Three Star Wars Movies in One Diorama

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foreign [Music] welcome back to boil eye hobby time the other day I was at my local hobby store again and I wandered over to the Star Wars Legion section Star Wars day is this week so of course I had to make something from Star Wars I couldn't decide which scene I wanted to depict so I chose to depict multiple today I'm going to be making a three-part diorama with a moment from episode 4 one from episode 5 and of course one from episode six I broke open the boxes and I got everything out and the minis are cool and all but I was most excited about the tiny plastic bags to add to my tiny plastic bag collection the figures come unassembled and unpainted but are not difficult to put together once I had all of them glued it was time to put them on some bases they won't be on the bases when I add them to the diorama but the bases will make it easier to paint them once they were on their bases I pushed them to the side and it was time to plan the layout I'm using this gesso board as the base of the diorama and the board is 20 inches by 10 inches the number you get when you divide 20 by 3 is not a very pleasant one nor is it Pleasant to work with so I went with 6.5 for the two sides and I made the middle one half inch wider which actually worked out because it probably needed the most space the box of Stormtroopers that I had sitting on my shelf that I thought was full turned out to be empty which means my previous self put the proverbial empty milk carton back in the fridge and now I don't have any to put on my Raisin Bran luckily I had some extras that I could borrow from myself which I will reimburse at a later time there wasn't enough space for every Soldier to be part of this battle so I thinned them down until I had a reasonable looking spread I'll save these Misfits for something in the future leave a comment for what you think I should do with them with all the participants of the battle picked out I could set them aside and begin working on the base the first section is the interior of the tan tie of Ive this is going to be a trench from Hoth and this last section is going to be the dense vegetation of Endor I took my board outside and I glued a piece of pink foam to it that was the exact same size and then I began cutting out the trench I made this process much more difficult by cutting out the trench after gluing it and I did that because I'm a dingus I did get those pieces out eventually and I rounded off the edges of the trench with a utility knife and then I needed a nice flat surface for the ship's floor so I cut out a piece of styrene I didn't want to get any of the terrain paste on it or underneath it so I masked off the area with some masking tape after slapping on some gloves it was time to mix up a batch of plaster and Mod Podge I was reaching the end of this bottle of mod podge so I poured in some water and I shook it up to get the last little bit out like shampoo I then mixed up the paste until it was the consistency of waffle batter and I spread it all around the Hoth and indoor biomes once that was all on I waited for a minute and then I sprayed the whole thing with isopropyl alcohol and I smoothed out the lumps with my gloved finger while the paste was still wet I removed the masking tape to prevent it from cracking and I glued down the styrene sheet with some foam safe Super Glue the base of the walls of the tantive4 are supposed to be round but I couldn't find anything with the right shape or think of a way to evenly round off my foam so I apologize if the angle bothers you I put some Mod Podge on the rest of the pink foam and after that was dry it was time to begin painting the base I broke out the airbrush and I started painting Endor with a nice coat of Muddy Brown I then remembered that I didn't want mud on Hoth so I masked off the snow before spraying any further I then moved to the other end of the diorama and I masked off the White Walls while I painted the floor I didn't apply the masking tape very well so some of the paint got on the walls which I had to go back and touch up later next I seasoned the brownie with ground pepper oregano and rosemary I took the masking tape off just a little early so I had to go back and blow off the over spill with an airbrush I happen to have an empty Mod Podge bottle lying around that I cut the top off and I turned it to a little mixing pot for some snow paste I mixed up some snowflakes from Woodland scenics with Mod Podge till it was about the consistency of toothpaste and then I spread it across all of the flat surfaces of Hoth I sprinkled a little bit more snow from a distance to help blend everything together and make it look nice and soft then I cut up some wire mesh and I pressed it into the wet snow paste to look like a little walkway at the bottom of the trench after Hoth and indoor had dried it was time to add some additional terrain details The Trenches of Hoth are shown to have wires and hoses running through them so I made sure to include those I twisted three strands of wire together and then I ran them along the wall of one side of the trench on the far end of the wire I wanted to have a little communication panel I quickly painted that up with a dry brushing of gray light gray and white and it let me know it was done by popping off the popsicle stick and I fixed it to the wires and I glued it into place just like Star Wars Legion figures Twigs often come in little plastic bags they come this way straight from the forest I carefully arranged the Twigs on the base to appear as Fallen trees and once the positions were decided I grabbed some boxes of miniature foliage from diorama percepe these were all sent to me as a gift a very long time ago should go check out their website if you are in the market for miniature foliage the reason there are no giant trees here is because it makes more sense that the Speeders would try and avoid the trees while moving at 300 miles an hour once all the biomes were done it was time to turn my attention back to the Miniatures off camera I did a little customization on this Rebel so it could be like Leia on a Speeder bike I then rounded up all the troops aside from the already painted Stormtroopers and I took them outside and I primed them with a xenathol highlight while I paint these Miniatures I'd like to give a huge shout out and thank you to all of my patrons I started the painting with the rebel Fleet troops we mostly only see them getting wiped out by storm troopers or Darth Vader in A New Hope in Rogue one they don't seem to be able to put up much of a fight but at least they have fashionable uniforms which they could probably pass as streetwear in most places aside from the goofy hats next up were the rebels in Hoth attire when I was six years old there was nothing in the entire world that I thought was more cool than Luke Skywalker in his snow suit with his goggles and his binoculars I loved when it snowed so I could put on my snow suit grab some ski goggles and pretend to evade wampas in the backyard after the Hoth Rebels it was the snow troopers pretty simple color scheme with an off-white Fabric and a pure white armor in my opinion the snow troopers helmets make them look way more menacing than standard Stormtroopers last up to paint were the Speeders this one has Leia in Endor camo on it I always wondered what that little wafer that she gives the Ewok tasted like do you guys think it tasted more like a rice cracker kind of savory or do you think it was more sweet like a vanilla wafer let me know what you think in the comments after the Speeders were done that was the end of the painting next thing to do was to put the battery housing and switch in place which I probably should have done before adding all the rest of the fragile details but there's always next time I drilled the hole for the switch in this little corner because it looked like a fun place to hide a switch I installed the toggle switch I connected it to the battery housing and after that I broke all the minis off of their bases and it was time to glue them into position [Music] I put some super glue on a little tray and I dipped the feet of the figures into the glue before putting them on the base I used accelerator to fix them instantly [Music] next it was time to install the lights I wanted a good variety of lights going this way in that but I didn't want the diorama to be too overwhelmed by the bright red light I drilled some holes and I mounted the standoffs which also act as the conduit to get the current to the lights me wiring up Hoth was an absolute clown show so I didn't get much footage but I did get the lights installed eventually and painted the wires white to hide them against the snow I added three pairs of standoffs to the tan tie four and I put a bead of solder on the end of each one before soldering the filaments into their positions [Music] for the last one it was easiest to solder left-handed which was a first for me [Music] I then wired everything together underneath the board in parallel which means that all the negatives were wired together and all the positives were wired together after that I painted up the sides of the diorama with matte black I recently ran out of black 3.0 so I guess I'll have to order more the last thing I did was paint the wires on the 10 Type 4 black and after that I called it good in anticipation for May the 4th my patrons made scenes from Star Wars for the monthly art challenge please take a moment to appreciate their work some of them have their own channels so be sure to check those out I'll link them in the description [Music] thanks again to all the patrons who participated in last month's art challenge foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is it for this video thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed huge shout out as always to my patrons you guys are the best have an awesome week everyone and Happy Star Wars day I'll see you next time
Channel: Boylei Hobby Time
Views: 581,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, How To, DIY, Scratch Build, Diorama, Miniatures, Minis, Painting, Wargames, Warhammer, Scale Model, Realistic Terrain, Terrain tip, Tips, Tips and Tricks, Build, Custom, Customized, Customization, boylei hobby time star wars, boylei hobby time, star wars jedi survivor, star wars
Id: veRae2vdXUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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