Three mogul fundamentals

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hey Bobby can I ask you a question yeah why are you making turns like that on a groom run like that that radius well I think not everyone wants to go and be at really high speeds all the time and I think that's a really practical turn to use a lot of the time you know a lot of people are just they're a little bit afraid of high speeds and I say to my athletes all the time when I'm coaching them it's the beginning of the day it doesn't have to be fast it just has to be good so so you know that's a good radius for all kinds of intermediate terrain and of course it would work in the moguls as well and we'll do some subsequent videos with some moguls stuff as well do you use groomers a lot with your mogul athletes yes yes we use do tons of flat work and our spring camps are exclusively flat work and we use mogul skis like that very kind of traditional unshaped ski and then we do a lot on shaped skis as well and there's a lot of crossover that's a whole other video but yes flat skiing good fundamental flat skiing will absolutely aid you in the moguls and without it your it's gonna take a little bit of a disaster in the moguls these are two really really important fundamentals if I'm on my left foot and I'm making a right turn but we'll just call it a left footed turn if I'm if I'm there and I'm banked in if I'm banked in right now all of my weight is on my right foot because I'm banked in with my shoulders as soon as I get my shoulders on the horizon or a little like away from the horizon over the downhill ski so I think about pinching my ribcage to my hip or I think about like pinching or squeezing a grape between my ribcage of my hip now look at all the pressure I can balance on my left foot now watch left foot bank in inside foot that's no bueno so this is really really important to pinch is really really key so we at the top of the turn if you think about pinching and getting over you're gonna get good pressure and good grip on that ski so Bobby can you talk us through the phases of the turn like like you you bent back over that uphill ski which is turning into your downhill ski yeah so explain that a little more so yeah that's a little bit it's hard to do when you're static or on a slope but at the top you've got to be set at the top of the turn you've got to get on that ski really really and that ski is that that you're that uphill ski yeah the uphill ski yeah so so here I am Here I am and I'm on my downhill ski right I'm on my left ski then I'm gonna travel across the hill Deb if you can get me travel across the hill step on my new key but if if I'm late then you end up slipping and you're inside ski and it's a disaster can I tell you how happy I am to hear all that yeah I love that I called that foot to put skin yeah it's foot to foot it's it's weight transfer like if you got if you get one thing out of this video think you know pinch the grape and and weight transfer early okay so let's let's do will you please do that slowly pinch the grape if that's what you're calling it with that new uphill ski with your upper body and just show us a few of that I'm gonna follow you okay sounds good ready yep [Applause] yeah that's really cool and I'm so what uh what muscles are you really activating you should that's a good question you should really think about your core and your obliques bang-bang and crunch crunch it deal tension and and if you need more fitness then in the fall make sure you're at the gym and you're out doing a lot of core exercises but you should really feel your core activate I'm used in the word tension all the time and here you are Bobby using the word tension and I love that very very specific engagement of the muscles really important obviously to have your shoulders really really level level and horizontal right always you never want to be banked in ever and then we also really want to make sure we're square and you see sometimes people will ski kind of like robotic and they'll turn and they'll initiate the turn with their upper body that's kind of a no-no so really think about engaging the ski with your lower body and with really less work from your upper body if you just keep it really really Square down the hill and do that little bit of ribcage so you say square meaning square down the hill what would not square B would be like if I'm on my right foot right now then I'd be there so that ok right versus their school so for you in moguls Square means to the to the fall line down the fall down the fall line square to the fall line yeah cool ok want to show us yep [Applause] watch this number two do it poorly [Applause] total rotation total body rotation Wow what a lesson awesome upper body is pretty important isn't it it's key its key absolutely key it'll help you transfer all of the power into your skis and maximize the technology in your skis thanks Bobby [Applause] uh-oh he's washed me
Channel: Deb Armstrong
Views: 101,635
Rating: 4.8927536 out of 5
Keywords: skiing moguls, how to ski the moguls, mogul skiing, how to ski the bumps, bump skiing, how to carve the ski, skiing, Deb Armstrong, Deb Armstrong skiing, PSIA, short turns skiing, Deb Armstrong ski videos, how to teach moguls, how to teach bumps, carving skiing, mogul drills, ski improvement, moguls, bumps, teaching skiing
Id: b5mI0NlPwfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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