TIG Welding: How To Basics For Beginners

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okay so I've done a lot of stuff in my life and I'm proud of but it's coming to my realisation text you guys that there's a couple things I'm failing in and that is driving a racecar fast keep two hands on you at all times and might take welding ability pardon me mr. perfect I guess I forgot but as one of my heroes once said [Music] okay we want to thank like an electric for helping us up with this video what we're gonna do is use a square wave take 200 for this and it's kind of an entry level taking machine which is where I'm starting it with I don't have any ticking experience whatsoever and no instructional how to's given to me at all so I know how to weld both stick and make and I know how to braise but I'm very green when it comes to taking along with the welder we've asked Randy from chrome to NV to give us a hand and actually go over the machine and kind of start from 101 how to get into ticking my name is Randy I own the business called chrome Denby Kustoms I have a YouTube channel that I don't really do videos long but I'm getting there I've been fabricating for 14 years now aluminum stuff food-grade stainless stuff normal mild fabrication or anything another thing like rich was saying this is a perfect inexpensive machine entry-level it'll do everything you needed to do right out of the box other than high production stuff perfect for the at-home hobbyist an inverter machine it's a lot smaller the old transformer machines I have the square wave 250 at my shop and it's almost the size of this toolbox it's gigantic these improvements there run a lot more efficient so you were saying this is exactly your machine but it's got a pulse option yeah so this is kind of pulse option my machine is probably like 10 years older than this okay so completely green what I want to know is what not to do what is going to prevent me from doing a nice well no matter if everything was perfect I'm still ending up with a crappy weld what are some of the things that would cause it okay there's there's a lot of things TIG welding is is very difficult for beginners because it's it gets a little overwhelming and everybody's super jacked I'm making weld porn right off the hop and it's just not good should I start with steel or aluminum it's better service steel okay aluminum less a little more expensive consumable wise and everything else but steel is more of a practical application you can spread across the board because almost the same rules with steel apply to stainless okay so you can kind of so it's like learning the stick before you learn to make because if you can do stick you can make you can but not the other way around yeah and there's a lot of things that can go wrong just based off settings amperage wise and material wise these coupons I cleaned up as best as possible and it works nicely but this coupon we cleaned it up and no matter what the Steel's pitted basically you're not gonna get a good weld no matter what okay there's a lot of material prep that goes into it as well as cleaning after the material prep so there's one thing is grinding your material that way it's nice and shiny and you get a good beat and get good penetration a lot of guys they use they use wipes and they like wipe down everything well that way everything is very clean it's sterile the aerospace stuff they're they're on like a whole nother level they're the best and they can't do anything alright so we've got our materials now what comes in our kit we got a pebble we got this wand torch and the machine itself so what do we do yeah okay so your pedal it's like a gas pedal right more power more gooder you set your amperage that way when your pedals fully maxed out I'm like pedal to the metal that's what your maximum amperage is gonna run it won't run anymore I don't want any less it'll run less if you ramp it back it's better to set your amperage on close tool the material that you have rather than just max it your machine and trend further it in between you'll never you'll never hit that sweet spot the link it actually has a chart right on top of it from what you can see it's pretty well bang on now the torch there's a wide variety of torches we've got a number seven cup on here I think the smallest cup I have is like a three that I've never I've seen and they go all the way up to like 24 like they get gigantic for the most part all you need is like a number 7 number e it all depends on how much tungsten you want to stick out of the nozzle so the diameter your nozzle is typically how much stick out you can have so a number seven is 3/8 of an inch half an inch so you'll be able to stick out about a half-inch you can go under it's it's fine it's not gonna hurt anything try not to go too much over okay because you'll start losing gas pressure Oh guys coverage because we have number seven on there your CFM of what you're gonna be pumping out of the regulator will be twice that so we have a seven you can go 14 CFM 15 16 but if you start ramping up anything past that you're just throwing yeah you just throwing bills all the windows not necessarily super cheap how about the tip on the tungsten what what's it what's important about that so you have to make sure that your tungsten is nice and ground it's got a good point to it while you're grinding it you also don't want to make it red hot it's bad and molecular lee okay in there yep I'm like sharpening the blade on a knife if you go dread hot when you're welding stainless steel or anything like that it's always got to be a nice point you can change the angle of the tungsten point and you'll get a different flow out of electrode so we've got our settings we got our set up we got a nice brown spot basically what you're gonna do is I like to pre flow before start welding okay because when ends up happening is the time it takes the sound to open from there to there yep you've already gotten inclusion because of lack of gas well okay so to start the flow you just tap no yeah just give it a little tap you know hold your torch out here and give it a tab okay and then you'll hear you'll hear the gas come come through unless you like serious ear protection on trying to listen to the Bern and I mean frankly it's it's a lot of feel with with TIG speed and depth you know you don't want to have your you don't want to have your tungsten way out here and trying to weld anything as well as your angle you don't want to be trying to weld this way and and be pulling your tungsten like that okay you'll get lack of gas coverage and look at just be Spitz in Sparks all right so this is kind of your goodie bag yes like so we're just gonna touch on this briefly because there's too much going on yeah so first off what's the difference between long and short why would you want both number seven now I'm confused they're both number seven really the difference is getting in tight spots okay that's that's basically it I got some stubby's that way you don't have to have a full size tungsten sticking out of your torch okay um so you just pull off the back cap okay so that way you can take this from being eight inches long to four okay right that's one of my fancy CK Pyrus cups that is broken this is how much it's like 40 bucks Canadian okay so like 12 bucks man so yeah don't buy these until you get it yeah don't bother especially like they're really nice the novels that you can't see anything this you're in a weird spot you can see right through the cup it's okay they're really nice I think this is I think we have something like this in our chandelier in the house probably nil and then this is your standard gas nozzle and this is your more fancy gas lines just help spread out the gas a little bit further and it kind of saves your gas a little bit okay much more even coverage is fantastic now is tungsten tungsten so there is a ton of different tungsten there's gold black silver purple green either's there's a lot and kind of each and every one has their place but for the most part I'm pretty sure this kit came with purple which is totally fine to just do anything you want with okay it's very good for aluminum it's a very stable arc which is very nice typically green band was always the aluminum there is tons and tons and you can you can dig so deep in the different Tungsten's usually you got and then go from there so there's three different types of rods we got here aluminum in the middle regular mild steel on the other side some stainless on the far side now you can see a difference color wise based on the stainless has got a little bit more of a flatter finish to it it's not as shiny as the aluminum the aluminum has marked on it what it is this is 40 43 aluminum now there's also different thicknesses of rods against the two pieces of aluminum there's one that's the 16th and one is 332 that'll affect how big of a puddle you're gonna make we're gonna be welding with 332 er 70s riches got this stuff on it around so this is just gonna look perfect for what we're gonna use so can you take without fill around so you can there is there's a lot of back and forth not necessarily industry wise but just people wise Internet wise okay with fusion fusion is as a standard practice that a lot of welding shoes if your pieces have a good enough fit up specifically stainless you do a lot of you stainless okay mild steel not so much if it's if it's a nice tight fit up and you got a nice back purge in there so back purging basically you've got your exhaust so you've got a couple pieces exhaust you got a nice pie cut here yep typically what you want to do is you want to cap the two ends and then feed argon into that tube okay because what's gonna happen is you're gonna weld on the outside here and it's gonna start blowing through on the inside and as it's penetrating in in you have no gas coverage on the inside - okay so so typically what you want to do is they make fancy things for and everything like that you can use like electrical tape in a hole it's a lot of argon yeah so you have to set up like a dual regulator on your tank okay it's it's a lot more of a fancy setup but as far as exhaust go and especially you know doing expensive exhaust work yeah most tube welding that's what you want to do okay you want to make sure you got a nice good coverage on the inside when you're making you have no idea what the inside looks like you got you got you got big bubbles in that everywhere so taking kind of eliminates that it eliminates that as long as you're not too heavy on me and pretty alright so when we're using a rod now we're gonna forget about fusion welding I just wanted to cover the ask about that guy down the road does the aluminum welding for me yeah and he always wraps it brandade wraps it over his shoulder his shoulder and then his hand yeah cuz he said if you're fighting the wand you're greedy yeah everybody's got their own technique to it that's definitely a good way because yeah you end up pulling on the cord yeah right right if you're holding the hose up the whole time here yeah yeah yeah way too big so okay so with MIG welding I've been told both ways to either drag or push dragging keeps the gas along the weld longer it depends on what why are you burning okay lift your belt Warren burning flux core you drag okay if you're because you don't push you push you end up getting inclusions inside okay metal core you push you can drag it but it's it's been proven that it's not it's not as good of a memory or you're talking with CEO to make yeah okay so if you've got a gas you won't of course your make you want to push well even the flux core you'll have a carbon dioxide okay mix that's more industrial okay big stuff and when I welded the aluminum with my spool gun I dragged it people said don't do that and I think it got black right yeah with this you're gonna want to push they're gonna push ya on an angle 45 an angle roughly 45 yeah you want to kind of good viewing and and really like a lot of guys little sticker Cup right on the seam there okay that way you get a nice solid guide okay and that'll help you with your tungsten control because you're dealing with such a smaller earth ya know there's a sweet spot where you're not pressing too hard against and enter and then it takes a little bit of fine-tuning and just doing it okay forty-five sixteenth away I'm draggin what angle do I put this at yeah it doesn't really matter a lot of people lay it flat it's all kind of personal preference okay whatever feels the smoothest because you're feeding at the same time you're kind of doing the opposite really and there's certain different speeds with both of them okay people bend up rods that way they can kind of just lay the filler rod in their hand and it'll just kind of like they can use their thumb to okay to move it along if you get good enough you can kind of do the finger shuffle and okay so electricity is coming out of the tungsten yeah and it's connecting with with the two pieces do two pieces to but but is it gonna have a favorite as to which one it's gonna go to or it'll be based on your tungsten angle so just angling my tungsten one way or another will depict us the wooden pick down which where the heat where your feets gonna go okay so a five point too much to hear me all the heat in here I'm not going yeah and you'll burn this edge away okay so that's why the tungsten has to be pouring a 45-degree between the two between the two usually like this material is the same thickness but it'll also depend on the thickness size if you got like a thicker plate on the bottom then you don't want to feed the heat into the thin piece right so this is 3/16 thick house you just go to chart and see lo the chart says right here 130 to 160 amps okay I've got a set of buck 40 okay which is pretty well usually we ready to have it about it to kind of fine-tune what did I do wrong okay so like here you started developing like it like a good puddle getting that that'd be like a good base okay but yeah it's fast yes and just a little high I can see all the heat is on the top one yeah so it should a lot of radiant heat on the top there yeah okay so yeah if you bring it down a little bit more can I go over it again will it fix that you can go over that again we can run a beat right over top of that if you start a little before it that way you'll kind of burn onto it okay now this will also work as a bit of the filler rod since there's already material there so that'll be a little different [Music] yeah so you can see it was starting to build up that Paulo there right yeah so I'm going to fast but I could instead of concentrating about going fast and whatever I could actually look up my puddle you can see the full the puddle on both so rather than focusing on my rod I was focusing more on the puddle and you can see I got much better there at the beginning and then I got too excited because I'm like I'm doing it and then I forgot to move and then there went so well maybe I'll flip it over and try to start from the other end [Music] let your phone look at you here well they're nice you got a pretty good little well here for somebody who's never done this before it's it's good well it's definitely it's all the stuff together you can see the penetration based on the heat into the steel so it's definitely penetrating if you do want to get a bigger weld in there slow down a little bit I would build it up a little bit more and now that's just a little more filler rod and a little more really it's just seat time and also a big thing with the whole welding and TIG welding and open route welding with pipes and everything like that is walking the cup which I'm sure a lot of people have seen on the Internet and it's super fun to do and it's super practical yeah like I noticed that like dragging my cup I found that I was kind of skipping across yeah and i'm focusing on the skipping and trying to smooth so I lifted my cup on this one and and like right here I was still skipping the first little bit here we're skipping and that's where I lifted my my colleague I'm like well this is going much nicer I'm not it's not coming up and touching the tungsten yeah I can see the puddle and that's one less thing I have to concentrate about is the skipping it is personal preference and frankly it's better way to learn it with your hand up okay the cup not necessarily resting on it that way you're not relying on the material okay so I'm gonna keep practicing doing some welds whatever steel I've got around I'm gonna hop back in here and keep practicing is there a big difference for but welding two together yeah I wanted to do something like that yeah so with material this thick it's different than thinner material obviously with the thinner material you can you can just weld right on it okay um you know when you start getting up into this stuff and bigger bigger bigger stuff usually what you want to do is you want to bevel the edge okay both sides that we got and they still it'll be in there and that way you can get a nice route pass in nothing too crazy but just a good route pass that'll keep you underneath your profile or your plate and then you're gonna want to go over top with a nice cap on top normal grinding stone flapper we were writing stone is totally good flat disk is good I mean if you want to get crazy and pull some 80 grit like okay sandpaper go nuts because I've heard if you do with aluminum and you've used the grinder stone on steel you'll contaminate you can't am so but not worried about steel steel is good steel steel steel steel okay but stainless is also that there will also always with stainless okay you have to have like this is stainless stuff this is steel stuff this is aluminum stuff okay so there's a little bit of preparing that way to make sure that you're not contaminating your material I mean the steel it's rough and it pretty well take everything the stainless you'll contaminate it and you'll go from not being not rusting to rusting because you've got metal particles thanks a lot man I appreciate it no problem guys definitely comment down below if you want to see another series it's kind of a tryout we kind of want to get basically I've never done this before and I want to keep going from here if you guys want to see more videos like this comment down below if you want me to take a step back and go back to stick and Meg we can do that for now taking is kind of the hierarchy yeah really like when when people see fancy welds online or anything like that it's always there okay the pipe guys they've got they're all a little cold and it takes serious skill to do that stuff but the ticking is that's really it's your most versatile aspect of welding is it stronger than makers thing it is stronger based on the TIG weld should be strong okay yes there's so much more control and so much more precise that and cleaner and slower slower at MIG is like you get one shot like but here you got more control or control and okay and it tastes it'll you know if somebody's gonna well up you know we rolled it up the roll cage get out II and it took us noon yeah we're doing that with the TIG we'd be all day yeah it's it's definitely a lot more of a tedious process all right perfect I'm gonna keep practicing and then maybe we'll see you again a couple weeks yeah thanks man yeah check out Randy on instagram chrome 2mb and his youtube channel if you're ever gonna upload again it is a lot of work but one of thanks for coming out definitely comment down below if you want to see any more of these videos these types of videos basically I want to start from the bottom up because that's where I am and if you're in the same spot let's figure this stuff together so there we go [Music]
Views: 791,117
Rating: 4.8613596 out of 5
Keywords: tig welding, tig welding basics, tig welding stainless steel, tig welding for beginners, tig welding pipe, tig welding steel, tig welder, tig welding aluminum, tig welding walking the cup, tig welding aluminum basics, how to tig, tig weld, learn how to weld, lincoln electric square wave tig 200, lincoln electric square wave tig 200 review, how to do tig welding for beginners, basic tig welding for beginners, welding for beginners tig, tig welding basics for beginners
Id: N_d30uXW-nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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