Thrift haul for junk journal/collage/glue/altered books

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i thought i would do something different today um i i haven't gone thrifting in like six months but i dropped off a bunch of stuff this week and so i did do a trip to the recycling center which is this and a trip to the thrift store because i was dropping off a bunch and i figured i'd take a peek it's been a while i need some varieties of papers because i'm doing a bunch of packs for etsy and so i figured we would go through that and there's two stacks of books that i got just for something different do a thrift haul so all of this came from the recycling center i'll just put it to the side and go through it bit by bit actually let's start off with the stuff on this side i got this i love you down sorry about that um they always have a variety of papers and then i t dye them and use them so i got those this i will make tags out of it's the back of one of them obviously i really loved this and i also thought my kids could use it but i think it's great this grid is great and i am doing a ton of packs and then this too this is like like legal paper it has a watermark of all states i can't read it but anyway um i thought it was great paper this is going to be great tea dyed in a journal and yeah so i'm gonna be doing a lot of these packs for etsy i have this is just what i got the other day i'm always finding interesting stuff there and it's slowly been accumulating and i plan on getting rid of it all and using it i use it for me and for four packs this i'm going to use for my atc cards and my own you know index cards it's happy to find that for a dollar at the thrift store and this is some wallpaper from the recycling center it's not super fancy it's not super old but i thought it was really nice and i'm gonna use some and then the rest is going to go in my vintage um wallpaper packs there's that and there was fabric samples and i know who donates this to the recycling center and i love it when they donate their stuff she's actually a friend of a friend but her store has great style right up my alley so i know whenever i see her stuff there i'm always so happy because it's pretty great i love this it's like a european style store very boutique very expensive i think i only have one or two things from there a sweater and a bag like a shopping bag but it's great and i love it when she don't eat stuff and these will be used i'll keep some and then i put packs together i haven't done it in a long while but i'm on a cleaning out spray so i'm going to be listing a lot in the next couple weeks cleaning up my basement too also from the recycling center is vintage sheeting fabric so a lot of their stuff is new and it's just companies donate it and they buy it and then they sell it and they sell it cheap and i'm doing a bunch of vintage sheets and i thought this would be nice bonus for them even though i don't know that age so i'm just going to say that it's you know i list my listings like that like half is vintage half is not and i tell you sorry if i keep shaking the camera okay let's go let's go through all the notions first and then i got for the christmas packs some great velvet for junk journalers which i also do um yeah tons of this and this is going to go great in the packs because i just did paper packs for the christmas journals yesterday so now these will be nice additions for them and some of them are new and some are old this one looks old it doesn't matter right like to me it doesn't matter so i say in the listings what they are but i get this a little bit cheaper i love this for like a boho gypsy style journal which i'm actually working on right now paper packs for those because i made my own and then as i accumulate for myself then i share this is great velvet i love the velvet stuff this is just random strings which i love for my mixed media pieces i love when i find random stuff like this there they just put it all together you never know what you're gonna get this these are cool they are clear and i have no idea what i'm doing with them yet but i do know i see magnets or um or in a painting i'm not sure that i liked them this was nice this was at the thrift store i actually bought a tin and this was inside it i wanted the tin for organizing my words and this is some great things for um for uh tassels and stuff love these this was from the thrift store i think it was in a bag of other stuff that my kids love to draw and i love the color turquoise and they're all eight 2h pencils so that's the one we go through a lot so now they have extras what else is in here that is not the books oh sanding pads so good 40s oh no these actually these are priced i think these were two bucks each yeah two bucks this random thing um yeah don't know what to do with it but i don't know i probably gonna use it as a stencil i don't know but i love it and then i got a variety of these there's different ones some of them are better than the others i just kind of thought they would be fun to toss them as extras and certain things so that's all of that that's the random stuff now let's get to the good stuff well not that that's not good because all that to me is pretty darn good but you know me and paper so that's a bonus this is old maps and i'm not going to open them i want to date them you could date maps by looking up on somebody look like they put circles on them uh by looking at certain countries and places and what they're called so i often date things and then figure out what i want to do with them i i'm dying to get a vintage globe i have one that's kind of from the 80s which i actually love because it's it's very cool it's a school globe and the letters on it are amazing when i found that thing i was so happy and i overpaid for it probably i don't usually pay thirty dollars for a globe from a thrift store but and even in line people were like oh my god what a good find because it's huge i love it it's like one of my favorite possessions so this is cool this is from the recycling center so this is 40 cents a pound i was like hmm that's looking a little rough but wait till you see i mean i don't even know what i'm going to use this for i just knew i couldn't leave it so this is handwritten this is hand bound this is string they bound it themselves so wait till you see what's in here these are meetings and this is tight like i don't know how they did this but it's like on parchment and you can see here and these are a lot of the streets that we have like tillinghouse is a street here and it's from 1826 and it's the entire year of meetings and there's like it's hand typed i'm like parchment paper it's i'm not sure what this is all about but a friend who deals in books says it's not valuable so i'm gonna go ahead and tear it up but look at this you can see i don't know if you can see this but look it's got raised it's i swear it's hand tight i'm very confused but she says his meetings um this is where they used to do things and it's not valuable so i have free reign yay for me i think it's cool that it was hand down too whose job was it to do that it's pretty sweet if you ask me this is cool i forget what this is but i remember opening it up going oh this is cool handle oh that's right handled enamelware i mean the letters the words are great the images are great i've been getting very picky about what i bring home because i have been clearing out my basement so it's got to be pretty good for me to bring it home i just donated a ton of stuff that i just like i you know i find such good stuff so often that i just i can't keep it all so i'm selling some donating some and i'm being very choosy about what i bring home but this i thought was pretty amazing i mean i love enamelware anyway and i can't wait to play with this it's pretty amazing if you ask me okay some of these are from the thrift store these are from the thrift store okay and these are from other places so i actually ordered this off of paperback swap or something it wasn't very expensive it was a couple bucks but i've been wanting one of these for a while it's a consumer's guide but i love i think it's a reproduction actually maybe this one's not no it has to be yeah 1970. so it's still pretty vintage 50 years old but it's got great images and these are great for tags i've seen a lot of people doing things with stuff from here and so i'm going to keep a couple pages i'm not going to keep a lot because i really am trying to clear out and there's a lot here so these will be some things that go into my paper packs and they're all going to be different themes and then i'm going to have a kind of a hodgepodge of everything and i did the christmas ones yesterday i've been working on various ones so that should be coming soon this one i bought at a antique store it was four bucks but i thought it was amazing because i mean look at this they're reproduction ads and this again is from i think it's the 70s if i remember right 65. i thought it was cool you know the pages are good and you don't have to worry about copyright and whatnot i don't copy things that i use i just i'm going to cut this open i usually tear books like right down the middle and then i just use them i don't want to worry about copyright so i just use the originals i like it anyway the original is just i don't buy anything unless it's original i'm kind of a snob that way i want the real thing or nothing at all although i guess this is a reproduction but you know what i mean i'm not going to copy it i'll just use it it's like the collage sometimes i buy books for collage and i i don't um i don't make copies i just use them okay this i got for i mean they're great to cut out and i love taking sometimes their faces and putting them on a modern girl and this i when i saw this i think of anne lister so i'm doing a junk journal altered book technically altered book sorry my phone technically it's an altered book but i know a lot of people call them junk journals it's a thing so this is um oh my god that google listing i don't know if you guys get that but oh my god i get it like every day they call me every day to list my business i don't know what they're talking about hi so i thought she looked like um but i imagine anne lister to kind of look like kind of androgynous so i thought she would be cool for that book and i also have a hastings book that i couldn't believe i came into it was in this current magazine but it said hastings and i was like i think that's where she was from so i can't wait to do that book that's going to be a fun one for me i don't know where this came from i found it in my basement when i was cleaning and obviously i love it and i've been afraid to cut into it because i love it well the time has come guys so i'm going to take the images i want and the rest will go into my flower flower butterfly tree gardening kind of themed book and yeah i'm going to use a few it's time to purge like i can't i've got too much and i can't find i mean i have this great stuff and i keep forgetting i have it so i figure if i pare down and limit myself i like limitations anyway so that was beautiful okay these i got quite a while ago also found them in my basement i'm like what were they doing down there obviously i like them and i that's where i go to put things to protect them i guess but time is up it's time to start using them i was pretty happy to find this that day it's like ads from photographers it's like their portfolios or whatever so here's a little tip if you like it you probably find it on ebay easily and i imagine they're cheap because i mean it's just a magazine of of photographers uh like a portfolio of various photographers see like this person worked or did ads for gap or something oh that's what my kids love that thing it's is that monkey overdrive no anyway but the pictures are great because it's good photography because that's you know that's their thing that's what they're selling they're selling their work or their name so i had two of those ones photography and the other one's advertising so this one's photography the last one was advertising that might work well for amlister too you know what let's just do it man let's just welcome yeah because that's a book i'm working on now i've done all the tea dyed paper i cannot wait i'm kind of excited i think i'm gonna do two one for me and one for etsy that's great it was good stuff i found these a couple times um a different one that i do i have cut up the other one i found i did cut up it wasn't one of these it was a different one this is a great book and i forgot i had it again in the basement it's like i was saving all the good stuff for a project like what what am i thinking so this has a variety of stuff and this was in my basement and ironically yesterday when i went to the thrift store i found two smaller versions i was quite excited so look at this it's got actually like a reproduction you know it's this is amazing stuff here it's just a variety and i do believe i cut something from here once these are great look at that i love old ads i love this so yeah these are good if you can find them and it's called this fabulous entry i got it for 1.99 okay now let's go through this i just this is from the recycling center it has a hole in the spine i might have actually done that which sucks but i just love this love it i hope i didn't do that i hope it was already that way so i'm not angry with myself and i also love this and i will get this and i don't know what i'll do with the words some of it i will collage with and the rest i will use probably for when i am gluing or making a book but i just that's that's what i was after the problem with the recycling center is that everything's so cheap that makes it easy so i recently went to nantucket last summer or in the fall i guess august september and i kind of want i it was a special place for me i really had a good time and i might make this a junk journal for myself that's quite the place i have a friend who has a house there like right here so here's where you come in wait wait yeah there's the airport oh right here so yeah you're coming around here so when the boat comes around here my friend lives like right here which is in the best part of the the island and i so lucky to spend you know like four or five days in their house she had to work um and i just enjoyed i sat on the porch and watched the boats go by woke up every morning to the foghorns uh and then she took me around the island on the day she head off and i met her dad who works in here it was such a this place is amazing i can't wait to go back so there's nothing special really inside i mean some of it i will use like that i will definitely use and that but a lot of it's kind of you know so i will see that reminds me of our drive and i'll probably use that and i will say that because literally i think we took that road it's where the it's just an amazing island if you haven't been and you can go i it's just mind-blowing it's magical it's a magical place and i hope i can go back with that's beautiful i was going to cut out those eggs for sure so i thought i'd do like a little special book yeah so here's the lighthouse this is the one right here so i have a picture of myself right here the boat comes around here and their house is like right there it's amazing it's been in our family for ever which is why i mean now it would be it's like the land is like millions this i thought would make a great blue book because of all the color and just you know i think this will be a fun glue book and i'll use some of the stuff and the backgrounds will be great so yeah maybe i'll learn something too old music book can never have too much music paper but i am putting packets together of music paper too because i have like 20 varieties so the packs will have like one or actually probably more than one like but a variety of each of those and then some extra goodies i can't pass up um anything language because i think it makes interesting backgrounds i'm a little worried sometimes that i don't know what it says so these books all come from a bookseller he goes to auctions he buys the books and he donates the ones that he doesn't sell uh but i thought these were great and look this paper is already aged for junk journals this is great it's like you don't even have to age it it's already aged and there's uh a lot actually maybe not as much as i thought i thought there was maybe not the images are pretty i'm not sure that i'll use them i'd hate to throw these out so they'll probably go into the florals as a bonus sometimes i take stuff like that and i'll do like little bonus packs just to like you know make pizza smile i love this is something i love clocks and i love frame books because you could do anything with them and this is basically i always love finding little goodies yeah so it has ads which is great and it has all of these fun for tags fun for whatever but i will definitely be sharing because i can't use this many clocks so this will be one of the things that goes into the packets i could probably tear this up right now so i'm gonna put this off to the side it's gonna be the first one to do i love this this is newer um but i love candles and i thought that'd be fun for glue books i'm also making a few glue books often with the stuff that really doesn't work for chuck journals like this but works for glue books i mean how fun is this i thought it was cool and then some of them i'll just cut out definitely cutting those out love i have a page right now that's all candles i have a big book that i'm working in and it's like kind of themed like that so this will be great for that i love that too i might i feel like i need to do something in there collage hi and i thought these ads were great this is just a really good find i mean it's pretty amazing corona my son hates the name corona so now i call coronavirus coronavirus all the time instead of kobit it's fun to annoy your kids hi thanks for stopping by by the way if you're allergic to cats you should probably not order anything from me ever by the way it's not going to be quick guys if you're interested i'm just kind of sharing this but oh wow i'm keeping that and then i don't know that i'll keep this cover i don't know i think i'm just gonna use it what is this oh okay this you know sometimes i do things i have so many projects going on that i forget things i found this on ebay i was looking for this so the other day is collaging with a magazine that's french and this is what made me order it and i found and i was like oh i want i want more of that but they weren't the same time period i messed up i love them anyway for their words but this these are these are amazing and so i had ordered this off of ebay and i think i got it really cheap it was like 10 bucks or something and i was working on a project and then i forgot about it because i got distracted i had a show and then i got that's what happens i start working for money and i forget the fun stuff and i kind of just shove it in the basement this is okay i mean it's better than okay it's it's good but this is what i really loved and then this is pretty this is the thing yeah that's okay too it's all just one woman's her mother-in-law had passed and that's why she was selling it i thought this was great love and like i said i'm just going to keep a little portion of each thing and the rest are going to go into packets this i love that's amazing for a background for our collage so i guess you're supposed to cut out the people and put them in the scenes might be fun actually i don't know i want i don't really like the background i don't say it could be fun to do modern people that one's kind of cool can you see some like louis vuitton people or something there this is just transfers these will be going in the packets because i'm not going to end up using them i might keep a couple but i have a box of ones that i actually really love from when i used to sell antiques um from estate sales on ebay that used to be my job way way way way way way way back before i had well it was just like way back that's when i was married i'll keep that probably but the rest will go in that doesn't matter this is vintage oh look how cute the bird is on him oh i love that that's so sweet and this has some nice images i think what she had listed was one page in here which is what actually made me buy the lot where is it there's a boy with a hula hoop maybe i used that one yeah i might have used them so i guess i did use one thing from the lot but i mean it's some good stuff here so this is my favorite i love the letters in this i you know this is good stuff so i need to tear all of this up i'm gonna put it over there that's what i'm doing today this i got at the thrift store yesterday so this stack is from the thrift store yesterday i only got like i limited myself i can't believe i only got six things i love this these scenes to collage wait let me find some that yeah like this these like i just can't wait to collage these these are going to be fun i'm not going to keep all of them like literally i think i saw that one that drew me in this one this one but a lot of the rest is not going to that's probably because i i've been to buckingham palace when i was backpacking across europe i was lucky and they were passing by i was like right in the middle of it it's kind of cool so i'll take a few images the rest will go into glue books or whatever paper packs not sure yet here's two more and i found these yesterday and i believe yeah that is that same as that big book i just showed this fabulous entry but i like it like this this is better less i mean i just have so much i'm trying to like it's hard when i find so much great stuff especially at the recycling center these are great these are just i love this love that oh this you know what this has to go into i'm working on a junk journal right now where is she this is so i've been going two ways with this book either she is going to be an independent woman of the 60s and like embrace her freedom and not want to be the housewife or she is going to be a housewife if she is i found these great this is what i've been thinking for the fm era for it some thoughts some of the pages i love this book i got this one at the free library i can't believe i got this one but anyway what i just thought of is this could be a good page for this if she becomes a suburban housewife or a suburban woman but i guess it's just for housewives right like single girls lived in apartments in the 60s because i'm gonna try and make it everything geared towards the year which was like 1966 i wanna say i looked it up at one point because i'm trying to keep it true to its age makes it more fun yeah it's here somewhere it's here somewhere after i finish the book i'll show you anyway that's that this would be great for that and it doesn't really matter because this is the same i love this i actually think uh i really i have a couple images of this now and i really kind of want to just frame one or do a gel print like a neon gel print with it but once you do a gel print you lose your your image so i don't know i've got to figure out what i'm going to do with that here's another one 1920 to 30. i'm doing a amelia earhart journal too so i'm doing a frida amelia earhart um annelister joan of arc strong women basically that's my that's my jam i'm also doing a circus one a story between a circus clown and his gypsy woman is the theme so they're two it's the gypsy woman's and the circus clowns and they're tied together quite excited about that these will be fun to collage they're just nice black and white plain images that are screaming for color and fun i cannot wait this is what made me buy that castle and because i donated a bunch of bags i also had a coupon for 20 off bonus this is great i really didn't look too hard because i was kind of you know i'm still clearing out and i didn't want to i think this needs to go into the clown book oh wait you see the clown book it's so cool i've been i pulled all the stuff out for it last year when i first started doing junk journals and i got busy and forgot about it and i ran into it this is gonna be the year of finishing things that could be kind of fun for a uh halloween pack which i am doing a halloween pack i'm not that into halloween but i have some great halloween stuff and some vintage stamps and cats and postcards and stuff that i know that that people who like that hat like it and they're going to appreciate it so i thought this was cool let's look at that it's amazing this is amazing truly this book is pretty cool look at that it's just cool the angles i love good angles i thought this was great i opened it up and i was like wow they're all panoramas i just thought this was amazing i mean just for collage is so great and of course i'm doing a map pack i have all these great vintage uh travel alpha mara i think it was the first fmr i ever got it was cool like travel brochures and different things and so i'm doing maps and and that and so there's current and then there's vintage and then there's a mixture and so i keep collecting different plus i like them for my own collage to have different um maps because like this is different looking than most maps i love the grayscale and just with the blue it's just blue and gray the whole thing blue gray blue gray it's nothing else which i thought was kind of cool actually something different all right study of color this was i believe from the the the look at the age on this the um recycling center i thought this was cool it's supposed to be i think where you practice five colors and three mutual compliments i think you're supposed to practice in this book and the paper is really thick five colors and four mutual this might be fun to actually do and yeah you're supposed to cut it out i don't know what i'm doing with this yet but i couldn't leave that behind it's just too good i'm not sure what to do with it but i thought it was cool there's a whole book of it that's your palette mixing chart so i might actually do this book who knows the only color in the whole book love that [Applause] i feel like i need to do this book not sure but i thought that was cool it would also be fun to bind this with like different colored embroidery thread or wax thread whatever be fine something good is going to happen with that random loom they were selling these in the 40 cents a pound and i thought my kids could use it all right we're almost done almost can you believe it geez i got so much stuff i kind of like at least it's it got rid of eight and brought in three here's another one of those i just use it for the for the great faces nice it's just my style i love it and i can't wait to alter them and just play with them and whatnot actually i should probably leave that on so i remember what's what until i'm ready to tear it up which i'm gonna do today also these packs are getting really full so this is a hurricane book and it is quite amazing and it's sad yes but it's also you know kind of cool this is another meeting book it probably came from that same company because i found this the other day and yeah it's devastation [Music] merchandise really moved fast those are great words the tide rolls in i mean these are great typewritten so it's a town here in rhode island i guess it must have floated westminster street that's providence when was this 1954. so that was cool this one's also from the recycling center i don't remember liking this one i think i liked this actually this is what i think i liked it's cool oh ah this is what i liked so these are great i sometimes like to here let's find a good one yeah like take this and then put like a modern woman in there like with a crazy face it's just juxtaposition it's fun so i'll take a few from that i'll probably put them in packs too and uh then there's this which i haven't even looked at yet i just was like oh that's cool anything paper like this is good it's just old papers i will keep these and i will collage with them from the 50s everything was so formal back then anyway fun for right now i'm gonna put it back so i remember this might be fun to actually use as a pocket if i can get it off look at those colors together this is why we do it right there that is why we do it okay this one i found in my basement um one of my favorite places on earth is the redwood forest in california and i took my kids there somewhere before last and i actually think that i need to use some of the images from this for my own little junk journal and if nothing else if i don't find anything that in here i'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of it but this i i think will make fun tags or you know i'm gonna do something with it i swear we're almost done this i almost just redonated and i found it in the basement and i had it in the donate pile but then i decided to tear it up because i love the cover and at first i thought it was too beat up but it's really not it's actually in quite good shape so i haven't decided if i'm going to remove the spine it's just got that i kind of want it thicker i think this would be a fun blue book but i'm not sure and the innards there's some stuff i'll cut some out not much though it's not my it's not old enough it's kind of like the awkward 70s that's nice there's not very much from here i will cut out but there is some where was it that i liked of course it was pie because who doesn't like an old pie this would go well for rhode island's piece actually i should cut that out i'm always having a shortage of lobsters i'm not going to worry about this right now because i have a feeling yeah okay and this i found where was this i found this in the basement and it is from the free library and what was i thinking so it's a book of french themed menus and that's all it is the friends that came and the menus that you served this is not me uh it's like in the middle of covid so dinner parties are not a thing and i really want to probably take the time to do that anyway but i've been reading a book called my life in scratch and it's about this woman and er this cooking well okay i don't know what i'm trying to say i just started the book apparently she has a blog and she did like meals around the world i thought this would be fun for me and my kids to keep track of the countries that we do so like japan night and this is what we served and then it's going and then we can put like pictures over here so it's going to become our own personal book and i almost donated this yesterday and this is why i guess people don't own anything so i'm actually very much enjoying it i give things one last chance before they leave the door and i'm kind of glad i ended up keeping this because i think this will be super fun i think i brought up thinking i'd put it in the journals or pages because it is they're nice but now we're actually going to use this i think that'll be really good keepsake for us to have you know different kids can write down what we had and if we ever do dinner parties again it can go in here so i'm actually going to use it surprise surprise use a book for what it's intended for okay so this was 5.99 which is insane like all the other books were like a dollar ninety nine i found this yesterday and i sorry all this is out of sorts because i just kind of put it all on a table like to organize this is crazy because they it's all torah somebody got to it before me and i have a feeling i know who did it um just knowing the store it's kind of funny i think it's somebody i used to i kind of got into collage which is kind of funny and it seems her theme but who knows maybe not anyway it's uh it's already got some things cut out for me so yay me nurse actually that's not her style so anyway i already have some pre-cut stuff and oh so the price i was like you can't sell this somebody cut it all up knowing very well that i'm going to cut it all up so i told her i think 99 cents is fair and she agreed so i got it for 99 cents and i usually don't talk down prices but i wasn't paying 5.99 for this book for sure and will you look seriously again it's like i'd love that image for some reason this is actually pretty nice work i wonder who did this a local collage artist that i need to meet apparently so yeah actually i don't know who did this because the person i was just teaching her i don't think she's right there she's not there yet but uh maybe she is i don't know i thought it was cool that's gonna be a fun one i see a woman there them all bowing down to her so this i'm actually going to put i have a special spot for places that i cut i think i should just cut it up right away okay so that made me happy now i feel a little guilty for cutting the price when i know it's going to be super used but whatever i wasn't paying 5.99 2.99 sure happy they took a dollar okay this one is just a standard the story of painting but it's just a really nice one i'm not sure what i'm doing with it yet there is i know the page i turned to that made me decide it's just it's got it's got it all you know it'll get cut up who am i joking who am i kidding so this is what i liked like the close-ups it could be really fun to actually glue that on things the heck is that so yeah this will be fun it's just big and here's one other thing this is from the recycling center this is just notions and i basically just take these right off and i use them for things because it's got great you know you cut this and it's it's ready-made and trust me if you order anything from me you're gonna get some of this because i have a couple of them i think this is just what i do and i'm gonna do it right now with you sorry but that way i can get rid of this thing cleaning house so it's like just a variety of goodness and then even the trims i don't always use them but sometimes i do i just yank it all off so i don't have to think about it what i should do is something with one of these boards i usually throw them away right now i'm thinking i should give it to my daughter to do something funny it's kind of cool right look at that one oh look at this where did that come from oh here let me grab it i didn't think it worked i forgot about this i had grabbed this for 99 cents but i didn't think it worked it does because that's where it came from sweet and it says 2024 so it must go to 2024. anyway i have some of these to list you i have so much stuff i just you know from years of doing different things it kind of accumulated in my basement and now it's time to share it that'd be fun for a halloween one same with this and this so this is kind of what i'm going to end up doing it's like putting these packets together of all the greatness that i find and share it with other people and you know i keep some and i get rid of some there's no way i could use all of this look at this one i see a mermaid a lot of times these things will just inspire me to like go with a theme like do you see it [Applause] okay gypsy i see a gypsy so these are great for like on tags and stuff embellishments okay done oh god i'm not it just goes on and on and on and i have found these books like three or four times and there was three others there i only brought home one i only bring home the ones that i know that i can use the other ones were a little bit more traditional and i like fun and funky beads and like what you saw here the ones that were left were like more like this stuff and just not interested and yeah i get this literally 40 cents a pound which is crazy but then they probably think i'm crazy for buying it so there you go this could be fun to like alter now that i'm thinking about it like that it could be kind of fun huh it's huge that's usually i just toss it but let's see all right that's it nope okay i don't know what's in here and i'm kind of scared to show you oh so this is packaging and this is what i put little surprises in and it goes into packets it's like little depending on the things or if i'm selling buttons and stuff i have a bunch of vintage buttons and trims that they can go in those just labels these are actually for me to use this is for our resin project look at that so i i mostly most of the art i do and sell is resin and these will be fun to put in some of the pieces that i'm doing right now so that's what that's all about oh god this is funny so i went like on friday and today is wednesday so just i kind of forgot what i got so this one i bought and then they gave me phone for free because they just love me let's admit it 24 inches so that's or 24 feet this is big but they're streamers and i don't i just you know i could always trim it down how fun to put on a door like right now i feel like anytime i could add joy to our lives i'm doing it man just you know i think that's the one thing kovit has taught me is that we only live once i actually found the year to be a blessing for that reason yes it's horrible things that have happened and lots of people have lost a lot but if you look at it for what you could have gained i feel like i've gained a lot this year perspective mostly so uh i'm trying that's why i want to use it up like you know enjoy our lives so i'm hoping that there's now i can open it i can open it there these were two for a dollar by the way if you see anything here that you like they don't always have the same stuff i can get it for you i'm hoping there's more colors than one and there's not but i like it so i see this with so that's happening i'm gonna take one and i'm going to put it in here so i don't forget i can't wait to do this book i think i have my kids yesterday and today uh i think they go back to their dad's tomorrow for a couple days and then i have them for the weekend so i think in the next couple days i will be doing a lot of work and while they're in school too because i'm kind of like stuck at home i have my own art to do but i'm kind of i have a month before i have well starting at the 26th is when i kind of start going back to work phase but i have until the 26th free to do my own thing i the other day broke my scraper and the brush and then my broom because i used the scrape the brush it broke and then i used the scraper it broke and then that's what happens when you leave it on your porch for a year who knew uh and then i got the broom and the broom broke so i'm like ah so i saw their scrapers i think they were really i think they're in the 40 cents a pound if not they must have been three four bucks because why else did i get three so i probably got three four dollars or whatever and i figured one in the glove box one in the house one on the porch because that's where i find it okay i really don't know what's in here this could get really junky guys oh i thought this was cute my kid loves monopoly so this is actually for us to use it's a little monopoly frame excuse my wrinkly dry skin and i thought that was cute too so anyway and if it's not priced it's usually 40 cents a pound but i have a feeling i paid a buck for that and it's a i thought it'd be cute to put a magnet on the back and put it up okay i don't they always have cigar boxes and i don't usually buy them but i've been wanting to do like an assemblage so this will be an assemblage and i'm not sure what i'm gonna do for it i really want a cuba one and though they did have one i don't know if i liked it oh wait maybe i got it here let me see yeah this one too this one i actually thought i would use for paper because i just like the you know inspiratory so they always have a bunch of they have like probably 100 and they probably have a bunch more in the back i should just ask them if they have a cuba one but anyway those are two bucks each they have a ton of martha stewart stuff and i thought these were great for journals and they must have been again three four dollar because why else did i get three this is awesome so my daughter's gonna be super happy i just ordered a sticker machine for some of my art i do a lot of alcohol ink and that a lot of that's gonna go on stickers that are gonna go on magnets and then they're going to get resin so these are round labels this could work for organizing as well as stickers and she's going to be so happy and then full sheets so full sheet of labels i'm hoping i couldn't tell if it's the whole i think it's the whole oh no it's 10 labels no so i'm still confused so let's just open it i'm confused if it's 10 labels per sheet and 10 sheets or if it's 10 labels which is 10 sheets so one full sheet so i got three of them because either way um so i i have a lot going on guys i'm doing gel prints also and selling those because people have been asking me for that and so i decided to go ahead and sell some of my you know i just i do it almost like i love it and i want to do some on stickers too i think this is it's full sheets oh my gosh i'm so happy that's what i thought i'm pretty sure this is a full sheet yeah it is so that's cool i'm very happy about that and i might go back for more i think i got three because i was unsure because this stuff is actually not per pound this stuff is always there but different sizes different papers they have different paper they have everything there it's a dream it's like my little heaven and these i love doing for classes because then i don't have to have everybody um i do gel printing classes and then they can make their own journal out of these they're already in half so we just i just cut them and then we make little mini journals and i don't have to have them cut it so a lot of times the classes are pick up and then i do a zoom and this will be a good way for them to do the packets oh i got more of these i guess i had faith in myself that that was right okay now i think that's it oh wait one more thing i got this for myself because cuba is one of those places where i found art it's where i found myself it changed my life and i figured i should cook some things from there these were in the 40 cents a pound i don't think they're good but that color is amazing so i thought i'd try and see if they are and that is all and now it's time to put all this stuff away so my kid could have the ping pong table back yay
Channel: My Creative Life
Views: 7,917
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Length: 64min 27sec (3867 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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