Tik Toks That Made My Dinner BUSSINπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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okay honestly beans is getting way too much love we can't forget about the we finally have running water again our pipes burst during the freeze in texas and we just got them fixed and oh my gosh we upgraded to flavored water i am so excited oh god he's stopping ah oh this is a weird uber all right thank you interesting you know what tomorrow i'm gonna be positive i'm gonna i'm gonna wake up early i'm gonna go outside i'm gonna have a routine i'm gonna work out i'm gonna eat healthy maybe i'll even feed the homeless or something shut the up [Music] period it's like a reward what happens to the inside of a donut it goes back in the dough pile to make more donuts wow i cannot wait to purchase this item that's only 15 as listed on this american website what an incredibly low price that is 20. 20 20 plus tax and shipping why because so tough absolute unit yes brother cool pics you're ugly tough tough fresh the drip and any variation of these emojis yeah oh my god [Music] good night oh tell me you work at a ghetto store without saying you work at a ghetto store [Music] sorry my mom's just grabbing more lettuce mom we're next in line i don't have any money i just realized that i've had my dog for over eight years and have never told her my name hey i know you're chewing your bone and everything but did you know that my name is alyssa [Music] here sorry to interrupt ms johnson i'm just going to borrow tyler from you so we found a list that you made with students names on it sorry i haven't had lunch it's 38 degrees sir but what's it feel like hey tony what's up guys what do you think the temperature is i don't know maybe 50. hi i'm here for my hair appointment oh great do you want the introvert or extrovert session you have an introvert session what's that oh yeah we see you in a secluded room away from all other customers and gossip for your hair appointment i will not talk to you during the appointment and you have no obligation to talk to me you wear a clear cape so you can be on your phone during the appointment and you're free to connect your music put on headphones or just sit in silence you can even pay at the end through our app if you want this option again just book your next appointment online submit how you want your haircut and select introvert option people be like why is she famous all she does is imitate seagulls can you no but here's a list of birds i can imitate empidonax viruses turtus migratorius corvus bracharicus naxonorum hymorus purpurias posylatric apillus a juvenile exhibitor kuperya do you want to hear more ladies and gentlemen [Music] red someone wanted to see it so here it is welcome to my trash you close it turn it on makes noise [Music] and you gotta do it again because it goes the other way factors work now it's done and look it's squished down i feel like you couldn't really tell uh with the stuff that was on top but uh it did compact hello hi buddy uh your driving is good today you're good to go man thank you let's see if my pops can notice the charge aha something wrong with him you ever been an elevator and your kids touched this button right here don't panic i'mma show you what to do emergence button was pushed for assistance say emergence pushed by mistake testing testing disregard disregard call testing testing and that's how it's done things about this 100 000 mercedes that just makes sense when you go to reach for something in the passenger seat the light automatically comes on and then comes off when you pull your hand away the car has this beautiful ambient lighting and on the voice command you can say change the ambient lighting to red i'm changing the color this car lets you put on the heated seats and ventilated seats at the same time you don't just get heated seats either the arm rests are heated too this car has really aggressive side bolsters and they actually move as you turn the car to hug you in place if you push this little button that says r it lets you control the passenger seat from the driver's side of course the seats have massage this car has pillarless doors like you get on a coupe here in the glove box you get this little bottle of scent this comes through your air vents to make sure your car smells nice this button controls your pop-up spoiler [Music] so picture this you're a burglar you're going to break into my house you turn the door handle you open it up and look there's 40 freaking cats what do you do you probably just leave when your boyfriend doesn't let you carry anything give me this no mama well you can't carry all that jalen babe let me help look you can't even fit [Music] hey no let me help no look see let me babe give it to me why don't you want me to help you okay but why babe baby you look like gay babe let me help are you sure are you sure okay all right this one i don't think i'm gonna get fired for so i'm gonna say it on the radio okay the new hits to 97.3 it's cat alia and yesterday was national empanada day so one of our listeners reached out and said yo you gotta try one at la carreta i pick one up after work bring it home and my roommate goes so how is it i told her this is busting respectfully no cap [Music] sheesh there's a new scam right now make sure you do not fall for this one if you get text messages like this saying that usps has changed your delivery date whatever you do do not click this link this is a pretty good scam because if you did order something you're gonna be like what my package and then you're going to click the link but if you didn't order something you're going to be like wait what package did i order and you're going to click the link and then in that link they're going to ask for more information and they're going to use your information to hack your accounts send this to your friends and especially send this to your parents because they're way more likely to click that link yeah you got your food i know you're hungry you know you're starved here's your drink looks like we need some more fuel but how much fuel do i need to buy using my advanced trucker brain i can calculate exactly how much fuel i need to buy if i have 612 more miles left on my trip and my truck is getting 7.5 miles to the gallon i need 81.6 gallons of fuel with one tank on the driver's side and a second on the passenger side my truck can carry 175 gallons of diesel as an owner operator or contractor it's very important to buy the right amount of fuel not too much because then you'll cut into your profits and not too little because then you'll get stuck on the side of the road and even by mountain lions or attacked by a crazy murderer or something like that tell me why it took me 21 years for me to find out when you bite your bottom lips you can't breathe you're not breathing when you bite your bottom lips damn you look sexy when you do that let me kiss you through the phone mango dragon fruit with lemonade yeah of course thank you so much all right here it is moment of truth let me shake it up finger cross oh one more zip one more sip okay highly recommend this this is like a refresher oh so good thank you what's next comment let me know this filter shows how people see you holy i'm white they've had enough what can i do for you today [Music] for those of you that want to trash talk my car saying it's a v6 and all don't make assumptions unless you know what's under the hood hey y'all what's up can i sit with y'all all right so wait for lunch graham crackers i'm so jealous you got peanut m ms and you're not sharing can i have one thank you where's your lunch you don't have any oh come here go get yourself something okay all right well i gotta go but you guys have a good time and i'll see y'all in class on time all right bye y'all all right hey y'all can i sit with y'all okay some chick-fil-a sauce perfect okay ah stop perfect [Music] how can i help you hi can i get a burger a burger what kind of burger a burger with one slice of meat a hamburger yes why do i use an adapter well when you go outside to just charge the car and you take the charger out you notice this isn't a tesla charger so if you try to plug it in you're gonna have some trouble so that's why you use this adapter and then you can plug it in can you sing the alphabet for me oh yeah uh a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o k q r s t u v whoa what was that i don't know what you're talking about sir okay start again but from g okay um abcdfg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z why do you say l m n o p so quickly because it goes with a song yes sir may i help you today yeah i got a bacon egg and cheese on hash browns to occu sure first we take two hash brown we put on the fryer now we take the bacon put on the grill now we try two eggs now we put the eggs on top of the bacon then we put mix cheese and then spicy cheese now we put the spicy cheese on top of the hash brown once the cheese is melted now we put on top of the paper now we put a little bit of ketchup on both sides once the cheese is melted on the egg we put on top of the hash brown and the result is omg where's the bev oh where's the bed where's the bird never never forget the bed omg um yeah did you not read my delivery instructions i said don't knock my door just leave it down there my bad bro keep your voice down okay we did it we did it we did it okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn the vehicle on make sure you have it neutral okay emergency brake on go unstart it okay so i'm gonna have you bring it up to three and a half huh a thousand rpms let me have you hold it and then i'm gonna have you let off of it okay okay go ahead bring it up to three and a half okay go ahead and shut it off okay so you're at 106.2 decibels okay okay legal limit is 95. 95. yeah so your uh your cat-back mod yeah is has boosted that up okay okay okay guys i just did a muscle up uh i've been working out here for 12 years apparently it's a safety concern unbelievable um i'm gonna cancel my gym membership let's see how this goes um okay i'd like to cancel my membership yeah yeah he's mad at me because i won't i understand but that's not allowed i'm verified that's longer than you've been working here i've been here for two years for more than 20. no she doesn't know what a muscle up is the push-ups over the top of the bar are not allowed it's called a muscle up it's basically aware of what the muscle ups are and they're not allowed in our facility you can get hurt i'm really sorry i can get hurt i've been doing this it's not the waivers that we signed to so i mean you have to follow the rules you know what squats are dangerous we shouldn't do squats guys i mean i'm here to enforce the rules okay that is great news yep let's make this go viral guys hey dad it's snowing pretty bad outside do i still have school today well son i haven't received any emails from your school so yes you do but there's eight inches of snow outside yes there is but your school only cancels if there's at least ten versus schools in the south hey pops it's snowing outside you think i got school today i was actually just about to come talk to you about that oh yeah apparently there's a half an inch of snow outside so school's cancelled thank god cause i just checked my phone and it said it was 28 degrees outside no no no no ricky don't get anything if it's not from walmart no no because you get like something like this like like this i get this one from frontage tag said for by me ricky always complaining man my arm then go to walgreens i'm always peeling my apples now it's a regular apple what is that okay i promise i'm not stupid but can y'all answer this question for me why do you like land in earth but on the moon like y'all see how like he's on the moon but his head and like his body is still like chilling in outer space but when you land on earth like you go in like you go into earth but you land on the moon day in life in japan under a minute when i woke up today it was sunny so i decided to go shopping i decided to skip breakfast and brush my teeth get ready let's go the moment i go out it started to rain but it's okay the flowers seem happy today i wanted to buy these things where you put under chairs to prevent them scratching the floor when you move it around so i came to nitori like a home depot store in japan and as much as i enjoyed the store i couldn't find the thing i wanted so i came to the place of all solutions daiso this dollar store has everything from food to stationery to cosmetics they even had this weird cutter just for eggs who cuts eggs anyways i got what i wanted and noticed now i'm hungry so it came to eat some tempura this place is called tanya it's a chain store they make the best tempura rice ever and lunch made me realize i needed some groceries so i am headed into the supermarket get my shopping thing and roam around i got pork i got chicken i got natto i got aloe vera oatmeal and some mochi and that was a day in life in japan under a minute we've gotta go round three on this rolls royce ghost come on rolls royce wants you to remember the ghost is a family sedan so it puts latch anchors in the back seats but to get to them you lift up these fancy zippers that reveal the latch points this one's for you chauffeurs you can't let it rain on your client well you got an umbrella right here so you know do your job what you know about that champagne refrigerator with real crystal flutes and not one but two settings for chilling your champagne there's normal champagne and aged champagne what even is the cold setting for aged champagne i don't know but rolls-royce does rolls-royce aren't the only ones put analog clocks in their cars but look at how beautiful this one is most cars have a speedometer and tachometer but the rolls-royce ghost gives you a power meter and it starts at 100 and it goes down it's like a video game character in a fight the longer they fight the less power they've left speaking of video games you adjust your mirrors with a joystick you can razor lower the spirit of ecstasy from here in the car down it goes and that becomes i don't i do have a question though that maybe you could answer for me sure so i was wondering what happens if like the vehicle were to be pulled over by the police like in a traffic situation so that you can resume your trip sure and then i'll go ahead and um definitely address your concerns perfect thank you okay all right so you just want to know like if the vehicle is pulled over by police um and the vehicle is empty um then we would call in and we would um talk to the police um we also have waymo roadside assistance that is never um too far behind and so we would just dispatch our roadside assistance over to the scene okay i i was just wondering like justin does that ever happen where like it's just pulled over like that's a little speed right now not for me interesting all right cool i've had this lg b7 for about three years plus now and turns out that there's a little protective film on the back that you're supposed to remove to stop it from overheating i didn't know about that but let's remove it anyways you
Channel: Exhale Memes
Views: 989,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny tik tok videos, tik tok compilation, tik tok 2020, tik tok musically, cringey tik toks, Musically, ironic tik toks, tiktok cringe, tiktok memes, wifi plug, Fakememe, Succculent, wifi plug tiktok, Memes, meme compilation, Tik Tok, Clean Tik Toks, TikToks, Exhale Memes, tiktok funny, Tik Tok Victory, best of tiktok, tiktok, funny tiktoks, funny tiktok compilation, tik tok 2021, tik tok funny video, Monstro, best tiktoks, tiktoks that, Azure tiktok, PeriodT, PeriodT Tiktok
Id: 4vbZ_QC2rNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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