TikTok "Millionaire" Is Actually Poor

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okay so I found this Tik Tok account where actually I didn't just find it he's been around for a while I've even made a video on him before but I've just seen his videos have started blowing up again he's called Luke Dez and he goes by millionaire Mentor he follows zero people which means he's really cool and he's one of these like Financial Guru type people but it's not legit like I have a very strong suspicion this is not legit just by watching his videos his videos are kind of like these sketches that are very obviously set up turn your phone into a cash machine walk like the king or walk like you don't give a [ __ ] Optimus Prime is talking to reorge pulling up to dinner in the 200kg wagon after making a doctor's yearly salary this morning from Trading you just did it though in his Sports directory he dresses like you in 2017 he just needs a brioke pink T-shirt on Angry worker learns to trade move your [ __ ] motor give me a set mate I'm move now we've got this is very real by the way Alex this is an actual altercation that happens this isn't staged why is there like these crazy Uprising in like staged content in like the UK recently where like people people can't tell but you can really tell with this it says no parking on the [ __ ] gate no on your angry you what's up with you you self entitled little pricks like you driving G wagons my boss drives a G wagon and he's a man my boy driving a dwagon and he is a mic yeah he's just gone wait what's what's the script again m drives a G wagon and I do not like him very much I would like a pay rise that's not what that's why they're not showing his head he's just holding a script like that and reading it he's got lines written all over his body what else am I going to do I can show you what I do mate there are other things you can do got time for that have you tried making money online no this is like us in 2019 when we told everybody we know to start a YouTube channel jump in I'll show you what I do inviting a random man into your G wagon is a bit weird George it's a bit SU I'd say press by there have a look at that you've made over a grand profit already sorry can Luke do tell us what he just did cuz I would like to know it's a it's a con Alex I I mean I wanted to kind of dance around it at the start so like it's not like defamation or whatever but this is a scam you got you don't make a grand in like a sec you don't press by and then make a grand this is a con is it like one of those pyramid schemes I don't know it's it's he's like sending a course or some [ __ ] I don't know who's buying this I feel as though if you're if you're buying this gu course you you've kind of bought it on yourself to lose that money Luke have you seen what Josh has said no what' he say mate he looks so uncomfortable on camera he looks like a dear in headlights there in every video but he's been doing this for years yeah Luke what's wrong he said mate you're so full of it what this guy is yeah love to see you in real life oh [ __ ] me I mean I've never had anyone say anything bad to me in person but if this guy catches me I'm in trouble mate hang going a sec I recognize that room that's his mom's bedroom she's definitely full of it he just says something with such little Charisma who is bying this course he's not exactly got that like Jordan belf for like type of energy yeah he's not like a charismatic fig even like someone like Andrew Tate is he has Charisma on his side this guy he has all the Charisma of a brick like there's nothing to it the UK is a terrible place to live to right first time we've agreed on anything Luke is he wrong up to 45% Income Tax Plus 20% VAT on everything you purchase crime rate so high that all you ever hear about is stabbings and burglaries around you it's always raining you're always getting fines for your letter box as you parked in the wrong place what Luke why are you still living here then you're quite clearly still living in England if you got all this money leave Luke will be starting a pub in Spain in the new year now we're being told we might have to fight in a war what are we fighting for just because two governments have a disagreement we've got to then risk our lives and these fat politicians can go on the news and talk about how we've all got a fight they won't be fighting to be fair George he's spitting facts right now I mean on some some things he is some other things it's like it's like an after chat you know like 4 in the morning at a kitchen table they govern sucker they're awful so I'm sat in the G wagon just got some food from tesos and all of a sudden a broke person appears at the window oh my God oh my God Luke um you were just taking the make out of the government but you've lost me he goes can I have some money I say I don't actually carry cash M but what I'm going to do for you is something a lot better I went into Tesco went to Tesco Mobile I bought him a brand new iPhone what was that sorry what was that animation there he just mov to PLO just in case you don't know what it's like to walk into a Tesco and I said mate this is all you need this is going to be your ticket to freedom and financial success George he has done him a bit of a disservice here he's put on a Tesco Mobile contract yeah that is that is you've shaed him a bit there yeah it's kind of messed up actually he said thank you so much how can I repay you I said don't worry just suck my [ __ ] that's where this is going isn't it he's now making thousands of pounds a month just using the phone that I gave him could you imagine you're his mate and suddenly some guy handed to the WhatsApp group chat you go who is this bloke and he goes homeless man no but it's like a page chat he was so generous he let him join the page chat that other people have to pay for for some [ __ ] reason why don't we have like a PID check cuz I don't want to [ __ ] talk to people Alex I don't care if you pay me I'm not I'm not talking to random people I don't want to we could rinse them for so much cash January is officially almost over but let's have a look how much I've made in the last month as you can see I've made 399,000 in the last month you haven't mate no stop waffling how do I do this so these are the type of people that fall for this how do I do this man do you think he's just going to tell you by the way look at you doing fuckle with your life again he's like 4 foot is he like look that's a chair but why is he got a throne in his empty house like there's no rug there's nothing on the wall there's no Furnishings he's just got a [ __ ] cheap throne in his house it's very much like rich person's first Department Vibes isn't it you probably went out last night spent a quarter of your monthly wage trying to pull a three out of 10 and you still got rejected and then you stumbled home to your box room and now you've woke up today with a headache and you think because it's the weekend you deserve some time off you don't deserve [ __ ] yeah well Luke you woke up with that trim so who's really winning here gets his haircut in that Throne he never gets off it he only goes from there to his G wagon and back to the throne that's where he makes he has to make all his money either on a throne or in a G wagon he just sat there for like 7 hours a day today I've earned 30 grand I've earned more than your yearly salary just today if you're ready to stop being a loser then I'll help you otherwise carry on I'm going to carry on George I don't know about you he gave me the option I'm choosing that one yeah I'm choosing to carry on thank you look though day in the life of a rich and famous Trader wining use the spot banked over 9k while using the spa this is absolute bollocks it's so incredible he goes to the hotel he just goes to a local hotel after doing nothing can we recreate this but it's like at like an Ibis an yeah holiday in the thing I love most about trading is it allows me total freedom to do whatever I want every single day spent over £560 on dinner what was that what was that was that picture just then just it just cuts her he's just so uncomfortable it's like when you point a camera at a dog like it just give you that look so I was recently in Costa Coffee in the queue waiting to get a coffee and the person in front of me is wait what he was in Costa Coffee waiting in the queue to get a coffee and Costa Coffee no way that's insane he's not a very good Storyteller is he like he he doesn't grip you with his stories up so I was in Costa Coffee and there was someone who car declines so I was in uh Kentucky Fried Chicken waiting for them to give me some Kentucky Fried Chicken and ducky Fried Chicken after a few attempts they started crying and they said to the member of Staff I'm they broke down crying in cost a coffee you spell my name wrong again no it's cuz their card got declined Alex and they were very upset about that so they cried in front of Luke Dez and he saved their life or something I said listen I'm going to pay for your lunch I tapped my card and I said I've got this for you and I could see this person was distressed and obviously struggling for money so I said said do you want to join me for some lunch I've got something that might interest you so I made them pay for my course I made them pay to join my telegram chat I like the idea of him paying for their like pupcake and then grabbing them like getting really close to them and just going I own you now you are in my pocket until you pay off this coffee I own you what house have you got what watch have you got oh this is a song he's made for some reason what car you got what job have you got do you make online are you making a lot if not come see what I got ha ha did you enjoy that that's a really good adlib my favorite adlib is when they go ha like a really real laugh it has to be semi parody I don't think so he's selling [ __ ] yeah but I think he's like using this like Persona to get attention but the worst part about it is I think that a lot of people who buy it don't realize that it's a Persona I think if you spoke to it' be like yeah I'm do this to like it's a laugh well yeah I know he's not actually believing the stuff he's saying no but then I reckon he'd go but you'd be amazed at how many people actually generally then by the course which is the worrying part but I think some people watch this and they go what but they actually fool for it which is crazy a day in the life of a fulltime Trader after placing the morning trades but heang he just takes a little drive to Buckingham Palace just a nice brick drive to Buckingham Palace and now the king is ill coincidence he actually advises the royal family on on their Investment Portfolio headed to the festar hotel got some food then got some drinks and some more food was that a cross on a very like fancy looking cross on is it not a crossant mate what is that I don't like that it looks like it's made out of plastic it you know like children's toy crossant it looks like a children's toy cross on oh that's what you get with your five star luxury hotel life then went to harod got some shopping spent a few thousand another successful day up 20K for the day on the tray that I placed earlier he always walks around like he shat himself like constantly in every video he just Waddles it's like he doesn't know where he's going are you lost Luke taking the 20K dog for a spin of the 20K Ju the 20K dog I've never seen someone Flex the price of a dog before why would you spend 20 grand on a dog Luke yo so you think you're the best Trad that's a [ __ ] sofa I'm sorry why is the seat so long how long are you especially because we've watched all these videos and he seems to have no friends so I've set these P BS each one has a price on it and that's what I want you to make today M this is going to be easy what up to 100K you got 3K 5K Little Numbers man you have to man something day yeah go on 10K that's too easy that should be easy enough shouldn't it but the thing is this guy does trading not everyday trading are you going to win even if you're the best Trader in the world not every day you're going to be up that's ridiculous like it goes up and down up and down up and down you're not going to win every day his house is the barest thing on the planet it's cuz it's a [ __ ] like Airbnb Alex this isn't his house like he doesn't live here no one lives here it's a shell of a house there's nothing in it there's a pool table and his thrown and that's it I to be fair that's all you need in [Music] life trading reaction video this is going to go off okay look at this what he does with his cursor he's just scanning all this stuff as if that's going to tell as if he's like hyper analyzing this no you don't understand he's controlling the chart of his brain he's hacked into the main frame the new year has started and we're already making why is he standing like that I don't know he looks like a child that's about to ask if you can play games on your phone your jeans are too tight Luke yes I'm a multi-millionaire yes I've got the 200 Grand G wagon he just Parks it by the pool as you do so I was recently sat on my oh my God Geor George George George mate George so recently I was sat on my Throne so I was recently sat on my throne in the Mansion drinking some fine Salon Champagne this is just such a sad sight like he's just got an empty house with nothing in it but a thrown in a pool table King Charles be like ever since Lizzy passed away I was recently just settled by a friend I went over to the gate and it was of course a struggling worker from the local Kebab shop he said bro oh of course it was cuz they always turn up when they just pull up to his house you ever have that the struggling worker at the kebab house just turn up to your house and go can I have a few quid please I always get it's either the Kebab guy or the bloke who works at the local londis they just they line up that was me ringing on the bus I had an appointment to view the house as the leas is up I'm really struggling to feed my family he works at a kebab shop could he takes some of the kebabs I'm really struggling to feed my family boss man only pays me66 an hour I said listen there's other ways you can actually make money using your mobile phone have you ever heard of Tik Tok live he just runs like you know like how Andrew Tate ran like a like a house with like girls in for like webcamming this is what he actually does in this big house he just sets up people like Kebab shop workers on Tik Tok live I'm going to find like six vulnerable people and I'm going to rent out a house and I will just make them live stream 6 hours a day and I will Farm them luk if you was working at McDonald's how would you expect Escape earning minimum w why does he sat like why why does he always stood or sat in the most ridiculous ways he looks terrified he always looks terrified to be on camera he does look like a man who's scared to be in his own body so I was driving around in the G wagon doing a bit of Christmas shopping we do have to analyze like the effect The Wolf of Wall Street had on like men Jord Belford walked so Luke Dez could run Leonardo DiCaprio romanticized him and it was a mistake there was a man crying I pulled up beside him and I said mate what's wrong he said Christmas is leaving me broke I can't even to buy any presents for my kids why does he always find these people that cry in public I maybe see someone crying in public once every 5 years yeah but we also go out once every 5 years and Luke is always out on the town he's a highly socialable chat he's saving people's lives he's just making the most out of the rental cost of the G wagon he's just constantly driving around look at the bio of this video I saved his Christmas all right Santa I said listen you need to make a second income what you should be doing is making money using your phone you've got a smartphone use it in a smart way he said no I've not even got a smartphone I said don't worry I'm going to get you a Christmas present then so I went in CES and I bought him a brand new iPhone a smartphone and then I added him to my group and he made loads of money we get it bought him a Nokia brick he shirtless now why are you shirtless luk like wait he's got his name up above his garage does he oh my God is is generally what he's hung up on the wall is it just so you remember your name there is not a f in that head look look just look at him me when I accidentally click walk here on my SIM you when I go around a little roundabout round and round and round shirtless these charts right here are the reason I'm able to live in a multi-million pan house sky and holiday every month George I think this has made me really worried about the state of this country no I think the country is in a great Direction Alex look at all these comments help me bro link me up bro info please I feel bad for these people my college teacher made fun of me I said I become a selfmade millionaire I don't need to get a job and now he drives a rented car so how do do you feel and now I make Tik toks where I walk around shirtless you lose College teacher on average drug dealers only make2 to 5,000 a month it makes no Luke who are you talking to there's nobody else in the room there's no one there it's his throne he sits his phone opposite him and talks to it as if there's someone in it he's got like a printed out picture of Jordan belf for cell taped to the throne he's got like a blowup doll with Steven Bart's face put on it and he just pretends he's on Diary of a CEO Steven's going quick OTE something nutritional that I'm invested in now but Luke actually does all the Steven bartlet's lines as well so he just breaks into a Hu sponsorship 6 months ago I found something that really changed my life H greens I am an investor in this company by the way probably most likely you know me and my girlfriend we both just love hu greens I love hu greens when you're out and realize you only made 30,500 profit per day so you panic and put the G Wagon in sport blast race home so you can make more and you crash head on collision with a family of four killing all of them instantly you crash into the window of a primary school make the entire building collapse kill hundreds look at that [ __ ] thing can you imagine working in that there's no need like okay you've made it in life that's fair enough but you don't need to like such a [ __ ] loser you working that [ __ ] all cuz you imagine just walking through town just going oh Subway but then the thing is right it's Easter time we going go [ __ ] Subway workers oh they suck andbody he walks through the door and goes um yes me bu marinar a foot long Italian and Herb no he only eats five star hotels Alex he doesn't eat poor people food he only eats rich people food like like Lego crossant how can you be working in that for £8 an hour for the rest of your life when there's so many ways to make money online so many opportunities you're just not looking you're not looking hard enough you're not working hard enough probably because they've got morals and they don't want to scam people for money I'd assume that's probably the reason why not everybody wants to like scam scam innocent people into the idea that they could become millionaires like you to be fair if they're getting scammed by this [ __ ] they deserve it yeah but that will be why most people don't do the scamming people don't want to sink to his level just to make more money like they just don't want that would you rather be on 8 an hour for the rest of your life working in a warehouse or be luke Dez Alex I would generally rather work in a warehouse and have like an ordinary life than risk making myself look like this for like 200k a year I'm struggling to be afford the monthly on my Nissan cash C the m is in the a she's given him grief that he needs to work more hours speaking to a Steven Bartlet blowup do again and I said listen there's a way to make money online and it's actually very easy all you need is a smartphone and I can show you the way it's not a problem at all do you know I can tell that Luke is broke people who actually do these fake podcasting always have the sh sm7 be in front of them even if they're not talking to anybody they at least make the effort to buy the podcast microphone whereas Luke won't even do that he's just taking a photo in front of a car used my computer to try create an online income found four extra that's a really sick piece of art you got that's a cool picture man it's like The Wolf of Wall Street is it cuz it's the ball from Wall Street started making a few F this P why why is this so face could finally buy whatever I wanted so wore three watches at one time do you not know how to tell the time you only need one of those you idiot why does he sat like that is that wait hang on I'm trying to figure out how we sat wait is it like this I don't I don't know oh but felt he's he was missing something what was he missing I need to teach others how to become successful me when I am working on my laptop what are you do for a living bro so I'm actually a Forex oh oh he's actually got an interviewer here so I'm actually a Forex Trader consistently I make hundreds of thousands of pounds per month yeah this is a legit interview so we're here at the home of Luke Dez house tour we're here at the home of Luke Dez it is uploaded to Luke Dez's account this you you're his mate you're the guy who sits in his car and goes mud every time he says something crazy just wondering if we could have a house tour yeah yeah going then you might as did he just teleport in it's just nothing in the house Alex what would you do if someone came to your house with a microphone and can I have a house tour please well that's what the shotgun is for George so let me show you around mate you need an interior designer come on we have the living room right here the living room is just like a camping chair so this room isn't really used that much cuz you have no friends I'm not really a chef so I don't really cook much most night [ __ ] it out he doesn't just deliver room every day there utility room but I'm looking a guy there there's nothing this house is Barren come Mom can you go out for a couple of hours L did you see what David just said about you this gu B behind the camera now said I'm a belland yeah what the [ __ ] the point then I might as well give up my millionaire lifestyle give away the gwor and give away all my watches and just get a job in Tesco with David there's no point if David thinks I'm a Bellin I might as well give up uh to be fair I agree like you should so I'm sitting in the G Wagon in the car park is he really big or is that a tiny cost of coffee that's just a normal cost of coffee he's just just 9t tall yes when you've made it when you're with a captive animal in Dubai you're so cool I love when people flex stuff like this here I am in Dubai with an animal that's been stolen from its home and is probably treated absolutely terribly by these [ __ ] nut jobs in Dubai also if you go on holiday to Dubai no offense I don't know if you've been yours you might have I have been to Dubai then you are a [ __ ] loser and you need to go to places in the world that are actually interesting apart from the city of [ __ ] knobz like this man people always say me Luke you're the Big G driving around your 200 Grand G no one has ever said that no one has uttered those words you've got millions of pounds you've got a sixpack blah blah blah he gives me the creeps he's like I don't know he just he just doesn't talk or act like a human sorry what okay I was a fat millionaire what was I thinking I got a new car do you want to see it oh why have you got a new car I just fancy getting a new one nothing nothing amazing nothing amazing that's why you put in every video is he flexed on his M yeah I guess so like And subscribe or I'll turn up at your mom's house in my G wagon and flex on her
Channel: Memeulous
Views: 350,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cGVeSymM1k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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