Megan Thee Stallion Sued, Benzino Clears Gay Rumors, Roseanne Barr And MORE! | TEA-G-I-F

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[Music] hey y it's your girl Claudia Jordan we're back with t GF we're here to Spill the tea and break down the biggest headlines in the news and on social media so sit back relax get you something to drink and get ready to sip on this hot tea we have for you this evening please welcome Al right what's up Al hey what's going on Claudia just here on this hump day and ready to get through half we halfway through the week halfway through the week right hey thank goodness all right and please welcome Arman Wiggins what's up Arman hello what's going on I'm chilling I'm excited Al you look real peachy today I like it all Plum like yes okay so I hear one of y'all drinking and one is not so uh which one is it of course we know I'm the Drinker here after my day I deserve to drink too definitely me drinking you had a rough day today well you know this is my day where I work four jobs so I feel like you know to keep that energy up and give them what they want I got to have a little sip a little every now again when you say you work four jobs tell take us through what do you do yeah your day because I need $100 I start in the morning I teach at boy State University so I have two sections that I teach um then after that I go into to my consulting job that I work I have clients that I work with daily after that I go into my YouTube show which I've moved a different time on it it comes on at 2 p.m. uh Pacific and 5:00 p.m Eastern which is a 45 to an hour minute show and then after that I go straight into this show which is my main bread and butter which is tjf and I really enjoy doing this short lot thanks Claudia of course that's a long day though that's a long day a l wearing you out right now like what's wrong with look as long as Dy still exists and I can die these grades we G to be okay we have to get you some atero yes I heard it does wonders does it really does it give you energy too it does and it makes you be able to focus I definitely have have Attention Deficit Disorder so when I really am like it actually actually helps you let me not advertise here on tjf I'm not uh promoting it but I'm just saying if you needed it talk to your doctor about not being able to f and a lack of energy like it gave me a lack of energy when I really was dragging and it's I found it helped with the mood so you know when you exhausted you know all right well let's give the soulmates what they came for Megan the stallion's former cameraman is suing her after claiming Megan forced him to watch her have sex with another woman he also claimed that she fat shamed him and berated him before she was he was fired in 20123 now he's seeking unpaid wages interest on unpaid wages unpaid overtime and more what do you think of these charges and do you feel that there's more to the story Aman of course I'm going to go to you first on this what you I was waiting for I can't wait for your take on this you listen I am the resident why now okay and so it stands even with this situation why now you know oh because you got fired he got fired he wants these wages so now all of a sudden she was forcing him to you know watch her have sex and now she was mean and all of these things and speaking out now he's suing her here's my opinion I do believe that there is some truth to it you know we've heard that Megan EST stallion in the past has been mean to her to her employees um we know the story where she allegedly you know hit EJ you know she's falling out with a lot of her hair stylist makeup artists friends and lovers so we know that you know in the past she has a bad attitude you know what I mean people say that she has a bad attitude but at the end of the day I don't feel like she forced that man to watch her have sex I feel like personally she was doing what she was doing you know she she caught when that he had saw her and mentioned and say Hey you saw me well don't say anything he took that and ran with it and added to his lawsuit and tried to sensationalize this idea of her assaulting him in a way of forcing him to watch her have sex so I'm not really here for it but if we're keeping the same energy for this show you even Claudia now you guys told me hey people speak out when they get fired so she should be investigated just like everybody else and I don't have a problem with that uh because you can't really do it while you're there but I do have a problem with one thing he said first he said she forced him to watch her have sex then he said she also said did were you there so how at the same time M we got Luke soulmate in the chats and someone put this up they said kman said your video was was victim blaming Arman so we have to get to your video did you do a video on this already I did because I said why now but why now all right Al I see you over there chomping at the bit what do you think about this oh no I'm not chopping at the bit I'm over here jealous that woman gets it more sex than anybody I know that woman is living her best hot summer life and she has not stopped she's living it in the fall she's living it in the spring and she's living it in the winter um I but beside that I think people are really trying to take advantage of her celebrity and if not take advantage they are definitely trying to take her down and then then let me just share what I mean and I really do mean this from a sincere spot Megan may have to really take some time and re-evaluate the people that she's letting into her Inner Circle now that her stardom has reached this super mega status okay because this is like the third or the fourth and we can even say fifth or sixth person that she's allowed in into her close work space and now they're speaking out against her or they're trying to take her down by embarrassing her so let's go through it number one Kelsey Kelsey was her best friend now she's speaking against her and trying to take her down two EJ King The Stylist similar story to this young man very close with her worked with her a lot now trying to expose her shame her and take her down party her ex trying to take her down expose her for you know being you know a little bit friendly to all the guys while dating him the record label guy the guy called Crawford once again this photographer number six and then if we really want to be Petty she once was very friendly and nice with Nicki Minaj as well as Tory lanes and they now are beefing with her and trying to expose her and take her down so my advice to to Megan would be baby you're a star you are not just a regular star you are a super mega star now maybe you need to tighten that Circle just a little bit more so that people aren't always trying to take you down or embarrass you or even take advantage of you optimistic Lane we have a lot of comments on this optimistic Lane said he got fired allegedly because Megan and her team found out he was feeding information to Nikki and other parties uh big Little Billy little said Megan for the streets Mario Miller said if a man did that he would already be guilty and Lauren M said he had mad time to say something but didn't but now his hours got cut to the point point of termination now he wants money and Ramone Rosado said he's probably mad he just got fired because he got fired I'm sure this won't be the last we'll hear about this for some reason me St in the news so we will definitely update you when we get some more information all right let's get into Roseanne Bar this woman right here shook up Twitter while making horrific allegations against President Joe Biden take a look no I'm not okay because I just had a horrible flashback a horrible memory right now I realize that 26 years ago Joe Biden raped me right here in that dressing room in the shoe department are you okay no I'm not I need to sue he's just trolling dealing with mental illness or could these allegations be true Al what do you think about Roseanne Bar saying that Biden attacked her Claudia actually extremely disgusted I I feel like this is extremely dangerous we have been taught on this platform that we always should side with the victim when they when and where and how long it's been that they accuse someone of sexually violating them she's saying that she was sexually raped in 1998 by our present president I can't for me I can't wait to see how Joe and Jill will respond to these accusations because Jill and Joe were married at that time now I'm concerned because we do know that Rosanne bar has been dealing with you know looking unhinged becoming unhinged she got thrown off her in her own show For Heaven's Sake but for her to create a video and post it and it go viral that to me is very alarming and I want to know if it's something that Joe did not do is he to H I mean to sue her for defamation of character because this to me is just unacceptable and I'm also concerned Claudia and I don't know about you we're in a political cycle now so the timing of this is also suspect why all of a sudden in the middle of of this political run for presidency she's all of a sudden remembering a rape that occurred 26 years ago during his political campaign for the White House I'm going to go ahead and uh jump this one mind if you don't mind uh um of course you know I've SED with victims many many times on the show but she's not a victim and I feel very confident in saying this Roseanne Bar is trolling the the Donald Trump case with EEG Carroll because she said in a department store in Berg Goodman That Trump did this to her so now Roseanne is trying to be funny which she hasn't been funny in decades and try to make a joke and make life as a former victim myself I I don't CLA claim being a victimhood right now but a lot of women and men that have actually been victimized sexually in a way this is not cute nor funny rosan to use this to try to get a dig at this man it's not a serious allegation she's being silly and factious here she's trying to make light of Donald Trump's case because remember he got and he he was found guilty and he had that huge settlement he has to pay like it's already been decided in court okay criminal uh the civil suit he has to pay a whole bunch of money like it's a it's a closed case so she's just trying to be funny now it's not funny it's not funny to the real victim it's not funny to other victims and it's not funny to try to like insert yourself and say for attention Roseanne is unwell and someone needs a check on this heer I'm sick of her since she got into this whole magga nonsense she's lost her mind she lost everything I don't get how he's got these people so hypnotized and mesmerized and so on his taint that they will to throw away everything with these these inflammatory comments that they make so Rosanne how a have a damn seat with your nonsense because you're taking attention away from actual victims shut the hell up I'm sorry Aman I'm not well I'm glad you I'm glad you added that to it because I didn't know I was gonna say between the shock waves in her head and her and and her mind you know it had to be you know Dementia or something like that because to just come up with that you know out of nowhere and then posted it's clear you're clearly not mentally there you know because as people get older they start just saying stuff you know like that so it didn't seem too far off from it being a mental thing but if you're saying that hey she's trolling uh something that it's already happened then that's probably honestly what it is because the details are very similar to The egene Carol case which Trump was found that he he was found liable for that um so the fact that she's saying oh it happened in the department store dressing room all the details that she's saying she's just switching it to Biden instead of trump and and and that store instead of berg jof Goodman and this is something I really stayed on top of because I've been following EEG and Carol since she used to write a column in Cosmopolitan she's a very credible woman so she Rose and this is very Reckless and Biden I know you probably think you have bigger fish to fry with all the other stuff you got going on and you do but I think people need to start making uh setting examples for people like this that do this because it is all it takes is a few people everyone's so jacked up on conspiracy theories right now right okay let's go to the comments Mass man said the political plan paning is disgusting and Billy little says she's no victim she deserves to catch a criminal case uh vernice Johnson said no way she's too big of a star not to report I would definitely sue you know she's all about Trump uh just a note in 1994 Roseanne announced she had a disassociate Identity Disorder so you know she's gonna go to that oh I when when it gets hot right oh it's my mental illness that had me saying that shut up Rosanne coming up next benzo sounds off on the gay community and later we have a TA fact you don't want to miss keep it locked we'll be right back [Music] back seen one three take one I thought we'd be on the same page about this and we're not how do I know the way I'm going to respond to it I want you to get the vaccine cuz I want you to be safe what if you end up in the hospital that's what I'm scared of if you was to die man that literally kill me man I H you yeah they made you feel that way bro oh probably I love you man I love you too this one's for the real Ballers and shot cers The Sisterhood of women in Tech they're discovering CES building apps and programming the blockchain they're CEOs worldwide Hustlers who can make it rain they're tearing down the old boys club and seeing big gains cuz when women in Tech come to together you know they make that [Music] change Freedom it's at the core of who we are the freedom to live without fear to jog where we please to wear a hoodie the freedom to breathe before we celebrate the freedom most Americans have we must fight for the freedom all Americans deserve because all lives can't never until black lives [Music] matter welcome back to TGIF all right benzeno has some interesting thoughts about the Meek Mill and didy gay rumors take a look it's none of our business of him and meek a or not the internet makes all our business everybody's business at least the privacy of what we're doing in our bedroom should be private but what a man does in a man's bedroom unless you is a real street I don't know him but I know from what see that's a different narrative because real street can be gay like like we go to again we we got to be adults and we got to look at this for what it is you can't have a personal opinion on who unless you are in the room with him all right what are your thoughts on Benzino statement Alice go first all listen I thought it was probably one of the smartest things I've heard come out of his mouth in the last couple of times that we've covered it and I'm even going to take it a step further and say it's probably one of the most realistic things I've heard him say because it's true People Are People regardless of their social economic status so you can be a hood dude a gang banger you can be a street man that does not make you 100% heterosexual period oh yeah we know that for sure yes okay Arman what do you think about this I agree now I agree with that but you know the streets is saying he only saying this because remember he was allegedly sleeping with shaa Brooks remember a few years ago shaa books came out and had these recordings and she was saying that she was messing around with Ben Zeno but at the end of the day it still doesn't change the fact that it really isn't our business I just think we have a fascination of wanting to know if men are gay and especially when it comes to Street men and to be honest with you a lot of hood dudes are gay it is what it is now as far as Diddy and meek meal it really is not our business but we care because they're celebrities and we just have an in infatuation for to know you know if men are sleeping together I do not care anymore who is gay and who's not it is so common I think most men are gay nowadays especially in the business when I go to events I think there's nothing here for me I think all y'all are gay for the most part uh I do I think the majority of people that are in the Arts are somehow you know I think I just feel like there it's I've seen so much that I don't don't say on this show so I'm actually shocked when someone isn't gay I'm like oh for real they straight they like they okay um I only care if someone is trying to holler at me and trying to date me I feel like that's something we should have a conversation about just like if I was you know a fluid or bisexual whatever or whatever I feel like I would you know that's something we should talk about because that's some I'm GNA be laying down with other than that I don't give a damn if Ben Zeno me Mills did he have thre SS I really don't care unless y'all trying to holl at me and I actually consider it what we going to say Al so I know I know who I'm talking to which is Arman and you and I know y'all don't believe in this but can we please on this show try to be I'm just asking for me be respectful of the labels if we can be respectful of pronouns for Trans we can be respectful for the gays we can be respectful for the lesbians can we please be respectful and open a space a safe environment for by men these men Street men may not be gay they may be by I agree in the industry may not be just gay they may be by so all I'm saying is can we just be a tad bit more respectful to people's identification that's all I'm asking yeah I well let me just say this I agree because I was gonna say that but Claudia ended up saying you know I don't care if you're by or whatever because that was my next point a lot of men that I'm finding now are bisexual it's like more prevalent now than just being gay to me WR with you okay um I think the way most people view it that are the outside looking in is well if you've had relations with men you you can be by but you've also been gay as well so it's like it's a label that covers you but I I see that that bothers you Al so we would try to be respectful but um just telling you what Society thinks but it's still not fair though you know what I mean to label someone gay Society some people in society don't believe in trans women some people don't in society don't believe using pronouns he or she for a guy who's born a man so all I'm just saying is let the same way that we are evolving as we understand we do better when we know better that's all I'm asking because we wouldn't label Megan estallion gay right for sleeping with a woman we let her be bisexual see when it's a woman we let her be by or bicurious but if it's a man you touch the penis before you're gay doesn't matter if you sleep with women you know so I think that's one of the things in our society where we talk about how you can't sometimes you can't have it both we have a lot of double standards that sometimes they don't benefit y'all and it feels a certain way and sometimes it don't benefit us take that L yaa 502 said listen people can have sex with same sex that don't make you gay I I disagree but respect benzo saying he's straight and Kev the Creator said when gay stops being an insult or negative connotation that's when it will stop and pranica Yanni said even Saucy Santana said he tried to be a hood he tried to be a hood looking man for a minute when he was hustling in the streets and Tanya Christoper said I don't care what goes on in someone else's bedroom I really don't either actually I would like to stop hearing about what goes on in everybody else's bedroom because has nothing to do with me should have nothing to do with your employment and what jobs you get you shouldn't get it because you're gay just like you shouldn't get should not get it because you're gay I feel like we lead too much with sexuality and I'm like it ain't really my business do your thing live your life and be happy people podcaster Tony D shared her perspective on what she calls hospice wives we talk about this take a look so hospice wife basically a man above 50 mhm marries a woman finally he's has been playing the field for 50 years and now he's ready to get married his body is falling apart he's got hypertension he's got diabetes heart issues the whole night and now he's ready to get married and settle down so now he marries a woman maybe 10 years younger or maybe in the same age group and now he's marrying her but only for him to have someone to take care of him in his later years oh I'm going first on this one CU this is something that affects me I'm at that age at 50 and now the men that was all super hot and popping in their 20s and 30s and 40s and they starting to get them them backs them them backs being blown out tore up they hypertension's kicking in they start to get gout they start to get diabetes and now they want to settle down when that hairline is all the way back here and you can't move it like you used to and now you want to I think I'm ready to settle down get away from me with this uh to uh fedra get away for me with this Apollo I don't want it don't come around now that you feel like things are breaking down and we get the of you when you're not in your Prime I hate when men want to spin the block and settle down when they don't feel like that they're as desirable anymore and wanting someone to be a caretaker when probably that same woman wanted to be with you because they loved you is very selfish I think that's very selfish me and my girls talk about that all the time I'm not being no hospice wife if we didn't go through them hard times when you was popping I'm not gonna I'm not doing it I'm not changing you don't come around here that's my thoughts on this Al what you think about these hospice wives I think you you kind of ate that right there but what I've always found fascinating is is that when they do when it's not working like it used to be when they're dried up they never go back to the chicks that they could have holla to or did holla to in the past or wanted to be with in the past they go straight to a young naive girl and somehow somehow it works out because they agree to be a hospice wife and they also all try very hard to have a child our mind y not gonna like this but I'm just going to say I just think that women I think it's become a trend now for women to just complain about you know men and and it's now trendy to do because I just think you damned if you do you damn it if you don't because at one point we have conversations about you know men being the leading M like cases in the nursery homes or in the the senior homes because there's no women for them anymore because they've been single then we have these conversation with these older men not wanting women that are older they only go for the younger women the more desirable women they don't want middle-aged women they don't want to pick you back up they don't want you to be the hospice wife they're still living young and having babies they're sugar daddies at this point and now they're trying to make you a hospice wife like which one do you want them to be is he with the younger women does he want you to be a hospice wife or is he about to die alone in a nursery home I just think a lot of women just like to complain about men well there a lot there's a lot to complain about now I will say this I will have to correct you on one thing the hospice thing and the men dying alone in the nursing homes go hand inand that is a fact if you talk to people that work in these nursing homes they say a lot of these men were players when they were younger and kind of running from their families and their I mean you have a I think you have you see it through a different lens because you had a different experience with your dad but I don't think with your situation is the majority a lot of people their dads ain't really around and they didn't want us that's the B like things St not working or all of a sudden they want to start calling and worrying about where the kids are I think the way you treat people when you're at your Prime says a lot about you because you know don't come around when things aren't good and yes we are going to complain there's been a lot to complain about Arman I I know you're a man and you've had male privileg your entire life but when you're conly told that in in especially as a black woman uh that we're supposed to just accept anything with the least desirable uh you know what did you expect dating that kind of guy it's always a thing where like we're never allowed to like have that true happiness and ours is always kind of marginalized as compared to white women it's very frustrating it is and I'm glad women are speaking out about this but but let me ask you this from a male perspective like you you got to be honest though like at what point like what do you want from me not me but I'm just saying men like okay so is it that I'm not present or is it I'm only going for the younger ones or am I dying alone like it's just like at every at every stretch of the way it's like the man is wrong like PE I just feel like women just find their way to just complain about every stretch of the way e he wants a younger woman or now he's making you the hospice wife or now the the man ends up dying alone because he doesn't ever want to settle down like which one is it do you want him to settle down or do you not we no one doesn't want that the cure to this is happy families happy relation that's what the problem is and there's not a lot of that so of course you're going to hear complaints if people are running from their responsibilities not want to settle down until they're useless or they're impotent of course there's a reason to complain about that come on I think we have very similar uh thought processes it's I we actually both want the same thing from a man yeah want a stable steady relationships don't come back around okay am on you're you I think you feel like you're young and subtle Supple and all that right 35 years old how would you like it if the man that you really wanted doesn't really want to like give you that serious relationship and then spins the block when his health is in Jeopardy when he's not feeling you know when he he doesn't feel like he's at his prime that's not that's not a good feeling I think that affects met at women Am I Wrong well for me you know I'm gonna be Daddy so if he don't want to be look listen I'm gonna give me a high 35 5y old I'm be 50 you know I'm going younger I don't so I'm doing I'm listen baby so you're doing the same things that these trash guys are doing case okay let's go to the comments I see I knew there was something there and as long as he's rich I don't see a problem with it I hire him a nurse and be outside any other time mtown boy fo you says I'll be a hospice husband just put my name down as a beneficiary and I'll take care of you it's gonna be your you're getting a hooker you're GNA I mean it's transactional okay I'll be your wife for the last few years of your life make it make sure I have fun baby oh mind up next what do Dr King and Julia Roberts have in common and later should kids be fearful of their parents this should be interesting stay tuned we'll be right back TG can you imagine 30 million people walking around sexually frustrated cuz they can't get to their por uh you're looking at one right now I'm every weekday I'll never live in Texas again it's the worst that's what's your favorite porn or M oh I'm not getting into that my God on Fox Soul now what's yours listen don't judge me okay massage porn that's boring now give me a good three-way gang oh I knew it was going to come out yes yes when I got the opportunity to get her it wasn't no choice I told myself I'm going to take custody of my daughter it's my baby that's what we supposed to do as men take care our home build a foundation you know what I'm saying love our money she's my purpose I'm here to walk with her hold her hand until she can walk alone ain't nothing like being the father in this world [Music] [Music] my mother was always very familiar with her neighborhood but one day she stopped at the stop sign for much longer than usual and uh she did know whether she should go forward or turn and she wasn't even really sure where she was at it was very unsettling for her I felt so much better after my son told me Mom I don't want you to worry or be afraid I'll be there for you and we'll figure it [Music] out welcome back to TGF all right y'all listen we talking about credit here and I definitely used this product before I got my house and I got my credit up about 90 points before I bought my house and it made my rate so much better so please please please check this out and if I told you there'd be massive savings on that new car in about three weeks you'd wait right of course you would 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from legendary actress Julia Roberts she revealed to Gail King that it was ult for Dr Martin Luther King Jr and his wife ketta to enroll their kids in a theater school because of their race but her mom and dad owned a school and allowed their kids in now the families became friends and when the Roberts family couldn't afford to pay the hospital bill when Julia Roberts was born the Kings stepped in and paid it for them that is amazing Bernice King tweeted that she was grateful Julia shared the story did y'all know about this Al yeah I actually have read about this think for some strange reason I remember to sit down because I think when I learned about it she did a sit down with Gail um and you're right Claudia it's a great story it's hardw it's positive I just wish that it got more main media attention I wish that instead of doing a sit down for A&E why not do a sit down with Gail for Good Morning America you know where the real numbers lie where the real narratives can change how people feel about different African-American Heroes that we have in the US so flowers to Julia Roberts for not backing down and always sharing this story and flowers for you know us here at this platform talking about it and teaching people the effect and the touch that the MLK family has had and always has had on us and and and Julia Roberts a mainstream actor in in Hollywood all right Arman what do you think about this story uh I didn't know about this but I think you know this is a great example of Good Karma all the way around you know like good energy it worked for all of them and it was a full circle moment so I think that that's dope and if if you don't take anything away from this you take away that you know put good into people because you never know when you need them and they'll do do the same for you so good karma is what you want to occur in this universe so I like it I I love it too I think a lot of times people think being an activist is kind of blacking out their page on black history month or tweeting something this was way before social media there was way back in the day that her family stepped up for the king family and then the king family was in a better financial situation to really pay it forward and pay it back and that's before people were doing stuff for clout so I think this is an amazing story and I wish more white families would take a page from the Roberts family back in the day because to do this back then and to go it on a limb like that with in very contentious times that says a lot about their um their dedication and and how much they really believed in what they would saying and doing because it was very much looked down upon to be uh kind to black people so kudos to both families I love it I love it you know what else you know what else real quick I just feel like isn't it something interesting that all public figures or celebrities they're all connected in some way at some point I don't know I just think that's really fascinating to me like everybody's somehow connected you know what I was gonna ask I was gonna ask do you think it was this Good Karma that has helped her be so successful as one of the best actors in Hollywood probably I mean it can't hurt you to be a good person you know what I mean and ande the kind of it's one thing being a good person or Instagram for a moment but when you're doing it when no one's looking I feel like you're going to get blessed I think you get blessings upon blessings and that's when things start falling into your lap so yeah yeah and you are what you attract so if you if you're only feeling negativity and drama that's where you're vibrating at and you're attracting that into your life so you know she probably is attracting great things and positivity and success because that's what where she's vibrating at clearly so and generational her family did that and her family started it yeah your kids can get your Bad Karma or your good karma you decide all right sting up Nia Dro by Angela's radio show to share an interesting perspective on the importance of sex take a look sex is at least 65% of the relationship a little more than half yeah definitely more than half I would I would put 65 on it cuz when everything else is great the sex lines up too you know what I mean okay percentage wise how important is sex in a relationship to you and why are mless goting first I was battling with this one because I'm like H I was thinking 50 50 but I I kind of agree with her but between 60 to 65 because I gotta be attracted to you if I can't sleep with you that don't even matter you know what I mean and if I'm gonna be with you for the Long Haul I got to be attracted to you for years upon years upon years and you got to meet me where I'm at sexually if you can't meet me where I'm at I'm not interested but on the other on the flip side that other St got to be handled too you know credit finances knowing how to pay bills career that you know communication you know affection that that is a thing for me as well but you know I think sex is very much so important um that because we're I'm a man so I'm physical first and then you get into my mind and we get into all the other things but usually when I first meet you I'm ready to clap so if if I can't do that and if it ain't right you know we probably won't last that long okay Al what about you um I think as I've gotten older it has changed in the beginning I used to be very much like Arman like sex was very super important I would even give it 75% but as I start to just experience life go through life Michelle Obama says it best it's a EB and flow it's up it's down it's up and down again so now for me as long as you have interest in I can't believe I sorry as long as you still have interest in sex as long as it's still an interest in sex we can work through it as long as they're still interested in that so now instead of 75 I would give it like around 50 45 because so many things make me so much more happier now than just sex wow I never thought I'd see the day that you would say something know NE is that me is somebody my see I know something wrong with him he tied right H um sex is definitely important um but I can't just and I'm a woman so I'm wired differently than y'all I cannot get into you sexually if my mind is not there with you like I fall for how somebody talks and our conversation and someone that could be a little whacker in bed can actually be still be sexy to me if I know like if I'm turned on by them their press now you can't be whacked like Little D energy and and impotent and nasty otenti yeah I I need you to still be like the stuff you say is going to determine how nasty I'm going to be with you how free I'm going to be with you how much I'm going to want to do it and how much I'm going to be jumping your bones I'm an Aries woman that has we have masculine energy I'm definitely aggressive and like you are but well I think they say about men that men are visual I'm very visual as well that's why I said I cannot be with no mud Ducks I don't care how rich they are I need my job mud duck that got stuck in the mud and it's all ugly and Dusty I need finess I need the body I need the voice I need the mind I need of it so you would never date nobody what if they was crosseyed but had a lot of Mone they look good they was if you're crosseyed you're probably not going to be rich oh oh how are you wait so cockeye people can't make money my God name one I'll wait go ahead you go first I don't know one of your best friends one of my friends is K yes the one that used to be married to um armar Roa you got a he was cross no they were never married first of all I know but he was he not he was not [ __ ] ey lse side he had one eye that went that way about to do this with you I'm respecting the de no Al he wasn't and he was your best friend is he Rich yes he was very rich P don't get up here and start lying these people be your friends cling when they die you don't like to claim your friend no no Arman don't try it armosa is not my friend that is my Archen enemy actually that is not my friend and no not Amarosa the guy that she that you had all those issues with when he passed and she took all the all of his goods and things what was his name Michael clar dunan no he wasn't cocky out you can't say no oh my God you know what we got the go we got the go we done open up a can of first of all we no longer talking about cockey on the show okay we're not allow no more you said it I did I can't with y'all you won't make no money that was a she said cocky people are broke that's what she [Music] said my that's all I'm saying so he only played cockey on television he is dead I'm not doing this with you respect the de okay oh my God keep it locked oh my God his family watches keep it locked because coming up next we answer some teil and later find out what we can't live without oh we need to turn these mics off production we about to be cancelled we'll be [Music] back you know how to Fried Chicken no I don't you a got no give me that black card back TG it's not about Blackness I don't make any fried foods okay the chat is going in about this Fried Chicken Lynette 19 said I am Blacky black and fried chicken is not my favorite go-to meal stop with the stereotypes okay live and interactive oh you don't even cook please fried chicken fried fish come on baby on Fox soul you see certain things get reincar editing your children my daughter is very much inspired by my wife's artistic suits so my daughter started making necklaces she makes what we call affirmation fashion I tell her every day that your black is beautiful your black is beautiful your black is beautiful and if there's anything better than being beautiful it's being smart and if there's anything better than being smart it's being kind and reaffirming that every day is our method of making sure her chin never drops my dad wasn't around and I remember riding a bike and falling off and cutting myself and me never just want to get back on it people ask how your children learn how to ride a bike and you didn't I didn't teach them I just created an environment where they taught themselves and all I had to do is be [Music] there welcome back to tjf um we have comments in the chat this is from Dr Larry speaks that the cockeye people in the room are mad LOL listen we do not want to offend our cockeye viewers we have love for everybody cockey or not um here at foxille we do not discriminate against F against against cocky people we don't we don't we was just um playing around so we love everybody here at the show and all people are welcomed to be our our soulmate right yeah yeah they just not welcome in your bed thank you thank you oh yeah that makes sense and they'll just remain broke no but come on let's move on moving on it's time for us to give advice to our soulmates who are dealing with crazy situations and may need a little guidance oh you want guidance from us after that hard on the day it's been nice knowing y'all guys so I just want to say that this t-il comes from Nicole in La hey Claudia Allan Arman my friends went on a trip and one of my friends brought her boyfriend because he found a deal last minute we all had our own room so it was no big deal but one friend was mad at a man that was on an all girls trip how can I tell my friend who was obviously hurt and triggered by being dumped by a boyfriend recently that she's overreacting without hurting her feelings PS no one ever called it a girl trip our G gay male Bessie came too Al let start with you what do you think about this so you know I'm probably not the best person to ask for advice on this type of stuff because if it wasn't you know deemed as a girlfriend's trip and she her boyfriend didn't have anything you know he had the right the means to come to be with his girlfriend I mean what is he supposed to be oh she just went through a breakup so therefore I shouldn't go be with my girl I want to go be with my girl it's a trip I would say you know take this one on the chin take this one for the team and in the future if you only want girls to be on the trip with you make sure everybody that signs up for that trip is only going to be them all right Arman what do you think about this uh I feel like so it was it was a was it the gay guy or was the girl's boyfriend and the gay guy I kind of was the gay guy and the girl's boyfriend came yeah so I just kind of feel like the girls boyfriend shouldn't came honestly because it's like it's girls and the gays like I don't know when I'm with my friends and we we do like our boys time and if it's just a friendship group like whenever you have that partner like your boyfriend or your husband or your girlfriend it just makes the dynamic different you can't talk as freely you can't have as much fun because they're coupled up and you got to make sure that you know you don't offend the boyfriend or the wife or whatever so sometimes when you go out of town with your friends and it's a friend trip you want to be free you want to be able to talk about the things you talk about in your group chat and you just can't do that when you have someone's significant other there kind of like breathing down your neck it just gets awkward so I don't think that he should have went I agree and this has happened before where a guy had showed up and I'm like uh like it I think it's something you should discuss prior because oh if you're bringing your man I would have brought mine and we could have made it a couple trip and weird you know I love a good couple STP I love love that's one of my favorite things about being in relationship is going on Couple's trips I think it's so fun and I think it strengthens your relationship but what doesn't strengthen it is you bringing your dude on a trip with all girls now all the girls that want to do their girl talk and talk about their private stuff they can't really do it in front of the boyf and then a lot of times the person I brought their mate they Ain really messing with you anyways they going off and having their own separate vacation with them yes and one of my friends used to did this a few times and we had to have a talk about it because I was like I don't get to see you so then when you do bring your man I I I I hate that I can't really talk to you that way I want way I wanted to and she understood and she made an adjustment and she's like I I understand but yeah we we need to talk about that before now gay guy friend that kind of counts as one of the girls sometimes yeah but you still should let them know I still think you should let them yeah I think communication maybe absolutely we have some comments NY New York New York said ladies need to stop doing that is and PRT Diva said honestly most men wouldn't want to go on a trip with all women and a gay men always at least my man wouldn't but that's just me as the culture turn says she better go and find a cross-eyed man to pop that kitty on y'all set me up with that comment production you know we are not mature enough we already got past that segment we're trying to oh God here you are bringing us back to a dark place of just say okay and Katie POP 3 said ladies leaving man at home okay you leaving man at home it's 11:30 Cayla for the win y'all setting us up okay all right let's get back to some hot topics we ain't talking about nobody eyes no if there's anything about eyes I'm skipping the story I'm letting you know right now a social media post by Julie went up that said what's your opinion on hitting your child as punishment one user wrote I believe kids should have a healthy fear of their parents because before I did anything stupid I would think about the possibility of getting a whooping or embarrassing by embarrassing my family I'm sorry my parents should kids fear their parents and would you physically hit your child as a form of punishment Al what do you think about this um I agree with him I I I I I can only speak speak from my experience I can speak from my brothers and sisters experience and my nephew's experience number one my dad was in the military my mother was a teacher a trained teacher and they didn't play it was you respect your elders you you respect your teachers you respect your neighbors you respect your church family you respected people that helped and and breathed and fed you know flowed into your family and the deal was if you got in trouble if I got in trouble in church got in trouble at home I had I I I had a healthy fear of my parents and it worked out and of course it changed as I got older but it worked 110% for me so I can only tell you from my experience I enjoyed it it taught me a lot it taught me a lot about accountability it taught me a lot about responsibility and it also taught me about learning my place as a child given the age that I was I I I don't see it much anymore but it worked for me okay Mom what do you think I totally agree um you know I had a I feel like I had a healthy fear of my parents too I used to get my butt whooped and you know what one day I will have a child I think I like want one I want a son and he gonna get smacked up for sure absolutely smacked up I am that parent I'm definitely smacking them up but at the end of the day I do think that you need that healthy fear now I wouldn't I'm not oppos I'm not here to beat the kids because I do think that you you know punishment and like taking things away from them does help you know you can't hit them for long because at some point I got to the point where I was like all right I'll take the whooping it's worth it I would negotiate in my mind was the whooping worth it and as I got older it didn't hit it didn't hurt the same no more so I just you know I'd sneak out the house go ahead and whoop me you know but it would hurt more when they take the game it would hurt more when I couldn't go to the dance it would hurt more when I didn't have the phone I would take the whooping so I just think you got to learn when to let the whooping go and then take the devices right I want to say a big part of why our society is where it is today now is I think these new kids have a fear of their parents and you see these parents want to be friends with their kids that's cool I guess but there's also a lack of respect like there was no way I could talk to my mother the way I talked to my friends right or dad like it just wasn't happening and then you felt consequences of messing up so I don't think you should feel your parents like they're going to beat me like where it's abusive where I'm like bruised face or black eye nothing like that but I think that you know it seemed like things did definitely take a a turn in the wrong direction and I think you can kind of correlate it with I don't know I feel like kids don't have any consequences now and I do think yeah taking Stu away or timeout is a timeout working on a bad kid I don't know about that b Shan T said as a Zen zillennial I agree and a whooping or popping them is different from abuse in my opinion Quest reborn said there is a difference between discipline and child abuse and papa Le legba son said depends on the child my son would rather a whooping than his Xbox taken away like you are on um Veronica Smith said that's a bully why are you hitting someone smaller than you that that trust and depends on you for development oh please oh please I don't this is this is this that statements like that become the problem so then it like then this becomes a problem for 2024 and Beyond and everything is so sensitive everybody is so triggered and everybody is you know cancel now now you got people you know speaking out well I was faked as a child now let's go sue my mother like I'm not about to start falling into that you know yeah that's one of those people that said go down at the schoolhouse back talk the teacher be hitting the teacher slapping the teacher doing all that craziness cuz they feel like there are no consequences to their actions no no yeah I I agree I think there should be some kind of discipline there and that you should have a fear or extreme respect for your parents however you the parents got to put their foot down and because because when they come to either one of our house we don't got no kids so we don't have the same patience for your kids so if you know gonna put them in their place we will gon do it do get with them absolutely you can't come over like I said come to my house with all that nonsense with your kids backyard backyard put little dirty paws on my white walls and couches all right speaking of it's coming up speaking of kids are kids the reason why couples are breaking up let's talk about it when we return we'll be right back you know how to chicken no I don't you a got Noone give me that black card back TG it's not about Blackness I don't make any fried foods okay the chat is going in about this Fried Chicken Lynette 19 said I am black black and fried chicken is not my favorite go-to meal stop with the stereotypes okay live and interactive she oh Al you don't even cook please fried chicken fried fish come on baby on Fox Soul when I got the Unity to get her it wasn't no choice I told myself I'm going to take custody on my daughter it's my baby that's what we're supposed to do as men take care our home build a foundation you know what I'm saying love our money she's my purpose I'm here to walk with her hold her hand until she can walk alone ain't nothing like being a father in this world [Music] [Music] my mother was always always very familiar with her neighborhood but one day she stopped at the stop sign for much longer than usual and uh she didn't know whether she should go forward or turn and she wasn't even really sure where she was at it was very unsettling for her I felt so much better after my son told me Mom I don't want you to worry or be afraid I'll be there for you and we'll figure it out welcome back to TGIF all right Tahoe TV recently tweeted why isn't that couples always seem to break up when the woman gets pregnant or during the first year or two after having a baby all right what do you all feels the cause are they couples or do they just jump into relationships they aren't ready for because they're welcoming a kid or Mom what do you think I think they just I think a lot of the pressure comes from the family you know they're like well now you got her pregnant so you got to be with her you got to marry her like I just slept with her one time I don't want to be with her to me it's kind of one of those things like getting a person's name tattooed on you once you do that sometimes you're like wait I don't really want to be with this person and I feel like it's the same thing with the kids you might think you want to be with this person but then once you realize oh my God I'm stuck with this person for the next 18 years something in your mind feels like run and then you end up you know hitting the highway all right Al what do you think stop runan okay so I think I think to to what Arman is saying it may be fun making a baby but it's not as much fun raising caring and providing for one and I think that's why you have what's called walk away wife syndrome that's also why you have miserable husband syndrome these are real syndromes for women they're priorities sometimes shift after caring a child for nine months taking care of it in the womb and then realizing that they have to raise this child from that point on their viewpoints and what was important to them change their increased responsibilities really stress them out and for men they become anxious they can become frustrated they can become stressed because now they're trying to see if all that little fun that they had is worth all of this responsibility that they now have to carry I think people need to stop being so casual especially when you're still in your fertile years like listen I know this may be a eye roll for people because people everyone wants to do it raw dog and yes raw dog is fun but stop ejaculating into people you don't see yourself being with for a long time a sperm plus a egg is g to maybe make a baby y'all that's kind of what was it was there for and be so surprised oh I didn't mean to get a pregnant yet I had raw dog sex with her 72 times I this happened you know she opened her legs without the kind of come on but you know what you can most likely make a case that most women do want to be moms a lot of women that's in our DNA a lot of us do want to be moms so it's like it's not a it's not as riskier thing to us cuz we're like we want to be with you we want to have your kid so with that being known why would you then buff off and a woman you don't want to be with long term do not well I'm not I don't know if I'm on my fertile years anymore I don't think I am but do not bust off into me unless you don't plan on being around for unless you plan you know if you ain't trying to be around for a while then don't do it we're not doing that but um I feel like it's not fun anymore and people are just here for a fun time and not a long time I think life has become very casual and very like well I'm not trying to have responsibilities people look down upon responsibilities unfortunately all right real quick we all have our voices but I want to know if you had to leave one of these behind for good what would it be the options are TV music alcohol or seafood like what could you leave behind is that what the question is yes okay um I'm gonna say I could leave behind TV okay I would say TV too because I don't really watch TV but I'm on TV so I need it but but I will leave TV because I don't watch TV yeah how about you so we can't give up music alcohol or we are so ghetto we are ghetto listening to trap music eating crab leg and not known what's on the news when we we can get we can do on we could be on the radio though social media is fine I want to thank my co Al Reynolds and armal Wiggins for joining me tonight thanks for watching us on YouTube stay tuned for Fox old face off we had a fun Show run it back tomorrow watch it again we'll see you tomorrow bye y'all y'all so get have a good night soulmates [Music]
Channel: FOX Soul
Views: 77,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Family, Black Excellence, Black Millennials, Black Comedy, Blackpreneur, Black Girl Magic, Black Men, Black Women, fox soul, FOXSOUL, Black Lives Matter, African American, Juneteenth, Black Community, Black History, TEA GIF, Black Culture, FOX, Pop Culture, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Benzino, Claudia Jordan, roseanne barr, JOE BIDEN, megan thee stallion, megan thee stallion sued
Id: SR2T4iyH6HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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