(Through The Bible) 2 Kings by Zac Poonen

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[Music] let's turn to a second king the second book of King and chapter one this is the rest of the story of the two nations of Israel and Judah Israel is the Northern Kingdom with ten price Judah is the southern kingdom with the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin and in the second book of Kings we see about the different Kings who ruled these two nations some of them are good very few so most of them were bad in Israel almost everybody was bad in Judah the southern kingdom some were good and we see the captivity of the Northern Kingdom it took place around seven hundred and thirty years before Christ when the Assyrian nation came and captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Northern Kingdom Asura's capital was Samaria and they put their own people there and they mingled with the Jews and that how the Samaritans were born with whom the Jews did not have any dealings in Jesus time and the southern kingdom about a hundred and thirty years later was captured by the king of Babylon which became the next world power after a Syria that means the southern kingdom did not learn any lesson from the failure of the Northern Kingdom like the rotten said a wise man learned from the mistakes of others a foolish man does it himself and sometimes still does not learn I think there are three types of people normally people make mistakes and learn themselves as a normal man a foolish man is below that he doesn't even learn from his own mistakes a wise man is the best of the lot he doesn't have to make a mistake he learns from the mistakes of others and God's word has been given to us so that can become white and one form of wisdom is to learn from the mistakes of others not only in Scripture but when you see around us servants of god churches that have failed learn some lessons from that so that we don't ever repeat it ourselves that's the great advantage of studying Scripture all the way from Adam you can learn how Adam and Eve failed you can learn how cane field you can learn even the failures of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Moses and Joshua and David learned from their lesson and hear of the king who a leader what would a good point for the weak one now in chapter one we reach the almost the end of Elijah's ministry he has already selected Elijah we read that in 1 Kings that when Elijah went and saw Elijah flowing with his auction and he put his mantle analyzed Elijah and said come you're gonna follow me one interesting thing we see in the way God called the Prophet what they were all hard-working people David was looking after chic fighting the lions and bears God picked him up Moses was looking out her sheep and God picked him up Amos was the herdsmen God picked him up Elijah was plowing in the field God picked him up Peter James John and Andrew were fishing God picked them up you'll never find Matthew bergeron was sitting at the table keeping a calm Scott pick him up you never find God calling a lazy man who was sitting around doing nothing you never find that anywhere in the Old Testament New Testament God always speaks out hard-working people who are already working hard in their particular field and it's very interesting that all these cases are mentioned you never read about Elijah are going to lysis husband in class this week calling him there because we think he was a lazy man he called him when he was at work jesus never went to Peter's house and called him in the evening he called him when he was at work and all these examples are to show us that God wants to see a faithful in our secular job being faithful in whatever class gotta give in our secular occupation before he can call us to serve him and if you are not faithful in the earthly thing how can you be faithful in the heavenly things that's what Jesus said we have to be faithful in whatever we do if you are at home be a faithful son or daughter at home work hard god never calls lazy people to a service so the first part of 2nd Kings deems to the Ministry of Elijah and which I thought I just mentioned that to see the situation in which God called him the other thing we see about all these people have soon as God called him we just dropped everything and when whether it was Peter and James as a fishing boat or Elijah who was plowing he just dropped everything and said okay God called me I go I don't wait God calls those who respond to his call immediately and promptly who don't have to wait to discuss it as any time they got Harry but God has called them they may come seek to confirm their calling with godly people but they respond to the call of God wholeheartedly and quickly it's only such people that God can use to serve him because his service requires instant obedience total commitment hard work diligence diligent application to whatever God has called them to do that's why he tests us to see whether we are faithful in ordinary John given to us if you are asked to clean a room for example and you are careless in the way you clean it or you sweep the dust under the carpet or leave it slipshod I doubt whether God will ever call you to serve Him because if that's the way you clean a room how in the world are you going to serve God Almighty who wants to clean up the church he's not going to be able to use you it's faithfulness in the little thing that God looks for that's what we see in Elijah scale and here we read towards the end of Elijah's ministry they you know there were the king was it disturbed with him and the he sent a habit died you know and as aya was the next king and he was angry with Elijah and he sent some army to go and capture hell idea and as I just said to the capital of that army if I'm a man of God chapter 1 verse 12 let fire come down and consume you and your 50 soldiers immediately fire came down and consumed in verse 13 so they sent the captain of a third 50 the first 50 was more sane than verse 12 was 13 and the third group of 50 came and he said please don't kill me like the verse 2 and and so he would he's like Oh spare this is the incident which John and James mentioned together when they came to the same place in Samaria and said this is a place where a lighter call down fire these Americans don't receive us let's call down fire and consume them and Jesus rebuked them and said you don't know what spirit Europe let me see the contrast between the New Covenant Spirit of Christ and how it was in the Old Covenant I just mentioned that in passing but we come now to the end of Elijah's ministry in second Kings chapter 2 and there we see something else about Elijah his persistence you see Elijah tested him when God Elijah was going to go up to heaven in a whirlwind Elijah went with him from yoga and listen Elijah says well I sure you stay here in Gilgal that I've got to go to Bethel and that I should said nothing but I'm coming with you then he goes to Bethel and Elijah says to Elijah where's for you stay here i'm going to Jericho and Elijah's not nothing doing I'm going to come with you and then we read that they went to jerec over 6 and Elijah told him a third time you still hearing Jericho I'm going to Jordan he said no I'm coming with you at each of those points gilgal bethel Jericho he said I'm not leaving me and finally they come to Jordan and Elijah strikes the waters and they walk across the same miracle that happened at the Red Sea and happened when Joshua entered Jordan Jordan is split again they walk across and they two crossed over to the other side and then Elijah asked him in verse 9 he as were asked him why have you been following me all this time what do you want what do you want my brother sister let me ask you that question supposing you are the assistance to somebody who's the director of a Christian organization we are just waiting for him to retire or waiting for him to leave what is your desire he want to be the next director you get a raise in salary and all types of things Elijah says I couldn't tell it for directorship or anything like that that's not what I'm looking for I want a double portion of your spirit see what he wanted he didn't want any title he didn't want an honor he wanted a double portion of the anointing that rested upon Elijah and that's what he was following he persisted his I'm not gonna leave you and we find that when we seek God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit he steps up in the same way he brings us to Gilgun but certain experience are you happy with that some people say yes though is enough for me some people say no okay God gives them another experience that's a maybe you see some visions which you can testify to in the meeting and get some honor look sis are you happy with that yes go just keep doing these issues i can testify and get some honor than me this they get stuck there there are others who say no I got to go on Jericho see some mighty manifestation of power are you happy with that Merkel its law business but there are others will go beyond they lured you're not the spirit that rested upon you Lord jingle upon me that transforms my character into the likeness of Christ I'm not satisfied with Ethan I'm not satisfied revisions are not satisfied with speaking in tongue I'm not satisfied with ministry I'm not satisfied with bringing people to the Lord I'm not satisfied with even seeing miracles gun or even establishing churches I'm not satisfied Linden I'm not satisfied in writing books are not satisfied with anything I want to be like you in my character in my life and I will never be satisfied to let spirit saturates every fiber of my being every cell in my body that the likeness of Christ can comfortably do you have that long if you have that longing God will not disappoint you but he tests us along the way to see whether we get satisfied with something less than his death and I want to say to you many many Christians I have seen that many Christians through i apprec-- for many years my great grief and the sorrow in my heart is that many of them have settled for something much less than gauntlet 25% fifty percent seventy percent and they miss God's bet don't be like that be like Elijah who presses on to God very best in his generation it was a double portion of the anointing and he got it he got it because he persisted and we read that he did double the number of miracles lyst elijah business elijah raised one boy from the dead elijah raised two one in his lifetime and one after he died believing he got a double portion of that spirit that rested upon Elijah his master but came through persistence persistence persistence systems and you're not going to get it any other way there are you know you go to some sometimes creature nowadays you say you go to him and say I want the baptism the Holy Spirit he's all that's an easy thing just come here let me lay my hands on your head and come on just mumble something you're okay go what counter people go on me but you know what I like I said you want to double portion of spirit that's not an easy thing he says to him worst end of chapter 20 watts for a very hard thing but you get it if you see me the light job going after heaven is a picture of Jesus Christ going up to heaven and the Lord says if you see me you will get worse then it's a hard thing that you lost four but if you look at me and don't look to lend if you see me you will receive that double portion that's the word of the Lord can you today who is the Baptizer it's no man is no preacher is no pastor Jesus is even today the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit John the Baptist said I can only baptize you in water if you want the baptism of the Holy Spirit quarter here I can't give it to you come to me and I will not say it as an easy thing I can pray for you but Jesus is the vampire and the Lord has seen you directly you are mine come to me if you see me you will receive it but if you don't see me I'm sorry you will not receive please take that as a word from the Lord and then it says that while they were talking the chariot of fire came and Elijah went up and Elijah took the mantle and there was an immediate proof that he had the double portion is anointing because he came back to the River Jordan struck the waters and walked right across and people knew the spirit of Elijah verse 15 now rests upon Elijah it'll become manager we don't have to shout or scream or tell anybody our life and our ministry will make it manifest even to the people who criticizes the anointing of God rest upon this man be a young man like that Elijah like Elijah was and then you see how there were different miracles he did I don't have time to go into all of those miracles there were there was a time where a city than the water was very bad and he says bring a new vessel full of salt pour it in he says in verse 20 and he threw the water into the spring of water in the war he says that's what the Lord he waters are healed and they were healed and I want you to notice something here about Elijah and chapter 3 second games 3 there was a time when Jehoram the son of a ham and Jehoshaphat joined up together and they went out together to fight an enemy and he asked him his theorem is there a profit here Jehoshaphat said verse 10 11 here in Israel georgia petworth on the southern kingdom he said here in Israel your hunk prophet of the Lord verse 11 and one of the king of Israel servants said yes because you know they knew that Elijah had gone is there another prophet because josh event was on the southern kingdom and Elijah and Elisha were in the Northern Kingdom so George that comes up to the battle is there a carpet that we can inquire the word of the Lord from him and see how they've described Elijah that's what i want you to notice elijah the son of chef at verse 11 is here and what is this cycle he used to pour water on the hand of a lighter that was his job after Elijah finished his food Elijah would come in for water printer wasn't angry and that man did that job so faithfully that he became the next prophet see God tests our faithfulness and little thing why do they give him a title like the man who you support Waterford I hear the Washington because it was so evident this man served Elijah so he Elijah so faithfully like Paul served Timothy so faithfully that he became the next apostle and there is something in there not like Joshua served Moses so faithfully that he became the next leader and there we see Elijah slightly who's not known as a great preacher of profit in the beginning he started out with very lowly ministry sometimes young people they want to be known as great right from day one and they are not willing to do lolita like washing people's feet Jesus did it to the end of his life all I want to say to you is my brothers and sisters always be willing to do the lowly job Jesus has taught us that we wash people's feet to the end of our life it's not that we watch people speak for a few years and then we become senior and then we don't do that maybe in your adjustment is like that when the new comment is even better that we can watch people see to the end of our life isn't that better it's 13 years because that's what Jesus did be willing to do the lowly task the Son of Man jesus said has come not to be served by others but to serve the servants till the end of your life that's what i want to tell you from Elijah's example and from Jesus example be a servant do you want to be a servant of the lord be a servant of other people always think of yourself as a servant of other people don't delight in people may serve you because you are serving God they may be very kind of you but don't ever look upon them as your servant yeah your brother and be willing to serve them one day Jesus was willing to watch the disciples feet a lot of preachers in this country has stopped becoming servants they have become big lord that's why the anointing is done from their life I want to encourage all of you to the end of your life brother or sister always be a servant be a servant of the younger brothers be a servant of the people you minister to in your church always take the lowly place the place of pouring water for people to wash my hair and the anointing of God will always be a fun never follow the example of these corrupt leaders who want to spit and throne and rule over God that is not the example Jesus to set first that's what i wanted to point out to you in that passage and we read here when Elijah came I want to show you another thing that will encourage you it's encouraged me Elijah said to the king of Israel the king of Israel was the son of a hannah and elijah said what do I got to do with you go to the profits of your father verse 13 and Elijah said well I'll tell you something if it were not for this Jehoshaphat was a bit of a godly King I will not even look at you and then what I want you to see where's Christine bring me somebody who can play a heart or a guitar someone who can play a musical instrument Elijah said and it came about that when that musician played the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah now that's one verse of the old test and he began to processor and he made a very powerful property as to how to get victory and that's one place in the Old Testament that teaches me the value of godly music I can think of many many many times in my life in the last 25 years at least when the time of worship and praise and the time of music has been the time when the hand of the Lord has come upon me and given me a word which I did not have the night to the meeting there is something in anointed music which has a tremendous power to bring the spirit of prophecy even upon a man like Elijah so don't think that just because a man is a property can just get up any diamond speak for God's Word no he needs help sometimes from the musician and that's why those who have the gift of leading the church in music must be anointed not just good musician but there must be anointed they must have a clear conscience David appointed singer musician and they had to be anointed some of those musicians rourke scripture a stop he wrote Psalm so God needs anointed musicians to work with and cooperate and encourage and support annoying this prophet that's how the church's business those of you you may not be called to be a prophet may be a call to be a musician but be an annoying kid one that's what I want to say i don't think any Elijah would have been inspired by a world game minstrel was trying to copy the worldly rhythm when he know I think there was something heavenly about this music you know today this music which is working and heavenly and you can sense it when it is lifting our spirit and worship to God or whether it's just making you admire the musician I want to say to all of you who are musicians you're a wonderful anointed musician if you can lead people not to admire your the way you play an instrument but meet them to worship God and bring the spirit of prophecy into a meeting chapter 4 generally read another story of Elijah's Elijah's life a widow was there she when Elijah was prophesying in the Northern Kingdom joy was prophesying in the southern kingdom st. you read that in the book of Jordan Nolan was talking about a great day when the holy spirit of the outport because Joe is prophesied that Peter coated on the day of Pentecost and Joey was prophesied in the southern kingdom of Judah when Elijah was prophesying in the Northern Kingdom they were contemporary I don't know if they had much contact with each other there's no mention of it in here in Scripture but here we read of a picture of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in Elijah's life we saw that in the anointing the double portion that Elijah received the Holy Spirit and Joe and prophesying about that you read that in Joel chapter 2 we come to it later and here a woman whose husband was a preacher husband his diet and he was in debt it's a sad thing when husbands die and leave their wives in debt that's one thing we can learn from here to be careful and it says the creditor came to take his to her two children a slave and Elijah said what what do you have in your house and she says nothing except a jar of oil what do you have in your hand the Lord of Moses nothing except the city that's enough and the death-sticks he left is very luck to the bodies of the promised land and the Lord and asked to Elijah what do you have in your house nothing except a jar of oil what do you mean nothing that's the answer to all your problems sometimes we have something which we despise you see all that nothing I can't do anything with that that's the very thing the Lord we use that limited little thing which you decide the little bit of flour and oil that's the thing that can keep it going and here this bit of oil this jar of oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit sometimes we say hola hola brother we don't have read on your money and a lot of opposition and we don't have much knowledge and I'm not so clever and I'm not good at it and I don't have contact and I don't have contacts in America especially to get any money what to do how does it allow to do the Lord work here in India what have you gotten I've only got the Holy Spirit what to do this is attacking the Romans answer what do you mean you've only got the Holy Spirit using all these other things you listed are better than the horsemen that is the answer and he said going borrow vessels from all your neighbors verse 3 large vessel empty vessel not just a few plenty go into your room shut the door heat pouring and you can get filled up don't show these miracles to other people do it in secret just like you said go shut the door free go shut the door and five go shut the door and give your gift don't let anybody see these things this is not for public demonstration a man of God must have a private life alone before God where he has secret dealings with God and then he stands up in public so the shutting the door is a very very important principle in the life of any true servant of god shut the door and experience this ministry of the holy spirit meeting all your needs and then open the door and give it out and your debt can be cleared we also have a death to the world the Bible says in Romans 13 verse 8 or nothing to anyone except to love one another we have a debt of love we have a debt Paul says I'm a debtor Romans 114 two Greeks and barbarians to everybody to give them the gospel I'm in debt because God's given me the gospel to give to people and it has not been given to everybody yet i'm in debt how to fulfill it you say i don't have money i don't have get forget it have you got the Holy Spirit stir up the gift of God that is in you fall told Timothy and seek god first you earnestly office spiritual gift seek God for supernatural gifts seek for the gift of prophecy stir up that gift in secret shut the door and seek God and you can come out and clear your debt that's the message of this message and then she said bring me another vessel were six verse 16 young there was no more lesson every lesson was still and I'm sure all those neighbors thought have let him do those lessons didn't go back empty and she her death was cleared now in second Kings 4 verse 8 we read of another woman and it says she was a prominent woman a rich woman a wealthy woman and influential woman and that is placed there to teach us that God does not choose only for people and we should not get the idea God chooses the poor and the illiterate and those who don't know much what to do I'm not like that yah God chose an illiterate Peter but it shows a highly educated fall as well he chose a Peter who didn't study the scriptures much and he chose a ball who knew the scriptures hallelu who had gone to Denali on seminary and ferry he chose both so God chooses the poor Indians of the rich we read in Luke chapter 8 verse 3 that because several rich women who supported Jesus in his ministry as the only place in script in the Gospels which desert house even got money to live the support is well decisis rich women supported in with money and he took that money and too terribly the factors so here's another wealthy woman a very prominent woman who decides to support Elijah and she was a godly woman because Wendy she saw this man passing by and some vans coming Derek food she said to her husband I perceived that this is a holy man of God I mean she saw Elijah the Holy marathon without even listening to a sermon he just into the dining table and the way he just conducted himself that the dining table showed that he was a godly man what an example for us that the way he sit and talk to people the way you sit in each ear for the way you conduct yourselves in ordinary things people can see you are a holy man of God and she said let's make a little extra room in our house first then and keep a bed and a table and a chair and a little light so that he can stay there running hum and I shall never asked for it she thought of that she had money to build an extra room and she build it and then you know this man said what can we do for this woman she's been so good to us and then gandy said you know she's got no children and Elijah said okay that's one way I can bless her collar and said next year at this time he's gonna have a son and she got it man you never lose out by honoring a true servant of God God will always repay you much smaller than living again and again you see that lesson but that child grew up in one day it became sick and we read here in verse 20 it died and the mother said well what to do she didn't just very the child she said let me go and contact this man of God and so she went to the man of God and this is the worse i want you to notice here in second kings for and she went and came to the man of god verse 25 in carmel and get and Elisha saw him from a distance and told ya think hey there's that woman going after an Oscar verse 26 is it well with you is it well with your husband is it well with your child see Elijah was come Elijah was concerned and I want you to listen to her answer in verse 26 here is a woman whose only child has just died and she's coming to meet the man of God and the question is is it well with your child what is our answer the answer of cake it is well a child was dead his will and then she told him and and I shall wax prayed for that child and raised him up from the dead it's amazing what that mother's face it for that child I think if that mother didn't have stayed she was very bad child amazing things was the Lord can do when he finds someone with faith verse 38 to 44 we read of another instance where there was some poisonous wine that got mixed up in the food and and I just healed it so that nobody is sick and once that a number of people needed to have a meal this is the first instance of multiplying the food in the Old Testament before Jesus did it in the New Testament there were only 20 loads of barley where's 42 of chapter four and said how can i give this for a hundred people and elijah said give it and there'll be plenty left over and the food was multiplied chapter 5 we come to the story of neiman and it's very interesting to see that the person whom God used to lead naman to healing was a little girl a little Israeli girl she was a servant girl in the house of the Syrian general but she gave a little witness the same as wife there is a prophet in Israel who can do miracles you know how powerful that was even Jesus coated the healing and Mayman but it all started with a little girl sometimes God can use the servants in a house to bless the master a few words spoken in chapter 4 we saw a rich prominent woman in chapter 5 EP a poor lady girl God knew both of them it doesn't matter who you are you can before you can be a slave God can use you to meet other people maybe you can't d forgot for yourself you can use that person to somebody who's been given the god you can direct that personal profit and you have your reward as well don't think it's only that prophet who gets to the reward I believe that this was this little girl which just get her reward but not only namin was not only healed he was possibly converted as well so we see here how David comes to Elijah and [Music] he first of all close to the king and the King doesn't know what to do and he sends it to Elijah and I want you to see how Elijah freak this might be general I really love this bastards it shows me what a true man of god is like a true man of god does not care whether a man is a big man or a small man I think Elijah would have shown more honor to a poor person when that poor Widow came he spoke to her and told her and adviser but when the great general came who is used to people bowing down before him Elijah did not even go outside his little Hut lived in a little Hut a name understanding outside and Elijah does not even go to MTG magic meeting the general of the world's greatest country he comes to your house we couldn't care less even before God who is the general oh I wish india had prophets like this what a different type of christianity me would have here people who didn't care for the face of man but who lived before dog food and what he wants to help him yeah life as a man will have written for life but he has to Humble the pride of this man because neilan is used to everybody coming out and greeting him and I Eliza that I gotta keep this brown fellow a lesson and he sends his servant ya goin tell him we're sending chapter 5 verse then go and wash seven times in the River Jordan and the river Jordan was a pretty dirty muddy river and your flesh will be clean like a little child and nieman was furious verse 11 I thought he will surely come out and lay his hand on me and strike the leprosy and heal me why should I go to this filthy River Jordan there are other rivers in Damascus where squirrel urbana far far better than this and he was so angry he said let's pack up and go home you know sometimes crew profits have a ministry of imitating other people this ministry of irritation don't try it if you're not a prophet but some profit have that ministry because that's the only way you can bring out the filth and the wickedness that ended in a man's heart Jesus had it he really had it ball had it and some of the great prophets like Elijah had it as I said don't try to imitate it because it's backfire on you but Elijah he wanted it irritated this proud man particularly proud people even had a greater life irrigating proud people to bring them down to the dust to the show them that in God's eyes their masses God doesn't care for their tradition and honor so this man was really irritated and one of his servants name and servants had more sense than imitates he's on people to such a simple thing why not try it here's the Jordan is right here and he had to go down seven times then you imagine this great general staking out his clothes all his leprosy visible all over humbling himself going down going down going down going down and sinful obedience when to stop what is the message for us when do you stop I'm doing yourself God will give you may not get 710 so use maybe seventy times seven go down go down some circumstance somebody humbles you because this humble yourself some other situation goes to humble yourself go down go down hide yourself go put your head right under the water go down go down until what until you become like a little child that that's a little star jesus said because this little children that enter the kingdom of heaven that's what we see here finally his flesh became like that of a little child and he was clean and when you become like a little child you're also cool not to them we are too big they're not likely to children we don't have to kill it or they'll have you seen the eyes of a little baby so in it that's the case don't want to sing us so it's a place of nothingness the baby doesn't lie down in a cradle and we think what a great hello I am he he doesn't think anything when you come to that place where you realize you're nothing that's the time you'll be clean and still then where there's seven times or seven hundred times you got to keep going down that's all keep going down then you become like a little child simple message and then he comes back and says this wonderful is amazing miracle and he comes with a lot of money and comes back to Elijah with all that money and enclosed all kinds of things and I should say as the Lord lives verse 16 I was big nothing the Bible says we must receive no money from unbelievers no one believer has the right to support me a servant of God thank you very much i'm glad to bless you to solve your problem but I don't need your money I don't serve for money it's only God's people who have the right and the privilege to support God sermon Elijah would receive from godly people like that rich woman and from poor people as well but not from neiman all his wealth we had much more than all those women forgive Elijah said no thank you this is where so many servants of God have missed out on God's will for their life but what Elijah said no to ganti his service he said what a fool my master is what if I didn't even ask him he didn't even send out any prior letters on his money game and he still says no the question is ready to come home and so kerosene ran after naming verse 21 exactly like a lot of creatures today run after rich people whether in India or western countries or anywhere and that man saw somebody running out for him and he said it everything well yeah he said all as well but just now two people came we have a bible school there and two young men came from there yeah right you know there was about it for those day 3,000 tons of the Prophet those Bible students and he said please give them a talent of silver and two changes of clothing women believe it you know once you got this covetousness in your heart you can write false reports and there's nobody you can fit two people can two people are there and when 20 are there you can say 50 it's very easy once you've got the committed within your heart and blind your eyes and he gives a false report they're exactly like it is happening today so many people came from eating so many people are here so many people raised their hand we have been great revival here in fact if you read all the reports going from India to America you just covered with revival all over the place we who live here know nothing is happening but the four people in America think is revival all over the country from north to south and east to west anyway there are many candidates today all is well yeah this is so relevant to our situation the Bible is so up to date and naman he is simple man like all these simple people in the West they good people this is sure you want only two times listen you take you take more than that you think as many as you like I guess he said okay brother if you insist that I think it updated and he takes it and he takes it home and he hikes it inside the house and then comes with a very little patience that's before Elijah what do you think Elijah doesn't known as the man of God he said getting ready to go he gave him a chance to confess I am going about this all the corner here just busy doing something Elijah says I know everything I saw exactly God showed me in a vision what you would I saw you going there I saw the man coming around I saw what you collected is this a time to receive money from these even people who receive clothes and olive groves and vineyards to buy property in the name of Jesus is this a time for that what a word for today's creatures okay what's gonna happen you were my servant like I was Elijah servant I got a double portion of the anointing and you would have got a double portion of my anointing you'd about four times for the lighter thought but instead of that you're going to get letters because you went after name and you pursue dr. Nieman like I pursued after Elijah I got what Elijah had and you will get what name on hand and not only you your children also will get that leprosy and that's what happened today too many creatures and their children as they have pursued telling lies giving false reports trying to impress rich people and going after people for that month he wasn't here to here let in here and not forget we see another miracle that Elijah did here in chapter 6 of wendys it says here these bible school students came to elijah and said we were doing a little construction in our area and in our construction we were expanding our hospital of it and this ax the ax had fell into the river and elijah goes there and close a stick and the iron begins to flow the principle of Resurrection again now I want to show you something here about true prophecy it says the king of erylon birthday it was warring against Israel and he comes with a certain thing this is where I place my camp but Elijah sitting in his house God showed him what was happening way there in that other country the enemy is going to come to such and such a place and he told it to his be careful the king of Israel go there and he's going to come there don't go near there unless your army be defeated so the king of Israel sent to the place about which thus he was warned and guarded himself more than one and that king of Aaron said how in the world is the king of Israel knowing where I'm moving is somebody here is a fight and somebody told him no you don't need spice they were a prophet there verse 12 and what you speak here hundreds of miles away the Prophet can hear in his room because God tells him see this is true prophecy in the church what did Elijah do he warned Israel the enemy is going to come here next week prepare yourself for that what is true prophecy in the church Sunday by sunday if a prophet gets up and speaks in the meeting he's warning people about where the enemy is going to come in the future date and if you have prophetic ministry in a church regularly it's the most blessed church in the world because the people there are being warned about where the enemy is going to come isn't it wonderful to have a man like Elijah other countries I can trail isn't it wonderful to be a prophet in your church who do God supernaturally reveal the word to be spoken for this sunday morning which is going to prepare the people for the problems they are going to face next month or two months from now or next week this is why says covet to prophesied a wonderful example of prophecy in Chapter seven we read the story of a time of famine and we read of for lepers because the salmon was there because the Syrian the arameans army the army ants were surrounding the city of Israel one of those cities of Israel and Samaria actually and because of that there was no food inside but so bad that women were eating their own children such a terrible famine but outside the lepers you know the lepers were not allowed in private city they were outside and they said well we're starving in any case inside the city there's no food if you go and go to the council there remains they may kill us Mike so many major gonna die let's go there and the Lord had defeated the enemy and then driven them away by making them sound here of hearing the sound of horses and these lepers went and got plenty of food there and then they said these words they said in verse 9 we are not doing right chapter 7 verse 9 this day is a day of the gospel good news but we are keeping silent we must go and tell others a wonderful challenge for evangelism we have received food near lepers but God is Lester we're healthy there are people out there in sumeria who haven't heard it let us go and tell them and they go and tell them in the whole city of Samaria is saved now in chapter 9 we read of the death of Jezebel the wife of a half she's a very interesting personality a personal war against the true prophets of God and it's interesting to study her I don't have time to detail to study her but just to mention this that in Revelation chapter 2 the Lord speaks to the elder of Safira thing you have and it could be translated from the Greek like this you have your wife Jezebel who needs my servants astray and elder in a church who's being manipulated by a strong wife from behind the scene I've seen some elders and churches like that some pastors who are manipulated from behind the scenes by their wives Jessica strong women who want to control the church they can't be the elder so they control some man just like Jezebel control they have and in many many churches today there are these difficult and if you're a prophet of God like Elijah you will have to confront these Jezebel's and put them in their proper place otherwise your church will be destroyed by those Jezebel you read in chapter 9 how Jezebel is slain thrown down from the top and smashed a bit no Jezebel must be allowed to have power in a church that's the lesson we learned from revelation and chapter 2 by the time you come to chapter 17 you read about Israel captivity they a serious came and captured Israel and took them away and gave them a counterfeit fear of the Lord it says in chapter 30 17 verse 33 a very interesting phrase they feared the Lord and serve their phone god this is what's happening in Christendom today they show a certain respect for God for the true God but actually they lived for money for their job for their position for their position in the church they fear the Lord they come on Sunday morning you think they really fear the Lord but they serve their own God this was the conditions of people in those days when Israel went into captivity to the world superpower as Syria as I said about seven hundred and thirty years before Christ in second Kings chapter 18 and verse for you read about the time of hezekiah hezekiah was a good king his father was a has was a very wicked King in fact a has was so wickedly read that he sacrificed chapter 16 verse 3 he sacrificed one of his own children as the guy's brother was sacrificed he was such a wicked King but Hezekiah grew up different from his father praise God for people who are willing to be different from their fathers because they want to hear God not do the stupid foolish thing they fatherhood and Hezekiah it says here he found that people were worshiping worse for 18 for the bronze serpent you remember the bronze serpent in numbers chapter 21 we didn't look at that too much of a reading that time in the wilderness when people were bitten by snakes Moses lifted up a bronze serpent with Jesus quoted as Nicodemus saying like the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness so jesus said I will be listed up on Calvary it's a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross to heal our sin and that bronze serpent did such a miracle healing all those snake-bitten people that up until that time people were worshiping this bronze serpent and [Music] healthy kiya was the one who finally burnt it down what do we learn from that even David a man after God's own heart did not have liked to destroy this bronze serpent because it says until that day that means email in david's day they were worshiping this bronze serpent this is not like an idol they say oh this is a sign of God do you think there's a difference between an idol of Mary and an idol of some other religion I don't think so just because this bronze serpent was from God does not mean it becomes more spiritual you're not supposed to worship bronze serpent but David did not have light on it God gave that light to a lesser team sometimes that person who is not such a great plan as you are get more light on some passages of Scripture then you do is good for us to be humble in second Kings chapter 19 we read of the king of Assyria after capturing israel now comic comes against Judah to capture Judah as well and Hezekiah praise O Lord chapter 19 verse 14 please help us and that night one angel verse 35 19 five came and destroyed a hundred and eighty-five thousand people of the camp of Assyria you know when Jesus was in Gethsemane he told Peter you know that I can call 72,000 angels to help me this seventy two thousand angels came to help Jesus at night how many people would have been tilted 72,000 is the 185 thousand if you want to know the answer one Kingdom killed 185 thousand it requires only one then sekaya faced another problem he was sick mortally ill and the Lord said set your house in order you're going to die I'm ugly when God tells us time to die are you willing to die I'm willing to die when God said not before God says it but when God says it's time to go I don't want to hang on lord I want to live in this Rob Lowe's words the more years no the departing Christ to these Christ is far better but thank you guys that oh lord please you know how I walk with you verse 3 and he wept bitterly please give me some more life on this earth and okay the Lord says verse 6 I've had 15 years to your life and you know what happened in those 15 years he got a son called mana monastic turned out to be the worst king that Israel ever had chapter 21 verse 1 he was 12 years old when he became king that means he was born in those extra 15 years that had to kinda had after two years after that time as the guy had a son and he arranged for 55 years and he did evil in the sight of the Lord verse 2 he made his sons first truly offered his sons in the fire he practiced witchcraft were six and he worshipped idols and he seduced verse 9 Israel Judah to do more evil than even all the other nations around him how did it all come because Hezekiah wanted to live a little when God says this time ago it's time to go please learn that lesson in chapter 24 we find that as Syria's gone Babylon has come up to be the new net are super power and that along comes against Judah and destroys Jerusalem how does and I manasi by the way was one of the tradition says that Isaiah prophesied in the days of monotony and Isaiah went inside a hollow log and hid himself because he was preaching those from properties and Manasseh got people to saw that log into two and sword eyes Ireland Italy read about that man Hebrews 11 on people were sawn asunder how does the book of Kings beginning with Elijah being taken up to heaven how does the second of King any with the people of God being taken to Babylon what a friendly though heaven are go to Babylon this is the story of second book of Kings let's learn the lesson we need it's perfect
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 812
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen
Id: N73u-CC0hik
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Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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