Thrifting as Many Nightstands as I Can to Flip in an Assembly Line | Part 1

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if anything shuts down my business it's going to be this I know the neighbors are going to think I've lost my mind Hey Coulson how you doing so I was saw on your Facebook Marketplace that you had like a bunch of single nightstands for sale for $25 each you still have quite a few of those yeah we got a handful of them um when you say you have a handful left does that mean like five or something cuz no no you got to be at least this 40 or 50 oh perfect good I'm I might be buying you out of them so basically I want to do like an assembly line of furniture and I fig I figure the nightstands would be a cool way to do that awesome thank you so much very welcome and we see us tomorrow okay perfect appreciate you byebye byebye it is clean I'm already seeing Furniture I like all right so what about these two look similar right here I need something that I can mix and match together so that's why I'm thinking these two um I thought this one was nice really nice that is that a nice stand it's it's number one in there hey we can still fit more why does it not look as full as I was hoping feel see to be I thought my trailer was going to look full now you how many you got you want more need more I want it to be ridiculous I want you to be ridiculous okay here's the deal it's pouring rain and I can't get started work today anyways so I think I'm going to go try to find more nightstands because I really just want to see how many it takes to fill up my trailer so I'm go get Duncan with Mom and then we're going to hit a couple thrift stores I really just want to prove to myself that this can be profitable and that you can do Furniture flipping really really efficiently because I have never done that I'm always filming the process and just doing one flip here and there because I'm trying to teach you guys how to flip Furniture but I really just want this to be epic I want it to be ridiculous and I don't think that the 12 in the back of the trailer right now is as ridiculous as I had in my mind so I'm hoping that we can find like six more nightstands also I think that Coulson is a really good example of somebody who is in the furniture reselling business who does it really efficiently he has his Niche down pat and he just really knows what he's doing he's got a huge freaking Warehouse of furniture and it's inspiring and motivating and freaking epic honestly so I hope you will stay tuned for this and my upcoming interview with Coulson because it's going to be awesome I'm going to give you guys a tour of his whole warehouse and kind of just the behind the scenes of his business um reselling furniture and he also moves furniture for people so that's actually how I know Coulson because he has delivered multiple pieces of furniture for me so that interview is going to be epic and you need to stay tuned for it cute I see my green lamp I don't understand why thrift stores do this I see oil paintings that thrift store was a bust hopefully this good will be a better it is packed that's junk that one is it's okay I just don't see myself finding something to match it this one has good potential okay I'm going to buy this one okay I just loaded up nightstand 13 out of 18 got five more to find I don't really expect to find anything at this next door but I figured while I was on this side of town check it out it's a nice size out the that one was 80 and I'm trying to keep it below $50 per nightstand that last thrift store was a bust I am putting my money on teen Thrift please let teen Thrift have nightstands sometimes you go there and it is packed with furniture and other times they got nothing so let's see 50 now we're talking this matches the one I just bought $12.99 all right we got 16 in two more to go te Thrift always hits I got three more nightstands one for $12.99 one for $24.99 but it was half off so another one for 12 and another one for 12 so $12 each on on nightstands nightstands 14 15 and 16 now we need two more I need one more set to fill up the [Music] trailer looks like somebody already took the sticker on that one and it's kind of junky so carry on so many end tables shelves are looking stocked today super cute that one's kind of cute too with the little feet I think that this lamp would be a cute little project I could redo the fabric this definitely came out of a antique booth I changed my mind I do not need that lamp that was thrift store number six I can't give up yet I only need two more nightstands one more set to fill the trailer at this point I have enough for the assembly line but it's like I just can't give up because I'm so close to filling it I have two more thrift stores that I know I can hit if I don't find anything there I might have to resort to Facebook Marketplace The Final Countdown is literally playing this is cute Cedar Chest not what I'm here for $100 out of my price range it's a really cute rocker $50 it's really small this piece is beautiful 140 shoot I wish I had room this piece is stunning look at those poles oh my God it's only 17 5 I think I might need to buy that I've lost count of how many thrift stares I've been to please let this be the last one cuz it's about to storm it's 4:00 let's go it's not looking good this one's really nice and big the likelihood of finding another one the slim junk all right the rain has finally stopped and I found my last set of nightstands I had to get through Facebook Marketplace I ended up kind of overpaying for them I paid $100 and then $30 for delivery because I was so whooped last night after all those nightstands all right so all in all I bought 12 night stands from Coulson I bought four at the thrift store and two off of Facebook Marketplace sh all right I have 18 so that's how many rows of three [Music] all right that's a wrap on the trailer okay I need to figure out which nightstands I'm going to put with which okay there's a couple that are already set so I'm going to go ahead and Rule those out and then I'm going to try and mix and match the different nightstands to size and style based on what is the closest these two these two are these two sets are going to be the money makers cuz they're so big it's really kind of hard to look past the color of them now and just consider the size and the style it's throwing me off but I'm thinking that these two are about the same size and close enough in style that they can go [Music] together okay I've got a lot of these really chunky girls I I think these might match and the style of those is actually almost identical the base is identical okay that's a match I'm not against building bases for any of these but I want to minimize as many bases as I have to build because that is a lot of work and a lot of money and material okay I think I want to put this one and this one together because they're both Pine and the drawers are overlaid whereas the rest of these kind of have those chunky inser drawers the only thing that's throwing me off is the angled feet on this one and the bun feet on this one I don't know if that's going to be something I have to address this one's also significantly taller o I'm really struggling to make decisions here I just need to accept that they're not going to match perfectly so I think I'm just going to come down to measurements at this point I don't love these two together but they're the last of the kind of style and they're the same height so we're going to make it work okay these two have similar drawer Styles and they're both 21 in high so it's going to be a match and then these are my last and certainly least okay now I need to get a game plan on which Hardware I need to order and what I already have I figured out what supplies I need and what I already have and the cool thing is that I pretty much already have everything that I need I just need to get a little bit more primer and and a couple drop PS but other than that I'm pretty much I'm not spending any money on supplies because I already have a bunch of Hardware in stock I'm going to keep it simple with these two types of knobs and then the short and the Long Bar PS that I already have before I get started on anything I'm going to go ahead and label all of the drawers and nightstands since I already have my matches made because I do not want to be getting confused on which drawer goes where what the heck is that okay so here's how this assembly line is going to work I am going to clean and prep all of the pieces at one time but since I have so many nightstands and not so much space I'm going to be refinishing them in three batches I figured this would be a good opportunity to test out and see which finishes sell the best so my top sellers are usually wood white and black so I'm going to be doing a batch of white a batch of black and a batch of faux wood to make it a true fair experiment I'm going to be spinning the wheel to determine which nightstands will be which color this is going to make it a little bit tricky I think that this is kind of testing my theory that black white and like a natural wood color literally could go on any style of furniture so I have them labeled 1 through n and one free Blank Space where I get to choose which nightstand is going to be the color so for the first batch we're doing white and I'm going to go ahead and spin three times if figure out which three sets are going to be white number three that's this one right here oh no all right number three number two that's these right here those are white too those are the same oh not three again is this thing rigged and set number five okay I can do that all right now we're going to spin and find out which nightstands are going to be black the first black one is going to be number one all right the second black set my choice oh man shoot okay all right all of these chunky ones have already been determined that they're white so I number one is also going to be black so now I'm left with these on which one I want to paint black okay since I know that the faux would technique is a little tricky on curvy surfaces I think I'm going to go with this set down here for black okay this is my very last spin to determine which nightstand is going to be black and then the last three are all going to be faux wood number six that's these right here okay I kind of had envisioned those that otherwise but all right I'm really kind of disappointed with these results because I did not want to do faux wood on this one gosh and now all the chunky 80 ones are going to be white which I had really envisioned black so this is going to be a big challenge [Music] if anything shuts down my business it's going to be this I know the neighbors are going to think I've lost my mind thank you so much for watching along as I sourced 18 nightstands the flip in an assembly line this was an insane project and a lot of lessons were learned this is going to be a multiple series video project the next video will be the full prep of the assembly line as well as the before and after of the entire white batch the next video will be the black batch of nightstands the video following that is going to be the faux wood nightstands where I'm showing you three different techniques of using retia liquid wood and then the final video at the end is going to be the full recap of the process as well as my time spent my hours spent um my profit breakdown and I'll be sharing with you which color nightstands sell the best so hope you don't miss it you sleepy girl
Channel: Abby Askew
Views: 494,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iOVXm80pl4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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