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tiberian sun oh this one's been a long time coming made by westwood back in 1999 tiberian sun took the command and conquer franchise to a dark depressing future where humanity is on the brink i've been playing this game for almost 20 years i even had nightmares about this one cutscene where a not flame tank runs over a dude i mean pitcher being five and seeing this yeah it's easy to say that tibson is one of my all-time favorite games and my favorite in the franchise a lot of people will say red alert 2 was better and while i also have an ungodly number of hours in that game something keeps pulling me back to tip sun more often however that isn't to say the game isn't terribly balanced then buggy as all are you people with its larger budget tips on could afford to expand its acting roster with stars such as james earl jones and michael beam a [ __ ] however it's joseph's acting that continues to steal the show it's time you saw the future while you still have human eyes special mention goes for frank zagarino zakarino how the hell do you pronounce that hi i'm frank zagarino this dude perfectly plays the stone cold war criminal and military mastermind anton slavic it's a shame they couldn't get him back in time for the sequels and instead just unceremoniously killed his character off between the games but then virgin interactive died and westwood soon found themselves under the thumb of a new publisher electronic arts and they wanted it out now okay real talk a second if you want a more serious look at the lore of this amazing series check out no strings and jeffy jeff village and the hell did you pronounce that the two of them cover the world far better than i ever could top-notch content the real good [ __ ] last time on planet cnc nod got their [ __ ] kicked in and are forced back into the shadows after the apparent death of kane gdi gradually expands into a superpower of its own right they even built this [ __ ] outpost too looking space station [ __ ] me that's a joke no one's gonna get all the while tiberium has spread across the globe causing untold ecological damage rapidly mutating wildlife and rendering much of the world a barren hostile wasteland welcome to 2030 aboard gdi's orbital space station philadelphia papa general solomon stairs confused an extremely low resolution screen when suddenly hey man check out how hot i can crush this strawberry god i wish that was me [Music] so we open up with a gdi trooper fleeing from some huge [ __ ] dude looks like one of those inflatable tube guys mustering our small team we route the nod forces and mop up their base hey check out this hidden nod base really trying to play for that nostalgia huh next up we move in to save some civilians naked so the wind can just be hitting my balls and [ __ ] hey bro watch your jet ah excellent i see we're still checking for cheap anti-air by sending out expensive aircraft do you know how hard pilots are to train so like i did like a community college course on this i can take out there we go that's better can i just point out how gdi's dedicated anti-armor infantry is literally just the guy throwing [ __ ] landmines seriously it's been 10 years since the last war and gdi still mainline gronadiers like it's world war one they also have a slight chain explosion problem whoops forward recon discovers a strange crashed object that not is salvaging after taking a quick detour to cut off their retreat lines mcneil moves in to take the nod base this is one of the first times we get to see the amazing gdi titans they're tanks and little chicken legs look at them they're adorable they form the backbone of gdi's mailed fist and you'll be seeing me use a lot of them in this footage we wander away towards the nod base to bust it up and that's that's a [ __ ] ufo we're four missions in and we've got [ __ ] aliens except not really the thing is crashed and there's nothing alive on it but it's still cool though look at it it's blue after taking the crash site nod understandably doesn't want to let gdi keep it and so they throw everything they can at us this unfortunately also coincides with one of the new weather features of the tiberium world an ion storm [Applause] the screen is coated in a human revolution piss filter whilst most advanced tech effectively meaning just gdi stuff gets grounded guess we're gonna have to hold out until the storm clears up after that buttocks clenching hold out mcneil enters the ship and finds it partially dismantled he is then jumped by a member of the forgotten named for the fact that they are completely abandoned as a plot point after this game this sneaky agent is called umagon and she needs mcniel's help to save the forgotten's captured leader a quick side mission here has us do some wacky japery and save scumming to destroy some radars there's a lot of ambushes on this level that will completely wipe you out unless you break them luckily the ai tends to get into a fight with the local wildlife who quickly run rampant and trigger all these ambushes early for us well with the radars dealt with nod will be slower to react to us effectively meaning we don't have to do the next mission of a time limit here we meet the mutant commando team umagan ghost stalker and the hijacker umagan is a sniper capable of one-shotting almost any infantry unit but is virtually useless against tanks go stalker meanwhile is a walking glass rail gun and a huge friendly fire liability his railgun will kill whatever the shot passes through meaning he'll often accidentally kill your own units [ __ ] he also gets c4 since he's meant to be the commander replacement i guess and finally the hijacker a cool dude with a need for speed arguably this mission is harder than the side mission since most of the combat scenarios have to be picked apart like a puzzle if you want to get past them scripting weirdness abounds when paths of explosives next to certain buildings don't destroy the buildings when they're blown up the trio managed to break out tratos tratos [ __ ] it this guy as they leave gdi mcv is flown in to set up shop and mop up the remaining nod forces so with this guy in their possession mcneil practices his bad boy routine do you love nothing i love to win then the guy starts having a [ __ ] vision seriously the forgotten are literally just the fremen from june at this point as his vision subsides he reveals that kane has the mcmuffin and the location of the vegas party palace another side mission has us blowing up a dam providing power to vegas base hello alex elijah [Applause] we suffer through this mission because it makes the following one so so easy with his power down vega's base has no air defenses and it just so happens this is the first mission we get gdi's jump troopers time to cheese you dumb [ __ ] you can't even hit me i need reinforcements you must send help you'll find there is surprisingly little i must do general vega so vega is abandoned by kane for his failures and decides to kill himself before his temple gets nuked hey they've taken hammerfest wasn't like your brother at hammerfest hammerfest base is another save scum heavy map as we have to guide a small team of engineers and hover mrl this hover mr ellis these things through the snowy canyon luckily there are hidden health crates scattered around gotta love that funny angelic choir when you pick them up like some higher power is blessing our hovering missile platforms of good health toast these power plants and sneak past the obelisk once inside hammerfest base we have to micromanage the [ __ ] out of our units to prevent them from destroying the base defenses we're about to capture as soon as we gain control over the base we have to quickly reactivate the remaining defenses here i like to send out teams of disk throwers to destroy the bridges in order for slow not counter-attack let's talk about the nod [ __ ] artillery two hits kill almost everything and by the time the first one lands the second is already in the air the only effective strategy is to just rush them ignoring everything else in a suicide charge after rushing the base with wave after wave of titans we finally break the enemy line and discover that kane has left mcneil a voicemail hey so uh i killed your brother out loud the next mission involves us chasing after the tech nod has stolen from hammer fest kane is shipping it out for our high-speed train but we're lucky enough that a bridge on the route has collapsed this mission takes about a minute to complete seriously we literally just rushed the train while it's parked while we were busy racking up the high score in avoidable casualties kane began firing chemical missiles all across the european union uh-oh at the behest of umagon we go and rescue some mutants from a prison camp we end up leaving the gdi forces behind as a distraction while we move the mutants up to the prison this mission displays the terrifying combo of the medic and the ghost stalker his railgun and above average armor mixed with the medic's healing turned the two of them into an almost impenetrable position we bust them out and evac them moving on we target a nod supply base that is shipping additional chemicals to the missile silos however this base also has its own silo well thank [ __ ] we came here huh we start the mission with some of the mutants we saved and a couple of disruptor tanks we'll ignore these for now instead making extensive use of jump jet cheese as soon as possible we want to cut off not supply of chemical missiles whoa look at this ugly [ __ ] thing can i even show this on youtube not only do these vane holes provide not with the resources required for those missiles the hole sometimes spits up this highly damaging gas while the veins severely damage vehicles best to clean them up now once they are dealt with we amass a small army of disruptor tanks and storm the base [Music] as we finish the mutants mission first we've also unlocked a secondary objective getting go stalker aboard a train this unlocks a short secret mission where a mutant attack team wipes out a non-power station which kinda helps us in our following mission finally we're ready to take on the nod chemical base it's a cloaked heavily defended nightmare on the ground so we're gonna spam jump jets again we have to move quickly to deny them any more missiles throughout this mission we get a steady supply of mutant reinforcements that we can throw into the meat grinder whatever i'm not paying them nod has begun to roll out some advanced ufo looking fighters and solomon wants them gone so we sneak a team into the base locate the factory and destroy it i spent way too long trying to destroy as much of the nod base with the commandos as possible which was dumb because i delayed the arrival of the mammoth mark [ __ ] two the mk stands for [ __ ] cool this armored elephant is a walking fortress of death so much so you can only field one of them at a time its in-game site has actually shrunk down due to engine limitations but you can see in the cutscenes and designer it's almost as large as a building big boy this is also the first time we encounter the problem of hunt the harvester some missions desire the complete annihilation of nod forces and that includes their unarmed most likely civilian operated harvesters because we're the good guys as you blow up the refineries they're meant to return to they can often wind up stranded in the strange corners of the map forcing you to spend a stupid amount of time trying to find them luckily we play on modern resolutions just imagine trying to find this thing on a screen squished into 640 by 480. the kodiaq is grounded by an ion storm whilst umigon is somehow kidnapped off screen by nod [ __ ] what you know i'm getting pretty tired of this [ __ ] mcneil guy he's kind of a massive bummer yeah [ __ ] it kill him we better get hot right now this mission is a nightmare resources are scarce radar is down and artillery lurk in the shadows we can't spam jump jets so instead we'll spam titans our first few teams tentatively remove artillery positions opening up valuable resources once we've got a steady income we camp nods tip field and kill their harvesters this attracts every active unit they have into a nice little kill box and while their forces are distracted we move in and wipe out their base ladies and gentlemen mcneil and the crew cut off general solomon to listen to a voicemail from ghost stalker he reveals that umagan is still in kane's temple and that he has some huge missile that could destroy the world or something only now just realizing that umagan is missing mcneil decides to attack cain's temple directly whoops visual bugs we wipe out this nod perimeter base and rapidly begin replacing it with one of our own we've got some cheesing to do the game wants us to cross a bridge to the west and take out a nod icbm platform but instead there's a missile silo down here that's just on the screen we're gonna move a force over to get rid of it once that team is down there we can move to tackle the icbm launcher jump jets go the second that missile is taken out the map expands revealing the rest of the south islands the team we landed earlier moves quickly to capture the now rebuilt missile silo as well as kane's pyramid with the silo under our control we now have access to nod's cluster missile attack which will make surgical strikes on those icbms far easier we'll just throw out some jump troopers as suicidal spotters and follow them up with explosives finally it's just a matter of cleaning up the remaining nod bases without the time constraint imposed by those icbms and without the constant barrages of cluster missiles this is incredibly easy oh hey check out these classic mammoth tanks and they're dead it goes to show the tech has advanced i guess after deleting the remnants the nod base the mission is complete and mcneil rushes in to save umagan oh jesus what happened to its face oh yeah hey man check out my glowy orb isn't it cool seems pretty cringe to me your cringe i am the future the tiberian sun has risen not in my world [Music] that's an order [Music] human plot device then gives oomagon an injection that should slow her mutation allowing her and mcneil to live happily ever after [Music] like that's ever gonna happen welcome to the brotherhood in nod's campaign we follow the story of the cold and cunning anton slavic a member of the brotherhood's elite black hand saved seconds from execution by kane's own order the second he's back aboard his command vessel he executes the crew responsible for his capture and then returns to commanding his forces like nothing happened what a dude slavic is joined by his second-in-command oxana and nod's tactical computer and total row bro cabal define favorable outcome cabal they all die yep totally trustworthy the first mission is just like gdis gather some forces learn the basics of bass control and crush some light enemies speaking of nod crush that's the name of the track that plays on this mission and honestly i love it it's one of my favorites and i think one of the most iconic tracks in the game not a lot to speak on but there is a slight difference regarding civilians since now you can blow up their buildings and kill them with impunity you know just nod things [Music] here we learn the truth about the brotherhood's weakened state in the time between the wars the brotherhood has been under the rule of a gdi appointed puppet leader a man by the name of her son hungry for this traitor's blood slavic sets forth on a mission of revenge first by taking over the brotherhood's broadcasting network general solomon is said to have become mentally unstable here oxana can broadcast the cool to arms for all slavic's loyalists as the forces arrive we gain control over a couple of cyborgs i suppose even they can be swayed by the word of kane these boys will make up the bulk of our forces until the expansion anyways next cabal suggests we should rescue some allies to our cause and first we make a daring raid on a holding camp [Music] this is taking forever taking over this side base we rally a force and raid the camp extracting the rebel commander and securing his support in the battle to come this all culminates in an attack on her son's pyramid this battle is a tough one with his forces rapidly responding now i have to tell you about how much i [ __ ] hate tick tanks they cost as much as a titan but are all around worse even in large groups they're not very good outside of extremely rare situations they're supposed to make up the backbone of nod's armored column but that role instead falls to the [ __ ] attack bike and it's wood armor wood armor as the temple falls her sun attempts to escape but we cut him off time to face the music traitor and at her son's televised execution kane reveals himself to be you alive kill the messiah god damn what a dude with the traitor removed kane instructs slavic to begin the campaign against gdi anew his first objective is to recapture the original temple of nord and save some non-descript artifacts from gdi's hands nod sure does love their artifacts i i never do the side mission here because it sucks dealing with a heavily fortified gdi base during an ion storm with a time limit is not fun the bonus it gives us isn't even particularly worth it the main mission itself involves preparing a force to invade the gdi excavation base moving south we capture a secondary base to get an extra refinery and access the medics better keep them alive not as enough un sanctions already well i guess it's time to spam cyborgs [Music] oh [ __ ] what are they stealing following this mission a voicemail from kane tells us to recollect a [ __ ] ufo he left parked here and it's not there resident crackhead vega in his infinite wisdom stole it first and then decided to go to the states for some hamburgers or something and now he's crash-landed it there [Applause] mayday mayday welcome to one of the worst missions in the entire game god damn i [ __ ] hate this mission we have to rush our forces past a number of gdi patrols hoping to not lose too many of them once we find the ufo we discover that vegas already stolen parts of it so now we have to rush southward to destroy the bullet train and recapture the artifacts before vega can ship them out did i mention i hate this mission there is basically no shame in looking up a walk through because it is a summit of a level to get through blind you will fail fail fail lose too many troops and have to restart lose your engineers to wolverines blow up the train too early and book the scripting the list goes on this mission is anarchy it sucks man the crew watch as umagan hassan's the [ __ ] out of nod goo number 27. slavic is pissed only he's allowed to do that cabal correctly assumes that she'll try to either escape to a gdi medical colony or to an underground rail system in new detroit well nod's here to prove you can't have [ __ ] in detroit ah [ __ ] yeah we get the artillery here now this thing is really something they vastly out range any of the units on gdi's side while dishing out piles of damage wait i've already spoken about this what the [ __ ] am i so we amass a giant blob of tick tanks and sit on the escape route of her train and then we wait when she arrives i slow down the game speed so i can order the team to target the front carriage as hitting the wrong segment will fail the mission with the locomotive disabled we capture the mutant in a massive batman gambit slavic lets humacon escape in a ploy to have her lead nod to the mutant base what the [ __ ] the next mission has us taking over a gdi base and using its forces to destroy a mutant one in a false flag operation you'd think they'd notice the red paint on everything well just like in the gdi campaign we're gonna spam the [ __ ] out of titans the mutant forces are mostly repurposed civilian vehicles and are remarkably tough despite this they also have packs of fiends which are bloody dangerous oof deeper into their base we see a mix of stolen gdi and nod tech including a fully operational second generation obelisk of light how in the [ __ ] did they manage that like i could understand if it was a restored one from the previous war but this model is fresh new top of the line we don't even have access to it yet after smashing the [ __ ] out of the base none other than our favorite walking talking plot enhancer dratos gives himself up to stop the massacre nod is quick to use its media to paint this event as gdi terrorism and the majority of the globe's mutant population apparently believe them with the support of the mutants now behind nod kane orders the destruction of a research lab studying a potential cure to his divination process a side mission here has us collecting some chemical weapons needed to produce a missile that'll aid us in this objective and here we get to experience the majesty of the cyborg commando armed with a [ __ ] bfg and healing in tiberium he massively outclasses ghost orca by the mere fact that he doesn't run up to defensive structures like a dumbass and actually shoots at them instead what a good boy smuggling with trucks past the gdi checkpoint we move on to the next mission leading a non-informant to a nearby supply cache he rallies some mutants to his aid this gives us what may be the only surviving elements of the once planned forgotten faction the forgotten infantry ranging from equal to light infantry to rivaling cyborgs in terms of combat effectiveness the informant uses these mutants to push for the gdi defenses and in doing so secures a route for our mcv as well as the chemical trucks we recovered ah nice and safe while we prepare a strike team to find the medical center teams of mutants strike out on their own grinding themselves against gdi's defenses in the name of kane however uncovering the center reveals its true purpose to the mutants who then turn on us for tricking them but they've already served their purpose fires a missile get [ __ ] five minutes later i should have known this would be a trap i would have the mutants were already well aware of nod's tendency to use false flags this should come as no surprise given that nod hub is a kkk level of hatred for mutants but kane isn't one to leave his chosen behind a small nod commando team is positioned by the north entrance of the facility they will help you escape meanwhile the commando team breaks out slavic and then we move to bust out oxana the dynamic duo then take over a nearby transport and escape the cyborg commando takes this mission by storm so it isn't really what i would call a hard level well short of oxana getting ballsy and dying to turrets i am disappointed well excuse me but you're the one who sent us to that dummy base in the first place kane now wants us to test his new chemical missiles and we get the choice between two missions in the first one we recapture an abandoned north base now overrun with tiberian life in the other we have to defend an extremely slow transport route of chemical supplies i'm an idiot and i chose the second option wait are those [ __ ] using my own cheese against me get the [ __ ] out of here we get our hands on stealth generators and stealth tanks during this mission and the ai has almost no ability to properly counter them it's almost cheating rather than wait for the slow-ass supply trucks to trickle into the base we'll tackle this the old-fashioned way as the brotherhood prepares for its final operations we move in to destroy the prototype of the mammoth mark ii after guiding a chameleon spy into a nearby comm center we get to watch as the mark ii wipes out a range of test targets well you know what they say about the bigger they are kane has been kind enough to give us a fleet of banshees for this mission so we'll use them to make a surgical strike all the pieces are falling into place and the brotherhood is readying the killing blow an icbm strike against the philadelphia space station firstly a small stealth operation is used to kidnap mcneil's brother jake and provides anton with a way of getting past hammerfest's impenetrable firestorm defense grid there's not a lot to say about this mission it's just a straightforward sneak and steal so uh as a side note the guy who plays jake is actually joseph's younger brother i mean i wouldn't have known they don't look alike cabal then suggests that we rob gdi of the historical advantage that won the last war the ion cannon so we sneak in an odd spy team to steal the free control code segments honestly it's hard to believe this is the penultimate level but i suppose it perfectly sums up not's preferred tactics why deploy an army when a small team using subdiffuse can achieve the same results with the codes now in our possession slavic's moment of victory is at hand the attack on hammer fest base starts with the younger mcneil breaking into the firestorm defense grid and shutting it down allowing nod forces to enter the otherwise impenetrable fortress and behind them a trio of icbms intended to liberate belka i mean end gdi oppression in an attempt to rob us of their refinery gdi wastes their only shot of the ion cannon as our override codes then wrestle control the network from them crews aboard the orbital stations are no doubt scrambling to correct this so a one-hour timer begins so uh i only learned earlier whilst reading the wiki that this timer isn't isn't right you actually get three hours [ __ ] cheese pressing on we deploy our first two missiles with a healthy defensive line at the second site we even deploy a second mcv in order to build more extensive defenses around it the final launcher is the hard one we must push across a well-defended bridge to the north this will be our rubicon careful use of cyborg's stealth tanks and artillery pick off the defenses on the other side of the bridge and we can finally sneak the launcher in [ __ ] and mission complete slavic savors his victory over a beaten and bloodied mcneil gloating as the missiles destroy the station [Music] with it out of the way kane sends out a worldwide broadcast where he promises a new age of hope and peace meanwhile deep in his temple his burnt crippled ass just launches a rocket and then [ __ ] sparkles away like this is star trek or some [ __ ] [Music] [Music] the world is at peace glory to cain [Music] general our enemy is deploying their yi ass haircut
Channel: Dr White
Views: 459,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ofPDY5VSNr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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