Thunberg is 'not the messiah, she is an extremely anxious girl'

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Griffith um Berg you know I hope some people are now ashamed of themselves after her meltdown speech at a United Nations climate event I hope all those activists those reckless politicians who treated this chronically anxious and disturbed sixteen year old as their new Messiah and our shot into some sense at last I hope they are now able to see that there have been party not just to a collective hysteria that to an extraordinary child abuse now before I show you Tom Berg speech here are some things you first need to know about her things that are followers hate me pointing out as I've discovered she is not the Messiah she is just a depressed an extremely anxious girl and a very unhappy one her own parents and Greta herself have talked of her battle with depression and her chronic anxiety and they talk of how Greta was so anxious that she couldn't even go to school couldn't eat for two months couldn't speak at all for long periods they've talked to her autism or Asperger's syndrome and they've tried to claim that this was actually a superpower a superpower critic called it I mean God after us barrier avoids a constant sorry first not did her socio spirit smile on their back it was a fascist a man [Applause] but Asperger's is very rarely an advantage in this case grete tunberg seems as she said to lack the ability to see the gray between the black and white to be able to compromise she says that's a strength it's actually a weakness and she seems chronically attracted to apocalyptic visions chronically attracted to fear I wanted to panic I wanted to feel the fear I feel every day and then I wanted to act that is why it is child abuse to feed such a child crazy threatening visions that global warming is going to wipe her out wipe out the planet and it is child abuse so then I applaud this poor fearful child when they get her up on the stage to repeat back to them those dark visions repeat those dark visions of the deceitful adults who trained her so terribly that is child abuse so having said that now let me show you the results of that abuse a girl trembling up on that UN stage crying a girl from a rich country a girl pampered by the elites a girl who nevertheless thinks her life has been destroyed and she just can't can't handle that fear of the ocean yet you all come to us young people for hope how dare you you have stolen my dreams in my childhood with your empty words yet I'm one of the lucky ones people are suffering people are dying entire ecosystems are collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money and fairytales of eternal economic growth how dare are you but the young people are starting to understand your betrayal the eyes of all future generations are upon you and if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you I have such contempt for all the adults who made this girl cry with their global warming lies like the UN Secretary General who met and encouraged tunberg and himself yesterday got up on that stage so full of himself to tell bizarre and truths nature is angry and we fool ourselves if we think we can fool nature because nature always strikes back and around the world nature is striking back with fury in May I went to the island nation of Tuvalu where I witness an entire country fighting for it's very existence against the rising seas lies lies and lies in fact an Oakland University study of Tuvalu found that over the past four decades three-quarters of Tuvalu's islands actually grew the total land area increased 3% nearly and around the Pacific is exactly the same story 43 percent of islands growing another 43 percent of them stable not drowning they're growing but it's incredible the lies that are here repeated almost daily by politicians and journalists and activists people who should know better and they tell these lies to children like Sundberg lies like cyclones are increasing well no they're not not here and not around the world on it goes more people are dying from climate disasters they say and like you just heard some big repeat no they're not you check the statistics from the International disaster database the risk of dying from a climate related disaster has actually dropped 99 percent over the past decade children have never been less likely to die from climate catastrophes yet there is poor Greta thunder never more convinced that she'll actually be killed who has done this to her you know it's those brainless activists and those shameless politicians like us Democrat Alexandria okay Jie Cortez fragging them with totally fake stories that they've only got a few years left to live the world is and in twelve years if we don't address climate change and your biggest issue your your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it and like this is the war this is our world war two twelve years left to live such filthy untruths it's child abuse I'll repeat a child abuse and you just saw the results shame on the people who turned Greta tunberg into their child Messiah into their child martyr
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 1,259,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msn, bolt, yt, fb, 6089023062001
Id: DticpNH3a2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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