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in today's video I'm gonna be renovating my first ever house in bloxburg so as you can see this is my house but before the video starts I'm gonna let you guys know that the exterior is a speed build from this YouTuber right here so I don't claim any credit over the exterior it all goes to this very talented YouTuber I first started playing bloxburg this was like my first ever house pretty much so we have a lot of memories here but the thing is I haven't renovated this house since I moved in so I thought in today's video we're going to give my house a much needed glow up and just update a few things in the house this is actually kind of funny some of you guys may have found my Channel Through My House Tour that I posted ages ago let me know if that's how you found my channel because this would be pretty cool like as you can see everything is very very oh my gosh guys I was an awful Builder what the heck wow it's crazy how much I have like changed and developed we still have Christmas decor in the middle of June I think this is the second lounge room there's just like a banana chilling on the lounge very very concerned okay and here's the kitchen oh my gosh I actually do not like this kitchen at all I don't know what I was thinking with these decals oh my God there's just baby chairs what the heck actually I remember where this is from if you guys don't remember I made a adopting 75 babies in bloxburg video and one of you guys had the audacity to prank me one of you guys put milk bottles around my house okay here's the dining table there's literally no chairs like whatsoever I don't even know oh my gosh this house is so big I'm like getting lost okay down here what's in here more water bottles who is doing oh my God okay this is the laundry room it actually looks pretty cute what's back here okay this is the kids bedroom also I'm not gonna change like everything there is still aspects of this house that I want to keep for example I really like this bedroom and I'm gonna keep this ensuite because I really I really love this like oh so the right wing is all dedicated to my bedroom as you can see we've got like a hallway leading into my bedroom this is my office not the photograph stuck on the computer what is this I'm getting Nostalgia what's in here okay this is my closet I'm pretty sure I have my own ensues as well I do okay this is my ensuite I really like this I think I'm gonna keep this actually okay this is the basement we've got the wine cellar the garage what is the pool doing down here is like another little Lounge room with a pool table over here we have the gym and then over here we've got the pool room and excuse me what is this pool doing oh I even have my own saunas and to be honest guys I kind of like this sauna better than the bloxburg one do you guys want to see a little secret in this house that no one knows about I'll show you it only cost 500 000 but it's so worth it you know this is my stash of coins um I can't be in here too long because I will literally start lagging and crash the game okay what else oh we've also got the movie theater it's yeah see y'all what the hell why is that poor footy floating in there this house is literally possessed what is going on the second floor is just the bedrooms and oh I hate this bedroom it's so dark and dull and what's this bedroom this bedroom is the kids bedroom this one's actually not that bad I like this I just don't like the ensuite to the kids bedroom I don't know there's something about it don't like it okay and what's over here I think the last bedroom oh my gosh see what I mean all these rooms have different Aesthetics this is actually funny I copied my bed from real life and put it in here okay and then the last room of the house is the ensuite over here are we missing anything oh wait we are wait guys and if we follow these lentens we've got a little secret passageway into the ice rink okay so that's what the house looks like so far so let's get building okay so the thing is I don't know if I should change these colors to Grass because I mean as you can see we have a lot of snow oh my God wait did I even forget to show you guys this I did oh my Lord look we literally have like a snow ring on Pete this house is huge I think I want to go from downstairs and then go upstairs to get rid of this annoying pool witch we just put a pool on top and then delete the pool and it's gone okay so this is obviously the garage it's not too bad I think it just needs to be a little bit lighter because right now it's like really dark okay now instead of these lights I'm actually gonna do something pretty cool so we're going to use a basic shape and kind of extend it like this and then if we have the transform tool we can lift this up to the roof then around it we can have a few LED lights that way it's kind of brightening up the cars but like not taking up as much room okay that looks pretty cool I think maybe the roof is making this place a little bit dark so I think I might make the roof white there we go and as you can see it makes it nice and bright In Here Also I might swap around these two features also we've got two carpets here for the cars these are like where the sleds and the motorbikes are gonna go also I'm not sure how I feel about these LED lights I'm actually going to get rid of them we're going to go in with these neon horizontal lights and just place them at the bottom of the house oh my God eyes my cat is talking in his sleep Salem I'm not even kidding my cat Salem he talks in his sleep it's really cute okay there we go and as you can see we have a little bit of light in the garage okay now I can place these massive four wall paintings along the back of this wall that way it's going to be fully custom wallpaper okay now to add the cars obviously we have a convertible here and our little sports car over here we can have our snowmobiles and we'll just stick to like white and black for the color okay and there we go I think that is the garage all updated so now we can move on over here okay and this piano is nice but you know what we need to buy the fancy piano yes we're going to buy the 4 000 piano because why not so what's up with that one neon horizontal light next to these paintings like also I feel like this house is very dark we need to use like more brighter colors well actually technically this is like the basement so it's not meant to be too bright also instead of this weird brick material I'm just gonna add lots of custom wallpaper okay now for this little section over here I really want to have like a conversation pit but I don't know if it's going to work so for me to do this I have to literally like delete everything including the floor okay then we'll go in with the basement and make this entire section like one big basement and then if we use a cube we can kind of like fill in this section we kind of have to like measure it out with the chairs okay I think that's deep enough and then obviously we can't forget like a little step so we just need a tiny little step that goes in wait that is such a Vibe I'm also gonna put like LED lights around the stairs so we actually know where we're going and we just need a nice coffee table in the middle I'm gonna make the same coffee table that I did for um one of my subscribers okay so I put like a semi-transparent cube and then I outline the table with small square beams okay now to kind of just fill in this table we can just use some of these decorative vases so you guys I can say it right okay and there we go we've got our little conversation pit so now we can move on to the gym okay so if we go into new as you can see there's a bunch of new gym equipment okay so maybe instead of putting the bench press here we can put the treadmill here and then the weights over here here we also need to add a mirror somewhere so we can stir ourselves while lifting weights okay obviously over here is going to be like the meditation section so we can have like a yoga mat in the middle a few of these meditation cushions tray of crystals oh that's pretty fancy I didn't know they had that and I think the Gym's done it's for the pool I like the way it is so I don't think I'm going to change too much about the pool I might just change the colors to make it like a little bit more bright everything else can remain the same including these saunas you know what I don't want to change them so I feel like we need more towels in here so I'm just gonna put like a few on the benches actually I said we're going for like a Zen Vibe so maybe some candles in these inside also for my secret stash room we're just gonna leave this it's not there okay no one knows about that okay as for the movie room so the thing is I like the structure of the movie room um it's just the furniture that needs upgrading really so I'm just gonna get rid of these couches because as you can see they added reclining leather armchairs I don't want this to be like a dark movie theater oh my gosh this house is so old we have Halloween popcorn my friend just joined Alaska one Earth are you doing I'm renovating my house also in between these lounges I'm gonna have these cubes with the light on top just so it's not like too dark in here okay now we just have to do the same for the rest of the lounges so I upgraded all the lounges and oh my gosh it actually looks pretty cool okay so I think the basement's done but guys as you can see I have a lot of stuff to do like I've still got this first floor I've got the second floor it's a really big job so I'm actually gonna get my friend Harry to help me so the first thing I want to do is change this awful bedroom because right now so I'm actually going to get rid of literally everything okay like I said we're going for like a very Zen theme so nothing too dark because this room like is very dark actually for the bed I think I might put it along this wall oh my gosh I wonder what Harry's working on downstairs I'm kind of scared I said he's got free range to do whatever so um hopefully he makes it look good for the bed as you can see it's like very small in here like it's not like a really big space so we're just going to single bed instead of a double also because this is a Zen room I want there to be lots of plants and instead of a bedside table I'm going to have pendants above the bedside table also I feel like we need a nice long painting above the bed okay this section is looking not too bad obviously it's a really long room so we've still got like all this section over here which is fine because at the end we can add like a little bench also I don't know if I should add a fireplace in here you know what we are adding a fireplace like a little mini one and instead of a TV we can have another painting okay I think that's what we're gonna do and instead of this study desk I'm actually going to get rid of it thinking because this room is like really really big you can use pillars to kind of separate the room it kind of like creates this false illusion of a wall which actually looks better because then we can put the clothes along with this spool and then we also need our little slippers I love my slippers literally I'm not even kidding I have like seven pairs of slippers you can also have like a few vines on this wall so the one thing I forgot to do in this entire house is have curtains I don't know why I forgot to add curtains like what okay so good news is bedroom number one is all athletes okay now this is the kids bedroom now I really like this I don't want to change too many things about it this whole bed is custom and I'm literally obsessed because like a few of the colors don't go with the house so why is there a reindeer here it's not Christmas go away oh my gosh this stranger things TV it's nice but the LED lights around it kind of make it look stupid oh my gosh I didn't realize how big this house was in my head I was like yeah let's renovate the house it's gonna be so easy no are you kidding me you know how big this house is well what is Harry doing oh a sneak peek also this carpet got to go oh my gosh I forgot how nice this view looks from the bedroom because it's a kid's bedroom I don't think we need a couch in here but maybe a few toys so I think we're just gonna put like a few plushies over on this side so now we can move on to the kids ensuite I know the kids have their own ensuite now the only thing I don't like with the ensuite is just like a few of the colors also why is there like leaves in the shower like what we're also gonna get rid of these sinks because I low-key hate them the modern counters are such a rip-off like just use the Shaker counters they look just as good also this is Marin needs to come down more because let's be honest kids are not that tall damn could you imagine the role plays in this house absolutely insane oh they also added toothbrush holders as well last time I was in this house they didn't have toothbrushes so that is good to know and they also have two toothbrushes which is perfect okay I think that's everything in the bathroom I just need to add a carpet and some towels and I think we're done okay the last room we have upstairs is this bedroom and the ensuite also guys um P.S I made this entire roof without the transform tool it was so difficult as you can see this is like the opposite of Zen like there's just a random coffee table in the middle like what is that doing oh my gosh I really like these designer bags on the floor I love this whole little reading Nook in here I'm definitely not going to change that just like the colors obviously we're also going to make the bed out of like wood because I feel like Wood's more Timeless we'll also get rid of these old old bedside tables as you can see we've still got like a really big empty space in the middle I'm gonna put a round carpets kind of close off the space I don't even think we need this because it has its own ensuite like this room has its own speed here everything on this desk can actually be moved into this bathroom and hello comfy chairs actually I'm gonna put these modern hairpin chairs instead you know what we can add on this wall uh my initials of course okay this bedroom's actually looking pretty nice obviously you just have to change a few colors here and there okay so I think the main bedroom is done so now we just have to work on that ensuite now I like the setup of the ensuite so literally all I'm going to do is change the colors okay so the ensuite is done all I've done was change the colors and added a few things here and there which means the entire upstairs is finished and now I can help Harry with downstairs and oh my God he just add a tree in my hat why is there a tree in my house okay so he said he needs help on the kitchen firstly I'm gonna get rid of all these decals these kitchens a mess what even is this okay well it's like a Zen kitchen I kind of want to have like cloudy gray it looks kind of cute I like that color oh my gosh this kitchen is a mess that's not even a cabinet it's a basic shape like look at the way I made this kitchen it's oh my gosh I also like this boot decal so I'm going to keep it also for the island benches instead of marble we're just going to do concrete also these flowers they need to go over the theme so you like lots of beiges because beige is like my signature color if you don't know now the kitchen's not even done it's already looking like so much more open so need to get rid of this light and add like a better chandelier okay so we're gonna make our own custom-made Chandelier by adding a geometric chandelier in the middle and we'll change the lighting to Flint and Cashmere and then literally all I do is put another chandelier underneath this one and just like rotate it and then I usually place like three of them so then one here and then one on the right really want to hang a towel in the oven so we just put a basic shape right on the oven like this and then we can put like two towels hanging from the oven so yeah we can do something like that to make it more realistic what's like in a Zen kitchen like a few plants or we can have like a knife and a cutting board with like salt and pepper on top okay that looks pretty cute also if you think I'm forgetting something I have a pantry back here which has like literally everything okay so that being said I'm I think the kitchen is done now we can work on my bedroom as you can see my bedroom is a little bit outdated it's got the spirit but it's it's just very very old I'm actually gonna keep this bed because I really like this setup I'm just going to change like a few of the colors and make it like go with that Zen theme like these bedside tables for example I do not like them so I'm just gonna get rid of them and instead we can use these industrial end tables okay of course we can't forget our salt lamp love our salt lamp and on this table we can just have like a lamp oh and our phone of course also speaking of like phones in that have you guys seen the new Apple product coming out that literally looks like something from Black Mirror also these pillows they need to be more big why are they so small and we need more lights because it's so dark in here okay as for this wall I don't know why I added this fireplace it's so pathetic so I'm getting rid of it and instead we're gonna add the big fireplace like this I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place like that look was so much better than whatever I had there before I like my little lounge chair here so I think I'm gonna keep that again I like the setup of the office it's just a few things changing for example I don't need this tape photograph on here we've still got this extension of the bedroom I'm going to keep my bathroom because it's already Zen themed I'm just going to change the closet for example instead of black I'm gonna have like this nice cream color to kind of open up the space a little bit more and for these custom bags oh my gosh look how disgusting they look how do I even make these oh my gosh okay okay I'm getting rid of these bags because I found an easier way to make these bags so we're just gonna put a plain gift bag in here and then just change the material there we go and just by changing the material it looks like a custom-made handbag and then obviously we'll do the same for this section over here okay so the house is really finished all I have to do now is uh work on this bathroom because as you can see it's a little bit um questionable so time to get rid of these Waters oh my gosh whoever placed these I hope you're happy although who on Earth changes the mirror decal like what okay so this bathroom's already pretty nice it really goes with like the Zen theme so I think I'm Gonna Keep the colors alright so my renovated house is all finished and comes through a total of 2 million six hundred and thirty one thousand which is just crazy so let's head on inside so obviously I didn't want to change the snow because I really like the whole winter theme and also changing it back in Winter would just be so annoying so I'm Gonna Keep it also Harry left the game before so I had to finish renovating the house all by myself and I didn't record that bit because I wanted it to be a little bit of a surprise for you guys Harry told me he added a quote-unquote secret Leia that he wants me to show you guys at the end of the video so I guess we'll leave that to last but in the meantime I guess I'll just show you the inside okay now as you can see the inside is completely different Harry added a whole Tree in my house but it actually looks good I said I wanted like a Zen theme with like lots of nature so yeah this is the lounge room it actually looks really nice I love it and then coming to the left we've got like the second lounge room I think this looks much better than what I originally had there's just like more texture and more things going on I then upgraded my dining table and my kitchen I'm literally obsessed with how the kitchen turned out I actually don't even remember what it looked like before but I think it was pretty dark before so I added lots of like beige colors to kind of light up the place and it just like look at this kitchen and just when you think the kitchen couldn't get any better it has its own Pantry okay so coming to the left wing of the house we of course have my bedroom suite and as you can see it's a little bit brighter than what it was originally especially my closet my closet was so dark and Eerie before so I love the way this turned out and then we have my bedroom now my bedroom's not too different like it still has the same layout just like a few things are upgraded now coming to the right wing of the house so the first room we have is of course the downstairs bathroom and oh my God I need to change that okay there we go that is so much better and then we have the nursery I think the nursery is like my favorite room in this house I renovated this off camera and everything just turned out so nicely and I'm pretty sure the nursery actually has like the best view in the entire house which is pretty cool okay now coming to the basement some things in here obviously still the same as you can see the garage is much lighter than it was before and back here we have a conversation pit and if I had a conversation pit in real life I would literally sit in here all the time and then here the gym with the little meditation center and then we've got the underground pool also thank you to one of you guys for making me this beautiful decal I'm obsessed with it and then coming back here to my secret secret layer here we have my uh gold stash I cannot go in there um because I will literally glitch the game out and the last room in the basement we have at the theater are you guys ready to see this I don't think these are ready Keeping Up with the Kardashians I've only heard of keeping up with the alaskans what I love about these seats is that you can actually recline them so it actually feels like you're in a proper movie theater oh my gosh this is just too iconic so let's make our way up so we have bedroom number three or four I actually don't know I've lost count there's too many rooms in this house so yeah this is bedroom number four so much better than it was before as you can see it was a very long room so I'm glad I kind of cut this up in half also if I turn it to a thunderstorm look how beautiful this looks also look at how the nursery looks like when it's a thunderstorm like I would take the best snaps right here and then over here we've got bedroom number five so this is obviously the kids bedroom I'm not sure how a Zen themed kids bedroom was gonna turn out but it looks actually amazing especially the bathroom which is over here and then finally we've got the last room of the house which is bedroom number six now as you can see bedroom number six has like the biggest transformation it's honestly so different than it was before like I cannot even recognize this room I honestly think I like this bedroom better than my main bedroom I don't know let me know in the comments which room you see is the best so yeah this bedroom has its own little reading Nook which is just so nice I mean look at this View and it also has its own ensuite so as you can see the ensuite kind of matches the vibe of the rest of the room okay so that was the entire inside of the house now we're gonna have a look at what Harry created guys I'm kind of scared I actually do not know what he added all I know is that it was very expensive and almost took all of my money so he told me to go through these bushes and apparently oh my God what is this okay okay well apparently there is an elevator in my Mountain so go to four zero okay I'm kind of scared I don't really know what to expect this is gonna be a surprise for you as it is for me okay making our way out of the elevator we have our massive initials oh another long ominous hallway okay what is Behind These doors oh my God yo he gave me a whole basketball court what even what is this oh my gosh Harry yo he gave me an underwater pool are you kidding it's like another gym Harry I already have a gym okay so apparently we have another indoor pool you not sure that was very necessary Harry and what's over here oh great another walkway leading to the second part of the gym okay is this my house or a gym I'm kind of concerned with little sauna back here little yoga studio um yeah I have no words this is meant to be my house not the Olympic Gym well anyway thanks Harry for that that was me renovating my first ever block spoke home I am so happy with how it turned out and let me know in the comments which room is your favorite anyway I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did make sure to hit subscribe and turn on that Bell notification and I'll see you in the next one bye okay
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 1,001,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hsEYFjVExK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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