Three Suspects, One Killer

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I love u Mike, I look forward to ur videos twice a week and am a fan. The world is full of lunatics....and over sensitive ass holes. 😁

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/abrehio 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guy kills 2 people and doesn't have anything to say about it...what a dumbass 🙄 and he was a cop....I hope he spends the rest of his days behind bars.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LuckyBabyDucky 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey you and welcome my name it's mike and in this here video we're going to new york [Music] and also texas because i mean come on of course we are and i think by now you know that if it's you know if it's in texas then oh boy we got a wild one as always it involves a plan a very silly and stupid one classic conjured up from the ether by god no no no spoilers come on let's just say someone took a trip from one location to another slipped up along the way in almost almost like comedic fashion the reasons for doing this trip were good i can't do anything more just tire kicking anymore come on i'm excited uh how about you and i we get into it [Music] so will we uh be a bit mad you know and uh start with the old uh who what why where when [Music] in 2018 in the town of sotus beautiful upstate new york lived josh niles and his girlfriend amber washburn josh was 28 years old a native upstate new yorker amber the same four years his junior josh and amber together had a son joshua jr and josh himself had two children from a previous relationship about a decade before josh niles had previously been in a relationship with a woman named charlene childers she too was an upstate new yorker hey i'm walking here they don't sound like that up there do they i don't know who cares i'm doing anyway in the years amber and joshua dated amber became close with the two children however charlene childers moved to sunray texas in 2013. but josh and charlene's kids wouldn't stay with charlene in texas for long because eventually in 2018 josh and amber would get full custody so josh and amber would be there with their three children see charlene lived with her husband a guy named tim dean police chief down in sunray texas well ex-police chief wabwab because tim dean was charged with felony child abuse in may 2018 and that's when charlene and josh's two kids moved from sunray texas to sodis new york hmm so that's kind of like the short and sweet version of events more or less that takes us up to october 2018. on the 22nd of october 2018 after 2 p.m josh was pulling into his driveway and as he did he seen somebody at the uh like the bench that was outside the house so we got out of the car started yapping away with him having a grand old time now a neighbor a next-door neighbor saw josh get out of his car and start talking to this guy who was seem to be waiting for josh on the bench outside his house they seem to be talking they seem to know each other josh he was leaning up against his truck they were shooting the [ __ ] then just as amber pulled into the driveway in her vehicle the neighbor who had looked away heard gunshots ring out looking at the window she saw josh clutching his chest having been shot then amber reversing out of the driveway the gunman turning josh falling to the ground and yelling out amber's name before the gunman shot her through the windshield as well shot her once in the head as the neighbor ducked into her home she heard more shots ring out on that sunny autumn day she called and the police arrived within minutes josh was found dead lying next to his truck amber her car having rolled down the driveway coming to a rest in the neighbor's driveway across the street she was lying over the center console in her car her four-year-old son joshua jr still in the back seat holding chicken nuggets from mcdonald's he was unharmed the neighbors gathering around immediately began to tell the police they'd seen this guy who who was waiting for josh he was wearing dark he had a green hat on they had seen him shooting and then doing a leger he was running through you know the back gardens of this neighborhood and police backup would soon arrive you didn't see anybody run through here at all the nearby school was shut down and police started going door to door looking for whoever did this with dogs and shoppers it was a full-on manhunt i saw the person shooting the guy underneath the truck person was stabbing the gun at him and i could see his body jerk and then turn shot the girl in the car boom boom boom the next thing i know the car come rolling out and then took off running i think they knew the person now to follow our breaking news out of wayne county this evening a shelter has been issued in the community of sodas the deputies with the wayne county sheriff's office and state police are currently searching for the perpetrator still at this point that is why the soda school has been placed on lockdown we also know the suspect still at large as neighbors are being told to shelter in place crossotis tonight cars like this wayne county sheriff's deputies as well state police are parked across the village as this all-out search just gets underway and they're planning here planning to stay here all night we're going to keep at it until we run out of options the search went on for hours but was ultimately unsuccessful when the dogs led to a car park and the scent came to an end however one thing the police did find was a discarded under armour ski mask found by the dogs seemed pretty clear that this has been used by the killer and some neighborhood surveillance caught the guy now this was from before the shooting and it seemed like they had been surveilling the area but they had a hood up so it was hard to see who it was police then you know began informing families contacted charlene you know to let her know that the father of her children and the guardian had been murdered she was all the way down in texas but by the time the police contacted her she knew what had happened she had seen on facebook on like a news report the address of where shootings had took place in sodas her kids were fine they were in school at the time and charlene immediately started driving to new york so who would want a young couple dead 28 years old 24 years old with three children to take care of amber was a baker josh was starting up a lawn care business and he was thinking of popping the question to amber it seemed that from the number of shell casings josh was shot 10 times and the fact that a neighbor had seen josh talking to the guy that had been a personal attack [Music] speaking to the family well nothing you know they were a nice couple no enemies no nada then the police spoke to charlene childers who had another version of josh you know to tell the police one who was physically abusive to her one who loved drugs and she had police records to back her stories up her multiple stories of how he was you know a bit of a piece of a bit of a piece of [ __ ] to her you know they would have uh you know kids together they would have two kids together but eventually she wouldn't be able to hack it anymore move on down to t-x's though josh's family would say there's two sides to that story and charlene could give as good as she got and they were very relieved when she got out of new york but still an investigation needed doing am i right because of the relationship between josh and charlene the police were interested in her but she was confirmed to be in texas at the time of the murders and had arrived in new york to be with her children and more josh the most i have to say to y'all is justice needs to be served my kids need that closure whoever did it has now made it to where my kids grow up without a dad and that's nothing a kid should ever have to do so what did the police know about charlene well down in texas she was in a relationship with our child abusing piece of [ __ ] former chief of police tim dean charlene and tim met each other while working in the dumas police department tim was a sergeant charlene worked with animal control and it's named aptly you know dumas because tim was a dumbass tim would eventually become the sun ray chief of police now it sounds better than it was he was a chief of police to two other officers so yeah big whoop anyways tim and charlene got married in march 2018 and her instagram showed what a great life they had if you believe what people post on instagram of course see the story of tim getting charged with that child abuse goes a little something like this tim had a child from a previous relationship a child who lived with tim and charlene her name was madison she was three years old and in may 2018 madison wouldn't eat her food so tim started shouting at her in her face and smacked her this was filmed by charlene charlene shared the video with some friends on facebook where it eventually made its way to madison's mother who got the police involved tim was arrested and charged with a felony third degree injury to a child five days later he got a letter asking for his resignation signed by both the mayor and the city manager [Music] so tim dean eventually got a job being a driver for frito-lay and word began to spread that he was looking for vengeance against those who had well fired him so that's what led to josh and amber getting custody of the two kids you know months just well just a few short months before they were both murder madison went back to her mother and madison also revealed over time that you know she had been abused by charlene and tim on numerous occasions now before you think you know charlene filming uh tim uh smacking a three-year-old baby you know before you think that charlene was doing that to expose her husband you know filming what a piece of [ __ ] he was not at all sorry to correct you no she filmed that to show her friends what a horrible little girl this three-year-old was and how she should never have married him because of that baby in august before the murders in october charlene came up to new york it went to court to fight for custody of uh you know the two kids she had with josh the judge uh ruled that no charlene you're not getting them while you're married to tim a child abuser she told the judge she would divorced him if she could get the kids back the judge says you know well for now they're staying the two kids are staying with josh and amber so the investigation quickly switched from upstate new york to texas as charlene and former police chief tim dean were going under the microscope after all tim had lost his job his kid and charlene had lost hers and now it seemed like they might be getting divorced losing the house too and the lovely life was down the toilet tim was well a guy with nothing to lose and maybe a reason to go to new york and do something drastic maybe the reason tim dean disgraced former chief of police might go to new york to kill the father of charlene's kids the kids would go back to charlene and you know their life would be back on track she wouldn't divorce him now it's a teary so the police got a warrant for tim dean's phone records and they showed that two days before the killings interestingly enough he had been about 400 miles away from sunray in emporia kansas and have placed a 9-1-1 call it seemed that tim had been in some form of traffic accident after he tried to do a yui in the middle of the road and ran off it what happened well [Music] okay got your license and paperwork for this thing it's gonna be fine agreement yeah jump in here with me real quick jump in front passenger seat can you try to turn around and turn around right here and it so you just made a big flip around yeah and we don't really do that around here as you see why yeah who's bowler brown he's a buddy of mine yeah that's gonna cause you more problems than anything so he ran the car for you yeah cause i was stuck at work i wasn't gonna make it in time i'm not looking forward to that phone call that'll bite him in the ass pretty big honestly man i was just driving my whole life has kind of gone lately more or less living out of my car but you had money to get a rental yeah i still work just off this weekend you didn't want to take your car my car the starters acting up on it oh so you're driving around kansas from texas huh yeah so where's your wife she's at home but you said you didn't have a home well where you have a pending divorce all that fun stuff yeah that's mine pending divorce huh is that why you're out driving around instead of at home yes sir that bad huh yeah like i said it's all gone he had a grand all conversation with the cop who showed up while waiting to be towed and of course tim dean was full of s-h-i-t-e tim dean hero cop i work for frito-lay now i used to be a cop where are you cop at dumas first and then sun ray why'd you quit coppin well i pissed off the d.a and uh that happened i was tackling some pretty big public corruption cases ended up with a target on my back and uh got arrested by the texas rangers i charged all right if you would stay here i got to take some pictures of the vehicle and stuff especially since it's insurance they're gonna want more pictures than right normal is there anything in there i need to know about nah okay i've got a shotgun in there illegal no drugs or no no no stolen guns or anything right no okay well hang tight here i'll be right back keep an eye on him he's got a firearm on he's got concealed carry getting a divorce from texas just out driving around from texas yeah how's he doing here well i thought i'm gonna start putting on the vehicle a little bit so the encounter was weird to the police it weirded out the responding deputy but he forgot about it until a few days later when he was contacted by the fbi and they were asking what he was up to in emporia that was when the investigation into what tim dean was doing in kansas two days before people were murdered began the deputy then suddenly being a little bit more interested in this character went to speak with a mechanic who towed tim's car from where it went off the road the car had some interesting stuff in it the taupe when i opened it up it was magazines with ammo and a big magazines or little magazines big ones uh a ar style like miniature uh rifle that's when i saw the shotgun under the toe grab the shotgun and i saw a sport vest i wouldn't say it was like bulletproof by any means shooting vest with pouches or something um i don't remember if there's pouches but it was all black i'm glad you guys are following up on this because i i even told him i had weird vibes about all this they also had a video of him picking up from his rental car body armor and a shotgun see what they were trying to do was figure out why was tim dean in kansas who would you know become pretty important suspect at this point they were trying to formulate a timeline as to you know how if and when tim dean got from there you know all the way to upstate new york so two days before the murders he's in kansas just driving pattern about you know yourself as he would say to the responding officer when he totaled his rental car then he picked up parts of an arsenal he left in the car got an uber went to a motel 6 and this deputy you know working on a hunch trying to figure out what tim dean where he had been uh he went to another rental car place you know if he rented one car would he try and rent another he walked in and then uh and then they told him that he couldn't rent because he just had a cash on him and he was really upset about that he just left well he tried to but then reviewing the body cam footage he straight up said he was going to new york so uh there where are we gonna go well i've got a family friend that i was gonna gonna go see but where's that at that's all the way up in new york he then somehow picked up another rental car and was seen driving towards dun dun dun sodis in new york [Music] tim dean was soon taken into custody and the questions about amber and josh began have you ever met him in person i've been there when he'd come to get the kids how did she react to who's in custody obviously not well like anybody else i mean she's never not had the kid she blame you probably do you think he'd get her kids he'll get her back i know there's no getting her back in your mind is that a possibility you thought maybe this would help get her back in your breast state and stuff i mean it's done it's been done there's no getting her back i accepted that that's why i've been in a state of mind is it true you hated josh i've never even met the man i've been there when he'd come to get the kids and the reason he told the police he went to new york in the first place i was originally gonna go see her uncle and see if i could talk to him and get him to talk some sense into her and maybe get her to right this thing out with me i left home with the intention of going somewhere far away and holding my head so nobody that knows me would have to be the one to find me and work it okay what changed i turned my phone off so nobody could call me and figure out what i was doing and try and talk me if you think i'm gonna sit here and say that i did that you're crazy i think you're crazy if you don't quite honestly tim it's not the question it's a question of why and are you sorry do you think these uh five different detectives from new york drove down here for no reason had no idea why the fbi is here what happens when you drive to come underground i didn't drive to commit a crime the suicide is on the fbi's radar are you sorry camera and josh got killed do you hear what i'm saying i hear what you're saying are you sorry they got killed i'm not saying you kill them are you sorry they got killed can you say their names josh amber say i'm sorry josh and amber got killed not that you did it no i want no you didn't you're saying it in part i've never been in the presence of a bigger killer in the end though you know no admittance nothing forthcoming was coming from tim dean and they let him go but they had another person to speak with who's bowler brown he's a buddy of mine yeah that's gonna cause you more problems than anything so he ran the car for you yeah cause i was stuck at work i wasn't gonna make it in time i'm not looking forward to that phone call that'll bite him in the ass pretty big ron bowler was a friend of tim's in sunray texas and he also worked for the sun ray police department tim dean's old stump and ground his name was on tim's rental agreement and he too was on the investigations radar pretty quick question what he's doing up in kansas at first noah because i you know i thought you just had to go up there for free to lay okay you know i took it at face value and i was like okay hey are you okay that's the main thing he goes yeah i'm good but the cars are pretty effed up excuse me and i was like okay you know we got insurance we did it best dean never mentioned that he was gonna go on the road trip he was gonna go to new york he was gonna go anywhere he was just gonna use that car a rental car locally yes so if i were to ask you are you lying about knowing that dean was taking that rental car to new york what would you say i would say no okay that's the truth right yes sir okay he readily admitted you know he had rented the car for tim but he had no idea of course you know what tim was actually gonna do with the car he was helping the buddy out i mean that's what he said until he took a polygraph and failed bronze has a decision to make whether he wants to be a good witness or he wants to be charged into conspiracy to commit two murders you definitely don't want that ron then told the police about the murder plot it had been planned in tim's house you know braun would be the the name on the rental agreement so that nothing would link tim to this little plot while he was driving to new york though of course you know that was until tim like a [ __ ] egypt drove off the road but of course you know braun he was just helping tim out at a pure friendship you know how sweet they'll they'll be great together when they share a cell a cell that would get pretty crowded funnily enough as they would be joined by charlene childers [Music] see she had already raised eyebrows when she said she knew about the murders as she'd seen them online josh's address in the news that very day but that wasn't the case the street that the shootings had occurred on was publicized the house number wasn't and so that from the very get-go smelled funky to the police she was brought in it turned out that after tim tried to rent a car in emporia he walked in and then uh and then they told him that he couldn't rent because he just had cash on him and he was really upset about that he just left she drove all the way to kansas from sunrise texas to pay for another rental with her credit card as they wouldn't take cash and hence how tim dean got from kansas to new york and charlene childers you know sweating it out in the ill old seat after a bit of grilling her goose was cooked it turned out that back in august during the drive back to texas from new york after that child custody hearing the one where she said she divorced him to get her kids back well tim was the one who drove her back down to texas and it was during that long ass drive that charlene suggested something drastic to which tim agreed charlene was the mastermind of the plot and she told tim kill josh get the kids back and life will be back to the way it used to be an instagramable life in the garage of tim's home they plodded and braun helped them out as a good friend would the car would be rented in his name so tim would be in the clear and well that went to [ __ ] in kansas but charlene to the rescue and the mission went ahead anyway tim turned off his phone in illinois and that was it amber you know she she wasn't supposed to be killed as part of this plot literally wrong place wrong time two weeks after the killing charlene and tim were charged i don't know that if you lose a loved one if whatever justice comes about that that will ever be enough to replace a local dean is still being held in texas pending extradition to new york state childers is being held at the wayne county jail when it came to trial a deal was cut with charlene the ringleader to help in the case against tim dean a case that was already strong his dna was found on that ski mask charlene cooperated and in the end tim dean was found guilty on two counts of first degree murder life in prison no pro the man who killed two people in wayne county last year will spend the rest of his life in prison the judge told timothy dean he will die there news 8's stephanie golden is live at the courthouse in lions stephanie what was the reaction in the courtroom to this well leah dean did not move as the family victim the victim's family members called him a monster and a coward before sentencing wayne county assistant attorney christine callanan told the judge that dean should never get out of prison he didn't deserve to be a part of society the former texas police chief was found guilty for the double homicide in sodis dean didn't talk to family members or address the court today you are certainly a classic psychopath you've never shown one bit of emotion in this courtroom not once or guilt or remorse i really wonder what goes on in your head if you have any sense of a conscience you have to be haunted by what you've done i hope every day for the rest of your sentence for the rest of your life that you wake up and feel the pain anxious and grief that the amber the washrooms and the nights and diffuse ron bowler got one to two years for a conspiracy charlene got 28 years [Music] her earliest release date is 2042. what scale lads all over the place tracking them uh throughout multiple states it's crazy charlene for sure was a master manipulator and a liar tim dean seems like just up bollocks and brawn was just an idiot and a very tragic end for two young parents this story is definitely up there in the you know crazy plan tear done by piece of [ __ ] you know um that was completely basically just undone by tim dean trying to do a sweet yui in the middle of the road and then um just being a complete idiot but they were eventually caught only after i guess the damage had been done quite a plan but yeah not ungood so yeah great big thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it i will see you as always real soon in the next one all right take care of yourselves [Music] michael [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 3,025,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, tim dean, charlene childers, bron bohler, josh niles, amber washburn, sodus new york, sunray texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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