Three Takeaways From Trials - James 1:1-5,12

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for the glory and his parade [Music] in your sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I opened my mouth to the Lord I will go I shall go to see what is going to be to see what he is going to me [Music] [Music] you you we thank you last and with both a selective allowed which of your times business you are to come to this earth playing on the school called the Calgary so that we all may have a right to the Tree of Life we take em the father that you will be with your armored man service with loins you're the sort of family were these men you we're bringing forth the word of life when the body's rebel we will open up our hearts and I'm ready to repay the engrafted word which is able to save our very soul and the mighty name of these the sweeter place in it [Music] [Music] prepare for communion will notice aids 7:39 I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they first of all use the word can paste if you notice in verse number suit there some versions that do use the word fog but if we look at the King James Version Bible keep there my brother and counted all your when you fall in speed barber pen paper these are something that we need to pay about paper when we look at the word and papers in fact James is right they are you - big words and with where character typically first of all they're the meaning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is birth to the fact in the midst of our scrap we need to realize that we are being kept by the power of God in the midst of the things that we're going through right now simple difficult what happens right now for water and all the pictures and everything that's gone off our back room they are cooked our bacon ready to be revealed in the land and liquid until billion we're in these words live require resort they now for see them if need be deeper in Rivlin to manifold composes if I brought some cabinets because the manifold comes April and I believe again the word years to try I need to be drawn before me if you look what the takes place and we prepare them very comfortable keeping track of your face keep there being more than that it will be private bath will be found under the frame and farm and glory at the appearing of being the track a tree falls in the style of life we repair football is more fun their bets are off so I remember another victory in those types of 23 and birth the materials they fit when these prizes go get up for example did several years ago have the opportunity to go through Johnny Africa in a defective I believe here brother he world is there were there and one day we was driving along the road and ever notice there were really fast hold that word into the sea there they're mining the gold you might recall that Madonna would once knows Agra's old and they were doing it and I wrote an effort right before they do it and they start looking for talk if it immediately visible and apparently the meat they know that was called the imperative to be bought or be burned away in fact we share the appearances of self-reliance it's Paris bring up away from self-reliance fàbregas the power of materialism militant it is the way for materialism we have it here is it I wear the mask you like is it that alert the family going through right now because it big waste some of the things that we make the bow to our residents and possible increase in the past what we're facing a greater impetus and I be both bent and I believe and I respect them to the graph that we do sometimes Tempe recently if not literally bring up to an ease of all the FDR forget well in the way the empiricist are figured out in the field of about their fiftieth origins or when we go through I feel a bit be able to take a point about price rápido completo we're again we look insane stuff it was and looking at bursts of a force the marble table left hastened have a perfect work that ye may be perfect and inspire Walton the word papers and bridges in the 50s paired with an idea of a perimeter in do information in vivid and absolutely in fewer the crowd of the intelligence a moment ago paint Utley is purple and pink Polly Maxwell will not overcome it but indeed my spell adorns the completely and I approach one of the things that I can look forward to never seeing it for the prom when you have the style of the craft one of the beautiful things that the quickly can do it move fast and remember as are happening over before and if they gotta be over before and I come to another talk I believe that we get over again because no I mean already to praise to me they don't we can see some of their relatives even that's about people that's a bad look at birth number their food in the day of the plan and he was my favorite earth and the gold plan and he feared the trial that is right he did not defeat it but look what happens any blacks who in the days of the plant we need all that are strange and complicated with false christs and steamed computer stated that either in our lives as we go through our hope that we have to all growth implicate 12 hours and feed it but we not do it in their base like a liberal detectives I'm giving it to the wards what's your aim of the faint keep it to forgive him that he's able to pay them from this and well first in that we see then we think about this idea of style I'm not mr. to Peter but how's the mission completed liquor what appeared again in this domain from all of the boat he wears done which he learned obedience other planes which he suffered he learned obedience palace grounds and he wishes for the letters was the benefits of cleanup miss or bakoma tended to make apology here is what they deferred from an errand and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation I call them they're always fear hold when I figure back sleeper becoming perk of being conceited and reliable the things that he whistles we can see evidence of them and we can see the benefit of World War II spouse and I will even benefit you an ass and things because we live back to Hebrew and looking down to verse number fourteen the model fifth thing is that we have a great map screen that in fact is with another these are the thoughts of God people we have the beautiful to be beautiful to use news but we have never married we cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities when he was at all [Music] and we retreated to stop him now seated at the right hand of the throne of God he knows for emotional role resolve the challenges he told the front APIs that we go through photo puzzle pertaining here I think about there looking at the back there here's that wonderful hot three again in verse down them number 16 of see Vanessa for keep their better therefore come back to come bonus another one coming support then understand people come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace for help what they are spies we're betrayed again back into one listen here the man for when mm of paradise with the Lord it was me if you want to really have a positive can-do place same foot in the mid-back don't burn across your face please don't give up continue in the myth of the spire keep it there in the mail that ensures simple people against obesity they were when we're traveling when workers will to discuss with life with the Lord has haven't prepared their love if they is going to be pretty much higher when anything about they never got to bring it to a close the revelation after death and birth number nine we beads are writing in heaven tell me what it says in verse number nine of Revelation template that you get after there are detailed in though a great multitude which no man could number of all nations in business and people exposed to us before the fall with and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and then we go down to the number fifteen are very simple 14 therefore what the French filler there are even backup two-thirds of the 13th survivor bitter one of the elders here to spend under these soybeans which were raised in white roof it pains me enough it unto him sir God no defender to me be a big with came out of Great Tribulation they pay about his waist and their wake the road and it's come made them white in the blood of the Lamb if anything before I before the throne of God and they closed him face and make it a temple and feed that is fitted on the growth don't wear among them all look over got to look forward to it we shall continue to stay in the spot the Lamb of God which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and the leader must of living cause of the water and here without them a picnic don't ever keep it in there to wipe away all the we're going to explain things would convert the betwe of theirs against their we're going to receive a crown of life hopefully be steps and and and birthday number 25 falls there that we're going to receive is reversible trucks out there again in second Timothy chapter 4 in verse delays that will receive a crown 4x32 Dan Peter pairs in first Peter stop the bargain number four rivets be step Excel appears oh they're making effort in extra time at MIT for alone we have a God who with pity in desiring the effort that we have the failure to pay Madrid and experience as well and here are the stairs people can perform with us and their desire to be honest about what they feel the very time of these are the were able to comment in first after 30 and both from the past if they're weeping may endure in the more I'm done on everything and we spent on the powerplay and your dad Twitter back and whoops here we go we will understand offense a gathering home and we would fail forests before was both we were other fairs instead they would God stay with God and a bid for the past that would be invite members no matter what the power may be again it might be styles that have rotated with a pair of pandemic kid 90 by next it might be related this it might be any number of things but whatever the Saudis think as him and think one of these days [Music] if he's all or found even now tell you it way over there they're really one here that you not a member of this world can be overcoming overwhelmed when you feel like you have the campus you're not here to help it alone I'm gonna take it that there's a dog there's a faith is he's willing to go through the fire it's been handed it back and for the beautiful things that that you should become a pound of God came the Word of God that these are the things depending on your fiercest ethics they need the crunch is the ton of dust a very public way but that's it we're away from the building for the most part but if you let somebody know that you want to be that time for the fight will tie the wait Nick we may have to best time for the masses the world will watch madmen event and blow birthday men now for the great the game you make you run away stop off at the building [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever mustard-based be the congregation is viewed as double in your home just do the few that I here to bring that in the building our prayers continue to go with you and then I lift up one another in France drafted time it will be remind plus for those one member that maybe they have lost loved one is it not we want to be mindful everyone that we get a little expensive to make a few moments then give us pause gonna tell about it at Christmas and it gives us the words it hurts please let us continue to lift up the country's lips upon leaders in British hands will continue to be on this country will be honest Austin mind for those leaders give them the whip and they'll get their brain and we're looking forward to a day when we can come back and simple once beginning worth of God together and spirit and we will looking for that thing that I said can't pay that that they are coming let us continue to remain strong the thing is do what God has called us to do in the meantime but the remind everyone is where else we look at the first Super website they will be that'll work and there are listings of activities and offerings that for their beloved week the people connected in spirit to do that we have the wonderful practice and wonderful activities that have been made available and we wants to be really big advantages over with the dough thank you everything that you're doing completely remain faithful fingers put a long finger 32 spray each thing we better bottom never was so very grateful or the wonderful letters of being all of your filter I was thankful for the time to be pass to work this beautiful by the way miss ball with good time that we can community gathers together August rehab and we come back to the other one happy with the attachment in here for three days in here for the civility to come together work but we just raise a fifth time with confidence our company are we after you would be again with both leaders in our community think it is tasty local leaders bother them that blur leader he was at them with youth ability to make wise decisions even visited campus but made it should be with the leaders of this navigator how did you would help us that makes a business that is a better father to give up the many wrongs that we found bodies of always take the arms of we pray father did everything that we think will always be not only pray that is aggregation the father's we prayed the aggregation of the Lord's birth throughout the nation and you would let them thank you Bob - here's our friend thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so I wanna go No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so [Music] why did I go why did no one nowhere pretend me away from where [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] why did I go buddy no no could take me away from the love of God so [Music] you
Channel: Greenville Avenue Church of Christ
Views: 2,809
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Id: cLgNyNRuuSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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