TIER HARRIBEL - Bleach Character ANALYSIS | The Shark's Tempest

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and so the winner of our most recent character analysis polled by some margin and the subject of today's video is the mysterious third Espada the shark Empress herself tier Harry belt one of the rare water users in the world of bleach which is already something that makes her Stand Out makes her unique and is really interesting about this character however at the same time I would say harabel suffers from a fatal flaw that being that she isn't given anywhere near the amount of time she needed or deserved to really make an impact which is all the more weird considering her station within the law as one of the major villains of the Iran car Arc now I'll admit I was a little naive going into this poll as I thought that soyfon was going to win it for one major reason alone being that I'm well aware that on this channel despite being something of a major supporting character siphon has yet to receive anything really in the way of a spotlight video character analysis character study anything like that she hasn't yet had it whereas as recently as a few months ago we just looked at harabelle's anime only backstory in a video of its own so I thought soyfon might stand more of a chance here but I was wrong I overestimated her popularity in the face of the might of the queen of Waco Mundo herself forgetting of course that harabell well and truly is one of the most popular female characters in Bleach if not one of the most popular characters in the series in general but I'm all right with that and this whole video is going to be taking a look at what exactly it is about how to build despite her tiny amount of screen time lent her to be so popular among fans and to be such a major iconic and recognizable figure among the Iran car and I think she's a really interesting character in her own right as I mentioned she's enigmatic She's Strange there is something ethereal and weird about this character which we're going to do a deeper dive into however as we have been doing lately I also want to take into account the runner-up and so the next character analysis video we do will be on the captain of the second division soifon before we get started on the video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for more bleach content like this every single week and if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up as well as it does help to support me and the channel and it hopefully just means we'll get more traction on the YouTube algorithm but of course if you want to take that support from me another step further you can do so as we have a patreon for the channel as well you obviously don't have to support me there at all but if you did decide to you can get videos like this one early and you can support me for as little as a dollar a month to everyone who already is supporting me over there as always are just a huge shout out goes out to each and every one of you thank you so much for taking that support that extra step further it really does mean the world to me so the third is Sparta of eisen's army tier Harry Bell and what better place to start off this video than right there with her name as I've seen a bit of confusion about how it's pronounced and spelled over the years there seems to be two different variations Tia harabel and tia Halle Bell Double R and L so which one is correct well really both are absolutely fine in fact I used to call her halabel way back when the Iran karak was still coming out weekly because that was how it was translated into the west and that translation carried over into the official viz manga as well so you'll find in those books behind me Tia halabel so why then do I call her harabel why do so many other people call her harabel as far as I'm concerned that is the de facto correct way to spell her name as that is how Kubo himself wrote it on her character chapter cover and for me that's all I need that's good enough for me for me to call her and spell it that way moving forwards and that's how I always have done with this channel but really it doesn't particularly matter whichever way you choose but if I was to describe tier harabell in one word it would be a word that you wouldn't normally associate with Hollows or Adan or anything of that ilk and I think that immediately tells you a lot about this character it tells you that there's something odd about her that makes her stand out from her contemporaries and that word is humanity in so much as harabel seems to have a lot of it especially compared to the rest of the Espada the only Espada I would say that really comes anywhere near to harabell's seemingly perceived level of humanity of compassion of caring kindness and love would be a character like coyote Stark and ironically both of these characters are obviously vasto Lord to the point where they have achieved near perfect human forms both in and out of their resurrection and humanity is a funny and fascinating concept when related to the Iran car in so much as intentionally or not it is what they are all striving to achieve now some of them might reject that notion characters like ukiora who upon being told he might be becoming more human seems to become enraged at the idea ukiora for instance believes it's normal that humans would imitate Hollows to achieve greater power but what he seems to fail to understand is that by becoming Iran car is the hollows that are leaving behind their beastial animalistic vicious selves but how well does Humanity really even suit Waco Mundo is it even natural in any way Hollows have been depicted in Bleach as being these depraved animalistic beings who are missing something there is a gaping hole in their very being that means that at a fundamental level they aren't quite well whole they live in a pitch-black world that light cannot Pierce and it takes a false light being shined upon them by Eisen when he conquers Waco Mundo to change the way these beings think and feel he seems to force a civility upon them that wouldn't have occurred otherwise these creatures no matter how human they may appear still retain their Hollow traits of insanity of Madness of Anger of lust of wanting to devour everything they can to feel that void they would never have come together were it not for Eisen himself and yet harabel is a character who seems to thrive in this newfound civilization she is one of the most human of all the Iran car no question about it she can feel compassion she cares for her fraxion unlike virtually every other Espada against Stark being the only one who can really be on her level in that regard now with a manga lifespan stretching from chapter 198 right the way through to chapter 485. you might think that Harry Bell has a pretty big role to play but unfortunately she really doesn't and she's mostly a background character until her big fight which I have my own issues with and we'll get to that a bit later on and then when the Thousand-Year blood War Arc comes around she really is only in it for one chapter and then totally disappears again this all means that despite the intricacies of this character despite the personality traits that make her truly interesting and make her stand out from the crowd and ironically make her a fitting leader for Waco Mundo After eisen's Fall she never really gets too much time to really show any of that off but let's talk about that as well why harabell was perfectly poised to become the queen of Waco Mundo in the aftermath of the war against Eisen it makes so total sense and I actually love this as well because Kubo arbitrarily allowed some Iran car to live but I like that by keeping harabell alive it allowed a big major change to happen in Waco Mundo itself the false light of Eisen is gone in Waco Mundo this fake idea of civilization seemingly is gone but had a bell doesn't want to see the world descend back into madness to send back into that cavernous black pit of insanity a free-for-all of doggy dog and she wants to try and retain some level some semblance of humanity despite it not necessarily being their true state but I also like that after the war she basically doesn't want to be the leader of Waco Mundo I think again that is perfect she seems to have this great understanding that Waco Mundo doesn't need a sunlight shining down upon it Hollows just want to be left alone within the darkness but at the same time she steps up to the plate to stop it all from descending into utter chaos but we are skipping ahead quite a way here a lot of what had a bell does in the aftermath of the Iran car Arc plays a role in can't fear your own world I actually have a plan to do a few videos in the future looking at where certain characters and races are end up in that supplementary sequel to the Thousand-Year blood War but needless to say harabel plays a cool and really intriguing role as the new ruler of Waco Mundo bringing into a new age as a legitimate faction in the world of bleach and actually this video should be a really nice accompaniment to the last one we did about how to build which again was about her anime only backstory now we're looking at her appearance to her role in the Canon manga among the Espada had a bell always really felt and looked like a vasto launch he carries herself in that way her nature is to be very calm composed and collected while her contemporaries her colleagues are all squabbling or fighting like maniacs harabell really is nothing like that and so because of that again much like Stark she's always felt like A Cut Above the Rest and I think her power level again in this series is really undersold big time I don't think she gets anywhere near the showing that she deserved but going back to this idea of humanity and the innate Humanity that lives within harebell I think maybe a lot of that stems from her aspect of death which is sacrifice which is a really cool aspect of death as it implies again compassion it implies again dying perhaps for a cause or for somebody you love for someone else this idea of sacrifice is essentially at its core an idea of giving whether forced or not but with how to Belt certainly seems to be implied that it's not force that she is giving herself sacrifice is intrinsic to her being and I really like that it shows again that she believes in a greater core she understands the concept of a greater cause and of fighting and dying for that cause which I think explains an awful lot about why she is so suddenly enraged when Eisen betrays her because it's like everything that she was willing to sacrifice herself for shatters before her very eyes now unfortunately because harebell doesn't get any kind of a backstory in the manga itself her aspect of death I think goes a little unexplored but there are definitely a few hints towards the impact this aspect of death has on her in the story first and foremost her fraxion who we've discussed already that she actually cares for she's very close to them they are sacrificed essentially at the altar of yamamote so now he doesn't kill them but there's no necessarily way of knowing that if you're had a bell In the Heat of the Moment Yamamoto is just completely obliterated your three comrades who are effectively family at this point and that really forces harabell into action prior to that she's been fighting I guess somewhat lethargically sizing hitsugaya up no pun intended and it's only after Yamamoto takes them down that they are sacrificed that harobel is able to really start getting into the fight that's when she literally just attacks hitsugaya she just goes crazy against him forces him into Bankai and then uses her own Resurrection but it's interesting in harabelle's anime only backstory she mentions that she's well aware that no world can exist without sacrifice everything is built on the back of sacrifice one of my absolute favorite lines from mayori kurotsuchi is his line against perner deponca Jazz where he mentions that Noble victories are built on the backs of noble sacrifices and that's exactly how how to Bell views the world but at the same time despite understanding the world despite knowing what kind of a world she comes from how to build doesn't want to be the cause of those sacrifices she doesn't want to be the one who gains power at the expense of others that sacrifices others to increase her own strength this is of course the total antithesis to what it means to be a hollow Hollows literally live and die by this Creed eating others sacrificing others to gain more strength Harry Belt doesn't want that at all but of course later she herself would be sacrificed by Eisen effectively after he decides that he's had enough of this and he simply wants to move on although haribel is fighting for him fighting for his cause he just puts her down and moves on with his plan he effectively does sacrifice her to get her out of the way and because of that she falls from Battle and I think that's a really interesting way to bring this character down a number of aspire are effectively defeated by their own aspects of death which was always a really cool idea and Hare Bells is I feel quite literal and she's taken down by one of her own comrades just to move on with his goals so moving on now to talk about how to build's design and her personality this character's overall visuals I think she does look iconic there's definitely something really cool about the way harabell looks where she just looks unlike any other character in the series and of course Kubo is playing up the mystery of what's going on with her face because much like a character from say the Thousand-Year blood warrock like as not we want to know what's going on behind whatever is concealed as is wearing a mask over the bottom half of his face harabella has effectively an enormous collar that goes around the entirety of her head really cool outfit design as well even if there is a fair bit of fan service involved which looks very unsuitable particularly for a battlefield but you know she's doing whatever she likes I guess but you want to know what's going on you want to know what's going on behind the collar she looks again very mysterious there's something Sleek about it you know there's something like how to build it's hiding something all this time it just makes the reader want to know more and when she eventually unzips that collar unzips her jacket reveals her tattoo and her Hollow mask it's a pretty crazy moment like it's not really at all what I was expecting her Hollow mask is very dramatic it covers the entire bottom half of her face with a mouth that looks like it is sealed shut like it like it can't move and we see her talking and her mouth remains closed which is weird in and of itself but her Hollow Mask extends down her neck across her chest it is probably one of the biggest Hollow masks in the series and that's a point we'll get into a little bit later on as well but there are a lot of other really cool things about harabelle's design too I absolutely love the kind of dark skin the tanned skin mixed with a sort of shock of lightning yellow hair coming across three different ponytails looking very ferocious I think that's a really cool look the massive hollowed out Broad Sword that she wears across the short of her back really just a great design again Kubo firing on all cylinders it's absolutely no wonder that this character is so synonymous with the Iran car and with bleach in general but okay what is going on with her Hollow Mask how does she talk for starters because she does talk and the mouth doesn't seem to move so is this just one of those things where it's a magical fantasy series and you're just supposed to forget about it or maybe she has her normal face as we see in her Resurrection underneath that mask the whole time and is still able to talk normally now as a spiritual being of some description presumably she needs to eat and drink as we find out in Seoul Society Shinigami beings with spiritual pressure need to they get hungry basically is what I'm getting at but haribel can she do any of that does it even matter if she can't is Eisen placing a cup of tea in front of her him his way of making fun of her or is he putting it there just to let her feel included because she's definitely not drinking it that's all really weird you know I kind of get the impression that the Hollow mask was done just because it looks really cool and it does look really cool as well it was a bit of a shocking moment to see her looking so ferocious I guess once she removes that Vestige of humanity which is an item of clothing she looks a lot more Sinister and monstrous underneath which I thought was honestly really cool design and it makes her Resurrection baffle me a little bit more we'll get into the resurrection in a minute how to build's entire theme is supposed to be a shark I wouldn't necessarily say this mask looks like a shark at all I don't think um it's again quite a human looking jaw at least anyway which again is perhaps supposed to really make you think this is a vasto Lord but then moving on to her Resurrection things get a little bit weird with this design if I'm totally honest with you now her resurrelexion is Tiburon with the command hunt which again is really cool again very literally this is a shark theme she's got going on here but I mean at the end of the day to be very sort of reductive about it it kind of just removes her clothes and I'm not necessarily the world's biggest fan of that especially when some of the other responder resurrections look so amazing and what's weird about this form I like that we get to see haribel's face properly it allows her to be more emotive and more expressionful it basically means we can read this character a lot better and she's no longer so statuesque and alien-like but I always thought that a an Iran car's Resurrection was supposed to be their zanpakto is where they effectively store all of their kind of original Hollow power and when they activate their release form it transforms them into something closer more akin to their original Hollow form as for the very first example we ever get of this in the series being Ed radleyones at the start he looks basically like a human but when he releases his zanpak toe he returns to a slightly more Hollow State and when we see him as an adjukast in Grim Joe's flashback he looks akin to how he looks here in his release form same exact example with someone like xiaolong kufong for instance so it's weird to me that had a bell loses the entirety of her Hollow mask and it seems to just disappear and not even reappear in a way that really makes any sense but upon thinking about this a little bit further I've kind of come to the conclusion that the uh the hollow masks particularly where the Iran car are concerned are wildly inconsistent so let's look at a couple of examples for instance xylopotogrands in his base form his Hollow mask is his glasses but when he activates his resurrection for nicorice it completely vanishes it could be those weird kind of blinkers that he has that could be the new form of his glasses but regardless him it doesn't look like it did before zamari LaRue is another great example with his resurrection bruharia in his base form his Hollow mask is made up of disparate elements it's the spikes on his head the necklace he wears the earrings that he has and yet in his resurrection it's all gone replaced with this really strange cowl that covers his entire head his entire neck in like a huge multi-faced skull is that his Hollow Mask I've no idea then there are characters where it makes more sense ulquiora for instance his Hollow mask in his base form is pretty obvious it's the massive horned half helmet and when he activates his resurrection he becomes closer to his normal Hollow yourself hence the massive black bat wings and in this form the helmet is completed then there's characters like Yami Largo who in his base form has just a kind of jaw that sits underneath his face you can see his mouth like normal but in his resurrection that jaw becomes his lower jaw which is how I always thought every Resurrection should actually work that their Hollow Mask should become a natural part of their body then there are just Oddities like real Oddities that make the whole thing super weird Neutra jeruga his Hollow mask is like a sort of eye patch around his hollow hole in his resurrection it barely changes apart from getting slightly more ornate and then there's barragon Louisiana I just have no idea what's going on with this character really in his base form he has a Hollow Mask as a crown And yet when he activates his resurrection that disappears and is replaced by a literal Crown like a crown made of actual metal I have no idea how that works with a chain coming off it and everything at the end of the day the reality is it doesn't really matter it's a design choice and that's about it it just seems weird to me from a law perspective that had a Bells because harabelle's mask is so dramatic that the whole thing would just vanish and instead I guess it's replaced by the parts they're almost like shark teeth running down her her body running down her stomach the two shark dorsal fin style wings that are now coming off of her side she's got these gloves on she's got these boots on that mini skirt that looks like it's made up of Bones maybe that's all her Hollow Mask as I have made comparisons between Harry Bel and Stark already it seems fitting to make one more here as much like Harry belt Stark loses his mask in his resurrection in his base form Stark has a wolf jaw for a necklace and when he releases that totally disappears however in Stark's case it makes a little more sense to me because he gains effectively a new Hollow Mask which now resembles and represents lilinette which I think is exactly what Puba was going for they are fused and now his Hollow mask is little Net's Hollow Mask so there it's a very different situation to harabell who seems to just arbitrarily lose all vestiges of her Hollow Mask pretty much um and so I think that the comparison can be made but it still is a bit of a weird situation what's the real takeaway here again like I said is that we can now see her face and that is more important for her character as far as her Resurrection goes like I said I'm not the world's biggest fan of it the cynic in me does feel it was just an excuse to get more of how to build's clothes off while her contemporaries all have these amazing Grim Reaper Lone Wolf Gunslinger emo bat forms harabell is just nearly naked but admittedly there are some things even now that I absolutely love about this design I think the massive shark tooth broadsword is inspired and looks really really cool and that's a great way of reinforcing the shark theme where it might not be so reinforced anywhere else but as for her personality there's not really a whole lot going on here because Harry Bill does spend most of the time in the in the story being very serious being very calm like I said very composed very kind of on top of things never really letting herself get too emotional which I'll say is pretty cool to be fair she does kind of come across with the whole concealing of her face the small sword like some kind of ninja almost which I actually think is is a really cool design choice for this character but there's not too much to go off with her personality really the most important parts of her personality the most uh the parts that really stick with you the most are what we already discussed about her feeling compassion towards her subordinates towards effectively her friends and her family members um and I think that's really really that's that's obviously the most important trait of this character and it like I said bleeds into this idea of sacrifice as well I guess at the end of the day my maiden point to come out of this discussion is why when harebell releases herzan Park toe to look closer to her original Hollow state does she end up looking more human particularly when you look at the anime only version of this character in her backstory they go with what her Hollow mask looks like she has it all on her face she has it running down her neck and her chest so in her Resurrection you should you would think that that would all be there at the end of the day we're talking an awful lot about something that is pretty much just a design Choice made by Kubo so moving on to her role in the story much like the other top three Espada harabell was kept mostly to the Wayside for a lot of the time nowhere near as much as barragon who basically just appears for the Espada meeting and then never again until fake karakura town but she was definitely one of the characters we really didn't see much of until that decisive battle and that really helped to drum up hype for this character I remember people were just so unfathomably excited for the top three Espada myself included but having said that she's actually one of the very first Espada we ever see she appears very early on in what looks to be a slightly unfinished design or a design that changes ever so slightly later on but she appears in chapter 198 when ukiora and Yami give their report to Eisen and the the other Iran car who happened to be there at the time which seems to consist of a bunch of random characters including this one kind of menacing creepy looking Iran car who we literally never see again grimjo and his faccione and presumably some other Espada as well because had a bell is there like I said she looks slightly different she has her hair kind of down which looks kind of weird to be honest because we've seen her without it with it kind of up most of the time so having it down looks really strange and she also only has one ponytail as well as opposed to the three that she would later have she later reappears along with characters like noi torta and Stark watching over the creation of Wonder white and here we can see that her design has become begun to shift into what we'd eventually know later Harrow Bell arrives with the rest of the Espada at the Espada meeting and this is where some semblance of her personality begins to be built up we see that she is this very soft spoken and calm character who's also not willing to take any crap from anyone else is we also get the start of neutral's sexism as well when he calls out against harebell he calls her out and he starts to kind of have a go at her like a sort of rabid dog gnawing at her leg and you can see that she's mildly annoyed by this but realistically I imagine that she would probably be able to defeat him fairly simply she later senses the death of Aaron niero when one of her fraxion Apache kind of asks her what they should do about it harabel remains silent and then eventually all of them harabell and her fracion are seen watching Ichigo and grimjo do battle in their epic final clash in way Commando itself where the fraxion are getting kind of scared by the ryatsu that's coming off of these two guys it's really cool to see that Harry belt's not really bothered about it at all but again unlike a lot of Iran car who might chastise their subordinates for feeling that fear harabell tells them that it is natural to feel that fear and they should relish it that they should use it and they should embrace this primal fear that they are feeling and that's again really cool Hannah Bell is teaching them something good something important she's wise and that is really rubbing off on her fraction she does actually care for them but then we get some introspection with Haribo as well where she actually thinks that something weird is going on here that it feels like it's a battle between two Espada rather than a human Shinigami but harabel's main role in the story doesn't occur until the fake karakura Town Arc where she is summoned to the battle alongside her fraxion and the other two top Espada at eisen's command to do battle against the soul Society in a big epic showdown and she clashes with hitsugaya toshido while her fraccione battle his Vice Captain Matsumoto and I've got to be honest with you I just want to say from the outset that I think this fight is really disappointing um it's actually ranked pretty highly I think by the Japanese it was something like 13th in one of the best spout polls but for me I I'm not really sure what they're seeing here because what we're mostly getting is a an incredibly short fight and B a fight that just doesn't go anywhere now I get the points it's supposed to show two very evenly matched characters and again we'll get into that a bit later because it feels like it doesn't make too much sense either but we're supposed to be seeing two characters whose power sets are effectively the same or at least different versions of the same power and so they're struggling to get one up on one up on either of them but that doesn't make for the most interesting fight ever and eventually Kubo just decides to sort of end it and what's absolutely crazy about this fight as well is when you think about it when you think about characters like noitura and xyloporo who are always my go-to for Espada who got way too much screen time they were getting like a volume and a half of pure fighting if you look at how to build's battle and I mean really look at how much time is spent on this fight the the third Espada gets Maybe three chapters total at best maybe four at a push maybe four which is the same amount of time that zamari got of all characters somebody who is often lambasted among the aspired of her being an absolute failure but guess what zamari's fight at least was unbroken how to Bell's fight is not only about three chapters long it is constantly being skipped away from and so for me I just find it very disappointing but we have already kind of skipped ahead so let's go right back to the start of fake karakura town like I said harabelle starts off fighting very carefully very observant she notices when hitsugaya's reatsu flickers and Tremors at the arrival of Hina Mori and that's really cool seeing how to build picking up on that and asking hitsugaya what is wrong why he feels like that and he's obviously very guarded about it and like I said again once had a Bell's fraction are sacrificed essentially they go down harabell changes she becomes way more intense she reveals her tattoo unzips her jacket reveals her Hollow mask and again takes on this more be still form and she says you know when have I ever said that this was all my power when have I ever said I was showing you all my power and she just lunges it hitsugaya as he activates his ban Kai but she just seems to demolish him smashing into him with such unbelievable force that it sends shards of ice flying everywhere she then activates her ability Ola Azul which is a really cool and really set strangely satisfying looking ability which fills up the hollowed out section of her Blade with rayatsu and then she sort of like just releases it and it slips out of the end of the sword and goes crashing into hitsugaya like liquid looks really really cool very weird that an attack called Ola Azul is yellow but we'll look past that for now but having used her ability and sent hitsugaya smashing into the ground in his barn kai no less harabell kind of mocks him she's like is this really all a captain can do and she holds down her blade and she activates her Resurrection hunt Tiburon and she gets a really cool transformation ritual basically this massive burst of water comes crashing out behind her and then encloses around her the water forms like this heart shape before cocooning harabel before eventually eventually after it Swirls and torrents like a tempest she bursts out of it with her brand new blade and cuts it in two and this water cage that she was in just kind of crashes and washes over the fake karakura town really badass to be honest it looks really cool it's a great ritual um and then you know you have her Resurrection whether you like it or not she's now in this new form and like I said I think the new sword in particular is really badass and I do love that you can now see her face as well it makes the character a whole lot easier to relate with and just gets a lot more emotion across but I want to bring up this point I mentioned earlier about how to Bell seemingly just smashing hitsugaya in his Bankai form there's a really weird sense that she was doing a hair of a lot better in her bass form than she was in her Resurrection because in her Resurrection all of her water abilities are very easily countered by hitsugayo and so the fight ends up slowing to a crawl whereas prior to this she was smacking him around like there was no problem Ola Azul was going flying towards him he seemingly couldn't do anything about it and so she gets she feels like she's heavily neutered basically once she enters her Resurrection which is a real shame I think but Kubo plays with us a little bit the moment she transforms she cuts hits ugair in half and she says you know the ice dragon falls to the bottom of the sea with a single bite from the shark and she kind of turns to Yamamoto at this point and says to him you know I'm gonna avenge my fraxion's deaths or their defeats I mean that's just hilarious like the fact that she thinks she can go against Yamamoto I surely Eisen has fed her information about the captain Commander that would tell harabel who is a reasonably very intelligent character that she stands absolutely no chance especially when her you would think that her powers might give her the advantage against ryujin Jacka but I'm telling you right now region Jacka probably is just going to evaporate her water I guess at the end of the day but regardless hitsugaya returns to the fight using the iced clone which was one of the most controversial abilities I've ever seen and people hated it back in the day um but he basically tells you you know not to underestimate him I do want to talk briefly about how to build's Tiburon abilities because like I said a water user is really unique in the world of bleach basically nobody has this power outside of cayenne's nejibana and other than that I'm totally blanking on characters that have water abilities I don't think any of the stone Ritter do one of them really should have done especially since we've got about three mind control characters but it doesn't really matter how to build water powers make her really unique because of that she has really cool abilities as well she can basically control and freely manipulate water you see her moving her massive blade around and this huge wave follows it again looks amazing drawn in the mango looks really really cool she can manipulate the Heat and the temperature of water as well she can direct it with her blades she can fire these small Jets of water off the end of her end of her sword overall I think it's just used in a really cool way Kubo kind of went all out with basically everything that had a bell can do in regards to her water abilities and I think it's really great to see but like I said the battle between hitsugaya and harebell is mostly entirely even as each one tries to eke out the advantage over the other and like I said I don't find this battle particularly interesting and unfortunately for how to build baragoon activates his resurrection at almost the exact same time and in my opinion totally overshadows her because really when you think about it what does the harebell hitsugaya fight achieve if you look at it on a very micro level if you look at it specifically battle by battle what does the fight achieve in regards to our enjoyment as a reader we get to see haribel's release form we eventually get to see the Sheik eye of Lisa and he or we don't know what they do and that's pretty much it outside of like six new abilities for hitsugai which I'm sure everybody wanted to see at least in the barragon fight we get barragon's Resurrection an awesome moment where he takes sofon's arm we get soifon's Bankai of all things and Hachi gets involved in a really cool battle where we get to see great new keto and the stakes feel real then there's the Stark and kiraku anokitake and love and Rose fight which feels like the best fight out of the three of them in my opinion on a micro level for us as readers we get Stark's resolexion kiraku shikayability ukitake sheikhai ability love and Roses sheikhai ability and that is a pretty good amount even with no barnikai which they should have been that's a pretty good amount for one fight this fight basically gives us nothing and really adds nothing overall I find that to be really disappointing in general and I do think this is unquestionably the worst of the top three Aspire battles that being said some of the choreography is pretty nice and it is called seeing these abilities of ice and water depicted in such a visceral way haribel sending a wave of water towards hitsu guy hits you guy just freezing it telling her that he that she's taking him lightly before throwing an ice dragon back at harabel harabell lifting her blade activating herd bien though and basically just totally turning the ice into water once again they're at a stalemate no one can get the edge on the other person she can control the temperature therefore hits you guys ice is effectively useless and at this point both of them are just covering the environment in moisture at one point how to build captures all of the water and uses it bringing it down on hitsugayo and this huge plume this waterfall attack called Cascada hitsugaya though freezes it basically creates this Dome of ice which actually is a really nice visual you see the the Frozen water strands like dripping down beside him he then takes some of that ice and use an ability called guncho sorara where he fires ice daggers up at harabell harabell uh thaws them out they turn into water that water rushes behind her as it does hitsugaya appears behind her collects that water on his blade turns it into an ice blade and smashes haribel with it that's probably the best part of this fight it looks really cool really nice choreography seeing hitsugaya thinking like that knowing that had a bell will thaw out his ice so he gets behind her to freeze it again before she can do anything about it but it's a guy deduces that because they both use very similar Powers they're probably both waiting for the whole place to be covered in moisture for their ultimate attack so hitsugai decides to go first using kyoten hiyakoso combined with his tenso dueling ability to control the weather and this is undeniably a real spectacle probably one of kubo's visually best looking abilities in the series harabell attempts to stop whatever is going to happen but a massive hole opens up in the sky and she is drenched in this almost like flurry this flurry of white powder that falls down upon her and the moment any of it makes contact with her a massive Ice Flower bursts into existence until she is absolutely covered head to toe and by the time this massive Ice Flower pillar is finished hitsugaya says that her life will be extinguished but of course I'm guessing either it doesn't ever get finished or he is underestimating her again because although harebell is currently imprisoned she's definitely not dead but I mean that is effectively it for their fight this is all harabell really gets and there's an odd sense of lethargy to the entire thing unlike the barragon fight there is no sense of urgency or danger whatsoever and I think that fight considering barragon's ability is lacking in it a little bit this fight is probably even worse neither of these Fighters are really taking the other one seriously they are batting back and forth with virtually the same abilities until hitsugai just decides to end the fight like that it's a little unsatisfying I've got to be honest and it's a shame that haribal didn't get a chance to really show off more of what she can do because if hitsugai was correct that harabell was waiting for some ultimate attack we never get to see it but this lethargic fighting style might actually be on purpose as unsatisfying as it can be to watch as hitsugaya calls out harebell for her strange way of fighting after she fires a massive Cerro at him off the edge of her blade which is pretty awesome to be fair he basically thinks that she is fighting in a way that is literally just stalling the entire time until she can soak the ground enough so I guess that's fair enough it just doesn't make for the most enthralling of fights later however when Wonder Weiss arrives his scream frees harabel smashing the Ice Flower pillar making me wonder if she could have just broken out of that herself but she leaps back into battle against hitsugaya only to now be confronted as well by the trio team of hitsugaya hyori and Lisa and like I said we get to see their new shikai as well however before the fight really gets a chance to do anything at all Eisen shows up and having grown tired of the battles having seen Stark and barragon fall and realize that the Espada were not as strong as he had hoped they would be he cuts haribel down and this is a really cool moment for her character because she kind of you know idolized him in the same way that many of the Iran car did she felt that he was leading them that he had a greater cause and to see all of that crumble around her to see that she'd not only been tricked but that the hollows meant absolutely nothing to him and again remember that Harry Bell really cares for her fraxion so seeing them go down in battle in a battle that apparently means nothing to ice and that their sacrifice on the front lines meant nothing to eyes and causes her to become enraged and she screams at him as she seemingly impales him through the chest with her massive shark blade only for it to be an illusion and for Eisen to cut her down from behind and remove her from the fight seemingly killing her once and for all but of course that's not the end of harabell's story as far as the Canon manga cons is concerned she just randomly reappears in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc and we're supposed to take the fact that she is alive thankfully in the unmasked data book in the small story Nestle tonight we find out that as the Battleground was transferred back to Seoul Society there were of course a lot of Iran car lying around with serious wounds and Orihime decided to heal harebell and her three fractions sending them back to Waco Mundo apparently just left Stark lying somewhere maybe he was already dead and there was nothing she could do about it but that's a that's a shame nonetheless and so harabell returns to a changed Waco Mundo a way Commando left over in the wake of the massive battle at a Wacom under the Eisen has effectively Left Behind now that he is in prison there is a vacuum of power here and so to prevent the place from just falling into utter chaos haribel decides to eventually become Queen have this new Council of leadership that will hopefully lead way Commando into a slightly brighter age but of course the Thousand-Year blood War Arc has bad things in store for Waco Mundo as the Vanden Reich appears and they invade the hollow world as the start of their conquest of the Soul Society this is something I would love to see in the anime because it we don't get to see it now admittedly it is quite effective not seeing the fall of Waco man no because you just assume you just realize that suddenly the entire territory that was once the villain's territory has gone it is taken over by the new bad guys and we find out that harebell herself attempting to defend her people and Waco Mundo was subdued by you harbach himself that again sounds so badass to me like I just had this vision of Sol dat bursting into last notchess subjugating and killing Iran carabell activating her resurrection and just wiping them out and suddenly Everyone Falls silent as yuha bark himself strides into last notchess challenges harabel harabel rushes at him but maybe he just grabs her blade and smashes it in half takes her down like just a couple of hits I'd love to see that Harry Bell falling in battle like that is the fall of Waco Mundo so that would be really cool and more than that it's just really weird to me that we never saw her again after that one chapter where you harbach says that you know he has her captive and Waco Mundo is his so I feel like there's easily room for a subplot there um where other characters maybe though Iran car grimjo Nellie Etc go and actually rescue her from silburn as I said she is in Camp for your own world and she does play a role but that's pretty much it for our extensive character analysis on the third ispad Tia had a bell or Tia halabel whichever suits you best I really hope you enjoyed the video guys let me know what you think about this character in the comments below were you as disappointed with her tent pole fight against Hit sugaya as I was I really thought this character deserved better especially with her really cool and unique moveset I would have loved to have seen a bit more from one of the only water users in Bleach but regardless I still think she's a really cool character if just a little underrepresented guys make sure to hit subscribe if you haven't done already give the video a thumbs up check out Mr tomotalks games and until next time I'll catch you later I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 86,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach anime, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach hell arc, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, bankai, tybw anime, bleach hell chapter, bleach ending, gotei 13, bleach anime pv, sternritter, shunsui bankai, tybw bankai, aizen bankai
Id: Ad1EtcSSvH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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