Tight two-way fight | 2022 Barry Sheene Memorial Trophy full race | Goodwood Revival

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some of these guys if they're getting a muddle that's probably why half these bikes explode during the course of the week but they've been over-revved in a way that they shouldn't be just to give you a clue uh james hayden is out as you would have heard already and his partner mike core hoes they're out that's bike number 16. levi day and gordon russell are out on bike 78 that's not that's been withdrawn as well and then we have uh francois fabry and andy hornby on bike 22 they're out now uh levi day quite fortuitous really so he's swapped the 78 bike and he's now out and bear in mind he's not even touched it ridden it or done anything he will be riding with bradley smith um on the back row of the grid well let's take a look at our grid then on pole position on the number 17 matchless james hilliar will start all the pro drivers start this race and in part two tomorrow they will finish off vincent black shadow josh brooks in the center of the front row and the bella set of michael michaels rutter and russell on the outside of the first row norton dominator and manx daytona norton on row two norton international triumph t110 and triton thunderbird so the first eight machines are eight different machines then the vincent lightning of last year's winner steve plato won on an mv augusta last year but he is back this time on that vincent lightning and as we go through the grid again you can see names that to me are just famous names manx nortons and and so on but some surreal outliers the two bmws the supercharged bmw r57 and the r55 those are going to be real handfuls no rear suspension on those bikes at all worth pointing out there were some pit lane penalties yesterday for speeding in pit lane which meant that their fastest laps were taken away from them so the likes of peter hickman who you find way down on what the eighth row somewhere along those lines and john mcginnis two very famous tt names there they got pit lane penalties for exceeding the 20 mile an hour pit lane uh speed limit which meant that their fastest laps in their qualifying so we could see guys like them coming through the field it's going to be tough 25-minute race then obviously there's a window of opportunity for taking over uh your partner's machine and the fact is that um that part of it is going to be tactically very very important we don't have the mvs you mentioned the mv's of steve plata last time the mv's were cut above the rest last year it's a lot closer this year from a performance point of view and therefore we're going to get much closer racing le monstar now some riders are too weak or unable or don't want to do the run across the track so they're going to be sitting on the bike and their partner is going to run across tap them on the shoulder and then they bring their arm down they'll have their arm up so they can't have it in gear and cheat steve parrish of course it comes to mind as he always does what elderly and firm and cheating all all encapsulated in one chaotic package that is steve parish well now this is this is the only race today this me started on the monster even the lemon type cars won't be started with a le bomb start tomorrow there will be one wish here in goodwood but there will be another motorcycle race that will start with the le monstar and that will be the in fact that will start today that's the baldur the 24-hour raid classic in the endurance world championship will also start at a modern race with the le mans types well that's where i hear your voice your adult tones most of the time well this weekend martin haven alongside me here and we are looking forward to this this is going to be an absolute cracker i've got to say from the start um so it's the pro riders the vip riders that start first today and they swap over to the entrance the team owners or whatever it might be but the amateur riders will start second they will do the second part of the race tomorrow it will be the amateurs that start the race but the pro riders that finish it so the ones under the flag so they'll really be scrabbling for position tomorrow michael rutter there you can see him he's 145th anniversary baitham's leather so i think it's tim and matt bathum the uh the runners the the men behind bathurst bury are here as well and it's their 145th anniversary this year so rutter better get a good run across the track so the other thing is you want a handful of throttle you your your teammate is there revving it keeping it nice and hot and just making sure it's ready to go the big problem is coal tyres down in the magic for the first time here we go then the flags up so they're running across now le start jump on the bike and look at that steve parrish gets a great start already ski paris on the right hand side on bike number six did he cheat again he's second at the moment so steve parish had already blasted in the second place from way back down on the grid so all that qualifying didn't really matter but he's been absolutely blitzing to turn one he's gonna have to be very very careful around here on these cold ties no tyre warmers of course they've come out there's been a little bit of wind here it's been very cold this morning here at goodwood but straight off out here position absolutely second place is the red number seven and that is gerrymandered williams who shares that fight with duncan fidget and they are definitely a potential winning combination eugene lavity have problems on the warm-up lap on this supercharged b and uh that's not eugenie so that's number three machine and they have problems on this uh the clausen and resh that's the second of the r57 supercharged bmw yes really supercharged bmw look at this already way out in front it's a 25-minute race then and they have a window of opportunity between minutes 8 and 16 to change riders talk about coal tires keith getting out front means you've just got oh number two also with the problem and that's the ashby in english in english that'll be so glenn english has blown that up early they were actually although they didn't qualify well you would have expected glenn english to be somewhere like in the running towards the end of this but uh they're gonna have to what sort out resolve the problem and get it ready for tomorrow's race of course but it is james hilliard james hillier he was way faster than everybody else yesterday looked great and look at that lead he's got at the end of that one and he's had the advantage of nobody on his shoulder which means that he can just breathe a little when he's trying to settle the bike down into places like saint mary's and at the end of the lap into woodcuts so that he knows he's got the grip in those cold tires he will need to work very hard the man in second place jeremy williams is a master of closing things down the 32 bike is ian simpson another man that races really really well too the scott will be looking to try and catch the irishman and then of course the englishman out front great battle here josh brooks with the red number plate number 55 just hanging on in front of this battle and that is 68 and 12 so michael rutter has got a head steve brogan that is a baywatch brogan that's on the back there baywatch brogan has got his own tutor school he teaches riders circuit training and the like so he really does know how to make it work but sweeps around the outside in the same areas that's brave stuff it's it's no easier a corner on a bike than it is in a car rogan was of course a super stocks champion in this country so you can expect brogi to be somewhere there abouts towards the end you've got to keep an eye on jeremy williams now the man in second place at the moment a five-second lead hilliar has over him and he might need that lead because mc williams is an absolute animal when he gets a sniff of a win the the standing lap a one minute 39 for the leader to compare to 144 for j mc w in second steve plato in pit lane as well by the look of it so is that steve play that it's um well some of these cars are real chrome dreams showboat specials that machine as you can see is still bearing every minute of its life yeah that's a shame steve played a qualified well but they had a penalty for pit lane infringements as well so they had their fastest lap taken away from them so their grip position didn't really represent what they might have been capable and the 55 has gone through that's a brilliant ride from josh brooks josh brooks this could well be his best ride of the year i have to say because in british superbike things have not been going anything like what they should be for the ex-champion well listen you know oh he's caught my williams and passed him but williams has gone behind but the australian is probably on it here he's really getting the grip for goodwood and josh bucks he might have been having a great season he hasn't forgotten how to ride a bike clearly and that's clear you know and that's the thing and and yeah he's got ahead of jeremy williams eight seconds though eight seconds into deficit oh jeremy just having a little reach down on the bike i thought maybe there as he came through difficulty with these bikes martin is to get used to them to get the characteristics of a bike in just a couple of hours of running is so difficult tomorrow is going to be more active once they've got used to them the weather is set fair for the entire weekend so at least that's consistent well duncan fisher was saying that jeremy probably won't even show up for practice he was quite surprised that he did but jeremy has ridden his bike a number of times but he said but duncan was saying no matter how many times jeremy comes back to the same bike he always goes oh gears are on the right that's got his memory at 58 years old isn't it 28 and experience i can't believe he's just come back from america of course he should be jet-lagged he's only just come back from racing in the area and not the ama what am i talking about moto america backers series that uh mcwilliams won daytona earlier on in the year brilliant tactics offered the bank until take that baggers win and he's been right in there all year long he was only supposed to go out for one race and he ends up doing the whole series in america and look at that they chin down on the tank i mean they're absolutely trying to find every iota of performance the battle here still raging on for fourth place it is but hillier is extending his lead out front 9.9 nearly 10 seconds now hillary in front of brooks that's a brilliant and it's and for james hillary it's lap record after lap record after lap record he set purple laps which is the fastest race lap for for anybody on every lap of the race so far we're on lap four he's got three new fastest laps and look at the move here it's getting tight two by two they go that is michael rutter yeah rutter then goes through on the bathroom's bike they're going by broke his again and you know that and look the battle's changing here again broken up the inside of rutter catcher he's not shy that's for sure yeah no he'll he'll put it in lick the stamp and send it but again you know you've got to have in your mind the clarity that when you make the move and then you need the gear you're going in the right direction of with the right foot otherwise you'll end up with a box full of neutrals or a blown engine pretty short race this as well really considering they've got to swap riders at some stage between la i think 25 minutes minus eight that's 17 minutes is it so with 17 counting down to zero that's when the pit lane will open you'd leave your fastest guy out as long as you could and i think these are quite clearly the faster guys out of the uh pairings that we've got but rutter is these two like each other they've both got great sense of humor there's going to be a laugh in the pub tonight and they're catchy german jeremy williams i've got the dog's teeth into my own eyeballs today it was the other way around yesterday they are definitely catching that williams on that number seven machines and pushing pushing and again he's a big lad you know once he gets out in the air i think those wide shoulders are costing him because through his conratta yet again rutter well marginally thinner no fairing to but down behind and there's anybody who's ever ridden any kind of motorcycle nose once you get above 30 you start to feel the wind resistance once you get above 60 you really know about it oh that was close he was taking a line then the other side of the white line and believe me on a motorbike you don't get away with it like you're doing a car once you touch the grass you're on the floor absolutely avoid the pain look at this he's leaning all over him brody wants a fight he's well he's got one and just remember boys and girls gray is good green is bad when you've only got two wheels unless you've got a rumble strip which there are one or two of them here but you've got to be a bit of an enthusiast to find it well even then again you know with a modern slick that's more manageable than than with these road racing tires yeah some of the suspension here don't cope with the patter too well right 20 seconds till the pit lane window opens there was the pit lane cracks and sounds already somebody is in so that's a little bit premature it's the number 51 norton dominator so ian duffer's handing over to derrick bunning but by my estimation i think ian 5-8 is 17 so that may not be a pit stop that might be a problem they had problems uh throughout the day and uh they are swapping motors tomorrow he's gonna ride a triton tomorrow so duffers has uh probably got a breakdown at leaked oil yesterday as well and they had all sorts of problems overnight they've been trying to fix it but obviously clearly not for ian duffer's josh brooks in second the number 55 machine now with the fastest lap of the race woman is 30.4 that is just six tenths of a second quicker than the previous fastest lap of the race and that's gonna be down to the second rider let's see what happens it's nine point eight seconds now between hilliar and thomas pairing to the brook's kingdom pairing that are now in second place so brooks is going to try and make as much of this gap that he can until he has to swap the bike but i think brooks is definitely the faster of the the four runners if you like that we've got in first and second place if we include their partners i was talking to duncan fitchett on thursday and i said you know what do you think your chance he said it would be great to get on a podium but he pointed at the number 55 the vincent black lightning he said that thing is passed parishes in yeah so parish will swap bikes now the number six of paris will swap to uh i think he's running barry burrow it's his um partner so barry barrel goes out on the bike we'll see what batter is like great looking helmet he's got uh the fake goggles painted on the top as if he's got them over the top of advisor so he comes back out in traffic nearly a lap behind the leader so there is the leader james hillier with the pink helmet and the gold and black leathers sweeping around some of the back markers that have yet to stop goes by 33 who's on board that that's uh alan cathcart and whack him junior sir alan cathcart he's not really but everyone named him that in a magazine once so everyone's caught on to sir alan cathcart i guess that was him because you wouldn't be calling me sir yes i do sir lisa so still out front 9.8 was the gap but now they're going to settle in we won't get a true representation of everybody as soon as they start coming in and swapping riders parish has already well he wears out very easily nowadays steve parrish so he's had to come in well plus he's got the false teeth to wear and roads to repair he's got he's got two jobs here he's part of the road building and he's a man that they said couldn't run across the track to get on the bike in a lemon start yet he played cricket yesterday for the duke of richmond and uh and has been running around fixing roads in a string vest earlier on today or couldn't ever shouldn't have another fastest race lap from josh brooks 130.44 it's down to now so 130.48 in response from james hilliar the race leader last time around so josh brooks not making as much of an in-road it's incredibly close when you look at these laptops considering the difference in bikes williams gets a little that's the kind of spirit of goodwood that we like to see to to which the mc williams is astonishing hey see yourself get out of it through he goes leaves rotten behind him but rotted just little tap on the shoulder right here the logo this year revive and thrive this is a thrash and survive i think at the end of this particular motorcycle races rata looks at the insider goes underneath but williams these two proper old stages really there's a few years between them in fact it's 108 years if i add up their their birthdays so i'm not between them surely 108 between them yes oh look just just grabbing the bike and easing himself forward there but he knows all the tricks i'm surprised he didn't grab a hold of the seat and give himself a bit of a drag past them as well it's all fair in love and more on motorbikes ladies and gentlemen he'll probably give the barry sheen to kenny roberts uh signal in a moment or two if he gets back past brilliant names of course barry sheen the barishing memorial sadly lost him at 52 years of age it seemed such a long time ago that he he left us the two times world champion 76 77 brilliant on 500 cc bikes this is the memorial trophy and everybody wants to win it there is a prize for the fastest lap i believe as well which is the mick hemmings trophy who actually beat barry round here in this race i think back in 2010 so it's a situation where everybody has got something to win and here comes rutter again because jeremy williams will never ever let him have the space the number seven is but williams 68 is rutter made his name on 250 grand three bikes mc williams has still got that ability to make himself half the width that he actually is standing upright isn't that about the thickness of our arms yeah because that's a very very uh tough looking is helia a race leader time to swap it is the 17 of hilliard he comes in it's george thomas i think it goes on it this time around right okay so we do not have much time left he's going to get back out pretty well look at this he's going to be right back out into the fray these guys have still got to come in here and swap riders and he's in behind the fast group so george hilliar he's got to make this work one more minute george hilliar what am i talking about i've combined two names george thomas has taken over from james hilliard so you've got michael rutter uh uh brogan and mark williams this is now the battle for second ruta goes through on 68 but it is this is going to run and run to the very flag i can feel it well until they come into swap riders that is and again williams up the inside but williams has done it again the ulsterman he has got true grit but rutter doesn't like to be outdone if there's a pint on it then i know these two will fight to the death brooks has stopped brooks and and kingdom who were in second the 55 machine that stopped the leaders 17 have stopped so this is now the lead battle so jeremy williams but you know what he's going to do he's going to bring it in now because this is the last last chance to come in he's going to hand it over to duncan going i gave you the bike in the lead come on what did you do with it here we go again oh yeah there's a quick pat on the back from rutter to uh williams it's all getting quite personal now isn't it but william's grabbing a bigger handful of the right hand on the right-hand side and rutter's up the inside again what a great race what great entertainment here for the goodwood revival the barry sheen memorial trophy well this is only a 25 minute race but you know that the aftermath will last all the way through the evening in the bar won't it oh so that's up on the dirt the other two have gone straight by and i think now they've got i think they've still got i know 25 minutes minus 1609 okay so they've still got a minute 30 they're lapping in minute 34s might just make it they have better make it because otherwise the penalty for not making it is enormous so on the norton international number 12 steve brogan hands over to ian bain yeah good now everybody's here we go come on you two have got to come in stop playing you know there was the barry sheen hand signal they've got to come in this lap if they don't go that gets a bit tighter so they're not coming this way very very tight indeed here we go then someone williams has got some kind of a lead over rutter now because of the fact that nearly came together 60 seconds they've got now until the pit is shut number six is barry barrel he took over from steve parish they go around the outside of him this is going to be tight you know martin duncan is taking over that number seven from jeremiah williams it's duncan's bike he is going to be sweating bullets right now come on guys come on hurry up you know side by side again they go now then there should be just enough time to get this done yeah alongside left hand so 68 is michael rudder the number seven is jeremy williams leaning into rutter it's the other thing you do you use your knees and your arms to keep a bike and a rider off of you so they don't interfere with your uh your levers and the like so hands up they know they're coming in they've got enough time to do it what a world judge swap this is going to be luck or judgment i don't know from these guys 10 seconds 9 8 7 5 seconds to go as they get into the pit lane okay so the game is back on 68 and seven both stopping and that means that we should see yeah we do the hillia thomas number 17 machine michael in front michael russell has just jumped on from michael rutter so the bathroom's man moves out the way now michael russell goes down right beside him michael russell is quick though you wait and see what he can do on this motorbike he's a very fast runner anyway you don't often hear from him not exactly a household name but he's fast on these bikes right there's duncan pitcher on number seven right behind number 12 ian bain bane and brogan and that machine was in this battle early on there's the leader not too far ahead not too far ahead he's got trouble coming his way michael uh russell uh michael rutter's teammate i know it's slightly confusing the two michaels but russell is quick but here's george thomas the race leader rutter has put him in a perfect position so michael russell is in a great position let's wait and see them come through there's enough time we've got eight minutes left there's 55 that's second all right so uh on the on the timing screen said 9.4 seconds last lap that was sort of more like six to seven i thought we're trying to try to peer through so he will sort of have visual because don't forget these guys have been in the pit so they know who the leader was they know where their machine was so he will kind of have a decent idea and don't forget although the pros don't race these bike regularly the the owners do and so they will know each other so they will sort of see the bike in front and know who it is and know what the chase and there's the chase in the chicane that was the leader there is second that is not nine point anything is it that is more like six seconds it's gonna sort itself out this is the big variable coming up now how fast are the amateur riders compared with the pros the pros have put these bikes in the best position they could put them in on the day but now we've got to wait and see russell comes through now got a big gap big deficit 7.3 up to the brooks kingham pairing this is going to be interesting to see whether he can close that down in his final few laps yeah can't tell at the moment because it's only the outlet for russell and for bain and for fitchit uh bane's got ahead of pitch it so number 12 in fourth number seven in fifth place there they are in the background this shot michael russell is right on it now yeah so first sector of the lap leader number 17 a 30.39 second place number 55 30.06 third place number 68 30.42 and then the guys in 4th and 5th 30.9 30.3 says not much between them in terms of pace on the first sector this is the first flying lap don't forget for the pit stoppers benchy there's the number 12 bike being dispensed with by the seven so has gone underneath ian bay yeah and then comes back at him yeah but fidget over committed on the way in ian bain just kind of pulled the cape out of the way that might sweat fast as well i've got to say it's um it drove straight under and i think that williams was suffering with that as well wasn't it just wasn't quite that didn't quite chuck out the horsepower that he needed to make the number seven foot force forward but it's super reliable that norton daytona banks very well known and very well federal bike duncan fitted he's a good rider as well he's had plenty of success at the revival it's come down to 6.7 seconds now 6.7 is the lead and uh that is doable although five and a half minutes left to the checkered flag makes it pretty tricky we'll see who's uh pulling up all the routes around here at goodwood in a minute 14 seconds back russell he's not really doing what i expected him to do i gotta say michael russell not um quite the man i thought he might be on this motorcycle in this second half of this race five minutes and a 6.7 second deficit ben king on the 55 black lightning has got to try and reign in that is not going to be easy he's not got the rate of closing that he needs third place is still the michael russell number 68 machine fourth done can fit it now he's broken away from ian bain on number 12 so fit it the red number seven fittingly enough of course barry sheen's famous number george memorial trophy george thomas is two and a half seconds slower on a lat than kingham but it as you've already said it's not quite enough to really pull back that 6.7 second lead that uh thomas has at the moment over king and we'll see four and a half minutes of this race left which might be three laps and at two seconds a lap we might get a big shot into the chicane waiting for the checkered fight we might get a drag race to the line it may not be that far away well certainly on motorbikes it's more interesting when they're doing the outbreaking maneuver into the chicane and uh we'll see your house if the fallards are soft enough okay laying entry penalties not for any of our front runners but eugene lavity and thomas schwab on the supercharged bmw they picked up a penalty hutching and hutchinson and perkins uh also on the number 18 machine they picked up a penalty luckily our front running group all relatively clear yeah just waiting for our timings here to give us a clear indication of who might be there or they're about six point three seconds it's gonna be tight but i'm not sure ben kingdom is gonna catch there's enough time i think that uh they did enough james hillier put that machine in a really good position up front gave a big lead over the pro riders and uh george thomas has done just what he's supposed to do as a partner and make it work for them just keep those consistent laps going don't make a big mistake it's uh six point three five one and three minutes left of this race we just saw ian baine in fifth place on the number 12 norton international and this is duncan fidget fourth place for the number seven norton daytona max this motorcycle race originally known as the lennox cup it was renamed uh in honor and the memory of the late barry sheen in who was a winner in this race in 2002 here comes your race leader the over the line then so great start to the race on the matchless front pole from james healey he really got the drop on the field great start from him and george thomas as he said doing exactly what he needs to do maintaining the advantage closing fast on 55 though in third in second place the vincent black shadow started by josh brooks ben king is coming down to five it's gone from 6.1 to 5.0 that's a big gap but it's not enough there's only two minutes left look he's got his head down on the tack nevermind his chin down on the tank yeah kingdom's doing everything george king is doing everything he can do and uh i don't think it's going to be enough uh george thomas has got it covered at the front on bike number 17. five seconds he's down he was over a second and a half quicker last time around bit of smoke in the air now these bikes are beginning to get a little bit worn out hopefully we won't end up with an oil trail somewhere that causes a problem for your race leader here coming through then george thomas goes to on bike 17 here's your second place man on the 55 machine that's king in second place is it going to be the traffic that gives kingdom the chance because don't forget george thomas gets there first it's number 25 blowing out a lot of oil smoke and that's the grudge of uh jenny tinmuth who started it and mike farrell beautiful motorcycle but looks like it's done its mileage for today at least so that might need a bit of re-ringing he's just pointing to it because sometimes on a bike you don't know obviously it's leaking over the rear wheel do you tip it in and then before you know where you are it's like being on ice everybody like the leader and ben king who've just come past and we've been smelling it for three quarters of a lap this is close it is a game point zero it was over the line last time around once again when it comes to about three and a half seconds and this will be the final lap of the race 4.7 not enough no traffic may yet play a part and i think it is here definitely if you come into the first corner you need that long flow through the double apex right-hander at magic and unfortunately ben king just a little offline riders and amateur riders pro riders would have just rammed it straight up the inside or around the outside of them and that just if you're slightly reticent you're not going to keep that momentum going and on these older bikes you need momentum mid corner so 4.7 in thomas over kingdom for your front two george michael russell still nine seconds further back which surprises me it just goes to show you how well michael rutter rode that machine to put it where he did the 68 bike is still in third place but williams and fitchit fitchit uh only managing fourth place at the moment he's a further five seconds back on michael russell and bain are another 10 seconds further back in fifth place at the moment uh hickman has made quite good progress actually from his starting position peter hickman your tt winning man he's in there with clues for uh the sixth place pairing yep on bike 90 here flag will be ready for this man to come through it is going to be the george thomas james hillier pairing that will take the checkered flag it has been an immaculate 25 minutes as he comes to the line then checker flag is ready a clear winner 4.7 seconds ahead of the second place pairing of kingman brooks he comes through to take second place this is all part one of course we've got another race to go tomorrow they will start from the same le mans grip positions tomorrow as well but that was a superb ride from hilliar and thomas brooks and king and second russell and rutter are in third place and they will be your top three today in the barry sheen memorial trophy fast paced race very quick time some very close racing early on i've got to say very competitive as well particularly from the pros but once it all shook out down to the checkered flag the amateur riders the team owners team entrant team bike owner whatever it might be that is the second rider they've done a great job in consistently keeping the bike where it needed to be for the finish and qualifying it did not deceive us fastest in qualifying james hilliard george thomas they ended up winning on the matchless second fastest josh brooks ben kingdom on the vincent black shadow they finished second in the race third fastest the michaels russell and rutter on their bella set they finished in in third place the norton of lee johnston and nick pierce didn't finish the race that was the fourth fastest qualifier but fifth on the grid duncan fidget jeremy with williams they finished in fourth place on the daytona banks norton so qualifying for the bikes easier to have a clean lap there's much less machinery in the way when there's a sea of bikes out there than when there's a sea of cars i think james hilliar did the business from the start and i think that was important he gained that 10 second lead right at the very beginning and that is what has won this race for that pairing well when you see the highlights not only was like a whippet across the track but he had a second in hand by the time he got down to the first corner he his start was phenomenal and they're they're all going to have to match that in the second race otherwise they're going to be seeing his tailpipes disappear then as well so down into magic he was away and clear and his teammate george thomas made no mistakes there either to bring the bike home with the checkered flag the first to the flag they claim that victim part one of the barishing memorial trophy they are two separate races so it's not aggregate so we could have two completely different podiums seems unlikely but we could they could just be shuffled around a little bit and i think that they've all got a swing for this now so it's something that they can look at and work on the 17 machine that's a special actually it's a mix of new parts and period period parts so it's a motorcycle that's been made for the period and it works very very well there is james hilliar walking in the rich energy sponsored bsb rider so british superbikes um shaking hands with his partner out on the track and you know it's all a bit of fun and it's nothing relevant to what he's racing except racing's racing and it's always relevant and you know every day is a school day whatever you do you always learn something but what of course he's reminded of now is that he hasn't lost it it's not him and when you've got a season that's on the skids you've got to remember it's not you and when you're having a purple patch you've got to remember it's not always you either but you know that's that's your level and this and this is his level you know head and shoulders above the field of prose it's quite good watching michael rutter and josh brooks enjoying themselves in the sunshine here as well so everybody enjoys being at goodwood the revival is a very important race meeting for a lot of riders that come back we didn't see much of john mcinnes either mcginnis uh finishing world down the order so uh slightly surprising for mcginnis where'd he end up 10th in the end uh billy mcconnell was down in 11th place steve parish is pairing with burrell ends up in 12th place uh mick grant i never mentioned mick grant though a winner on superbikes a winner on grand prix bikes uh a tt winner of course he ends up in 14th place and he's well he's not 80 yet but he's pretty close to it the man looks like he must bathe him for malma hide it's hard to believe he looks the way he does let's hear from the guys down at uh down in the start and finish line right michael russell michael rutter what a fantastic race that was oh my goodness well michael i got to start with you michael ross i'm going to start with you what a fantastic race podium at goodwood you'll take that oh every time sunshine goodwood a wonderful bike put together by richard uh great teammate i mean what all could you want lovely wife i don't know absolute winner congratulations thank you very much yeah michael you were having a lot of fun out there i wouldn't say it was fun but uh yeah it was it's good to ride around with jeremy and all the lads again it's uh and they're a bit slow so you can have a bit of mess about like uh of the straights but in the corners it gets proper serious well done thank you cheers right let's find the second place guys we've got josh brooks and ken king here let's start with ken um ken you just needed a few more laps yeah i didn't really know where i was i sort of saw p2 and then it was dash seven i think it might be saying seven seconds behind so i thought well i'm just gonna keep going as fast as i can i kept catching people but i wasn't sure who i was chasing but we're second so that's fantastic well done thank you very much indeed josh brooks so i just let you get your cigar josh in my notes i've got next to you i've just got v fast great first end yeah it was a it was a really good race um i feel like i was maybe a bit too slow off the start we had a problem with the clutch yesterday and i was desperately trying not to uh slip the clutch too much at the beginning and uh james was just gone he set the pace straight away off the first lap so i think i was actually able to manage to match james's speed but um i'd lost too much off the start so it was just head down and and try and make up if anything we could but um to come in second is a great result congratulations thank you right let's go to the first place guys george thomas and james hillier george did you know that the gap was closing near the end uh yeah the mechanics were telling me to hurry up basically what's going through your mind then um it was a bit hard because i didn't know how big the gap was but um it's quite hard just to press on or slow off or so but james got the big gap in the first so it made it a bit easier so yeah well under james and stuart tong for the bike so yeah excellent thanks james what a start have you ever had a start like that uh no but hopefully i can uh well make a habit of it i suppose it was uh i just wanted to get get the work done and and build a bit of a gap but you know i didn't expect it sort of pull away that much and you know i don't know it just not only take a little bit of credit for that they've the stewards built an amazing bike this thing is like um just good a good good bike so uh hopefully we can do a bit more again tomorrow and be back here again enjoy it congratulations guys
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 257,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goodwood, Revival, Goodwood Revival, Barry sheene, James hillier, GP bikes, Goodwood bikes, Revival bike race, bike race, motorcycle racing, josh brookes, motogp
Id: T2os1svsAGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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