Thrift Store Makeovers ~ Thrift Store Home Decor ~ Before and After Projects ~ Thrifting Makeovers

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[Music] so you know how you always see some of the same items in every thrift store you know lamps and crockpots tins books just to name a few well in today's video I'm actually going to shop for those items and try to give you some ideas of what can be done with them so let's get right into [Music] it [Music] I was to the Sharon Care Thrift Store I wanted to try to find all of my things in here and I didn't get videos of everything that I found uh you of course I browsed all the different sections but managed to find enough items for this [Music] video [Music] so let's take a look at some of the items that you always find in thrift stores lamps is one thing which this is an extra cute lamp here with the florals and I love chains like this always have a weakness for them I don't care for the color here so that will have to be changed and then the shade also needs some help uh vintage books something you can always pick up in thrift stores uh vintage fabrics I'm always looking for pretty embroidered FL florals like this or just you know floral fabric I thought this has a pretty design I think it's possibly a basant liner and here is a bag of Rags that we can use in the shop I know it has nothing to do with my makeovers but I did pick that up along with this stapler um these are pretty pricey when you buy them new and this one was $5 uh really good price uh tin cans shiny containers like this um I have plans to probably paint this and maybe put these cute little strawberry plants in it I know we're not quite in that season but um I just thought it's so pretty and it wasn't a bad price of this basket I think I paid A110 for and I might you know do something with the basket too then and this pretty pie carrier is what it is but I thought it would make a nice little picn basket let's open it up here so let's get right to it I recently invested in a border punch and I'll have this link Down Below in the description box I got it off of Amazon in case you're looking for the same thing but I thought how neat would it be to use old book pages and create a placem or a short you know table runner of sorts and use this punch to create a vintage looking kind of lace border along the edge [Music] [Music] GE [Music] h [Music] so in case you're wondering why the poor lighting I'll show you what it's doing on the outside today um it's quite the dreary drab Ohio winter day [Music] [Music] I guess we'll wait until the end of the video to take a look at all the final results but since we're working with books anyway let's bring out these three when I picked out these books I wasn't going with what title they were it was more for the size and of course I wanted hard cover um I plan to start out by painting [Music] [Music] them so the paint I'm using for this book is called molted milk it's a very light pink color I've talked about it before on here here just a beautiful color and being that we're in the Valentine's Day season I thought it would be fitting and the other two books will be painted [Music] [Music] white [Music] [Music] I plan to add Decor transfers to these books probably just along the spine and kind of wrap it around the edges I like how some books have like a tape binding so I'm going to try to go for that look here I'm sorting through my transfers upstairs in my storage room I'm going to go for you know light pinks [Music] Floral [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these transfers are so much fun you can basically you know create your own design as you go like you can cut things out that you don't want and add something of of another design um just endless what can be done with them for the last book I plan to use these H2O transfers this is one where you use water to apply it and I'm always a bit hesitant to do to do this I'm not sure why cuz nothing has ever happened with them but it always seems to you know if you saturate something with water like a painted surface you know could it remove your paint but I'm going to try it [Music] so my camera battery died as I was working on some of these decals but I did apply a few more butterflies and a flower to this [Music] book [Music] aahah so tin cans of course is something you always find in thrift stores and here I have three identical ones I paid 2 cents each for them I plan to turn them into a kind of vintage shabby chic looking canister set I have some redesign molds here that I plan to use and I got these from Patterson Art Studio I've talked about them before on here um they have all kinds of Decor transfers you know modeling Clays glues anything along that line so make sure to check them out if you're at all needing anything like that here I'm using this amazing casting resin to create my forms and this is something that can be mixed together and you just you know pour it into the mold and literally in minutes it cures so I love it cuz I'm an impatient person I don't have to wait a long time you know for it to harden as you can see things spilled over the edge for me here but you can see it's starting to set up it's turning white it's pretty amazing [Music] since it's windy and cold outside I think I'll go ahead and paint these in the shop and no one's working in here today so it should be okay of course when painting smooth surfaces like this it's always best to apply it using numerous thin coats rather than trying to cover everything at once and I really should have used a gray paint to start out with that really helps to block any you know words or designs but I think I'll be able to do it you know using the white paint to just take some patience the reason I'm not removing the lids here is because they're so tight fitting and I know if I were to apply a coat of paint in between the can and the lid they would be even more so and probably kind of hard to remove plus it would take all the paint off anyway so I didn't get a video of this but I ended up making other little forms for my canisters I used modeling clay instead of the casting resin and what happened is my casting resin turned really hard and then when I wanted to bend it to kind of you know glue it along my can it broke so I decided to just use the modeling clay that is more flexible now I'm pretty sure if I would have glued the pieces on before the casting resin would have been you know completely hard like this was days later I think I would have been able to bend it cuz I noticed when I removed it it from the molds it was a little bit flexible so next time I definitely act a little quicker but I think this will work too I ended up removing two more leaves from my little form here I thought it was just a bit too long for the size of the canister of course I Ed my Silhouette Cameo to cut out these words and the vinyl I'm using here is the oracle 631 vinyl it's just a really nice vinyl to work with um it is removable and yet it stays put um just overall a high quality vinyl and I'll try to link some Down Below in the description box of the exact one that we get uh we get it from [Music] Amazon [Music] here I'm using a distressing technique that I call cheat distress it's where I just use a Sharpie marker and kind of go over the edges making them look like they're you know worn uh down to the you know the dark underneath which we all know it's not the case here but it definitely just you know adds a bit of character I think of course thrift stores always have lamps for sale and there are a few things you can do with a lamp you like turn it into something else entirely but this one's really cute it's going to stay a lamp and the only thing I'm going to do is just work with the shade a bit um I like the color it is it is that vintage white color and I'm just going to add some lace onto it with my hot glue gun and then that base part I had mentioned before I'm not really liking the color of not quite sure at this point I'll probably do the shade first kind of you know eyeball it U see what color it needs to [Music] be [Music] [Music] [Music] I think this Pearl lace would also look great along the bottom going to add that so I want to try to paint the bottom part of this lamp close to the same color as the shade I think that would look good and I have a color here it's called chiffon cream and it is rolant brand it's their chalk line um it's just a nice creamy you know off-white color here I want to cover the rest of the lamp so my overspray doesn't touch it and I'm using you know masking tap paper I'm going to use some plastic wrap I've already learned that's a good way to to cover something I'll just kind of scrunch it together I'm going to try to spray paint on the front porch it is really windy today I'm sure it'll be a challenge but I'm going to try it I don't have a lot to paint here so I should be [Music] [Music] good shiny tin Planters is another thing you often see in thrift stores I feel like all this needs is just some flat [Music] paint [Music] [Music] so we can't let that original basket where those strawberries were in we can't let that go to waste so I think what I'll do is try to turn it into one of those Moss baskets I'm going to glue different types of moss on here and maybe create a little bird's nest with some egg eggs and possibly even a bird we'll see so originally I used the Moss that was in here that brown stuff to make a nest but then I found this old nest that I made out of dried grass I thought this would look better for a basket like this I like to see him painted white and have some of the original color showing through maybe on some of the edges and yep you guessed it I'll probably put a Decor transfer on the lid part the paint I'm using here is my usual do it best brand paint it has a satin Sheen and the color is bright white [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] here I'm sanding the basket bringing some of that dark out that is underneath and I also plan to sand over the transfers kind of like that look too and then I'll apply Annie SLO clear wax over the whole basket and I think the Finishing Touch here would be a glass knob on the lid so I'm probably going to add that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] a [Music] these projects were so much fun to work on hopefully it was inspiring to you and maybe next time you go into a thrift store you'll look at things differently and I know there's so much more that could be done with the items that I got and I'm sure you guys would have some really good ideas too feel free to leave them down below in the comment section it's always interesting to me to read over those and before ending here yep you guessed it I have some new products I want to show you and you're going to see a lot of this we do have some fun new ideas we want to incorporate into our business this year so more on that later but what I have here isn't entirely new it's soap and candles as you can see I'm really excited about this soap line my cousin Susie and I have been working on a complet completely natural line of soap so four of the scents here are the same that I had done for the main inspired soap video I don't know you guys remember a couple years ago I think it was fall of 2022 we had taken a hiking trip to Maine and I was so inspired by some of the colors that I saw I ended up making soap to kind of go with some of the colors and the things that I saw on that trip but the four four of the scents are going to be the same as that and we're going to add an additional five different scents so we will have a total of nine cents if everything anything goes as planned and again super excited about it these soaps are so natural you can almost eat them but you know please don't but uh everything including the color and everything is a natural ingredient I just love that idea at the point of filming here I'm jumping just a little bit ahead of myself this soap actually won't be listed on the Etsy shop today but it should be by the end of the week I'm still working on the labeling I debated to just slap a label on like we normally do but I really don't want to mess it up this is a pretty amazing soap and I just need a few more days to work on it so if you're interested in this soap hopefully by the end of the week it should be listed on the Etsy shop and we will be stocked on some more of just the regular soap we do have this oats and honey this is also a completely natural soap we've had this for years now so in last week's video I had given you a brief glimpse of some of the Valentine's Day soap that I'm working on so make sure to check that out um I have a couple soap here I'm going to package these together and this scent in case you're familiar with some of our scent is the waterfall we've had that before and this is baby's breath I mean both smell amazing I like to smell them together like if I smell them at the same time it just goes so well together and the baby's breath is very pale pink with some white swirls in it and then of course the black and white for the waterfall and I have some additional soaps that are fitting to Valentine's Day I'll put some pictures on the screen for you don't have everything up here with me and then candle wise smells so good in this corner right now I'm smelling of course the soap and then strawberries and cream um I'm again thinking Valentine's Day so I went through all of my cups and picked out some that are fitting for Valentine's Day and a lot of these cups are sent to me by you guys so thank you for that and some I pick up on my own uh this clear pink one here I found in the antique mall I have four of these this is really pretty and there's other really pretty ones some will have the saucers included but I think they're all so pretty I kind of like to see them all together here and we still have some of the pink and red B of candles for Valentine's Day those are also really great smelling and we'll try to get these products shipped to you as soon as possible things are a bit different around here right now MB is on her honeymoon which I'm so happy for him but we're kind of left without her but we have been doing some packaging John and I have done some and then Marlene and my other niece Emily offered to help out too if we need it so hopefully we'll survive so as always I hope your day is going great thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: White Cottage Company
Views: 204,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrifting makeovers, thrift store makeovers, thrift store home decor, home decor makeovers, diy home decor, thrift with me, before and after makeovers, before and after home decor, white cottage company, mary yoder, tin can makeovers, book page ideas, basket makeovers, thrift store finds
Id: cJfgV6oAb2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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