tier ranking every book tok book i've read (i think) πŸ“–βœ¨

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so a while ago I made a video on my opinions of Tik Tok books and in this video I said this you know I should have made a tier list this is 32 books and now I've done a tiny bit more research still not on book talk haven't downloaded Tik Tok app so had to do a bit of research but now we have even more books added to the list I still have like the books I had in that video that's going to be in this video and I'm probably going to tiar rank them but now we have I think around 20 more there's over 50 books on this list now okay I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to book talk so like I may potentially definitely be very wrong about some of these and whether they're like Tik Tok books or not I'm just going off of like what I've searched up online and like my general knowledge of have I seen this on a book talk table before in a book store you know so if I'm wrong about some of these just tell me please I'm genuinely clueless so some of these may not be popular on book talk now they may definitely have been popular about 2 to three years ago I'm kind of late to the okay no some of these I read years ago I wasn't even aware they were Tik Tok books two years ago 3 years ago even now I didn't even know they were Tik Tok books until I searched it up like 2 seconds ago some of these may be very very old they may be like very deep dive into my childhood I have to say I guess we'll just get started so first off we have tier ranking name thingies if you know what I mean so the first one is I wish to erase my memory fall back in love and marry this book second one is I love these and I wish there was more like you know how you love a book but there's like something missing from it that's kind of what I mean third one is surprisingly enjoyable but not in love the fourth one is decent I really didn't know what to name that one so I kind of just went simple because I feel like all these are very very long descriptions what are we on fifth one is I have no memory of this book when did I even read this because my memory is kind of terrible last one is I'm dumping this book in the trash it's kind of relating to the first one where I wanted to marry a book except now I'm dumping it in the literal trash so yeah let's just get started then so first one we have is Beach read by Emily Henry I think this is like a good Baseline book like I didn't love it but I also didn't hate it so I think I'm going to put it in decent I know I like the beginning of the book and then near the ending it kind of really annoyed me how the characters didn't communicate and also the guy went away for like two chapters problem got solved I think I've said this like a million times next one is Book Lovers also by Emily Henry I think I enjoyed this one a bit more than be Tre but I don't think it's like a tier above maybe I'll put it in like the front of decent I don't know there's just something about Emily Henry's book that are very frustrating to me I still have a lot more that I want to read it's not like she's an author that's completely left out for me like I still want to read her books it's just most of them have been very frustrating to me so far to read okay next one we have here is a very like my childhood book that I love dearly and if you say anything bad about it I will come after you it's The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer now I've seen these on Tik Tok tables in the bookstore I'm not 100% certain if they're like Tik Tok books but I kind of just wanted to add them because I also really really wanted to talk about them and I feel like they're so underrated oh my God I really want to reread these books actually I feel like Cinder I'm going to put in I wish to erase my memory fall back in love and marry this book because I genuinely love this book so much Scarlet I feel like fits in with surprisingly enjoyable but not in love I don't know there was just something about the couple in this book that kind of irked me for some reason I don't know why it definitely was my least favorite out of this series for some reason next one we have is Crest Crest was actually my favorite character in these entire books but again I think Cinder was like my favorite book in this series so I'm going to put cres in I love these and I wish there was more next one we have is winter okay not going to lie I don't remember anything that happened in winter like what happened in this book I'm going to put this in I have no memory of this book when did I even read this oh my God that's like so embarrassing right when I just said this was like one of my favorite series in childhood next one we have is fairest I have no memory of this book like wasn't this about Winter's stepmother or something like that I have no clue then we have stars above I'm going to put it in decent in front of Book Lovers and be read I don't know because I remember this one scene between Cinder and Kai that I really liked in this book and I think that's all I can remember next one we have is Renegades by Marissa Meer I actually love the first Renegades book I think I'm going to put it with cinder but maybe behind Cinder I don't know there's just something special about the Lunar Chronicles that I deeply deeply love for some reason then we have Arch enemies I'm going to put it in I love these and I wish there was more this book stressed me out the entire time then we have Supernova this was like my least favorite book out of the trilogy I think the ending was just easy I don't think it should have ended off that easy that's just my feeling I didn't like the ending so I think I'm going to put it in like the front of decent because it wasn't a bad book like I don't think it was bad it's just I didn't like the ending I didn't think it was the best ending it could have gotten okay Red Queen by Victoria aard I'm dumping this book in the trash so is glass sword it's going in the trash I didn't like these books I don't know why I even gave the second book a chance but I just like okay maybe it'll get better from here because I heard so many people talking about this book my friend recommended this book to me actually and I just didn't like it like I thought it would get better which is why I gave the second book a chance and I just didn't like it at all The Serpent and the wings of night I'm going to put it in I love these and I wish there was more I don't know it was just your typical like tournament sort of Death Wish fantasy book with like a cliffhanger ending that like made your jaw drop I really liked it I thought it was enjoyable I also really like chrisa broadbent's writing for some reason six Scorch roses I'm going to put it in like the back of decent because I didn't think it was bad it was just this couple isn't very memorable to me or like I don't have any sort of deep attachment towards them ashes and the star Chris King I'm also going to put it in decent I didn't like the main love interest in this one and I'm not going to say why because that is genuinely like spoilers like even telling you guys that I didn't like him that's sort of spoilers but I'm just like going to keep my mouth shut this one's also an old one the legend Trilogy by Marie I'm going to put Legend in I love these and I wish there was more it definitely gives off like that ya sort of feeling it's not a negative I feel like I just feel like I read these a bit too late if I had read these when I was younger I probably would have loved them but I read them like I think last year so Prodigy I'm going to put in surprisingly enjoyable but not in love this was probably my least favorite book out of the entire series and then we have Champion I'm going to put beside Legend because there's a Trope in here near the ending that I actually really liked and surprisingly liked and it made me really really happy for some reason and I'm not going to tell you what because that spoilers I don't know I just really like that book for some reason next we have oh okay we're just going to put these up here don't mind me yeah we're we're putting every single one up here cot of thorns of roses series by Sarah J mask I think I'm going to put a cord of thorns and Roses in the back of surprisingly enjoyable but not in love a cord to M and fury I think I'm going to also put this in the back of I love these and I wish there was more a cord of wings and ruin I don't know why but I didn't really like the ending of this one but I liked it I think a bit more than a cord of thorns and Roses so I'm going to put that in front it's been a while since I read these books but I do remember some things that happened in them aord of wings of Ruin I probably remember the least of honestly I should probably be putting it in I have no memory of this book actually I might do that never mind it's going down here I'm so sorry I don't remember anything that happened in this book I I genuinely don't remember anything but the ending and I didn't really like the ending so I'm just going to put it down there and a cord of frost and starlight it's either going to go incent or I have no memory of okay I'm just going to put it with a cord of wings of Ruin it's going right there next we have Throne of Glass series also by Sarah J mask assassin's blade I hardly remember anything well no I remember some things like I remember her meeting Irene and then there was Sam in this book I know the ending I remember the ending because that's basically the beginning of Throne of Glass I don't know it's not the most memorable book but I do remember something so I think I'm going to put it in like maybe the back of decent I don't know it's been it's been a while I also read these around the same time I read the otar series which again was like 6 years ago this is going to be tough for me cuz I hardly remember anything about these Throne of Glass listen this was the introduction to Dorian and Dorian is probably my favorite character in this entire Series so I think I'm going to put it in front of assassin's blade again the only reason I'm putting these in the back is because I hardly remember anything about them crowd of midnight I genuinely don't remember anything that happened in this book air of fire is this where they introduced Rowan I don't know I don't I don't remember anything queen of Shadows what happened in this book I'm so sorry Empire of storms listen they introduced a Li and luran in this book as a couple and they were my entire life the entire time I read this book and I genuinely love them so so much Tower of dawn I'm I think I'm going to put this in like surprisingly enjoyable but in front of a kotar because I really liked Irene and K in this book I also liked how they reintroduce Irene in this book Kingdom of Ash what happened oh my no genuinely what happened in this book I'm so sorry like I'm so my memory is so so bad this have song in our dark duet they're going up here like genuinely they're going up here this duology is probably my favorite by V Schwab and V Schwab is probably also one of my favorite authors also a darker shade of magic I have no clue if this is actually a Tik Tok book or not but I've seen it on like Tik Tok tables in the bookstore a darker shade of magic I'm going to put in I love these and I wish there was more the second book I think I'm going to put in I wish to erase my memory fall back in love and marry this book because this was genuinely my favorite book out of the entire series and then the last book I'm also going to put with the darker shade of Magic the first book but I'm going to put it in front of it cuz I think I liked this one a bit more the first book didn't have any romance in it it was more like setting up the romance and also like the world six of crows and crooked kingdom are like definitely going in the top tier I think I liked it more than the last book in the shades of Magic series did I like crooked Kingdom more I think so yeah yeah that's how it's going to go I'm happy with that next is divine Rivals and ruthless vows I'm going to put Divine rivals in I love these and I wish there was more and then ruthless valves I'm going to put a tier below I feel like this was very weak compared to Divine Rivals for some reason it was a very cliche fantasy ending in my opinion okay next we have the first four books in the heartstopper series I'm just going to like count these as like one entire book so I don't know I think I'm going to put it in I love these and I wish there was more oh I forgot to move v v Schwab is definitely going at the front of this tier Heart Stopper is going to act as one entire book I don't know where to put this like gen I'm probably going to put it in front of the SJ mask books because I genuinely love these when I first read them next we have Turtles all the way down by John Green this is getting a movie right or it got a movie it looks really good actually I really want to watch it I feel like it was decent I like the romance in the beginning I don't know I feel like the ending gave me whip lash for some reason then we have red white and royal blue oh my God this is definitely going in I love these oh my God no cuz I really love the confession scene in this book I don't know why but I have such an obsession with that so maybe like in front of arch enemies yeah okay better than the movies oh my God I'm so sorry but I'm like in between decent and putting it in the trash I didn't like this book okay to be fair I'm not a romcom person I think because I didn't watch a lot of romcoms growing up this book is very much romcom me like it was very frustrating I found the characters frustrating I found all of them annoying I'm so sorry I'm at least going to put it in the front of I'm dumping this book in the trash I'm just not a romcom person okay I I admit that I'm so not a romcom person Caravel I'm also putting in this and I'm dumping this book in the trash how in this swirling SE I actually genuinely love this I think it's going to go behind Renegades I don't know it was a bit slow for me in the beginning but I grew to love the characters and the romance it was all so cute and oh my God these annoying ads on this stupid website next we have powerless okay well it's going to go in front of caravel but um I said what I said okay I did not like this book I thought it was so repetitive the romance felt like an escape mechanism okay because the fight scenes were also very repetitive the romance was also repetitive it was like constantly made eye contact and was constantly mentioned and I was like okay I'm getting sick of this please end now next we have Scythe oh my God I read Scythe in like grade 8 or was it grade N I can't even remember no grade n Co happened um I really like this book and oh my God this ad is so annoying Scythe I think I'm going to put behind Red White and royal blue I really like this book when I first read it I still remember quite a bit about it even though it's been so long next we have fourth Wing okay I actually really like this book it was like a writing style you wanted to read and you wanted to keep reading and I just genely enjoyed it so I'm going to put it behind Divine Rivals because I think I like Divine Rivals a bit more but I'm going to put it in front of The Serpent and the wings of night next we have Legends and lattes I'm like in between if it's going to go in front of surprisingly enjoyable or at the end of I loved I think I'm going to put in surprisingly enjoyable because I didn't hate it obviously but I also felt like the romance was kind of just dumped in there for some reason I really did like the coffee shop Vibes though I thought it was very cozy I read it during the winter which made it even better and then the last one we have is oh we're on the last one oh my God finding 133 by Chloe Walsh I of genuinely love this book it's probably going to go at the end of I love these and I wish there was more and oh my God these stupid ads keep popping up trust me I'm even more surprised that I like binding 13 but I ended up really enjoying it I read it in like four that book is really long by the way like the text is so tiny so I was like surprised I finished it in like the speed that I finished it but yeah is that it that was over 50 books and yeah here's my final rankings of everything so I'm going to end the video off here I hope you guys enjoyed going to end it's making room for oh my God something is playing out of my computer what is going on here anyways going to end the video off here I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Rebecca Haeshen
Views: 2,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, fantasy books, ya books, ya fantasy books, adult fantasy books, fantasy book recommendations, book recs, book recommendations, booktube, book tok, tik tok books, tier ranking books, tier list
Id: ZIH-blYbcHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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