Three's Company Reunion with Suzanne Somers and Joyce DeWitt

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since this sub just got 496 SUBSCRIBERS, I came up with the idea of posting about Joyce DeWitt since DeWitt is also the name of a suburb if Michigan's capitol city Lansing, and that also 496 is the major highway that zips through the state capitol, and that it even has it's own "capitol loop" business route that branches from the freeway.

But then, we also have a highway numbered 127 that goes all the way to Grayling, then has I-75 take over to go to Sault Ste. Marie, and that I've made some posts about how Suzanne Somers' middle name is Marie as a reason to also talk about that city, not to mention that the "Sault" in the city name has an identical first syllable as another reason.

You also gotta love how Somers' birthday is a good mnemonic for converting miles to kilometers since Sault Ste. Marie is both a US and Canadian city. While the US side uses miles, the Canadian side uses kilometers, and that there's 16 kilometers in 10 miles (October 16th being Somers' birthday). In fact, somebody I know even decided to drive to Sault Ste. Marie on Somers' birthday a while ago.

While Suzanne Somers gets all the spotlight, I think maybe Joyce DeWitt deserves some honor too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SupremoZanne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] okay it's time it's wow it's been over 30 years since Joyce and I have seen each other so I have to admit I'm a little nervous but let's do it Joyce come on holy cow ski oh my god Wow I know I know I know good you too thank you you look gorgeous thank you thank you for creating this opportunity it's very emotional is it's uh I was thinking getting ready to come over and was i nervous was I a little scared right as I excited was I self-conscious was I worried look at it and in the end it was just no I'm just glad to be going and yeah we're gonna do the resolution everybody was asking backstage Wow how do you feel I said you know you can't plan feelings I don't know but I have to tell you right now I am I'm very overwhelmed with emotion so then I need to say thank you for creating this opportunity your hands are cold like mine yeah all right you crack me up because as you go through what you were you know did you I feel this I feel that I feel this you know there's been ick in the air and I with all the therapy that I've had in my life one of the things that I think is important for me to see the part that you play in the Oh in your own drama of your life like what part did I play in this and I see it and then I'll ask you how you feel - when I came to Three's Company I had come from being you know a single mother I needed money I really needed money I was so happy to get this job so it's finally gonna make some money I walked in and all I could think of was oh my god if this just goes thirteen weeks I I was counting up the money I could make any but you came from UCL you were in the theater department probably on scholarship knowing you you were plucked out by a talent scout John had studied acting you've been on the Waltons so everybody's theater and I'm there going I'm so happy to make some money I remember when you'd come in with your script and I would look at it because you'd have all this stuff written on the opposite side of the page and I would go what's that he says my subtext I thought what's a subtext I always saw this as a business venture show business in a group of serious actors I probably pissed you all off if I did I'm really sorry I just really needed money at the time but my question to you is why did you say yes today why'd you come it's time I think that you gave me the opportunity to make sure I walk my talk for the last 30 odd years whenever something about Three's Company comes up I have relentlessly said that it is my opinion that the only reason Three's Company is worth remembering is that it created an opportunity for all of us to laugh together just celebrate joy it's a profound gift if others have brought up to me scuttlebutt or whatever might happen and I would go listen the only reason Three's Company is worth remembering is it gave us a chance to celebrate joy together to open our hearts together to share in such a healing beautiful thing as laughter your people call my producers would she come and would she celebrate Three's Company with me would she talk about the joy of that piece and the elegance of those people that we loved and cherished and worked with would she be willing to do that and it was like well choice an if that's your truth which it is then even if we hadn't seen each other in a very long time you were creating that opportunity for me to walk my talk none of us expected the kind of explosion that happened with this I was always afraid that I wasn't worth it I was I didn't measure up because Who I am today bears very little resemblance to who was then because we grow we get wiser we mature but it was how do you go from you know I just want to make some money to the three of us on the cover of Newsweek I really never wanted any attention which is why becoming famous I just tried to hide as money you had a hard time with being famous I did I ran I have often said to friends you know when the press would come into the room John would be hysterical you would graciously hold court and I would hide I remember that's so right it took me a very long time and it's really only um I think in this calendar year huh literally really I am finally finding my way with it isn't that bizarre I couldn't figure it out like why don't you want to be famous it's so incredible to be famous you know how many people get to be famous you know so here were they you know passing in the corridor and those things and I guess it it leads up to in the end why we went this way yes we had very different approaches to earn arrears we had very different needs I did not have a child that I was supporting on my own I didn't have a business head so I didn't understand someone who did right and you were looking at your career from that perspective but I respect your training so much and I do want you to know how much I learned from watching you and I do want you to know how odd I was by all your subtext which I'd never heard the word and you're the first person who told me we're doing farce and I first I thought we're talking about farts or something but it was actually I didn't know any I really didn't know anything for the first year and a half every time the producers would walk in I was always ready to get my coat and purse because I know I shouldn't be here and that was kind of where my head was I'm fabulous and I never thought that they would let you go I never did why wasn't I surprised I know that was a taking on those boys you know what happened that did you know I mean I really don't know I I think that we're not gonna spend times over nism because it's like this concept that whatever right there's also things thank you the control factor really yeah uh-huh so flying in the face of that matter the little issue was thanks q yeah give very much they did not respect the women feminine contribution right absolutely absolutely because you're on up against ruthlessness and I did thank you and I deserve to be paid equal with what the men were being paid is my feeling about that so it was their loss what you've gone on to do is immeasurable I mean I haven't even know how you've done what you've done in your lifetime I've done like this much so as you say life delivers gifts right in the oddest of ways if you have to stand back and ask yourself what am I supposed to learn from this how can I grow spiritually emotionally it took a lot of courage for you to come today and I my mouth got a little dry and my stomach flip flopped around and I know at the same time for you and me but also for those people out there who were aware I think they I think it's a teaching moment in reconciliation in resolution in to people who are very different who had an incredible incredible experience very few people are gifted with with that moment in time hey this was unexpected unexpected let's go through the list because you always like to make exact everybody cool pretty wonderful right thank you again for creating the opportunity that might do it yeah look you know that's really good to see you again it's you too thank you thank you well coming off of my door again okay [Music] you
Channel: CafeMom Studios
Views: 2,554,933
Rating: 4.818995 out of 5
Keywords: suzanne somers, joyce dewitt, three's company reunion, three's company, breaking through, janet wood, chrissy snow, cafemom, cafemom videos, cafemom studios, new
Id: ks2NtZrSW8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2012
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