Israel's Army Claims it is Impossible to Defeat the Hamas | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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speaking of which let's turn to the war in Gaza it's been almost 9 months now in this time Israel's position has been the same we want to destroy the Hamas that's what they've said throughout we want to eliminate this group completely but Israel's Army says that's impossible look at what an army spokesperson said and I'm quoting this business of destroying Hamas it's simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public Hamas is an idea Hamas is a party it's rooted in the hearts of the people whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong now this is a big statement Israel's Army says you cannot destroy Hamas it's impossible but that's not what Benin Nan has been saying he kept telling the world that Israel would destroy Hamas not once not twice but multiple times listen to this the elimination of Hamas is a necessary step to ensure that the day after there will be no element in Gaza that threatens us we spoke about recent developments in the war including Israel's commitment to achieving all of the war's objectives eliminating Hamas to win this war We Must Destroy the remaining Hamas battalions in Rafa the necessary goal of the war is first of all the elimination of Hamas we will continue to fight until all the objectives of the war are achieved and the priority is the elimination of homas so who should we trust the Israeli military or the Israeli Prime Minister as expected the statement has triggered a controversy netanyahu's office has commented on it they reiterated Israel's official War goal to destroy Hamas the military also released a clarification they said that the spokesperson was talking about the 's ideology and not the group but I'm afraid that the damage is done the public spat has confirmed the obvious there are divisions between Netanyahu and his military we saw that earlier this week too Israel's military announced a tactical pause in Rafa again Netanyahu was not happy he was totally opposed to any pause in fighting before that the defense minister rebelled he asked Netanyahu to plan for post-war Gaza again the Prime Minister refused and all of these developments confirm the divisions but the question is what has caused it there are three main reasons the first one is tactical Netanyahu wants his army to defeat Hamas in Rafa but what comes after that who will govern the Gaza Strip without a plan Israel could face insurgencies and the Army is not keen on that they would like some clarity on the next step the second reason is Military Support mainly from the US nany's policy has already enrage Washington they have withheld one shipment of bombs but what if more shipments are paused Israel's Army may run out of fire power which brings us to the third reason a second front in this war at this rate we cannot rule it out Israel and hisbah are regularly exchanging fire hisbah and Lebanon last week Israel took out a senior hisbah commander in response they fired rockets at Northern Israel it's a very dangerous situation on Wednesday Israel's Army released operational footage it shows them striking seven Targets in Lebanon take a look at this the hisbah says it's ready for war and it's not just threatening Israel it is threatening Cyprus too now Cyprus is an island on the west of Lebanon it has a defense agreement with Israel both sides have held join drills in the past Cyprus has also allowed Israel to use its airports but all of that was during peace time not in the middle of a war nonetheless hisbah is not taking any chances they're warning Cyprus to if the war is imposed on Lebanon the resistance will fight without control without rules and without a ceiling Cyprus should be warned that opening cypriate bases and airports to the Israelis to Target Lebanon means that the cypriot government has become part of the war and the resistance will deal with Cyprus as if it is part of the war Cyprus has denied these claims they say no Military Support is being given to Israel but how serious is the hisbah threat well the US is really concerned this week Joe Biden sent a special Envoy to West Asia in beut he met lebanon's primee Parliament speaker who is an ally of his of hisbah the US official called for deescalation at the border but the problem seems to be Netanyahu hisbah could have intervened any time in the last 9 months but they did not and what does that tell you there is no appetite for war in Lebanon not unless Israel escalates and that's where Nan's actions are worrying consider what he did with Iran the regime in thran was watching from the sidelines but Israel killed their top commanders in Syria that's when Iran attacked Israel and now Netanyahu is going after senior hisbah commanders again the same agenda to draw out this war and to keep the Americans interested it's a very risky and dangerous strategy but then again that's been netanyahu's game plan [Music] throughout first post reports from the world's second largest continent hello I'm Allison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the News makers from Africa from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first pose [Music]
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, israel hamas war, israel hamas news, israel army power, israel army, israel military power, israel military, israel hamas army comparison, israel army vs hamas comparison, israel vs hamas military comparison, israel hamas military comparison, israel army hamas defeat, israel army on hamas, hamas israel army, hamas israel, israel army claims, benjamin netanyahu, netanyahu israel army
Id: hIuZ4YtH9o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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