Tiger Woods | PGA TOUR Originals: Tiger Tales

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This is a great watch so far (I'm only 15 min in), but I can't believe the PGA Tour just casually dropped it on a Wednesday afternoon. Haven't seen any promotion for it.

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[Applause] nicknames have long been a staple on the PGA team the Golden Bear the Black Knight the king but perhaps the most iconic moniker belongs to Eldrick Todd woods a name given to him by his father Earl in honor of a fellow soldier and friend his nicknames Tiger for recent look at highlight reel he's destroyed fields you know and everyone that showed up felt like they were gonna lose right from when he came enough to be a pride to now you know he keeps doing things that people don't think anyone can do and he does it he took care of business and to have winning percentage in there at one point around 30% that that doesn't really happen pretty amazing stuff the thing about golf it is a marathon it's 72 holes is for days and so just because I won this week doesn't mean I'm assured to win the next week I'm just gonna do it again time won I was gonna do it again how similar doing if there is anything Tigard loves just as much as winning it's needling his competitors with nicknames of his own the first time I ever met him hey I'm Bryson it goes yeah yeah you're Rain Man I'm like you got to be kidding me he already gave me a nickname and I've barely met him he calls me ash um me cause were a lot of things but that would be the thing that he probably calls me the most is actually za TCH he thought I was nuts I thought it was crazy and very smart apparently which is not true but Rain Man is actually kind of a compliment it was cool he's very cerebral when it comes to his golf game but he's also extremely clever and downright funny at times I don't think that Tiger is that funny he thinks he is but I don't think he is not that day on he gives me all these different nicknames call me beefy right now gotten bigger and I looked beefy compared No he loves a condom he's got a lot of nicknames too it goes by his nickname technically so once you get to know him and you understand the personal side of him he's extremely enjoyable to be around him just a great individual Tigers personality has been on display more over the past few years than ever before and while paired with Kevin Na at the 2019 players he took a page right out of his competitors playbook a great example of the new Tiger it was a downhill quick call you barely got to hit it and it helps when the balls moving slowly because you can get to the hole before the ball I hit a great putt and started right on line I took a big stride and I got a really quick tug my hand went right in as soon as the ball went in I've always done it so it wasn't a big deal one and I kind of looked over and he was just cracking up it looks like he was in a kitchen before he got to the hole I thought I'm how fun with it never in a million years would have thought he was gonna imitate me and do that I said oh my god I can't believe Tiger the goat just did that I said I can't believe you just did that he goes well I had to make sure I had to start on line first that I said I didn't want to try to do it amiss would you ever seen Tiger do that a few years back what a place to do it on 17th at Sawgrass and the whole world to see that and we had a lot of fun that's the modern Tiger Tigers definitely changed a lot in the last few years I think he was a bit more maybe serious kind of standoffish did his thing at the start of his career you could tell he meant business he's become a lot more fan friendly which has been a really good thing Tiger Woods very appreciative of the crowd as the crowd is of him I buy the tiger when he was going through his crime you realize that killer instinct he he had he still has that now but he's just a softer softer Tiger Woods and I'm not saying that in a competitive standpoint it's just more so as the person he went from a guy who shutting everyone out and just dominated golf and then he was able to show the softer side yet still be successful in the golf course I have been very fortunate last year so just get a no Tiger and in him spending the amount of time with me that he has next on the tee Kentucky's mr. golf in 2009 please welcome Justin yeah you know that talking would sit down mr. Kentucky we have fun together we like to joke around this actually wasn't too long ago we were at their house and we were just having dinner and watching TV played some ping-pong and Charlie decided you wanted to play homerun Derby in the living room which I guess is a common thing in the woods house tigers pitch in to Charlie and he has like a little golf club and then he's like well I want to get a bigger bat so he got it legit bat so I'm wondering how hard they're gonna hit it because we're in the living room he hit some and he's sitting as far as he can the Tigers up like okay I'll get an idea of how hard he's gonna hit it then and he's pretty much just peppering him I mean he's sitting as hard as you can bouncing off the walls and then of course I go and I hit one a little bit off the end of the bat I hit a candle and break a candle in living room so yep that was my first experience of her run derby and Tiger Woods living room they were fun with the daughter like that's fine happens all the time like I sort of feel good about it but I'm kind of adopted as long as it hit any major trophies that's fine [Music] Tiger Woods motivated a crop of young golfers to rise to the professional level including fifth-year Pro Herald Varner the third who got an early taste of Tiger mania I guess I would have been 1112 it was just like I walked through and I waited right there on the road right there I was just like dude come on he walked right by me pissed so bad and I'll never forget the first time we played together were walking up 18 I was like man you didn't even sign my autograph he's like that's probably why you're here right now you probably got mad like you right Tiger has his own unique way of connecting with the galleries they are infatuated with his every move Tigers following has existed since long before the child prodigy debuted on the PGA Tour welcome to the future that crowd was so loud and it was like kind of definite calories for great as we anticipate his first event on the PGA Tour as a professional I'll turn it over to Tiger it's with the media attention and just the fight honey got a chance to rest yet it's been a little hectic obviously called high expectations and they're being met with three victories and his first nine starts as a pro the 80 two-time champion has always given media and fans a reason to believe the hype I've never seen so many people run just to get a close glimpse of Tiger Woods that's a gallery have we ever seen anything like this in golf look at this scene having all those people around all the time we know where he is you can just look and you know the marshals are holding back it's a team effort we have your security and of course the police department and our volunteers some people just get so excited to see their favorite player especially Tiger because of his lemony officer Ganley is used to guiding Tiger through the ropes at Torrey Pines this year in San Diego it took on another dimension since 2002 I have been the officer in charge out here so from that point on I have had a relationship with Tiger only because he brings the biggest crowd devil I know each other for a very long time and she's always taking great care of us and without Deb and people like her we would be as safe as we are when I first started doing this tournament he does a practice round on Tuesday which I found out ok practice round not a lot of people at the golf course and he came off a team and the ropes had not been set up to bring them up to the putting green and he literally was mobbed I mean we're trying to push people back I've never seen anything like that in my life and I said to my sergeant ok we need to make sure these ropes are even on the practice room so it really brought to light Tiger Woods and his celebrity Brandel Chamblee asked me one time why I follow Tiger Woods so many practice rounds and I said if I would have been the beat writer for the Chicago Bulls I would have watch Michael Jordan in a shoot around every day this is a different guy Michael Jordan said he idolizes only one athlete that's Tiger Woods there's guys out there that are fan favorites I like to think I'm one of them at times Tiger kind of keeps you humble I played two groups in front of Tiger and I look over at Tigers in this flop shot from play right of the green it's a one in 20 chance to get up and down from there Tigers got it he still got it crowd goes crazy I mean there's four or five thousand people watching him it's our ger it was three people one is my girlfriend people you know joke about how you know Tiger moves the needle he is the needle I never thought we would play for a million dollar first place check and then 1996 comes along and Tiger comes out and creates this interest in the game of golf that attract sponsors attracts the media and brings us awareness to the game for the young legend what he's been able to do for all of us as players is immeasurable it's about as good a place as may be golf's ever been in right now and we have a lot of thanks to him in that he's such a iconic figure in this game and he certainly revolutionized the sport we owe him a great deal financially and from an exposure point of view right here in the game of golf it was what Tiger mania is all about Tigers presence is felt in every event he tees it up I remember one time everyone's putting on the greens and the tie walks on he starts punting one hole and then there was like a 20-foot barrier of nothingness around him who wears just him putting - one hole and everyone else was put to all these other holes and knew he's just had one special hole it was just amazing to see the tiger aura and it's that aura that sparked the imagination of those watching from home it's a little kid you like how cool would that be to have that intimidation factor the tiger effect tiger made it cool to play golf that's six seven eight nine ten year old range that's when you can really get involved in a sport we watched him have no mercy on anybody that's when I was like you know I want to be playing against Tiger I want to be doing what he's doing I was a senior in high school and when you watch Tiger Woods with the sweater that was too big and fist-pumping on 18 to set all kind of Records and different things got me excited about trying to play golf as a professional we grew up idolizing him and wanting to do what he did my pre shot routine my my warm-up routines based off what Tiger does that it's seen this much Club twirling since Tiger Woods's heydays is the dr. J and the Michael mixed in one you know he taught us that a slam dunk crossover all that stuff we learned from Tiger and he made it big so we're just carrying the torch not Tigers been so dominant for so long and now that you're seeing these new guys creep up they're dominating in a different way the games kind of turning itself over to a different breed of superstars out here on tour the youth movement has arrived in full force the way that he played the game inspired me to want to be a professional golfer I'm sure you can talk to a number of the young guys out here and they'll say the same thing I grew up in the Tiger era and gift only normal for kids to want to emulate you know one of our greats he brought this you know the tiger roar to the game and kids were watching that and thought it was cool so it's all his fault the Tigers 46 victories before the age of 30 set a new president the Tigers the one that showed everybody you could win at 20 now there's a lot of people out there that would have said it's impossible for Tiger to do what he did but he did it and it's paved the way for us kids they're not scared of the limelight and you have to be that way you gotta you got to want to play in front of the big crowds you want to have to want to win and I think they all learned that from the man himself Tiger a very good golfer once told me that you got five hours to grind it out 19 hours to rest and I was talking woods I work hard and then once I'm ready nothing's gonna stop me from winning the event and that for those guys to look at it as like to do was was very flattering the generation fuelled by the man they all idolized now find themselves on the same stage as their childhood hero you dream of having a chance to win and at the end against Tiger Woods that's what every kid my age or younger was dreaming up we gon' the putting green you got a putter to beat Tiger Woods to have that come true it really is a dream come true it's just the dream scenario I don't think you can imagine anything better than that he's been such an influence on all of us just to share that moment with him it was great while a few have prevailed against him down the stretch Tigers set the record straight at the 2019 Masters everybody was kind of hoping he was gonna have a run to be on that conversation to who's the best in history and was the goat they just felt like he was destiny for him to win one more and and of course it happened the way it happened everybody in Walker was drinking for him and to him to come through to do it at Augusta I'm not gonna win I was hoping he would to be able to put it on necessarily grew up watching when your idols growing up was unbelievable I'm just happy that I was able to put the jacket on them correctly and then make them kind of stumble and try to figure out where the holes work to be there for it and in contention it school for me just to watch my right after he won he said it's 1:1 so looking forward to to kind of change the nets when other athletes get the opportunity to go see another athlete in their sport you have a unbelievable respect for what they do at that high level I barely could sleep knowing I was going to have an opportunity to walk with Tiger inside the ropes Tiger bought strengthen conditioning to the course like Jordan brought the strengthen conditioning to the court when he came on the scene he was lean steam line and he hit it a long way and so everybody starts saying wait a second maybe if I can get myself in better shape it will give me an advantage on the course then I first came out here I was the only guy in the gym there's nobody else generally that's when athletes peak watching it for me I was able to take advantage of to get up in the morning run four miles and I go to gym do my lists and I'd hit balls about two to three hours of go play come back work on my short game I go run another three more miles and then the team I want to play basketball tennis so I would go play basketball or tennis and I was a daily routine he kind of set the standard the physical fitness of guys now and the tour they're big they're different looking obviously I think he had a lot to do with that we grew up watching one of the best athletes of all time dominate and Tiger Woods and just watching him do what he did I think we all kind of want to be something dominating I'm Sam guys are much more prepared now coming on the tour physically mentally what if it squeezed now everybody's in the gym their own has our own personal trainer that travels with him or they have a program that they follow the game is way more athletic no we're we're getting guys who grow up doing other sports who transition in the golf Tiger Woods changed that for everybody I mean the way he prepared the way he dominated the sport in the way he looked he looked athletic he looked like a football player a baseball player now the sudden Tiger comes in now they're they're in shape it's changed because the guys are fit and those guys I mean they are bombing the ball I was saying you know throughout my career so one day we're gonna guy to get a guy that is gonna be like a bo Jackson just gonna be like a Michael Jordan then it'd be that explosive that good I decide to play golf if you look at the golfer today they're taller they're stronger you know they hit it further so it's just how the sport is developed some probably more time taking care of my body working out the more time doing all that stuff and I actually do playing golf he was able to put Fitness into his routine and become one of the better athletes in the world and it's impressive and I think we led by example and the rest of us were just following with the strength and conditioning of today's players on full display Tiger keeps a watchful eye on their athletes he inspired Bayhill doing the frame I was getting well I'm player but early nine holes before they teed off it's dark he's warming up for his prime tee time comes over me and I think he's gonna tell me something good and he comes over to me he says it's really true white men can't jump and he was referring to inside a PGA Tour just aired a day before this and fitness stuff was there's some box jumps and he was giving me a little crop and I'm like dude that's 42 inches and he's like nah that's fake and so he gave me a little hard time so couple days later he's warming up for Friday's round and I sort of get his attention and there's a water cooler right there like hey tiger look look at me I can jump on this water cooler well unfortunately the water coolest hinges were broken and so I jumped up on it and the cooler top went out from under me and I fell backwards and he absolutely died laughing I mean on his knees laughing just I mean hysterical thank God all the cameras with position on him and I was behind the cameras we had once to go at Genesis I went to sat down my girlfriend sitting there and and Tiger was talking to a bunch of people and as he was touching a chair at my table so I snapped a picture and said I mean if he's touching the chair my table account that as you know having lunch with him but I made a par on 18 on Friday from about 225 yards in walk profit at Riviera and if I made bogey I would have played with Tiger on Saturday so I'm gonna call that the worst part of ever made remember just missing out on a chance to play with Tiger Woods nobody forgets their first time teeing it up with arguably the greatest of all time I planted them at his tournament - chair wood pretty nervous for the first few holes and then I settled in and sort of did my thing I've never said good shot as much in my life playing with anyone it's a good shot good shot good shot but I think that was just he was consistently hitting great shots the entire today showed 6-under par he get Bradley playing along with Tiger Woods I remember I sent the text message that they get from the toward my buddies in the group they were more excited at I wasn't I've never seen in a strip quite like that just the atmosphere plays in like a Sunday for everybody else in contention every single day it was fun but oftentimes the excitement of playing alongside Tiger is paired with other emotions especially come Sunday it's tough yet first time you're nervous way more nervous that would have been even in the last group Tiger Woods with a seven-shot lead over Marc Leishman and Brandt Snedeker the north playing with him in the loss Kurt when he was very paid unbelievable very nervous and actually played well all I thought what a day for Leishman 69 playing right alongside Tiger Woods for the very first time and fortunately had a four foot on last hole trying to get out of his way and hit a few putts really quickly and in that missing Tour Championship before they take my time I actually taught me really valuable less than that David and he had said some to me at the rally what are you doing know what why are you I was where I was in your wedding you didn't even hear it won by seven shots you weren't in my way worried about it I kind of he told me a few things and it's a really cool memory such was the case for his starstruck max Halle and his first start as an amateur Tiger was a few groups in front of me Gela kavas patty put down the bag and I told my caddie go put the bag next to Tigers let's go have balls thanks to Tiger Woods and I'm hitting him the whole time I'm warming up own thing about it I really want to go meet him yeah my hero whatever so I'm sitting there hitting balls I'm putting a terrible he's hitting it perfect I'm kind of staring at him too much I'm over getting text messages because I guess the golf channel was doing the warm-up and I'm right behind I'm just staring at him so I finally walk over to him in between bites of snack and memory had I said hey tiger you know max there's no chance you know who I am but I'm a big fan I'm sure he gets this all the time he was so nice he shook my hand said you know have a great day you know good luck or whatever and I'm like you know you - I was really important to him to be quite honest but it was cool I saw the picture of me staring at him while he's hitting and I am doing an awful job if you guys wondering on this through the years there's little that Tiger hasn't seen yet Scott Brown second career ace marked Tigers first it's only one he said he's ever put on the card anybody that ever made one with him he said so I think his word for it I grew up with Tiger fans so it's always cool getting to play with your idols and in just his second year on tour McKenzie Hughes offered a moment of his own alongside tiger I made a putt on the eighth hole from like 75 feet [Applause] I didn't really fist pump but I kind of gave it one of those like you know just sort of like can't believe that thing went in kind of like raise your arm in the air fist pump and he was smiling and laughing and he enjoyed it too so playing with him it's been great and he's been a huge asset to our game witnessing the eighty two-time champion up close can be nerve-wracking and even practice rounds have led to stories worth sharing like Bubba Watson's encounter at Torrey Pines that was the first time ever playing we never met him he yelled at me crossed the fairway he said hey can i play with you and i looked around trying to be funny cuz there's thousands of people watching him and I said yep you can play with us so he just picks his ball up comes out of the rope drops it right there in the fairway and we played that nine holes there's a thrill of a lifetime after we got done he said hey you wanna go to dinner I said yeah love to and he said you got my number I was like where do you think I got your number from so he gave me his number and we went to dinner a couple days later an eight-shot victory for tiger I probably barred and wild tiger has no misgivings breaking bread with other players when it comes time to compete he's back to business his competitiveness as mental Drive he was always right there in contention you watch other guys start to back up and fold just as his name was coming up I was eating a lot of farmers a lot of greens and making everything it's gonna add up to some w18 times in 99 and then 9 and in 2017 times and for majors at that two-year span Tiger Woods was winning everything it was probably the best golf never played over a 10-year period in the history of the game he's a pretty fierce guy when it comes down to it every one of the most respected or almost feared in a way when he was at his best seemingly every time he tees it up at a big event he adds to the history that was peak Tiger where everybody was legitimately playing for seconds and they knew it whenever you dominate or win a lot it can be intimidating to the rest of the field it's a demeanor that's given Tiger the edge more often than not but even when coming up short he still stood tall we were playing la open on a Saturday and I was born under playing last ol and he was 3-under and we're both fairly competitive and we both knew what was going on and yeah he pars the last hole and I had about a 10-footer to nip him by one in the day and and it went in the hole and I looked right up at Tiger he had the big old grin on his face I just kind of smiled back at I'm like you know I got you you know I know you're better than me but I got you this time despite losing some battles Tigers fierce reputation stems from a 55 and 4 record when holding a lead or cold lead entering the final round a 93% winning rate he got into this zone where nothing bothered him where he just had this absolute Teflon coating where nothing got inside it's a hundred percent on every shot so even if he's not playing so great through 13 or 14 holes he's thinking I'm gonna birdie the last five you know and then if he makes one or two he gets on a roll and takes it off the sheet [Applause] Tiger Woods flashing his high scoring offense here today [Applause] Tiger Woods there for 1215 years I mean if he had to make a putt for par on the back nine he made it and that's why once it was this typical Tiger when he's got a chance to win he normally wins this is the Tiger that's impossible to beat Tigers competitive nature was even more evident as a playing captain at the 2019 Presidents Cup Tiger Woods doing Tiger Woods things you almost expect something like that if there's anybody that's gonna be a playing captain that's gonna be him the captain is leading the way in more ways than one he didn't play Saturday morning two and half hours into the matches he gets on the radio with Stricker myself and Zach and he says fellas I don't feel good enough I'm gonna take the afternoon off you came here to win win as a team and each person has their own role I have my role as a player my role as captain and I trust my team to go out there and turn this thing around he doesn't play we do well then on Sunday he goes first off so he can hopefully win his match which he did [Applause] he had the hat off the fort right that's his 27th match when the most now in Presidents Cup history we're hugging and having fun about him winning his match and things are looking good and he comes over to me goes dude how did you do this I'm so here I'm done with my match but I'm so nervous are we going to win this thing that's a player wearing complete control of what we're doing as a captain it's tough yeah I felt it all day today rooting for my guys it was nerve-racking and Captain Tiger Woods who added three points of his own to the cause will celebrate this one for a long long time we did it together but you know we we came here as a team my teammates and my boys all played well all my boys they they did it he wanted to win for the team but I've never seen him nervous and he was definitely nervous on Sunday of the Presidents Cup trying to go out there and beat my dad that was the ultimate I started playing golf at a very early age I call it four I used to always have to play from the blue tees always had to play with my dad and it was frustrating one it took two good shots and I couldn't get to his golf ball then it became I got past his golf ball then it became that my tee shots were kind of close to him then it became like we're right neck and neck and that's when it happened when I beat him I was 11 years old playing Navy golf course I was one down playing last two holes and I went birdie birdie shot 72 71 and clipped him so that's probably one of the biggest highlights I've ever had is beating my dad at our home course how do you describe the relationship between a father and son something so unique yet so come and what if that bond developed in the spotlight from the very beginning the story of pearl woods and his son Tiger is well documented a duo so inextricably linked all smiles for the woods the architect of one of the winningest golfers of all time and Tiger his willing protege people think that if he pushed me in the golf and there was exact opposite he's trying to get me to not to play it I grew up playing baseball so you played baseball you're always gonna have speed you have to gotta have a hand speed you got to have hip speed you got to get that bear all that battle round unfortunately for me I followed my dad and grew up playing baseball I fell in love with golf a very early age because my dad kept it fun and light because of that intense bond and shared love of the game world Woods was able to produce one of the most prolific clutch putters that golf has ever seen [Applause] the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know what that dude saw in my game but you're really really knew a punny and he knew my stroke I've had coaches throughout my career but my dad was the best teacher I've ever had with pudding and probably ever will under pressure under the gun when I need to make pots of the back nine I've always revert back to my dad's teachings [Music] [Applause] the perfect season Straight PGA Tour victories they grow up on a you know my dad's golf course par 72 so as I got older my dad kept dropping par which I didn't like say if it was a par four and it took me what four to get there and the first time I got there and 3 para automatically went down it taught me never to be afraid to go low I missed my dad dearly and he was a integral part of my life I don't ever want to forget the things he's taught me over the years it's worked for 30 plus years sometimes I'll even hear his voice coming out of stretch on the back nine and that's pretty neat Earl's words of wisdom would translate off the course as Tiger transitioned into a father himself he asked me to drive him to pick the kids up at school so Tiger and I are sitting in carpool lane with all the other moms and dads waiting to pick up their kids and we looked at each other and then kind of chuckled because we've come a long way we were both fathers and we both love parenting now I'm out of golf because of my back his future in golf was uncertain because of his back and it was just sort of a funny moment between two friends that had sort of experienced a lot of similar things that's a great moment in golf right here of the comeback put it all together Tigers come back from Hail Mary back fusion surgery in 2017 culminated with his 80th career PGA Tour victory at the 2018 Tour Championship Tiger what's a winner again the wind having massive repercussions around the sporting landscape yet for Tiger it was at home where its impact was felt the most they've only associated golf with pain and discomfort and in fact that it hurts their dad it's not fun and so they don't really remember the times when it was fun for me to play [Music] they don't remember me ever being in a position of winning a golf tournament to do something that I know that though always her number and then for the people who are there to make it so distinctive that it's burning in their memory forever but they will always remember that coming back and winning the Tour Championship [Applause] when Tiger at the golfing genius first became Tiger to dead in 2007 [Music] he was still in the midst of his unprecedented dominance in the game but injuries put a halt to his epic run the time away the rebuilding of his body and mind giving him a newfound perspective for the game and more importantly life when I had the procedure done I never thought for a moment at that particular time that I would ever be at this level again you know I had resigned the fact that I would probably never play golf again at the elite level I just wanted to have a life again and be part of my kid's life it all came together with which the dad and woods the golfer at the 2019 masters as those worlds collided in a spectacular way his children finally getting the chance to witness what the rest of the world had lived for all these years just to see him being able to celebrate that with his kids and share that with his kids because all they know him as it's just kind of a youtube star you know they've never seen him do that in person so I've seen firsthand how great of a dad he is and how interacting he is with them so to see that side of it was was really cool for my perspective now through his maturity as a man he started to understand that compassion and those sorts of emotions are okay to have because that's what opens you up to new relationships and from those new relationships you don't necessarily create weakness but you can actually create strengths [Applause] hey tiger this is Advent you know I just wanted to say it meant so much to me throughout all these years and getting me to where I am today now as a newly graduated doctor I had all these dreams and aspirations of wanting to be a physician but I needed some someone else to get me there this role would scholarship program altered the the rest of my life for the better it's been an incredible experience being a scholar here at the foundation that was cool less was all about blending ahead to the next generation through the Earlwood scholar program along with TGR foundation's Learning Labs and a digital site TGR edu Explorer are a few of many ways Tiger Woods is building a legacy off the golf course TJ our foundation started in 1996 when Tiger and Earle traveled the country doing junior golf exhibitions in it it occurred to him that if something happened to him that foundation would be done the TGR foundation will outlast me anything I do competitively we decided to refocus the foundation on something that was really near and dear to him and that was education we open the TGR Learning Lab it's a tiger it was all about creating a safe place for kids to imagine a new future Tiger has evolved his foundation to reach students through education based programs focused in the STEM subjects and help them pave a path towards college and the workforce education was number one in my household I didn't get my work done I could never play in a sport eventually and I'm going to Stanford because of it I knew I wanted to go to college I knew I wanted to have a successful career but I didn't know how to make it happen necessarily the foundation demystified that entire process for me I was a candle in a darkroom just having my own spark but not knowing what to do with it but now with the arrow scholarship program I feel like I'm just like this burning flame that can be stopped we were impacting so many kids through the Learning Lab and he said why can't we do millions we created a digital platform to GRE do you explore that's what the world is trending it's becoming more tech involved and everything we do is now with a mobile device just this past September we passed a million kids impacted through those programs and millions more to come this is free education and a way of learning that will help not only that their lives but I think their communities we can have such a more permanent impact around the world it's gonna be bigger than anything I've heard on the golf course while Tiger remains a hero in the eyes of the students he's helped along the way it's come full circle from the time he met one of his heroes Sam Snead Sam always give gave me a lot of crap all the time Sam was always one that was all the first ones to give the needle and it was always fun it's always fun listen to his stories over the years I've been Sam when I was five you know he was playing at Calabasas in LA I was this little no it's not most kid at five years old that he had to play the last two holes with and I remember us apart three I'm five I can't carry it very far hit it into the water and he tells me to go help picking up all the water and when my my dad was alive he didn't tell me that you I was slightly competitive even at that age and I hadn't liked him telling me to pick the ball up because you know my dad always taught me to play it as it is there's no such thing as winner rules so I went and played them and I made bogey I'm on that hole a par 3 and I'm a bogan last hole and I saw the card at home he signed it and he went par par and I lost by two I told him that story and he says yeah I'm two up I said I'm five you know but that's how Sam was Sam was always great and to be able to have a chance to break his record it's gonna be fun to break his elusive bench more than 82 PGA Tour victories 16 years old you don't know how much better he can get it looks like he's gonna be a really a force on that door the record tying win came 27 years later it's a foregone conclusion that he'll become the winningest player in the history of our game you're talking about set an all-time records it's pretty pretty impressive and you know he's already one of the all-time greats and already a legend of the game he's already accomplished so much he's already considered one of the best of all time 83 definitely be knocking at the door that's a career that says not something that happens overnight that's gonna be done over an expansion of decades hopefully I can get a little further into these but as he sits atop the mountain it's clear that Tigers final chapter is about more than any record the number is almost irrelevant it's almost like a byproduct of the journey that he's been on to eventually pass Sam's knee which I fully believe he's going to do he's gonna be great but that's not the end he's been through the mud so Sam you know looking happy smiling being accepted by the younger players give him the respect that he deserves it means like a lot of people have been inspired just by watching his example time will really tell what his impact has been long-term he can be a one in a million where nobody could ever get into it atmosphere in the flames still burning and there's a couple more wins in his future so he's not done yet I gotta earn my way into 83 that's a lot of wins trust me I appreciate all those ones [Applause]
Channel: PGA TOUR
Views: 1,044,660
Rating: 4.9140878 out of 5
Keywords: highlights, shot, golf, swing, drive, pga tour, pga, tour, tiger, tales, tiger tales, tiger tales tiger woods, tiger tales cbs, tiger woods, tiger woods tiger tales, tiger woods pga tour
Id: pzHq8XgJt5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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