Three Reasons Why Israel's Military Has Split with Netanyahu | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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hello namaskar this is first post and you're watching vantage with me [Music] Pyar the Chinese Coast Guard is behaving like pirates in the South China Sea this week they bullied Filipino soldiers they boarded their vessel without permission they smashed the boats equipment and they threatened the Filipino Soldiers with knives and Spears China's bullying in the South China sees once again raising the risk of conflict meanwhile in Israel the IDF the Israeli Defense Force has issued a significant statement they say it is impossible to completely eliminate the Hamas in India students are outraged after yet another key exam was cancelled because of a paper leak after North Korea Vladimir Putin has reached Vietnam we'll tell you what's on his agenda after sponsoring terrorists for years Pakistan is complaining about terrorism at the United Nations the Heatwave has taken more than a thousand lives during the Hajj and why scientists in Antarctica are developing a new language all this is more coming up the head headlines first Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets former US House speaker Nancy Pelosi and other American lawmakers it comes a day after they met the Dal Lama in dhamala Pelosi launched a blistering attack on the Chinese president after meeting the Tibetan spiritual leader Beijing had expressed strong objections over this visit in India relief for Delhi chief minister Arin krial he gets bail in the now scrapped liquor policy case in the month of March krial was arrested by the enforcement directorate he's accused of money laundering in May the Supreme Court had granted him bail to campaign for the election the bank of England opts against cutting the interest rate before the election keeps it at a 16year high of 5.2% this is despite inflation easing in the UK but the Swiss National Bank announces its second straight interest rate cut in March it became the first Western Central Bank to slash borrowing costs Ecuador suffers a nationwide power outage off for several hours around 18 million people left in the dark due to an electrical grid failure the blackout cripples Metro services and road traffic in recent months ecuadorians have had to deal with planned power cuts of up to 13 hours at a time outgoing Dutch prime minister Mark roter to become the next head of NATO his sole Challenger the Romanian president pulled out of the race routa will will assume charge at a crucial time for the alliance as the Ukraine war drags on the current NATO Chief Jen stoltenberg's term ends on the 1st of October and French hotels Sue Airbnb for unfair Trade Practices more than two dozen hotels are seeking $10 million in Damages they claim that the us-based platform does not collect or pay tourist taxes [Music] [Music] [Music] it is the most dangerous escalation in the South China Sea so far what he just saw happened on Monday Chinese Sailors crossed a line and launched an unprecedented attack the kind that could easily trigger a conflict let's look at those pictures again that's a Philippine Navy vessel at the center surrounded by the Chinese Coast Guard you can see a Chinese soldier in an orange life jacket he's threatening the Philippine Navy officer with an axe there is another Chinese Soldier behind him and he seems to be wielding a [Music] sword and from here the situation deteriorated Chinese troops deployed tear gas they hurled rocks they blared sirens and strobe lights some Chinese troops boarded the Philippine boat and they destroyed it the boat's equipment was smashed the Chinese troops punctured the rubber boat they took away phones and rifles of Filipino Personnel it was excessive and brutal eight Philippine officers were injured one of them suffered serious injuries he lost his right thumb the confrontation happened in this region near the second Thomas shol this is part of the disputed South China SE Beijing Stakes a claim to the second thas SCH but Manila currently controls it in recent years Beijing has challenged mana's claims the Chinese have sent a large number of Coast Guard ships they've engaged in a number of provocative actions all of it near the second Thomas Shore they've rammed into Manila ships they fired water cannons at them the Chinese have tried to establish a blockade around the Shipwreck the Sierra M this is a World War II era ship it was was deliberately marooned by the Philippines in the 1990s mainly to assert its claims on the second Thomas SCH the Philippines has stationed Marines on it on the Shipwreck they have Marines and these marines need supplies so every now and then Manila sends a boat or a ship with supplies for the soldiers China has actively tried to block these missions these Supply missions and Monday's events are a sign the Chinese are resorting to more aggressive tactics the same strategy that they've used with India on the Himalayan border more aggression more provocation since 2020 Indian and Chinese troops have clashed on more than one occasion in ladak this is along the line of actual control or Lac and here too the Chinese use sticks and rods to attack now they're doing the same with the Philippines and justifying it to boot the Philippines in defiance of China's warnings insisted on trespassing on Rene ief in China's nansa Islands this is the direct cause of the incident the Chinese Coast Guard at the scene has taken professional law enforcement measures with restraint which aimed at stopping the illegal Supply Mission by the Philippine vessels and no direct measures were taken against the Philippine Personnel they say they acted with restraint if using knives and axes is restraint what is excess where is the restraint in boarding naval ships without permission and then wrecking and looting them the Philippines says only Pirates do this and we couldn't agree more this is an act of aggression by China and they don't seem to be interested in de-escalating tensions over the weekend there was a fresh provocation China introduced a new law it gives the Chinese Coast Guard sweeping Powers it allows them to seize foreign ships and detain their Crews they can be kept in Chinese custody for up to 60 days and that too without a trial the Philippines is a clear t T of this new law and their president has issued a warning to China uh if by by a willful act on uh uh a Filipino uh not only not only serviceman but even Filipino citizen by a well if one if a Filipino citizen is killed by a willful act that that is I think uh very very close to what we Define as an act of war and therefore we will respond accordingly if the Chinese Coast Guard arrests any Filipino it will be like an act of War that's how president Marcos Jr sees it and he has support from Washington the US has condemned the Chinese attack they've called it and I'm quoting irresponsible and escalatory the Americans have a defense treaty with the Philippines a treaty that was signed in 1951 it's a mutual defense treaty it says that if any one of them is attacked by a third party both both countries will help each other and after the Chinese attack this week Washington has reaffirmed its commitment to this fact uh it's Reckless and it threatens Regional peace and stability and finally the es this escalatory incident is the latest in a series of provocations by the PRC to impede critically needed supplies from reaching service members stationed at the crer Madre and those actions reflect consistent disregard for the safety of Filipino lives and for international law in the South China Sea yesterday Manila sent a message to Beijing urging China to avoid actions which endanger the lives of sailors the Philippines says it wants a dialogue but that cannot happen until Beijing dials down tensions on the high seas the situation is still volatile China needs to deescalate and pull back its troops else we're heading into another Conflict at one of the most dangerous flash points in the world speaking of which let's turn to the war in Gaza it's been almost 9 months now in this time Israel's position has been the same we want to destroy the Kamas that's what they've said throughout we want to eliminate this group completely but Israel's Army says that's impossible look at what an army spokesperson said and I'm quoting this business of destroying Hamas it's simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public Hamas is an idea Hamas is a party it's rooted in the hearts of the people whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong now this is a big statement Israel's Army says you cannot destroy Hamas it's impossible but that's not what benam Nan has been saying he kept telling the world that Israel would destroy Hamas not once not twice but multiple times listen to this the elimination of Hamas is a necessary step to ensure that the day after there will be no element in Gaza that threatens us we spoke about recent developments in the war including Israel's commitment to achieving all of the war's objectives eliminating Hamas to win this war We Must Destroy the remaining Hamas battalions in RAF the necessary goal of the war is first of all the elimination of Hamas we will continue to fight until all all the objectives of the war are achieved and the priority is the elimination of Hamas so who should we trust the Israeli military or the Israeli Prime Minister as expected the statement has triggered a controversy netanyahu's office has commented on it they reiterated Israel's official War goal to destroy Hamas the military also released a clarification they said that the spokesperson was talking about the Hamas ideology and not the group but I'm afraid that the damage is done the Public's Pat has confirmed the obvious there are divisions between Netanyahu and his military we saw that earlier this week too Israel's military announced a tactical pause in Rafa again Netanyahu was not happy he was totally opposed to any pause and fighting before that the defense minister rebelled he asked Netanyahu to plan for post-war Gaza again the Prime Minister refused and all of these developments confirmed the divisions but the question is what has caused it there are three main reasons the first one is tactical Netanyahu wants his army to defeat Hamas in Rafa but what comes after that who will govern the Gaza Strip without a plan Israel could face insurgencies and the Army is not keen on that they would like some clarity on the next step the second reason is Military Support mainly from the US nany's policy has already enraged Washington they have withheld one shipment of bombs but what if more shipments are paused Israel's Army may run out of fire power which brings us to the third reason a second front in this war at this rate we cannot rule it out Israel and hisbah are regularly exchanging fire hisbah in Lebanon last week Israel took out a senior hisbah commander in response they fired rockets at Northern Israel it's a very dangerous situation on Wednesday Israel's Army released operational footage it shows them striking seven Targets in Lebanon take a look at this the hisbah says it's ready for war and it's not just threatening Israel it is threatening Cyprus too now Cyprus is an island on the west of Lebanon it has a defense agreement with Israel both sides have held join drills in the past Cyprus has also allowed Israel to use its airports but all of that was during peace time not in the middle of a war nonetheless hisbah is not taking any chances they're warning Cyprus too if the war is imposed on Lebanon the resistance will fight without control without rules and without a ceiling Cyprus should be warned that opening ciate bases and airports to the Israelis to Target Lebanon means that the cypriate government has become part of the war and the resistance will deal with Cyprus as if it is part of the war Cyprus has denied these claims they say no Military Support is being given to Israel but how serious is the hisbah threat well the US is really concerned this week Joe Biden sent a special Envoy to West Asia in Beirut he met lebanon's Prime Parliament speaker who is an ally of his of hisbah the US official called for deescalation at the border but the problem seems to be Netanyahu hisbah could have intervened any time in the last 9 months but they did not and what does that tell you there is no appetite for war in Lebanon not unless Israel escalates and that's where Nathan's actions are worrying consider what he did with Iran the regime in thran was watching from the sidelines but Israel killed their top commanders in Syria that's when Iran attacked Israel and now nathany is going after senior hisbah commanders again the same agenda to draw out this war and to keep the Americans interested it's a very risky and dangerous strategy but then again that's been netanyahu's game plan throughout [Music] [Music] [Music] see Vladimir Putin in Vietnam he's gone there after uh visiting North Korea it's the last leg of his Asia tour yesterday like we told you he was in North Korea today the Russian president landed in Hanoi the day started with a welcome ceremony there were children waving flags bands playing even a 21 gun salute not as Grand as pongyang but it was quite big by Hanoi standards [Music] after that it was the business end of the visit the main focus is their strategic partnership and it's an old one in fact the oldest for Vietnam Russia was the first country to sign a strategic partnership with Vietnam they did it back in 2001 Putin was a leader of Russia then too in 2001 and now he is visiting to strengthen this partnership Russia attaches great importance to the issues of further strengthening the traditionally friendly Russian Vietnamese comprehensive strategic relations strategic partnership relations so Putin met Vietnamese leaders he held multiple meetings he talked about trade signed deals on energy cooperation and discussed some international issues as well we also touched upon current international issues I would like to emphasize that the positions of Russia and Vietnam largely coincide or are close that's the point that Putin is trying to drive home that the West may be trying to isolate him but he still has partners and friends and moscow's relationship with Hanoi goes back all the way to the 1950s when Vietnam was a new communist state and Moscow gave it economic support diplomatic recognition and Military backing thousands of Vietnamese students studied in Soviet universities including nagen Fu trong he's Vietnam's current Communist Party Chief over the decades Vietnam saw multiple Wars and Moscow came to the rescue it gave them fighter jets tanks helicopters even soldiers 11,000 of them even after the Soviet Union fell the ties remain strong and it shows everywhere take hano's architecture for example most old buildings have a Soviet touch and not just that Vietnam's hoi Min mosum houses the body of its Founding Father hoi Min his preserved body is on display there but every year the molum is closed for two months do you know why because the embed body is flown to Russia for maintenance such is their relationship it's a unique friendship and a key aspect of it is military ties Russia is Vietnam's largest military supply it accounts for 80% of Vietnam's armed exports nearly all of their Naval vessels are from Russia and defense Remains the focus on this visit as well Putin has arrived with his defense minister here and while Vietnam's Reliance on Russian weapons is significant it is looking to diversify and that's because of the fear of Western sanctions in fact this State visit was also condemned by the United States so Vietnam doesn't want to take any chances it is diversifying its its sources which brings us to the country itself why Vietnam why did Putin choose Hanoi and the answer is quite simple Vietnam is like the new cool kid on the Block it's a rising economy a manufacturing Powerhouse a leading exporter of goods and for companies leaving China it's one of the compelling Alternatives so everyone wants to be friends with Vietnam and when we say everyone we mean everyone last year US President Joe Biden was in the country the two Nations upgraded their relations soon after that Chinese president Xi Jinping followed his was a grand visit too and now it is Putin's turn it's his fifth visit to Vietnam so there's a clear pattern every country wants Vietnam in their corner but who is Vietnam choosing the answer is no one they want to do business with with everyone and it's their age-old strategy they call it bamboo diplomacy it's inspired from the bamboo plant strong roots and flexible branches bending in all directions and Vietnam is keeping it quite flexible right now they're keeping their options open not isolating anyone at the same time refusing to be tied up in alliances it's a strategy that has paid off until now and they do not plan to change it this latest visit by Putin is proof meanwhile guess who's complaining about terrorism Pakistan it's the mother of all ironies they spent decades using terrorism as state policy but now they have problems with it why because those same terrorists are attacking Pakistan let's look at the complaint first it came from Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations he was addressing a special meeting on weapons especially small and Light weapons there he called for a campaign to recover arms from Terror groups there was special reference to one the TTP or the T Taliban Pakistan let me quote from Islamabad statement terrorists and criminals do not manufacture These Arms they acquire them from illicit arms markets or receive them from entities that want to destabilize a particular region or country how about that it's like one of those second grade tests the teacher has asked asked Pakistan to write an essay about itself and this is the perfect answer a country that gives weapons to destabilize another country Pakistan has been doing it to India hundreds of Pakistani weapons have been found in Kashmir they were used by Terror groups to spread chaos was that not problematic back then Islamabad said nothing they kept funding an arming terrorists in Kashmir so why the outrage now because this time Pakistan is the victim let me tell you about the TTP the group they're complaining about it's a largely pashun terror group in Pakistan it also has ties with the Afghan Taliban they're sort of like ideological cousins the ttp's fight is against the Pakistani State they want to capture power they want to run the country based on Sharia basically replicate what happened in Kabul and this group is on a roll TTP attacks increase by 60% and 60 in the last 2 years almost 800 attacks were reported in 2023 they resulted in more than 1500 deaths many of them security personel and two provinces are the worst affected kber pakun and baluchistan together they make up 84% of the attacks and 90% of all the deaths and that tells a story because both these provinces also border Afghanistan Islamabad has asked Kabul to control the TTP but the Taliban have refused to do it they have given Safe Haven to TTP Fighters near the border they've also given them weapons and not just any weapons American weapons when the US withdrew from Afghanistan they left behind a lot of weapons some $7 billion of arms Reports say the TTP is using some of these American weapons we're talking about deadly equipment here like M16 machine guns and m4 assault rifles which brings us to Pakistan's latest complaint they are unable to handle this threat so they want Global support an appeal was made in March as well Pakistan used the United Nations security Council to build pressure on Kabul they said Afghanistan should re in the should reign in the TTP but like I said no luck the world has more than enough on its plate there are two major Wars a looming conflict in the South China Sea and a resurgent Isis in Africa so Pakistan's TTP problem is not on top of the agenda nonetheless Islamabad will keep raising it they're wooing investors from China and West Asia but all of them are demanding security they want their assets to be safe so Pakistan's economy is also pinned on fighting the TTP plus they need military aid the US halted Pakistan's aid program in 2018 some of it has been resumed under Joe Biden but Pakistan's Army will want more all of this explains their decision to raise the issue of the United Nations Pakistan wants to globalize the TTP problem but again two questions remain number one will it work looks unlikely right now Pakistan cultivated multiple Terror groups to bleed its neighbors whether it was India or Afghanistan now those same terrorists are targeting Pakistan it's a self-created problem so Pakistan will get little sympathy and question of number two will it make Pakistan change its policy on terrorism again unlikely yesterday two terrorists were killed in Kashmir the Indian army says both for Pakistani residents they belong to the lashkar Toba and who supports the lashkar Toba the Pakistan government so TTP or not Islamabad will not change its ways they will always have their good and bad terrorists [Music] [Music] honor students suffer and students who want to cheat benefit [Music] [Applause] months of preparation years of Investments and for some a weight of a lifetime that's what is at stake in India I'm talking about the recent examination controversies first was the neat exam a common test for medical courses now it's the net exam net stands for National eligibility test say you want to become a professor at an Indian University or you're eyeing a research Fellowship then net is your ticket your success depends on your Net score this year's exam was held on Tuesday almost 900,000 candidates appeared for the test n lakh it was organized across 317 cities but guess what that exam has been cancelled why listen to India's education Ministry on the 19th of June the ugc got some inputs from the home Ministry cyber crimes Department from those inputs the education Ministry realized that there's a chance that the examination may have been compromised we took prompt action by canceling the examination to protect the interest of students there was a tip off a tip off from the Cyber cell a possibility that the exam paper was leaked later the education Minister confirmed this he said the question paper was leaked on the dark web so the net exam was was cancelled and what happens next well the CBI the Central Bureau of Investigation is investigating this case meanwhile another exam will be conducted at a later date which means more delay more public expenditure and more tension for the candidates but this problem goes beyond just net we've told you about the need controversy it has two different parts first is about the grace marks the neat exam started late in some locations the students said we did not get enough time so the testing agency came up with a solution Grace marks for more than 1500 students more than 1500 students received these extra marks not everyone is happy about it some students called it unfair they filed complaints in courts across India so the testing agency backpedal they've offered to retest these students a retest instead of the Grace Grace marks that's the first issue the second issue is paper leaks this investigation the paper leak investigation in neat is happening in the state of biar four men have been arrested so far they say they got the neat question paper one day before if true this is massive and very serious neat is the first step towards becoming a doctor in India so fraud is not just unethical it's a matter of life and death more than 2.4 million students took this test all of them are in a state of limbo now as expected this controversy has become political today a few students St met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi afterwards he blamed the BJP for this Fiasco this is extremely damaging to students and it's happening because all our institutions have been captured our vice chancellors are placed not based on Merit but because they belong to a particular organization and this organization and the BJP have penetrated our education system and destroyed it what was done by Mr Narendra Modi to the economy with demonetization has now been done to the education system let's focus on two questions now one how do these papers leak and two how can it be stopped now most of these standardized tests are organized by the NAT the national testing agency it was set up in 2017 it works under the union Ministry of Education the the NAT organizes a lot of elite exams like the je the neat and the net now put together their exams affect 10 million students in India and the government is now cracking down on them today the education Minister spoke to the media he said a high level panel will investigate Affairs at the national testing agency he also said the culprits would not be spared I want to assure you that after the investigation the culprits will be strictly punished whether it's the NTA or some high ranking official at the NTA we will take recomendations from a highle panel on reforming NTA structure functioning examination process transparency and security protocol now we come to the leaks how do they happen many people are involved in making question papers and drafting in checking in publishing in transporting and in distributing so the paper can be leaked at any of these stages all of it all it takes is one corrupt official so the problem is not political it is systemic which brings us to the second question how can we stop it this year the Indian Parliament passed a new law sort of like an anti- paper leak law and what does it do it calls for strict punishment in case of leak say someone has used unfair means to take an exam if convicted they face strict punishment 3 to 5 years in jail pass a fine of up to 10 lakh Rupees which is around $12,000 but sometimes these leaks are not organized by one person they're done by a group in in which case the punishment is stricter between 5 and 10 years in jail plus a minimum fine of 1 CR rupees which is $112,000 so the law is very clear on leaking papers yet it doesn't seem to have stopped Reports say there have been 41 paper leaks in the last 5 years they have affected 1.4 CR applicants when a paper leaks it sets off a chain of events the retest is delayed the admission is is delayed the academic session is delayed and public money is wasted not to mention exam Integrity is lost so the government needs to get a grip on this normally students pass or fail in exams but this time the system has failed and do spare a thought for the students imagine what they go through the tension the uncertainty the anxiety we can't even begin to comprehend it so the government must remember the mental toone on students because every time a paper leaks their dreams are dashed so retest is not the best solution the root problem must be addressed what is India's biggest asset one of it is its strategic location India is surrounded by water on three sides the Indian Ocean the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal this gives India access to the world's most significant trade route 65% of India's trade comes through the sea and India needs more ports to fully leverage this potential in recent years India has taken major steps to improve its ports the capacity at at at least one dozen ports has been doubled and now New Delhi is about to embark on its most ambitious project yet India is gearing up to build its biggest sea port our next report tells you more world-class sport inside one of India's biggest trading and financial hubs the plan was in the works for a while yesterday the Indian cabinet finally pulled the trigger this port has the potential to be among the top 10 ports in the entire world that's the significance of this port the project is an ambitious one it's worth well over $9 billion the vadan port will be built here in the Indian state of M Maharashtra the state already has the jawaharlal nehu port or jnpt that's India's second largest container Port but vadan will be bigger not only will it take the load off the jmpt but this new Port will significantly improve India's capacities on paper the project seems promising this will be an all- weather Port meaning it will operate all year round unaffected by the weather in terms of capacity the port will handle 298 million tons of containers that's the same as thousands of football fields this will significantly enhance India's ability to handle large cargo one major advantage is the location of the port vadan will be able to serve two important trade corridors the ambitious India midle east Europe economic Corridor this is a proposed trade route which will connect India to Europe through the UAE it will also be able to serve the international north south Transportation Corridor or ins nstc India Russia and Iran had started this trade initiative it can simplify India's access to four regions northern and western Europe as well as Central Asia and Eurasia today at least 13 countries are members of the insc this trade initiative was signed in the early 2000s but its full potential is yet to be unlocked the vadan port will play an instrumental role towards that due to its location on India's West Coast the port can serve as an important trade hub for the Arabian Sea it will be able to handle container traffic from Africa's East Coast as well as from countries in the Persian Gulf it will also be well connected to key Indian cities and highways the vadan port will be built just 140 km from India's Financial Capital Mumbai for those wishing to send carago to Delhi the Delhi Mumbai Freight Corridor is barely 34 km away from vadan the development of India's coastline is a long overdue goal India is surrounded by the Sea on three sides so more ports could help India unlock new trade opportunities they can also provide valuable strategic support in the event of an emergency the maritime sector accounts for 95% of India's trade volume so these sports are not just beneficial for the economy they are a necessity now let's talk about the UK about their embattled prime minister Rishi sonak he's facing an election on the 4th of July exactly 2 weeks weeks from now and the predictions are dire sonak conservative party also known as the Tory party is facing a route that's what opinion po say they're looking at their worst defeat since 1997 when they were reduced to 165 seats this time the Tories could struggle to hit Triple digits that's According to some recent polls and what's worse sunak may lose his own seat the seat of Richmond that's what one opinion poll is predicting anyway and if this happens ifak loses a seat it would be a disaster for him it would be the first time in British history that a sitting prime minister would have lost their seed and this constituency is a conservative party stronghold the Tories or unionists have held it since 1910 that's 114 years so as you can see Rishi sonak is staring at a disaster which may be why he pulled a strange move sonak seems to be taking inspiration from his roots his Indian roots look at this social media post the message is simple by British now every Indian knows the sentiment it goes back to India's Freedom struggle to Mahatma Gandhi and his famous swadeshi movement that's why it looks like sonak is going back to his roots he's at risk of being ousted by the British so he is taking inspiration from a man who routed the Brits instead it's certainly a unique campaign strategy trying to get Britain to go swadeshi and it has led to some hilarious reactions on social media but there's a small problem here Britain hasn't been self-reliant in food for centuries remember colonialism the British Empire where the sun did not set do you remember how it started it was with the East India company coming to India for tea and spices and eventually everything else this was how Britain built an Empire but it also had a side effect indigenous British food was supplanted by food from around the world centuries of mooching off Foreign lands can do that now this wasn't really a bad thing for the UK especially when you think of what traditional British Cuisine is fish and chips beans on toast and turnips we drawing a blank on other examples because for years no one had to remember the Bland stuff the British themselves had swapped their boring diet for plates of chicken tikka masala which had become their national dish so colonialism brought the British some flavor but now Along Comes Rishi sunak with his by British movement what will this mean will the British go back to fish and chips if yes then how because fresh fish may be a bit hard to catch these days the British rivers are filthy now because of all the raw sewage being released into them so perhaps fish and chips is a nonstarter how about the turnips then will the humble root be able to fight back against modern British taste buds again non-british vegetables like tomatoes the Tories tried convincing people to do this last year swapping turnips for tomatoes it did not really work but it seems that sunak is having another goal rebranding the turnip push as buying British the Jokes Aside it seems like Rishi sonak is flailing trying every strategy in the book in the hopes that something sticks and quells public anger but the problem is his conservative party the Tories are to blame for a lot of Britain's current problems sunak says buying British will help local farmers but his own party undermined the same Farmers by signing questionable free trade agreements and of course brexit brexit appended Britain's agricultural sector and farmers are still trying to recover considering all this sonak by British movement may have a hard time getting off the ground and he may not really care if it does because let's face it there are two weeks to go for the election the Tories are staring at a route so sunak may not have to come up with a swadeshi action plan anyway which is almost a shame because if nothing else Indians would have loved to see sonak spreading Mahatma Gandhi's teachings in the UK staying with very British problems let's turn our attention to the Euros Europe's Premier football tournament is is on right now it is taking place in Germany fans from across the continent have descended upon Deutsch land now there are normal football fans the ones who who just love the game Who support their national team and are just there to have a good time then there are the Ultras The Hooligans who want to drink get Rowdy and cause some chaos England is known for both sets of fans but the hooligans are the ones making the headlines again for a distasteful song which they sing to rile up the Germans here's the report football is called the beautiful game for the technical ability on offer and for sentimental reasons too like its ability to bring joy and unite people but sadly that's never all that it brings where you have football you have Hooligans this is almost always the case especially during International tournaments like the ongoing Euros sometimes jingoism takes over during these tournaments and what you have are cross displays this is especially true for a section of English football fans and specifically when it comes to Germany one of England's longtime Rivals since the 1980s English Hooligans have sung a tasteful song A chant that refers to World War II you hear it every time the English face the Germans or the Ultras or diard fans think of Germans or go to Germany for a football match and this time is no [Applause] different it's called 10 German bombers a reference to the German air force and English counterattacks the song brings back bad memories for the Germans so for years people have been trying to stop the English fans from singing it the German police made an appeal the British prime minister Rishi sunuk made one as well but the English Hooligans didn't care they were belting out the song during England's first Euro match which wasn't even against Germany it was against Serbia but the Ultras couldn't care less they sang 10 German bombers while in the city of gsen kirchen a city which the UK and the Allies bombed almost to Oblivion during World War II so why do they insist on singing it here's their standard response just let us go it really like it's just ban is it by the end of the day it doesn't mean anything just one of us we like sing we don't have no [Applause] ha but is it banter or simply offensive for most English fans 10 German bombers does cross the line you can understand it from a German point of view it's not lacks respect really especially over here you know you trying to mix them with their culture as much as you can so yeah it probably some a song that you know people sing it but part isn't the right thing to do sadly the Hooligans don't follow this logic even though England have been on the receiving end like in 2022 after the British Queen Elizabeth II died back then football fans from former British colonies had a thing or two to say it was distasteful and the British media reacted with disgust maybe if the English Ultras remembered that incident they would empathize with the Germans football chance can add an amazing atmosphere to games the English themselves have come up with a number of Classics or they've Rewritten actual Classics to suit the mood a favorite is Three Lions footballs coming home a song that highlights the British dream that they'll finally win a major tournament again there's also Southgate you're the one a remastered version of a song by Atomic Kitten it's a tribute to the English manager Garrett sgate then you have songs that are used to Lord players like Hey Jude by the Beatles sung in tribute to the English midfielder Jude Bellingham English fans have a ton of great options if they want to show support and most fans do stick to these songs hopefully their example will rub off on the Ultras now let's turn our attention to his Islam's holiest city Mecca in Saudi Arabia where nearly 2 million Muslims began the Hajj pilgrimage last week but as they reached the end yesterday for many the journey proved fatal the heat has been unrelenting temperatures have reached 51.8 de C and more than a thousand HUD pilgrims have lost their lives the this includes people who travel from across the world including at least 68 Indians who have died yesterday we were on our way and we saw corpses on the road they were covered with a white sheet because the temperatures here are really high and I'm not just talking about old people young people have died too it was a very hard day because of the extreme heat a lot of people died the ambulances were overwhelmed you would talk to someone and suddenly they would die unregistered pilgrims made up more than half of the Debs without cooling or Health Care Resources they perished in the intense heat and that's not all thousands of others suffered from heat exhaustion close to 3,000 cases were reported on Sunday alone now hot weather is not new for Mecca it has almost always seen a hot climate and this is not this has not bothered the Hajj in the past which has been conducted in the same way for centuries now but global warming is making the heat severe and the infrastructure can't seem to keep up scientists say that by 2040 hjj is going to be fatal and it won't be an isolated scenario by 2050 India will be among the first places on Earth where temperatures cross survivability limits and we can already see the signs North India is reeling under a prolonged Heat Wave since March 40,000 cases of heat stroke have been reported at least 110 people have died and the capital Delhi has seen a punishing summer daily temperatures are crossing 40° C and peaking at nearly 50° there are water shortages and power outages this week electricity demand reached an all-time high climate change is causing the current infrastructure to fail in some cases it is making deadly heat waves 35 times more likely like in the case of the United States much of the country is sweltering there's a record-breaking Heat Wave 75 million people are under extreme heat alerts that is one in five people we want to be clear uh this is extremely hot for June and New York should not underestimate the heat with climate change leading to more frequent and intense heat uh summers are different than they were before and so we should expect and be prepared for the hot weather that is coming if this is an indication we're just starting out the summer months uh we could only expect even more as the summer continues to move forward indeed we can no continent is safe from extreme heat look at Europe it is the fastest warming continent on Earth Here temperatures are rising at twice the global average Greece is among the worst affected it is witnessing the earliest Heat Wave on record which has warranted school closures restrictions and even caused deaths France is in the same boat it is braving an early Heatwave which is worrying because the Olympic GES games will be held in Paris next month the last summer olympics in Tokyo were the hottest in history with temperatures reaching 32° Paris is expected to break the record I know 32° does not seem like much for many countries this barely qualifies as dangerous but it is in June summer has barely begun for France so Paris temperature should be between 14 to 24° C that is the average but this year it has already crossed 30° the sudden increase can seem unbearable because like most countries France does not have the infrastructure to deal with such abnormal heat meaning there could be a shortage of resources additional stress on Health Care Systems heat related illnesses and even deaths so the examples are everywhere heat is breaking record after record and nations are baking what are the governments doing about it they're asking people to drink more water not much else despite their promises fossil fuel use has broken the global record under their watch satellites like Elon Musk starlink are damaging the atmosphere they're burning the ozone laay so this is the gist of the matter governments have chosen delusion over action we are not prepared for the future while climate CH change chips away at our present it is a catastrophe in the making the weekend is almost here do you have any interesting plans if it's a dingle day maybe you can go out and meet some friends if not you can catch up on some gonk much needed fod plod could be a good choice as well if you understand what I mean then you're part of an exclusive Club of linguists I'm referring to the researchers in Antarctica Antarctica is the coldest and one of the least inhabited continents in the world it has only a few se Ms made up of scientists and support staff and they are so isolated from the rest of the world that their accents are changing and now they're even speaking a whole new language here's a report this is Antarctica a bleak dark and remote place this is the coldest continent on the planet also the least inhabited the only continent with no permanent human habitation but this doesn't mean that Antarctica has no humans it does have some settlements in the form of research stations there are only a handful of bases they are scattered across the 14 million square kilm Frozen landscape and they are a temporary home to scientists and support staff they live in Antarctica for some parts of the Year usually on a rotating basis during this time they Brave the conditions they work eat and socialize while almost totally cut off from the world and this changes how they speak a new study is out a world first study into colloquial Antarctic language and it shows that the so-called winterers have developed their own language it's a unique colloquialism with a baffling ARA of words that won't make much sense to anyone who's not a regular in Antarctica instead of sleep people say gonk instead of cleaning they say gash a clear blue sky day becomes Dingle day and picking up rubbish is called fod plod these are only a few of many such words they sound bizarre but we aren't making this up this language cropped up as happen stance there's not much science behind it except some Logic for instance the fod in fod plod refers to foreign object debris well you can trust a scientist to come up with that there's another fascinating development amid all this conversing people's accents are changing during their stint in Antarctica people have limited entertainment they mostly only talk to each other to speak to anyone in the outside world satellite phone calls are required which are quite expensive and are mostly avoided and when the winterers talk to each other something primitive happens they memorize each other's speech which influences their own speech production research bases in Antarctica consist of people from across the world the common language is English but the accents differ so speakers infect each other with their pronunciations now this is known to us through an Antarctic study this experiment is the first of its kind but the result is not entirely surprising it has happened innumerable times throughout history as groups of people become cut off from others their accents dialects and languages diversify this tells us why American English differs from British English on a larger scale this still happens in many cities where multiple cultures come together to produce their own dialects and accents we see this in Europe due to its high levels of migration for instance over the past few years a new kind of German is being spoken in Berlin a new Swedish dialect is emerging in Stockholm as well and this is bound to happen which is also what makes language fun it's not only fluid but uniting so no matter how disconnected Antarctica remains it retains linguistic traits with the world and now it's time for V chart's images that tell the story North Korean leader Kim Jong-un gifts Russian President Putin a pair of dogs as a two as the two Bond over animals climate protesters spray paint on private jets in the UK and Germany traffic light signals get a facelift courtesy the Euros finally we're taking you back in history on this day in 2001 General perves mushara was was formerly sworn in as Pakistan's president this was after he removed then president rafik Tar this happened two years after mush of seiz power from prime minister nawas Sharif in a military coup we're leaving you on that note thank you for watching we'll see you tomorrow for for the for spion [Music] [Music] first post reports from the world's second largest continent hello I'm Allison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the newsmakers from Africa from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first [Music] post for
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, israel hamas war, israel hamas news, israel army power, israel army, israel military power, israel military, israel hamas army comparison, israel army vs hamas comparison, israel vs hamas military comparison, israel hamas military comparison, israel army hamas defeat, israel army on hamas, hamas israel army, hamas israel, israel army claims, benjamin netanyahu, netanyahu israel army
Id: GC7PyzOtfUg
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Length: 60min 8sec (3608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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