T.I. talks Tiny Lawsuits, Kids becoming Rappers & Boosie drama | Funky Friday with Cam Newton

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and one of my favorite songs on the Libra  album bro was with you and your son yeah   that's my favorite song ever listen you  know your kids are your kids around you   but then when they had start having cameras on  them I started to learn yeah a lot about them one thing I'ma say it again I'm not  gonna play into the hands of the enemy   I understand we're being done I don't know  if everybody involved understand what being   done you see that that that platform is is  meant to dissect divide and watch [Music]   it is what it ain't what it could be  what it should be what it would be   Cam Newton the song Mr Boogie at all and I'm here  with another episode of funky Friday now this   ain't no regular episode you feel me like it's not  you feel me I I feel like my Atlanta lingo gotta   come out proper but you know I'm saying enough so  you know I'm saying to be relatively Exquisite in   my Approach as I as I take y'all through this  one this is a very special one today we have   the CEO and founder of Grand Hustle Music Grand  Hustle films entrepreneur businessman husband   father the list goes on and as he will call it  it's the king yeah what's happening player TI   my black what's going on man I can't call it man  what's the what's the plan man listen bro give me   some fly I can try you know what I'm saying I'll  tell you this bro being in this industry as long   as you've been in this industry right how you've  been able to evolve businessman philanthropist um different genres of music uh actor producer you  know what I'm saying and the list goes on comedian   um what's the what's the what's the T what that  mean the t is then like tell me how tell me how   you was able to do it so I'm like what's the  secret well one thing at a time you know uh   I think all the things I do they all are born  from a vision you know and I just always had   like visions of even when when I was surrounded by  uh the environment that we come from I still just   saw better for myself I just saw more for myself  right uh I could I would watch lifestyles of the   Richer famous and I remember that the Eddie Murphy  episode came on I cried you know what I'm saying   because I just knew I was supposed to beat up you  know what I'm saying and uh my grandma used to   tell me you get something on your mind you just  won't let it go you know and I just you know I   also everything comes from a vision I had a vision  that led me to music that I had a vision led me   the acting I had a vision that you know led me  into all of the things that I'm doing everything   that I'm doing is born with a vision right so  with that being said you've been a staple or or   a direct representative of what Atlanta's as we  call it now trap music one of the forefathers of   it you know what I'm saying I would say Obviously  yourself the Jesus of the world the Gucci's of the   world uh in just the name of a few especially  when I was growing up you know what I'm saying   do you like where the state of music is right  now um well I think the state the state of music   is always including in my time period and you  know it's always the best of times and the worst   of time right y'all we had something that was  completely uh forward thinking that was pushing   the envelope and and just blessing that side of  the expectations right of of greatness then you   had what that was more than the generation  before right so every generation gets better   and the book will be worse you know what I  mean and both sides of that spectrum is you   know gonna lead to it being the best of times and  the worst of time so even as we talk about this   music industry you have your children in this  industry how does how does the balance of me   being an athlete right and I'm toil between the  two where it's like bro y'all really don't got   to play football yeah I needed to play football  you needed to rap you know what I'm saying you   you became a TV personality uh uh a rapper an  Entertainer all off of a better life for them   sure so for you how is that as you see distinct  values or distinct talents in your children do   you push towards it or you just let it happen uh  well for one I really hate that they chose to be   in this industry not that not that I hate that  they chose music that I hate that they they are   passionate about music I hate that they chose  this industry because I know all the treachery   and the deceit and and I know the the dastardly  nature not the destiny yeah I mean it's it's   they take me through it like it's full of Thieves  and Crooks you know what I'm saying it's full of   people who you know who want a smile in your face  and then operate under different principles behind   your back people who you know hide they hold hold  their tongue you know and and people who can't   wait to get you in the moment well you know they  could leverage themselves against you to oppose   you uh and I just didn't want to introduce them to  nothing like that but I guess you know I'm saying   that's a part of the world we're living in and  it's only so much Sheltering right that can't be   done but speaking of Sheltering bro and I don't  I I was excited to get you on off of this whole   thinking and Theory I've seen obviously one of  your sons uh in the Waffle House situation yeah   right yeah but coming from a parent yeah your  explanation was perfect but at the same time   me having seven children of my own right  right teenagers one teenage male one teenage   female uh-huh that life that they live you try to  protect them as much as you possibly can but also   give them the freedom to be a man or a woman sure  you feel I'm saying and it's not fair to them who   share your last name because they will get perks  because of oh man that's tip Son bro let him in   oh man T.I man that's it something man it's gonna  be both sides you're digging I'm saying yeah so in   a situation like that happens in in the media as  a father it's like oh my God take me through it well it's kind of like my daughter and I was  having this conversation my youngest dog and um she was you know I guess she she's going to school  for the first time uh she's in first grade she did   homeschool Pre-K okay she in third grade now she  wanted to go to real school by her own request   and and so she's she's beginning to socialize  and and and and she's learning people right   so she told me that this you know that this  one young lady in her class was passing that   popsicle and gave her the one that she know she  didn't like and she said but she said she know   I don't she know and she like she doesn't mind  this flavor so I just said no give me that one   and she said well I would but I already had  my hands on it she said but you didn't even   open it and I said nah that's too much listen  you see this she did that on purpose she meant   for you to have the one that you didn't want say  well why would she do that I said because that's   all she can do to affect you at that moment you  know um and I just told him man when you leave   at this house don't nobody really care about  you for real right the people who care about   you gonna be in this and gonna be right here  under this roof right outside that though don't   expect no favors or no no love or appreciation  for from nobody if you get it assume it's fake   um and if you find that it's real appreciate it  but don't believe it you know what I'm saying   that's that's a that's a proverb right though I  mean um that's just kind of how I I deal with it   and it's been that way especially for my kids all  coming up through school um and a lot of times the I guess the spoils that come with having your  same last name or being attached to they aren't   ready to navigate themselves access yeah what  to receive the discernment that come that is   necessary to to navigate through what may come to  them uh so at times we have to try and do that for   them you know what I mean but we see you ain't got  this you ain't gameed up enough yet right you're   overly exposed especially with with social media  correct yeah overly exposed and you ain't gamed   up enough to know you know what to receive and  what to reject right so I kind of have to be the   intermediary there as much as possible um but  the world don't want that the world wants you   to let even though they overexpose even though  you know they ain't ready you can't intercept   it let it happen right it's kind of like how the  world works you know what I'm saying as a parent   we're Shackled to society's standards no  matter what our child may need you know   what I mean like even if our child  need that we're Shackled to society so that but you know so either I have to you know  I I read a quote from nip uh at least that's why   I heard it he said he read it from somewhere else  but I got it from him uh he said would you rather   be a war with the world and at peace with yourself  or and what would yourself and at peace with the   world you dig what I'm saying and you know I chose  the form right but I'll say this and this is a   this is a public service announcement for anybody  that's giving away something I don't know no black   person that like any yellow rapper anything I'm  guessing she probably got the yellow popsicle   I like the yellow pops [ __ ] give us the pink  the red purple maybe red yeah we don't like the   yellow Starburst we don't like the yellow laffy  taffies we don't like it yellow actually like   the yellow left no no I don't like lemon I like  banana you see what I'm saying I don't like lime   but I like green apple hey man I said you ain't  never seen no person in class trying to bypass   class trying to pick the yellow or Skittle I  ain't saying buddy yellow none I give a pass   to The Laffy Taffy because I with them to you  but as far as yellow that ain't necessarily it   one thing that I commend you on too bro is just  the the honesty and the realness you know you   you you are one of the few people who made it  out of the reality TV kind of phase and still   stay relevant though like as an impactful  look it comes off of me saying reality TV   is still acting well I don't even think that you  know at least because I mean for lack of a better   title for it I feel like it were more like a  family follow documentary yeah I mean um it didn't   seem like reality tv as much maybe when it became  friends and family hustle it was a little more   you know production right and you know there were  times where there was tension and we probably had   to act like it wasn't as much tension that we  had to produce some things around that tension   uh uh but for the most part man we were pretty  much being ourselves the whole ride you know so   much is is so that that I didn't know my children  had that much personality like you know what I'm   saying like you know your kids or your kids around  your specialty major right right you know they   present themselves one way around you right but  then when they had start having cameras on them   right when I wasn't around I started to learn  yeah like a lot about them right and you know   to be honest with you man that's the dopest family  photo album yeah it's always man you said man look   at this knucklehead right here [ __ ] he was in  the womb and then all of a sudden boom you know   what I'm saying you see it happen for a person who  has had his pretty much you know multiple decades   in the game evolving from personal struggles we've  seen you go to prison came back dropped a dope   album and just picked up right where you left off  you don't seen your fair share of uh uh uh bus in   the music industry yeah but you've still been able  to evolve over time you know sure uh man I think I think more than the music it's the story of  this selling I think people have kind of you   know every every artist has a story and uh mine  is one I feel that you know is one of evolution   you did um even though I started I  came in trap music opened up the door   and ushered everyone else in  right and made it mainstream um my Evolution was imminent I knew that  I were capable of doing other things   um I would just always like how can I say not  astute for some not astute enough for some   you know what I'm saying you was ignorant to  astute for others right right he was too ignorant   to to not know what you couldn't do but ambitious  enough to know what you wanted to do absolutely   but the thing I'm saying is like in certain crowds  of people right you know what I'm saying like   let's say if you take it to you know just the the  elites if you will right they might consider me   too ghetto you know what I'm saying but if you  take me to the ghetto and then do that too yeah   you know is it too goddamn uh sadity or whatever  that [ __ ] yeah he too thank you too smart you   know so I was always kind of stuck in the middle  you know what I'm saying so I just kept my   I just catch my catch my waves and my rooms  of people and and kind of I would kept my   circle kind of small and I don't really I hadn't  I've been known as a person that didn't really   mingle whale introvert I mean I guess I am an  introvert I kind of create my environment where   I feel like I can be an extrovert life is in  this place right here I'd be very social yeah   people that I already know people like and you  know I'm saying that I feel like I understand   what I can expect from everybody in here I'm very  extroverted in that but then you take me somewhere   where I don't know nobody right you know what I'm  saying then I'm watching and you know so I think   I've always been in that position but that's  that's what that's what Atlanta has taught us   you feel me like for for the longest a lot  of people didn't even know I was from Atlanta   because I had I went to three different colleges  I went to obviously University of Florida went to   dream College in Texas and then uh you know the  height of my career in college was in Alabama   obviously Auburn but as I'm mingling around I'm  I'm taking what I'm learning from Texas you know   I'm saying learning about little Kiki Bun B Pimp  C all that going to you know I'm saying Florida   at that particular point in time Plies was the  man around there right and you know just being   hip to a whole different yeah culture the coach  those are very rich cultures yes sir coming from   Atlanta going to Texas then Florida and Alabama  those those are very rich cultures right with   four because you started in Atlanta right and  then you kind of learned and and and I guess   integrated those cultures into what you already  knew and by the time you finish not to mention   when you went to the pros yes sir that was the  bulk of you did really my manhood you feel me   in in the Carolinas right so you're pretty much  had a southern gumbo you ain't missing number yeah so right now to hit you with a switch  up right I'm gonna play a game which okay   in this segment and it's called tip of the  tongue oh oh okay right so I'ma give you   I'm gonna give you a word or a stanza or a  whatever I say tiny hairs and then boom you gonna   give me a word that comes the first word that  comes to mind yeah you're digging I'm saying we   got one minute okay to play so whatever comes to  your mind first that's what you're gonna rock and   roll with right is you ready yes Cascade skating  ring ATL LeBron's new scoring record legendary   blueface and Christian rock question  mark Brianna at the Super Bowl it's amazing Lauren London's return to Acton inspiring now I'm expecting these and  whereas to be a little bit more than   one vowel but needless to say next one  uh TI's performance in the film fear short these words the save room Taxi Kyrie Irving in  the Nets separated Donald Glover series Atlanta uh is in his final season Will Smith slap at the Oscars   gangster takeoff's Legacy oh man Godly  Holly Bailey as The Little Mermaid it is last but not least Kim and Ray J's sex tape  ploy who what what'd you say what you saying say   it again Kim and Ray J's sex tape ploy billions  but did they make it though who who you say you   keep saying they which they we done but I'm  saying that they make billions one of them did so I don't know if you talking about like  but but but in our fairness both of them   are better off now than they before you  know I ain't gonna say better off with it   necessarily because I don't know what kind of  emotional strength financially yes financially   uh it seems like everyone that you mentioned in  that is kind of elevated Propel themselves yeah   from that uh level leveled up you know or gotten  surpassed yeah you know as I was reading my notes   you know getting prepared for this man excited to  even announce uh the potential new album that you   got killed the king Take me through it uh kill  the king is my final album my final studio album   um I think at every person's time in their  life don't get me wrong I love making music   and I will still make music uh but I don't  think that that cause upon all of the gifts   that I have I have been blessed with right and  I don't think that the way is set up right now   I don't think that I could like move within  my purpose or answer the call of my purpose   focusing solely on that right uh placing a  lot of my primary efforts and energy on that   just on music Alone yeah yeah yes I mean you  know um I'm going to to produce a finer album   and it's called kill the king I like that man  one of my favorite songs on the Libra album   bro was with you and your son yeah that's my  favorite song ever listen bro the banter that   y'all was going back and forth it was it was  the side of your son that I kind of felt like   he was his gift was his curse and I felt like he  wanted to prove to you that bro I'm a man so I   moved out you know what I mean or whatever and  even though just the stigma that comes with ah   man UTI son you can rap that held his own I heard  I heard like some of my semi J Cole jig like some   say he you know he bodied me definitely some may  say but but I wasn't expecting it though that's   the thing because you know sometimes it'd be like  handouts like bro I'm gonna put my you know be   making music or they have a joint album with guys  that I'm like bro they're not even supposed to be   on this song right they're not supposed to be  on this album I see what you did you're trying   to put your people on but they devalue that  that song sometimes but that track right duh   it was a beautiful kind of Melody of of  father-son moment and I tapped in with   him after that you know what's up man you know  what but if I made I I I'll kind of share with   you why it may feel like that um so my oldest  son Messiah he did the beat right so messiah's   playing for me and the money playing like you know  a lot of this beats that he's doing right and uh   I picked that beat and then I left the room  and I guess the money had picked the same beat   and and you know we were just he the body came  to me said you don't really want this one do   you yeah yeah I said yeah yeah yeah I was gonna  use it but he say I always get Beats and don't   never do nothing with them so he was like yeah  all right then I said man I'd be right back I   got to run somewhere so I left and came back  he had done did a verse I said oh he tried to   take he trying to take the song for me it's a  challenge so then I got on there I did my verse so then he got on it again so we just you know we  were going back and forth uh and you know what I'm   saying because I did choose it first yeah you  know I ended up keeping it for my project man   that was what's up bro I think those problems I  finally have a friend I finally have a favorite   song usually I always say you know the songs  are like my children but this this song actually   features my one of my children produced by one  of my children so that's officially my favorite   song just speaking of favorites take me through  your your own kind of where you was in life and   the creation of paper trail or your favorite  mine you know what I'm saying just the king   TI versus t.i.p like [ __ ] like talk to me  through it give me your three best bodies of work   my three best bodies of work  are not necessarily my three   favorite times in my life you know what I'm saying  I think that turmoil conflict and turmoil makes   for for greater artistic material you're  going through something though yeah yeah   yeah yeah so I feel like my greatest body  to work uh I'm serious urban legend um trap music yeah I mean not to take  anything away from paper trail or King I got a discography of of healthy um you know  it ain't just no bro you got a body work with   no skips like you just let that garage and  then boom it's there but you know what that's   because that's what okay so and it's such  a blessing because I always compared myself   to the that I like to listen to so like my  favorite albums let's say before I came into   uh the world of TI before I'm serious my favorite  albums were all eyes on me riding dirty uh southernplayalistic Atlas uh uh uh Scarface my  diary yeah uh man but a lot of that that's not   it as as I'm hearing the artists who created these  they're not necessarily you mean you name one that   was from Atlanta yeah well you know I was a fan  of the game you know what I mean yeah I'm from   Atlanta I was a fan of the game you know I bought  everything I used to buy everything yeah you know   what I'm saying food sneaking brand new beans  Onyx uh Wu-Tang man I bought every Craig Mack   about everything I used to spend the summers  in New York and I used to get you know what   I'm saying the used to go and buy the bootleg uh  from 125th Street and we could walk down Broadway   and just you know they had a little man with the  blanket up you know selling the little tape yeah   yeah yeah I used to go down there and buy all this  the wrong G tapes the DJ Clue tapes you know what   I mean and and I would just submerge myself in  in in hip-hop you know what I'm saying uh but I   Love Too Short you know it's just certain albums  that are like embedded in my head because I fall   asleep listening to that yeah yeah wake up get  dressed to go to school Adrenaline Rush yeah yeah   yeah Goodie Mob soul food like I I just remember  these albums from top to bottom because you know   they just became an incredible part of my life so  as when I started making music I was comparing my   submissions right to these like you  know how does this compare right to   uh adrenaline rush you know I'm saying how does  this compare to coming out hard yeah you know what   I'm saying eight by MJG how does this compare to  riding dirt yeah you know and that's just the way   that's why you know if you hear albums that I have  with no skips it's because I was comparing them to   albums because I knew didn't have no skills and  what types of songs the flow right that man look   is the mixtape is mixtapes dead um I don't know  I might do Luke but I'm saying I say that because   we now I feel like mixtapes is now the deluxe  versions of albums the it's like the throat and   and I have to monitor the the choice of words  that I say but it's not like the throwaways   it's the additions I'm like I remember yeah okay  I'm saying I remember a time when artists will   come out with mixtapes and the mixtapes then uh  of the city up that was an album right duh yeah   you feel what I'm saying right uh just a whole  that was a whole different portfolio of music that   we don't necessarily see now right because cats  are just drop albums they'll drop albums they'll   drop a deluxe to the album and then it's like  bro what about you know I'm saying like we still   waiting for years for something to happen when in  years past when I was in high school TI mixtape   Jeezy mixtape like this was just as impactful Lil  Wayne mixtape like this this was just bodies of   work you dig what I'm saying absolutely uh  I think what we were finding ourselves in   was a time where we were beginning to be straight  direct to consumer a direct to Consumer industry   um you know being on a major record label and  getting ready to put an album out especially at   that time were kind of like making a U-turn and  a MARTA bus right you know what I'm saying right   tough you got you know it's back up you did stop  the traffic whereas the mixtape allowed us to move   with more agility you did what I'm saying we could  record them but then we could put it at on Monday   Tuesday whenever we wanted to yeah with the push  of a button um so I think that was the beginning   of that time uh right now if I if I'm correct  I think playlists are more important because   they so people don't really listen to full bodies  of work unless you like you know for my generation   right right now they just want to change that  playlist right and and and you ain't even got to   put the playlist together if you search an article  they gonna take you straight to everything it's   not inspired by featuring you know they best work  they it's it's more of an algorithm that I think   I think the algorithm is probably in replace that  that's what replaced the mixtape now while we're   on this topic of creating music just recently  seen in in uh the news that you and Boosie had   a joint album coming up but I don't know where  it went left don't even know where it went   right is it happening is it not where I had no  indication of anything but a sort would be made um take me through it Keep It Funky now I  mean it ain't really much to say um I think um more so than anything else uh it's a   it's a disappointment you know what I'm  saying I think the platform in which this interview of these comments of this right  right this this this uh Epiphany was made public   yes sir you see that that that platform is  is meant to dissect divide correct but even   if it ain't intentional it's been known career  to to separate to to poke to poke to separate   brother from Brother neighbor from neighbor  and and watch look alone and laugh along with   the Enemy you know what I'm saying not to say  that they are the enemy because I don't know but   it might look like them right so  uh so to see that happen and to see my main thing yeah man I don't wanna I don't want  to play into the enemy's plaque as you should   you feel me so so so the simple answer to that  question is no that's not coming up no no it's not   um and it was dope too but no and I think that  the thing that made it make the most sense for me   was because it was an opportunity  to speak life into and educate people that probably wouldn't have had the  opportunity to hear the kind of information that   were being spoken but I but I say it like this and  even from man to man I see this happen from afar   so many different times because I'm like what if  Young Thug and Rich Homie never beef what if Jesus   uh not tip but Gigi and Gucci yeah didn't didn't  have any beef what if Luda and Two Chains would   have you know what I'm saying except and I'm like  I'm seeing something happen and as a man I'm like   this can't be talked about I mean you know the  thing is I could see it too I could see it too and   I'm and I'm just as I see it as I watch it play  at as a chess player and a thinking man [Music]   I ain't gonna play into it too much of course how  can I say the nucleus of it right I understand   it's false right as it pertains to me you  know the Catalyst the thing that's driving   the conversation the fuel you know absolutely  there are facts their effects documented facts   that could disprove that particular piece of logic  however the suspicion of that made public and the   position that we're taken it kind of poisoned the  opportunity to put forward in the same spirit and   I'm speaking I'm speaking from a person like bro  I'm a fan of of creativity you feel me like I'm   not trying to be messy by no means but at the  same time I'm saying to myself it's like bro   of questions you're doing a good job but listen  like if we was on the field I had to bleach you   whether I like come on now hey hold on tip the  mic tip them out let's slide to him hey if he   come now you got it hot now that's right you know  what I mean it's just it's just that though but I   I before I sit up here and and not speak on  something when I know it's like bro I with   everybody I it ain't I'm a one-man Army you  feel me and before I sit up there and condone   messiness I would try to unify the situation I  mean it ain't really to be honest with you bro   I ain't took no position I I I you know  bruh one thing I'ma say it again I'm not   gonna play into the hands of the enemy I  understand we're being done I don't know if   everybody involved understand what being done but  I understand we're being done I can see it right   um and just speaking about the subject at hand  I also understand the sensitive nature of it   right and why it's so important and impactful  to our people right um for one trauma as I've   learned is passed down through DNA um you feel  me yes sir and law enforcement as I've learned   of its origin was purpose is purpose  was to kill capture and collect slaves   so in the days of slavery the first niche with  the person who would Point their hair determining   the people who were getting ready to run so if  you was a person who was getting ready to run   hit the not already ran and almost got away and  you find out that somebody told on you and then   somebody looked just like you right right that's  true that's traumatic that's lifelong trauma that   lifelong trauma will be passed down through your  DNA of your sperm regeneration and degeneration   and the same goes for the brothers and sisters  and aunts and mothers and children who saw that   right right and who were affected by that uh so  I understand that but I also understand how it   being played against us yes sir it's being it's  being is being used it's being weaponized against   us if you notice there's always something about  our leaders black people yes sir whenever black   people have leaders there's always some always  an excuse It's always one reason or something why   I guess people are saying that you shouldn't  follow them but they shouldn't be some type   of dirt and it's always something it's always  something you find the black leader that's in   existence that they haven't threw mud on that they  haven't used some or another it's always something   whereas look at the white leaders [Music] they got  tons of dirt on them and they nobody used it as a   reason not to follow right or not to elect you see  what I'm saying right so I mean I understand it   but I also I'm not a surface level thinker yes sir  and I know that a lot of these opinions are coming   from surface level thinkers [Music] um a lot and  a lot of us are so traumatized and we've been so   brainwashed I mean brainwashed and also  manipulated right that we are afraid of being   tricked and automatically we think somebody no no  you talking too small at you trying to treat it no   no no okay all right so fine didn't make it too  much sense must be a lot yeah you feel what I'm   saying you know what that's the white man talking  you know what I'm saying so so I understand what   I'm dealing with so I I I I I try my best not  to to allow any emotion to come from it but I   gotta treat it as it is right I mean like man the  more than anything over like that whole situation   because the situation came back and it  was being used by the enemy trying to go   against me and I understand that right  it's so many of our people being used   by the enemy I don't know if they know it or  not I don't know if they volunteering for it   I don't know if they're being misguided or  manipulated into it but it's so many of uh   brothers that are are strong-minded and they have  so much great potential to lead but they've been   manipulated by the enemy because the enemy knows  that I mean they know that and and uh man so that   had already been you thrown out there but I ain't  really into clearing up nothing for strangers for   right it don't even waste your your time because  you damned if you do damn you did you like if you   get a flag on the field you're not gonna go talk  to the people in the stands about how it's a bad   call you know what I'm saying especially  if you're the away team exactly so so so   I never addressed it because there's no I know  the truth and there's no need to but that is   somebody that I know somebody that I welcomed  in my home somebody that I consider right an   ally right had did that like that was like whoa  yeah okay damn right I guess I guess they they   did what they wanted to do yeah I mean and I  would disappoint it more than anything right   I could do it I'm sure similar things must happen  in in football you have no idea it's starting to   play out a little bit you know what I'm saying we  saw the uh Tom Brady and uh AB yeah you know what   I'm saying you know I mean I I I'm outside I don't  know hell I don't know either but it you know bruh   bruh OG told me bro you can't expect your  morals and principles to be on somebody   else's that's true instead of saying like  I know what type of person I am bro I love   hard and that's what my partner that's with my  my my my woman that's what my homeboys that's   what my family that's real you see what  I'm saying so before I sit up there and   thrust myself and say nah bro I got you the  the biggest fear for me is rendering my time   and effort to a person and then you find out like  bro you wolf and sheep clothing dude like yeah it   just made me wonder like you know and then when  I'm going through things like this even though   it's trapped on my phone so if I don't pick up my  phone I don't see it right but it made me paranoid   yeah like being around people you know like man  which one of you it's somebody else and somebody   in there some bad to say that yeah yeah yeah and  I never know you know what I mean and it it it   makes me a recluse it makes me want to go to a  space where only the who had no love and and can   can't can't I guess anticipate their actions  somewhat right or anticipate their principles   somewhere thank you so much Toya okay  Toyota you're a dog thank you so much   you might want to Nuke that no that heat  coming from that yeah I want them get a second   um but but Times Like These man they also man they also challenged me to to be the ultimate  thinker you know what I'm saying they challenged   me to manage my emotions they challenged me to  present myself as God intended and not as much as   I intended right yeah I mean uh so you know I'm  saying it's our ego improvado like what we want   you know I'm saying every man is starting in his  own action movie career you know what I'm saying   we have Bruce Willis and die hard every all of us  you know and um you know for us to have to take   that vulnerable moment you know even in Die Hard  when he answered the phone and and the hijackers   got his daughter it's like oh whatever yo yo yo  you don't want to admit that they got you you know   what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you  did so it kind of it brings it brings it brings a   certain calm and a resolve right and a humbling  sensibility that allows me to see things much   differently man listen before before anything  bro I want to give you your flowers to just   you came I was like wait a minute I'm sorry I  also want to read to you a text that I received   and I hope you don't mind I ain't  gonna let me see he probably gonna   so he's one of my it's one of my my my  good partners who I went to elementary   school with no way yeah he just happened  to be a legendary Grammy award-winning   songwriter composer producer singer  whatever and and and he he sent me this   I suppose in light about going on you say remember  and never forget the space isn't the space where   we come from you're so blessed that when people  around you stop long enough to see what you have   and notice they don't have it they become jealous  rarely but sometimes the world does us a favor   maybe you bigger than you were trying to be in  my eyes at least and this is the part that got me   trees don't hang around with the grass even  though they all started from the same place I would have cracked my damn phone I dropped up  that bill was high amen that was prolific yes sir   but even then bro like you sold multi-talented  and and to my point of giving you your flowers   like bro like what you've created and it's  coming up on its 20th anniversary in the   Trap music museum highlighting genres of music  that didn't exist or didn't have the light right   you feel me right but you've done a good job with  educating people that look like me and you about   the history of trap music right Museum you know  what I'm saying going from not just the TI's of   of the world but every single individual right  and as a businessman as an entrepreneur taking   so when you talk about evolving I see it you  know I'm saying I I I've always admired that   type of person to say bruh I was dealt this  but I'm gonna make a book out of something   you see what I'm saying and uh so for you to  be able to have 20 years in the track Music   Museum man well see now this is the thing it's  20 years of trap music the Trap music museum   is going on its fourth year Well I said that  wrong no but it's cool bro it's cool uh a   lot of people get them you know what I'm saying  but that's what you did though you see what I'm   saying it was a collective effort and that's both  that's both trap music and the trap music museum   was all a collective effort trap music was born  in my eyes you know of course there were other   artists hip-hop has always been the voice of  the community you know the way that we kind of   highlight the things that that we endure in  our environment and showcase It sharing it with   others outside of that environment who aren't  necessarily always from that and can't come to   that environment absolutely uh so that's always  happened from don't push me cause I'm close to   the edge from that you know to the police you  know to to you know Dope Boys in the trap now   there have been other artists  that you know rapped about   the lifestyle from Master P uh to Sammy Sam  to damn shame there were other artists that   precede me that rapt about certain  things uh but putting it together combining the word trap with the  word music to describe a sound   that didn't happen until 2003  when trap music was released   um and the the purpose of it to be honest was  just to share me my homeboys all my partners   where we came up in Atlanta because I noticed  that the way we were living as we were listening   to Goodie Mob we were listening to outcasts  you know we were listening to Little John um but they didn't necessarily speak  to the the the grind and the grit it   just wasn't quite there you know what  I'm saying although there were parts of   it there and they came from that career uh  but they it just it just wasn't completely   on topic in a way that represented what we  were going through career so I wanted to make   something for us right you know um and and I  I learned that the demand was there because   on my first album I'm serious the most popular  song on there was still ain't forgetting myself   and dope boys and trap right so I so you like  dope boy as a trap then I forget okay I'm gonna   do a whole album of this correct I'm calling it  trap music correct and dope boys in the Trap was   like okay so nobody would play that song on the  radio but Greg Street nobody would so that just   shows you kind of like and even the clean  version right Dough Boys in the Trap like   nobody would play that on the radio but  Greg Street so that shows you like how   I guess have filtered mainstream radio was  right you know what I'm saying um but after that   there's a little more a little became a little  more lenient a little more lenient a little more   lenient a little more than that Percocet Percocet  Molly Percocet now not to say that's a good thing   or a bad thing or what have you but the thing is  due to the environments we come from Everybody Has   experience with drugs some way shape form or  fashion indirectly or Direction I don't care if   you yo yo daddy Soul did your mama used did your  uncle went to jail for it your friend got shot   trying to sell it something happened to you you  know what I mean right shape form of fashion uh   and and everybody is kind of enduring and sharing  in these same experiences right so when I put out   trap music that was my experience that was my  installation and then shortly thereafter you   know I mean that was easy yeah with his okay it's  my submission correct you know what I mean and   Gucci here's my submission Yo Gotti here's mine  so on and so forth and it just sound completely   different Complete because we have in a completely  different experience you feel me correct but   the reason these all of these projects and  all of these people all these artists are   important because we let the rest of the world  know that they weren't going through it alone   um you feel me the ones at the bottom was we saw  it as the bottom you know what I'm saying yeah   well it's probably yeah yeah it's definitely  the bottom but I'll tell you this bro coming   from where I come from bro like you're the  Mount Rushmore of of of music and I'm not   I'm not saying that I'm not saying that just  because you're here I'm saying that because   when I was listening to the headphones and I  had to keep my CD player still because that   was skill or the tape the cassette player when I  was beatboxing you know I'm saying dope boy's in   the Trap look like wait like all that that's  what I grew up on you know what I'm saying I   was raised in the church so I had to sneak and  listen to the music but there all my partners   all my like they was listening to it and they was  if you see me in this city I'm like okay cool boy   like what this is like what this sound is so that  morphed me into the person that provided so to   speak yeah you know what I'm saying and I and I  thank you for that you know I mean and for us we   live in a time where we live in a town where we  don't we don't give people the appreciation that   they need so before you leave this damn set or  this Earth You know bro as a person growing up   in Atlanta seeing not just the the musician or  the musical artist but also ATL is has impacted   everything you know what I'm saying I appreciate  it that too and it's a blessing to be involved   uh and really just a part of the journey to to be  allowed to make a contribution like I told you man   I grew up as a fan I bought everything whether  it sucked or not I don't care I just wanted to   hear it right you know what I mean and to be that  from that person listening to others just hoping   for an opportunity to one day be you know on the  same playing field going from that to now you know   having a discography of stuff that people who are  more famous than me can remember that they could   say okay I remember where I was when this came  out when that came out that to me just lets the   little kid that I was let's that little kid know  that you did you you was on the song yeah yeah   you feel me and a lot of people say you know trap  music even after 20 years they like yo let's just   it's just glorification of felonious activity  it's just people you know making light of of   people selling drugs well I I I I I say to that  this if you look at us differently don't look   at us as drug dealers drug use was a form of drug  deal look at us as refugees from the War on Drugs   a war that was waged against the Citizens in this  country that looked like us crack with dropped off   in our communities these sentences Were Meant to  to take us away remove us from being able to be   fathers brothers mothers cousins uncles aunts  just break down the family Dynamic right and   and from there we we found the silver line and  we took with the government for bad allowed God   to use it for good turned it into philosophical  presentation set to music called it trap music   and changed the course of living for our  families forever and nothing else has been   able to do that for us outside of throwing  a ball yes sir catching through and shooting   through hey I mean ain't nothing else really that  has been able to do that as much as this has and   no one would say that an alcoholic who  drank liquor for 20 years got clean in 2003.   and been clean for 20 years but still can  recall how alcohol tastes still can recall   the last time they threw up still can recall all  of the hardships and all of the things the pain   that came with it and still can recall how they  overcame that and made sacrifices to live a better   life today that's their testimony no one could  take that away from them and they all use them   as but they use that testimony to share with other  alcoholics to let them know that they too can one   day get clean yes sir nobody should be able to  take their ability to share that testimony with   the world and that's how I see trap music that  was beautifully explained so as we end things here   we're going to start in unison with this camera  then we're gonna go to that camera together and   then we're gonna finish to our camera right here  in the middle okay you're gonna go one finger   one pinky one thumb one love okay  then you're digging I'm saying   tell cowabunga yeah Hakuna Matata  yeah something appreciate you bro   appreciate you man love and respect man I  appreciate you appreciate this yeah man [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cam Newton
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Keywords: cam newton, cam, panthers, carolina panthers, vlog, cam newton vlog, cam newton youtube, #camnewton, nfl, cam newton nfl, football, cam newton football, interview, cam newton interview, cam vlog, football vlog, workout, cam newton workout, inspirational, funky friday, pod cast, Funky Friday podcast, funky friday w/ cam newton, TI, TIP, TIP HARRIS, TI interview, Ti vs Boosie, TI Boosie album, TI album, trap music, hip hop, rap interview, TIP interview
Id: fV744eSqoy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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