Three(3) Things Every Employee Should Know To Succeed.

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so there are three things every employee should know to be successful at work one is the definition of success for your role and responsibility two is the value system of your organization and three is the people and culture within your organization now if this sounds scary just give me the next seven minutes for me to explain and if you stay to the end I'm going to give you a simple ha that you can use regardless of the size or scale of your team to understand these three things in no distant time so one what success looks like in your role now in most companies your manager massively determines how far fast and well you grow they handle your performance review and massively influence your opportunity for promotion within your organization so you need to continually ask clarify and understand your manager's picture of a successful version of you in your role within your team within your organization and so you want to continually ask the following questions what are the key responsibilities for my role what are the goals I should focus on in the next couple of months what will my performance be measured by what are the technical skills I need to develop for me to achieve those goals in the next couple of months and what are the things you work me or you think I should stop doing and most importantly or very important what support will you provide for me now you want to continually ask these questions usually using your one-on ones because as business needs are changing the expectation of your manager and your organization which is usually communicated through your manager changes with ever changing business so number two is your value to the organization or your value to the revenue drivers or the growth drivers of your organization now if you're wondering why this is important I go to link I think yeah so I'm going to link a video here where I gave three major reasons why you should understand your business and how it affects your opportunities for leadership now the main thing you want to understand here fundamentally is the value you offering into the organization so you want to have some form of one-on-one mapping between your role your day-to-day activities even it's not necessarily your day-to-day activities even if it's your quarterly activities so if it's the larger picture or the smaller picture depending on how your organization works right but regardless rather either in your smaller picture or in the larger context you want to know how much value your work has to the organization are you a cost factor or are you a revenue factor is the organization willing or the stakeholders in your organization willing or right now investing money in the work you're doing is the work you're doing impacting revenue or is it impacting growth and the growth projections of the work you're doing are there in alignment so in the quarterly Business review or in the monthly business review can you find alignments between the work you're doing and the growth projections of the organization now you may say you're probably in infrastructure for instance I'm not infrastructure engineer at work right now and it's probably difficult to have that one-on-one mapping between what I'm doing and revenue projections however there is a way to detect this because the product te within my organization are in closer relationship with the one-onone revenue impact of the stuff you're doing and so the product team in reality are my customers and so I know what the product team are trying to do the product teams are working with product managers to build stuff for customers and so they have that tight relationship with customer however they need my team they need infrastructure team to do certain things for them to be successful and if they are successful they would be successful in delivering value to customers and so that's how I map my own Revenue impact on the business so I see if the work I'm doing every day is accelerating the specific growth of the product team so am I working on stuff that the product team doesn't need right now to offer values to customers can I switch from what I'm working on right now to something that would give the product team the platform they require to be able to offer value to customers are the product teams complaining or are they having issues with delivering XYZ metrics performance to customers as an infrastructure engineer is there something I can do about it to improve the performance of that part of our system to ensure that the product team can deliver value to customer all right so the third thing is the people and culture in your organization and this is very important because people often miss this so people say they don't want to be bothered with office politics they don't want to be bothered with any stuff that has to do with the social dynamics at work and stuff they just want to go to work do their work deliver their technical responsibilities and expect growth promotion and stuff and I think it's fine right it's okay I get that I've had that perspective and I understand why people have that perspective however at work we are interacting with human beings so we are dealing with people and those people have to validate our work right so they have to validate what we are doing they have to be the one to set us up for a promotion they have to be the ones to review our work and to say if we me the expectations of the organization which on the other flip side the organization itself are the people the stakeholders that determine what their expectations are so in a nutshell in our day-to-day jobs we interacting with people we are judged by people our success within the organization is largely also determined by people so we need to understand how to interact with people and we need to understand how the culture of our organization works so for instance you need to also know how does communication work within your organization if you're in a top to bottom organization you need to know this you need to know how to do some form of virtue signaling to the stakeholders in your organization to lubricate them to get them to move in the direction that you want if you're in the bottom to top organization it means that your leadership teams or your stakeholders are expecting you to generate ideas they're not just expecting you to just do the work that you have been given to do which means in that kind of an organization you have to take a more active ownership role within the organization and if you're in a mix of the boat you need to understand where it's top to bottom where is bottom to top and stuff like that right you also need to understand the people within your organization who have undue influence to make things happen who are the movers and shakers within your organization who is the person that can speak on your behalf in rooms that you don't have access to this should ideally be manager but you also need to understand that your self advocacy within your organization is your responsibility so you need to find someone who can be a mentor someone within the organization that can actually speak on your behalf you need to figure out how to be able to Bubble your work above your manager or Buble your work up to stakeholders within your organization so if You' stayed this long thank you and it means this video this channel itself is useful to you so please take our time to like this video to subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you get notifications from YouTube when I post new videos and please also share with friends who are still in the early stage of their career or people in the mid- level stage of their career who you know that this video will massively impact so to the points that I said I was going to share at the end of this video all right you're trying to figure out how to know these things or even more things that you need to know to be successful in your organization here myk for you find the person or the set of people within your organization they get recognized they get promoted and that everybody wants to be affiliated with that's the hack so just find set of people within your organization if it's your department outside your department it will outside your own technical responsibilities so for instance if you're an engineer if you're a nurse and the person is a doctor whatever the case may be just spend time and look at those people and observe the stuff they doing observe the activities within the organization observe when you're speaking in meils how you're speaking in meils how they're communicating observe how they're writing their letters how they're doing stuff how much break how much time of they're taking observe the kind of projects they're working on the kind of stuff you're delivering observe the people that they are close to within the organization just observe all the things you're doing within the organization and depending on the kind of company you're working in you can actually reach out to them to Mentor you you can reach out to them to guide you or to be your Advocate or to just be your Mentor within the organization that just depends or you can point out those people and say hey manager these are the guys based on my own research and Analysis within our organization that get promoted these are the guys I feel match the expectation of the business now I want you to help me figure out a structure a plan for me to become like this guys an auality route that you can take entirely is just reach out to your manager and say hey I want to know what you feel is success story within this organization can you just share me people's success stories here can you just talk to me about about people who you feel I should become like people who if you were their manager or people who by default you would want to put them up for a promotion you would want to put them up for the best project because they exemplify their characters and attributes of this company this is the easiest hack for you to know what the organization expects from you and for you to know if you can do the work to become what they expect from you to be successful within your organization I see you next time
Channel: Ayomide Aregbede
Views: 58
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XT8fV8fvGFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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