T.I. Reacts To His Son Going Viral For "Standing On Business"

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Willie D live the king situation recently where you know you guys had a a public Feud at that that was that that was just you know a a Harris family counseling session a very public Harris yeah you know yeah it was public it was public this this this was a field trip yeah what what now what what what set him off uh he and I um uh uh or he and I first and then him my wife and I have a very very different perspective in in in in you know in his upbringing his childhood you know and um I think the the largest misconception between he and I CU I call him you know I said man you from the suburb you know and uh me as a person who came from the from from the turf I'm you know in the city I'm from here you know and all while I grew up I look there and it was the the destination this was you know the place people wanted to be to change their life and have a better way for theel when my mama wanted to get me out the hood and go and and put me in have better surroundings and better school so on and so forth that what she took me and that what he grew up now um and also the Necessities being you know already present you know one thing about the ghetto The Trenches is not just the quality of the construction around you is how we going to eat you know what I'm saying like what you know is the phone on today is the gas on it's cold I'm I heating water up in a in a bowl in a microwave to wash up for school you know what I mean like those type of things he never had to go through and and that's why I'm always considered at the suburb now I'm not saying somebody from the suburb ain't just as capable as somebody who from the hood um but we we we we must understand even if they capable they still not surrounded by the same level of treachery you know what I'm saying as people who you know who from the places like where I'm from and he and I I think he be thinking that I think he's soft you know what I'm saying like he trying to show me and he he he can protect himself and he you know what I'm saying that that he's a man of a certain stature that that I have inspired him to be by being myself and um I'm like bro I I I'm not saying what you are and aren't capable of doing but the facts of the matter are you from a very good home you from a very good home whether you at our house or your grandama house you from a very good home you got very good people you know what I mean you it wasn't no you was abuse it was no it was no other problem if you had problems in your house if you had problems you would deal you went outside and you you went and volunteered for some problems you didn't have no issues coming back and forth from school to home like not having no clothes not having a coat in the winter like you ain't really have these kinds of issues um and you know once we got a chance to speak like that he he he had to concur you know and you know what I'm saying I'm like man no matter what you able or capable of doing you're going to always be my son to me I was there from the beginning you just assumed the position of the the Persona that you this was just in the last few years I would there I would there when your head popped out so I I it's just going to be hard for me I you not going to get that from me you just not you ain't going to never get that from me you can go and catch a thousand bodies and you still going to be my son I ain't going to treat you like you know you know Harden criminal I don't give a damn what you go out there and do so you just going to have to m you going you just gonna have to that's that's what you gonna get from me so so it's just a mutual a mutual understanding that he understand not to really expect that type of a response from me and I understand not to expect for him to uh uh I guess not to not to expect for him to disregard whatever tragedy or whatever hardships he may have experienced uh even if they were volunteered you know what I'm saying he like man I still went through it that don't mean just because that I still had to go through it I'm like okay and one thing he mentioned was he said he went to school as a kid like a famous kid and he went to public school he's like man I ain't had no brothers no big brothers that went to school with me I went to school by myself and so when I go to school I got to hold I got to hold my own I'm like yeah that's fine I understand that and you deserve all the stripes that come with that but that's not going to make me treat you different you know I mean um but I respect I respect that you know that he believes in himself and he ain't he's not just he don't take it off you know what I'm saying he not just just just behaving this way for cameras like this is really you know this is really the uh personality that he has assumed for himself and all in all it's really just a personality because he's not out there selling no dope and doing committing no crimes and nothing like that I mean I guess it's is is his is his is the way he's wired you know I mean so I try to respect that as much as I can and he respects the fact that you know he can't you just can't speak out a turn you know what I'm saying with me in this mama I mean that was the mutual understanding we came to right you you as you said you know him I mean you was there when he when his head popped out hell you was there before the head po out that's right I put it there you exactly but knowing King knowing that he he has a propensity to get worked up when you saw him getting worked up why did you smash the gas why why didn't you just like pull him to the side and say say I did and he he didn't want to hear it okay that what I was trying to do I mean but you know hey man I I got instincts man and I mean but but I feel like you know me just speaking you know calling it as I see it uh I always feel like if someone you know takes that the wrong way that's not my problem that's not my issue to deal with you know now them take if them taking it the wrong way leads them down the path of disrespect then it becomes my issue to deal with uh and that mean bro you know I think it's a isolated incident you know what I'm saying and and ultimately whatever I do for my children whatever I did was done out of love yeah absolutely you know so I just had to love on him a little bit I think every Everybody recognized that but what did you say to him when you had him in the headl oh man that's privilege information man nah bro I mean you know we just had a little we had a little slight conversation usually when you put somebody in the headlock you know I had I mean it wasn't a headlock I I didn't had it was more like a b h it was a B Hook yeah it was more like a b h okay so it's was B hug yeah a b hug with with one of these at the end uh but no man I really want I I just pulled him close to me you know you know what I mean what we could like real tight so we could you know be joined together as one and and and and I could communicate cuz I felt like when we were just like this far AP part I I would talking but it wasn't getting no well you feel me so I just had to get him close to me so I could love him good yeah this this is this is I think one of the reasons why this resonates with me so much is because uh when my son was 15 me and him we had to have a conversation uh about who the dad is and who the son is and uh you know one of the hardest things to even just think about is the idea of like having to hurt your own son you know like um you know for disrespecting you yeah right cuz disrespect is not going to be tolerated under any circumstances like you said I don't care how many bodies you go out there and get you know I'm still going to treat you with love I'm still I still look at you as my son you know um and with the same uh reverence and love you know I'm saying you still my son so don't get it twisted I mean perhaps if I was not there for you you know if I was not a father like that was present in your life and Coach you and teach you and guided you and you know nourish you protect you and you know invested in you perhaps I might deserve a little disrespect maybe I I'll I'll take that but not when I'm there baby when I I mean to be honest when not when I've been there from day one so how I see it and this is what I tell my children I say you comparing me on the wrong scale you know what I'm saying the scale that you putting me on is not the scale I should be on simply because two things one anything that we should expect of ourselves should should should cause for us to be better that our parents I I feel I'm a more present parent a better parent than my father was and whatever you saw that was wrong with me you have an opportunity to be a better father to your children you know what I mean but you can't show nobody that came from what I came from building an empire on a path to generational wealth that has the the the the same presence as a father that is working a 9 to-5 coming home and has a consistent schedule um there will be some sacrifices you know what I mean but all in all you can't never say I miss the graduation you can't never say I I ain't even hardly Miss like PTA every time they call me I'm right there on your head you I mean uh my dad ain't even never came to my school before my dad ain't even you know a hadn't even ever seen my bedroom I don't think sh join the crowd you know what I'm saying so I just feel like you know whatever it is that is missing especially if you are stepping into what we would consider an adulthood part of an adulthood is to assume all the responsibility for anything in your life that is wrong is your fault you know I mean pointing the finger blaming other folk that's kids [ __ ] So when you say you're an adult is my issue it ain't going to get fixed till I fix it so whatever it is that you have a problem with you must assume that for yourself you know looking back pointing the finger that [ __ ] that ain't going to get you nowhere and that's how I feel that's you know cuz I know that moving around doing what what we do whether it's movies tours uh any other kinds of of opportunities that have afforded us the life or the lifestyle that we've been afforded it's going to require you know a sacrifice of time you know what I mean um but I feel like it ain't the amount of time it's the quality of the time that is being spent um so I think you know that's that's that's how I you know communicate cuz all my kids is like yo we were kids man you would of course I got a younger daughter Aris and the older kids they they look at the time you spend with her yeah they look at my relationship with I was like man I was practicing with y'all this taught me what to do I seen you know what worked and what didn't work and now I'm doing better and and by the time I'm a grandfather which I have one grandbaby I'm going be even better than that do any of them get that get what do they do they understand when you tell them that that that you are you you have involved as a parent because of the relationship that you had when you were younger with them yeah you know do they understand that that Aris has it better because I believe so they were training they were the training ground I believe so I believe so I know it's it's it's it it's been and is being communicated yeah um but I think man I love all my kids and I had no reason to believe that they don't love me I think that uh I feel like they just kind of have a they have a tough walk ahead of them because they instant expectations of them you know I mean but fol just like you said uh not getting the grace of being able to just go and go through it and do it and learn from it and without it being documented you feel me so I feel like they got a tough walk because it's just instant expectation they under a microscope immediately from kindergarten you know and um I empathize with that you know but but but the the life that justifies or causes that level of expectation I feel like you just you can't complain you just coming from what I come from you you just don't complain about that uh so I'm trying to kind of unlearn and relearn some but I still got instincts
Channel: Willie D Live Conversations
Views: 86,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geto boys, podcast, geto boys podcast, love, president, woman, man, white woman, cops, officer, police, girl, boy
Id: TK96I07hhLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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