a simple challenge? - Can we find cash hidden inside gaming PCs? - A little while ago, I hid a $100 bill inside of a CPU which I personally think is the best hiding spot for this. Three, two, one, go. Okay, so it's gonna start with this one and as plug this right here. Oh no, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So this one is gonna go right here. (cheering) Cool, alright that one's done. This one, I'm gonna put right here. This feels like a good spot. If it will go in which it will. - 30 seconds left. - Uh oh that doesn't fit there. Okay, I'm gonna go back to that one. Nope, nope, I won't, okay. - 20 seconds left. (laughing) - Okay, okay, okay, okay, that's not good. That's not good. Okay, I'm gonna put that one there. - 10 seconds. - Okay, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds. - Five, four, three, two, one, time. - Time, all right, I did, I did, I did, okay. I will be over here, I will have the 60 second counter. - Three, two, one, begin. - Oh my gosh, 60 seconds is not a lot of time. I might have tried a hundred. Hide the hundred dollars bill first - 40 seconds. - Oh my goodness. - 30, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. - That was not a lot of time. So I'm only a little confident. - Play Rock Paper Scissors to see who goes first. - Okay. - Rock Paper Scissors. - Okay, you get to go first. - All right, one minute on the clock. Are you ready? - I'm ready? - Set, begin! - All right, all panels open, that's a good sign. See where I can find right now. There's a $5 bill. Easy peasy. I don't see a lot else though. I do see money, but I can't reach it. - Oh, oh, that seems like a problem. - Oh, here's a $1 bill. - Okay. - All right. - 40 seconds. - All right, I'm actually not seeing the last bill. Oh, in the world is it? That's a good hiding spot. - You have 24 seconds. - Oh my good, oh, I found it. It's right back here. I can't get that either. (laughing) Yes I can. (cheering) My fingers are too big. - 10 seconds, 10 seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six. (cheering) - No. - I got it all. I got it all. - So my best case scenario is I find all of your money and I tie. - Wow, all right. Three , two, one, go! - Okay, so, one, two, there, okay. I see money right here. And oh, you're right. That's really hard to get. Oh no, it fell, it fell, hang on. I've got a dollar bill. I also see it's 20 right here. Okay, so I've got two. Oh, I see a five right here. Three, all right. I'm missing the hundred. Where's the hundred, behind the motherboard. - 30 seconds. - All right, where's the hundred? Where's the hundred? - It's the one you want? - It's the one I want, my only shot here. Fan, fan - 20 seconds. - It's not here, it's not here, no. (laughing) No, no. - 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, one! - Where was it? Where was it? - The CPU. - Oh my dude, that is, oh, wow. - I like this game, we should play more. - Go back to TikTok already. So Adam did a video on how to correctly drive, would be the right way to put it? So I trust my skills. Do you trust my skills? - I do, I believe in you. - I get some practice in first. So I'll get it, it's fine. I've just gotta warm up. (upbeat music) So slightly missed that one. Practice makes perfect. - You're using your pointer finger. - No, no, that's not it. All right, Charles Barkley. - Oh, here we go, oh, see, already - Don't they call that a chip shot. I'm ready for real, I'm ready for real. (upbeat music) (laughing) Thank you for watching. Make sure to subscribe. Go check out Adam's channel. So with a high quality Mr. Yeester video playing. Next up we're gonna try something that I've seen you do in the past. Which is to remove the RAM while it's running. So I'm just gonna do it. - Go for it. (cheering) - Okay, so. - That's awesome. - Is it, I mean, it's modern. At this point, the computer should be inaccessible. - What happens if I get rid of the other stick of RAM? - Let's find out. (cheering) - Wow. - Do you think plugging them back in will just fix the problem while it's still running? - Let's find out. Okay, so nothing on that one, right? Oh, I might have switched the sticks of RAM though. My video's leaking into the other. - Nope, no bueno. - The experiment here is if you bend a pin on your CPU socket are you just immediately gonna just have a huge problem or is there some scenario in which a bent pin will not cause you major problems? - There's a lot of different pins that have a lot of different roles. Hopefully, we can cut one that isn't important. - I think somewhere between most and all of them are important, but maybe there's a couple and we'll get lucky. Dude, this is, I mean, I can really push this if I want these pins are way more durable than I thought. - There we go. - Oh, that's okay. So we got, oh, so you know what else though? I didn't think about this. So when you do that, not only does that mess up that pin, it mess all the pins around it because oh. - The connective pads might be touching different pins. - Like four or five pins, oh, that'll. So there's no way this is gonna work out. There's no way. - Well, a lot of this video's not particularly practical but it's interesting to learn this stuff so that you don't have to do it yourself. - Oh, you have a second. - Okay, that's a way better sound. - We've got lights over here. - Let's go, okay. But can we get a signal? - Well, you win some, you lose some - Today, we lost the pin lottery. That's okay, we can always play again next time. - So you did a TikTok, not too long ago, showing how to turn your phone into a gaming setup. - Well, I really just plugged a USB-C adapter into my old Android phone, plugged some more accessories into that and it really just came to life. - So today I have a Samsung Galaxy S22. This phone particularly because as much as I love the Z Flip, it is missing a very important feature, Samsung DeX. - Fun fact on iOS, this is not particularly usable. You can kind of get HDMI if you use an adapter but no games will support. It's just not gonna work very well. So with just a mouse and keyboard plugged in, I have a mouse cursor that's available on my Android phone so I can use it to swipe through. And the keyboard works as well. So I plug in my monitor. - Oh, and just like that. - There it is. - It comes to life. - And so with this, I do a bunch of stuff, right. So if I want, I can open up an app and see I can pick up exactly where I left off. Previously, Android apps were kind resizable but not really. But because basically every Android app is optimized. At least most of them are optimized for Chrome OS. You actually can have properly like usable apps and you see it. Performance is really not bad at all. So with this, we can turn our phone into a proper gaming PC. - Wait, then why do you have, where do you have a PC right there? - Where? - So the one, the big old, the big. - I'll immediately say this is very nice. - That's even like 60 FPS. That's pretty smooth. - We've got 60 FPS. Now we are running at only 1080p which is one of the limitations of DeX. Unless I think you may be able to go higher. I think 1440 or something. If you buy one of these Samsung docks but I'm just using a completely generic dock. The only caveat that you really need to keep in mind with this. Some Android apps and specifically when it comes to games, do not want you to do this. Pretty much entirely because they don't want you to cheat. So, certain games, if they detect a mouse and keyboard plugged into your device, will straight up ban you instantly. So do at your own risk. However, assuming that my phone is not a million degrees right now, this you could tell me is running on a low-end PC. And I would not question it - Dude, oh my goodness. Oh my God, Austin. - You're too stupid to breed. You're too stupid to live. - You actually know what happens if you try to use this phone while it's also playing DeX. - I have no idea try it. - It seems like I can. Oh my goodness. Your keyboard is now typing in here as well. - Okay, so maybe don't touch the phone. - You've broken it. - Give me an example again. Oh my God. - It's controlling both the screen and it's typing. There's a few caveats to this apparently. (upbeat music)
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 677,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tik tok, mryeester, mr yeester, pc, gaming pc, hard drive, hdd, slow motion, slow mo, flex seal, gpu, graphics, gaming, cpu, bent pin, motherboard, samsung, dex, samsung dex, austin, austin evans, denki, this is
Id: 5ziraX8V-x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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