Thrift with me!~Furniture Makeovers~Thrift Store Shopping~Thrift Store Makeovers~Trash to Treasure

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hi everyone welcome to my channel in case you're new here my name is Mary and here on YouTube I like to share the many projects I have going on around here with you all in today's video I'm going to take you with us as we go thrifting about a month ago John and I were to Columbus Ohio where we hit numerous thrift stores it was so much fun and I found some really good Bargains I thought so let's go back to when this actually took place and then after that I'll show you what we found [Music] we set out on a Saturday morning and we had about an hour and a half Drive pretty much drove all the way through maybe stopping for gas once our first store was a Goodwill of course it's always so much fun for me to walk through aisles like this it just takes a lot of time to see everything I like to check everything out and just try to imagine you know what could I do with this or is this still a potential treasure it definitely varies between the different thrift stores I'm sure if you guys enjoy thrifting you know that too I always feel like I sense the vibe as soon as I step inside you know is this going to be a good one or not and this Goodwill here really seem to have some potential you guys may be wondering you know does John really enjoy thrifting like this and I wasn't sure what to think to begin with either because I don't think we've ever really gone thrifting a whole day like this maybe just now and then you know stopping in at one store but this was different he does love garage sailing we've done that numerous times but never really you know thrifting a whole day like this but I gotta say it was really fun to shop with like he didn't complain once I mean I could tell it's probably not of course as much his thing as mine but again he was a good sport and kind of help me find some things even we found these pretty cups and we agreed they would make great candle containers they're fairly large they could actually be used maybe as a soup cup but I thought they're so pretty I was impressed that he found them I think we ended up with maybe a dozen of them and it was kind of funny because he found I think maybe 10 here in this store or was it an odd number maybe even nine and then on the other side of the aisle like way in the back we ended up finding maybe two more so we had 11 and he really wanted to reach that dozen and then later on in one of the other stores it wasn't even a Goodwill we ended up finding one more so it's almost like meant to be to find that whole set of 12. he was really happy about that ended up getting these pretty end tables and a few other items in fact I did so well at this first stop I told John I'd be impressed if I wouldn't find anything else the whole day I feel like this was worth it already foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I really didn't get a lot of video footage of these different thrift stores I think we ended up visiting maybe four or five of them a few of them I didn't really buy anything I didn't find anything but for the most part I thought we did really well it was a fun day foreign [Music] so doesn't that just give your mood to go thrifting let me show you what I have here you probably saw some of the things in the video but I'll bring you up close here John found these cute little cups that will make great candle holding containers and these gray blue ones are pretty too these are marked 99 Cents but I'm almost thinking we paid at 50 cents for them uh you know how thrift stores usually have a half off sale on certain colors these pretty ivy dishes just caught in my eye I really wonder if they aren't an actual antique I wanted to do some research on them and didn't get around to it but if anyone knows let me know but I just can't remember ever seeing this before and just by the way they look I think they look kind of old and vintage looking and to me you can't go wrong with white containers like this I thought this is so pretty I think I paid 3.99 for it and I thought it would make a great little holding container for even like Christmas trees I know we're almost past Christmas now but maybe in another year but I'm sure in the meantime I'll use it for something else I may even end up setting it in my little cabinet with the ivy dishes I love these soap holders they were a little bit more pricey 5.99 each but I thought they're so pretty and they're brand new I think I thought I could even repaint the greenery it's maybe not quite my color of green that I like we'll see I thought it'd be neat to make a maybe spring Gardener soap or something a bar that would fit perfectly in here maybe have them available on my Etsy shop we'll see I probably have to keep one for myself though this picture I thought is so pretty I imagined it would look nice in my shed I'll probably end up painting the frame if I paint it white I paid a 4.99 for it aren't these Planters just lovely I thought they would look great with maybe some Ivy in them which would eventually spin up over the cage when I went to pay for these the cashier just saw the outside tag which is 4.99 and I told her now wait a minute I think these are priced individually like the middle one is has a 3.99 tag and then the small one 299 and she said honey you just found yourself a bargain today since she insists that I just take them I saw right away like my total wasn't enough but she insisted so I guess I got a really good bargain you know five dollars for the set of three so pretty and getting to the small Furniture pieces I thought these are just adorable it's just a handy thing to have around sometimes when you're sitting you know in the living room on the couch and you just need a little table or something to set a glass on or even more and these are foldable which somebody could just leave them up I think they look cute this way or they could then stash them away you know fold them and slide them behind the sofa or wherever I'll definitely be working on these in this video I'm excited to redo them so the other pieces I don't have with me but I'll show them here on the screen as I'm talking about them but you probably saw the upholstered ottoman I thought was so pretty the one leg is broken off but I'm sure that can be fixed probably paint it and reupholster it and those end tables just caught my eye for some reason I thought they look so pretty with maybe a two-tone doing part wood and then part painted we'll see I'm not sure that I'll get to them in this video but I'll make sure to share that project with you if I have ever do get around to painting them one more little stool or table that we picked up I failed to mention it in the video so moving on I'll be working on those little end tables and the ottoman [Music] the first thing I'll work on are these little folding tables I'm going to create them to be little end tables we had actually talked about it you know could they be bar stools I think they almost could but I feel like they're maybe not quite heavy duty enough for that so I think we'll play it safe and just design them to be little end tables I think I'll try to keep the base exactly the way it is I don't even have to paint it I like the look of it and then the little black rubber leg ends I think that looks pretty cute now one of them is really nice like it's it looks almost new and the other one has some spots I'm not sure is it dirt or is it actually rusted at first I thought I'll probably end up painting them but I'm going to see if I can just clean them up that I don't even have to paint them and then the seat part I have other plans for of course and we'll get to that later but first let's see if we can get these cleaned up I'm going to start out by using my Norwex cleaning paste I've learned that that really removes tough stains sometimes if it doesn't work I can always go with a scouring pad or something a little rougher I do want to be careful I don't want to remove the Finish but hopefully I don't have to to do that but I can't always give that a shot [Music] I'm planning on painting these tops white so I'll go ahead and sand off these prices that someone put on here I'm afraid they're going to show through if I don't might as well sand the whole piece since I'm at it anyway [Music] I have some paint here that I just got out of my paint closet down the basement it's winter white my normal paint I usually use do it best brand best look it has a satin Sheen [Music] foreign [Music] so I've talked about these Decor transfers before even showed a few projects in my videos I'm kind of obsessed with them to be honest some of you guys actually sent me some and it's always just such beautiful designs and it's hard to pick which ones to use here I'm thinking of going with some kind of a you know French country design or you know Paris something that is kind of matching for these two tables in case I decide to keep them together as a set I'm thinking of going with this clock for the one design and I realized this will fill up the whole top it actually you know barely fits on I feel like the second table should then be pretty much full with something too so it doesn't look too bare I ended up finding a design that came with a different package that is also French and I think this might work I'm gonna hold it onto my I'm going to cut them both out and hold them onto the top to kind of see how it looks before I just go ahead and transfer them foreign maybe I'll still do a floral of some kind to go with these words just to fill it up a bit [Music] foreign [Music] so I felt like the clock still needed something in the space and maybe even something pink to kind of go with this little table so I have some words here that are pink and I also have a few flowers that would be fitting to put in here I think I'll add some words first and I can always add some flowers in here if I decide to but I'll have to cut these words up because they're of course too big you know to fit into this space so I might just go with maybe a few of these kind of middle words here I'm pretty sure this probably doesn't make any sense in French whatever I'm doing here but of course I'm just doing it for the look the place where I usually get these transfers is called a Patterson Art Studio and I'll have their link Down Below in the description box it is an Etsy shop and they have all kinds of transfers um it's so fun to look through them I definitely advise you to check them out if you're looking to do some projects like this foreign I had other things going on today so I didn't get around to finishing these until it was evening and I'm out of daylight but here I am just applying a poly acrylic I haven't always done this step when I work with these transfers but I do know for a surface like this especially with you know setting things on here I do want to protect them I know I should have painted the back of these but I was kind of going with there was some stickers on the back or stamps that I was going by to see which end is up as far as when they're folded that way when I put my design on I could tell you know how to place it if that makes sense but in reality I probably could have figured it out without the stamps or stickers on the back I could have just marked it somehow you know a little arrow which end is up I can always paint it later if it you know bothers me too much [Music] I gotta say it's always a little bit gross to me some of this upholstered stuff but here I'm just removing the outer layer and I see that there's another layer that somebody put over here and that one's really down fast and hard so I'll probably just leave that one on doesn't this fabric just make you smile I thought these birds are so cute I had gotten it online this summer and honestly right now I can't even remember where I got it from but I'll try to leave a link Down Below in the description box of the place if I can remember or find my receipt foreign on keeping this red fabric on here so I do have to put a probably a white fabric down first like a plain white one so that my red won't show through on this light fabric I don't think it would show through but it would make it appear just a little bit darker being that it's you know so light [Music] foreign Here I Am the next day working on this cover and I plan to pin my corners and then sew them I think that will make a nicer Corner versus just you know folding it in like I did the white part [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] er down below in the description box is the one I use for all my little upholstered projects I really like it for small projects like this [Music] foreign paint as my glaze I wanted to bring out the character in these legs by applying a paint or a glaze and often again I probably choose a glaze like an antiquing glaze or something that's dark and I didn't have one on hand so I'm just using regular paint um it actually works quite well especially if I have a wet rag to you know rub some of it off with your glaze it just gives you a little more time to work with like it won't dry as quick and it's more oh the texture is just different it doesn't soak in as quick the color of the paint I'm using is called roasted or toasted poppy seed it's a really dark gray color I think it'll go well with some of the gray accents and the fabric [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bolts didn't screw in tight anymore so here I'm just applying an extra screw on some of the legs just to make it more sturdy and so they don't fall out foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] what a fun project to do I hope I inspired you to maybe go visit a thrift store and find some Treasures take them home redo them before ending here I have a new product I want to show you that we have on the Etsy Shop John actually came up with these little crates I always love when he comes up with items too for the Etsy shop I think it's so much fun to kind of brainstorm together but he came up with these cute little crates as you can see and they are really well made if he makes something it'll be well made trust me and we actually ended up putting a pretty little design on the one side of them this one has the white cottage company logo on this side and then there's nothing on this side so if you prefer to actually have this showing you could depending on where you you know have it setting I think we'll also have the option of having them clean with nothing but the middle one here might interest you we're actually having a custom option as you can see there's an H on here this will actually be a gift crate for my cousin [Music] and my cousin Michael is helping us out with these I think I've talked about him before he started doing a lot of our cutouts the ones that we used to do with our small CNC router he actually does now he has a large CNC and can make things so much faster than we're able to so that's really helped us out but he's been making these sides for us but right now he's on vacation so these are going to be shipped a little later than our normal shipping would be if you do decide to order we'll probably need three to four weeks to actually get them into your hands that will change then once he's back we do have some in stock but not a whole lot so make sure to check those out if you're looking for a pretty crate to maybe fix a gift in or just one for decorating purposes as always I hope your day is going great and I hope you guys all have a very merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in the next video bye
Channel: White Cottage Company
Views: 310,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift store makeovers, thrift store finds, thrift store haul, thrift store bargains, thrift store shopping, furniture makeovers, end table makeovers, furniture transfers, upholstered makeover, upholstered furniture makeover, furniture redo, painted furniture, ohio thrift stores, white cottage company
Id: bXyUVy76K50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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