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welcome to just a few acres farm we got a busy day today i gotta do some mechanical work in the morning hillary's going to market this afternoon so we got to get her ready for that and i'm going to rake and bale hay this afternoon but first we got to take care of these whiny folks over here they've been telling us they need some more hay oh and if you happen to notice my jaws swelled up here on this side well it's because hillary got really mad and slugged me yesterday i did not actually i had a tooth pulled but we'll power through it in case you're wondering why we're feeding the cattle hey in august well it's because we brought them in from pasture to separate for breeding and then all this rain came and we kept them in because the lane wastes through to our pastures get really muddy if we put them out when the ground is really wet it just winds up being a big mess so we're keeping them in we're going to divide them hopefully early next week and then they'll go back out on pasture well the cows were bellyaching at me this morning but they're just hanging out in here and they got new hay i don't know i think they just like the bellyache the next job is my least favorite of the day i keep our old vehicles running on a combination of chewing gum baling wire and zip ties and i gotta do a little bit of that work today the shifter on my truck for like the last 10 years every time it rains hard and you drive through wet roads the linkage gets sticky so to fix that linkage i gotta crawl underneath and lubricate it where it comes in the transmission first with pv blaster and then with lithium grease and it'll hold it for a while [Applause] work it back and forth until it loosens up [Music] well that takes care of that job i've always been stingy with vehicles i think that vehicles are the worst investment you can make so i try to run until they die but i think we have to break down and get hillary a new car because her van is just nearing the end i think the strawberry milkshake problem doesn't seem to have affected it as since i flushed out the transmission it's been driving and shifting like new it's been shifting really well so but i just get tired of dealing with it it's too much tinkering i think it's pretty goofy that cars are viewed as a status symbol at least mostly in the us they are where you got to roll around in the biggest and most expensive car that you can afford it seems like a really bad investment to me right as soon as you drive it off a lot it loses a great percentage of its value so i'd rather buy cars on the cheap and then run them as long as i it's when they get unreliable that i start to have problems gooey boy it's hot today it's been hot all week 90 humid at least i know the hail be ready it was pretty crunchy when i cut it yesterday morning so i know it will be fine this time and i have all day to do it no chance of rain wouldn't you know it i showed how to cook pork chops in a video last week and last saturday at market i sold out of all the pork chops that i brought in the first hour of market i'll bring a whole cooler full this saturday and we're completely restocked with beef now our two beefs came back last thursday i picked them up and this time i had the steaks cut three quarter inches thick two to a pack these are rib eyes my thinking is that you flip them on a grill three minutes aside medium rare steak stays nice and moist and tender all right hillary's all packed up so we can cross that one off the list in current events police were called to a daycare center this morning because a three-year-old boy was resisting arrest yeah that's bad so bad it's good or so bad it's just bad i gotta change the oil on the md before i go out and rake with it because it's long overdue i should have done this a long time ago but i've been busy i'm gonna warm it up a little bit first alrighty then yep it's diesel oil this oil gets reused to lubricate chains on the haybine and the baler etc that's what the brush in the cup is for this being a new engine i really should have changed the oil after the first hour or two of use but of course i got busy with other things and this gas tank here leaks like a sieve i haven't had time to coat that either plenty of time when it gets cold out i don't usually reuse the gasket that's under this lip but this time i have to because napa didn't have them in stock and i wasn't interested in coming back so it should be all right i always reuse the copper crush washers at the top here and i never have a problem with them leaking boy it's getting hot out here the fella would like to have an air conditioned shop on these days oh that's terrible gas leaking out of there [Music] yeah oh man there's a pinhole right up in the side of the tank up in here and it's squirting fuel out yay we're just gonna make believe this business over here ain't happening and fill her back up with oil a little bit overflow we'll start her up and fill the oil canister up and then she should be good she only needed to run for about five seconds oil pressure came right up and down well let's see what we got now we're good i don't know there was something else i needed to do somebody said something oh about a loose muffler i guess i'll tighten that up too it helps some people sleep better tonight ah look at that nice and tight i just checked the weather station 90 degrees 85 humidity at 12 30. great day for hayen right i got a grease serrate because you know spare the grease spoil the bearing yeah well anyway i actually prefer to use a manual grease gun for this i have a battery powered one but the problem i found with the battery powered ones is i can't i'd have no feel of how much grease is going into the joint and i like to be able to feel that some people are all about having the latest and greatest in tools and i'm just not one of them here we go this field's got a lot of dandelion leaves in it from the wet weather and i've noticed that when the grass grass is perfectly dry ready to build but the dandelion leaves are still green when it rolls over in the wind route i don't know what the deal is with that i'm doubling these windrows they're small enough and the hay is dry it's ready to bail pretty much i got some help again today oh it's hot i've been doubling the windrose dad loves getting on the tractor and doing field work dad grew up on this farm and he also spent a lot of time in his high school years working on my great uncle's farm and a few other naval neighboring farms my great uncle's farm was a large dairy for its day and it was a pretty amazing place i think before my time with spring houses and different barns and lots of different enterprises that's where he did a lot of tillage work on that farm and he worked with old farm all tractors so he shares the same love of them that i have in fact he had the privilege of working the first 560 in this area which was kind of the first modern six cylinder international tractor and it was big horsepower back in its day one of the farmers he worked for bought one brand new and dad ran it more than anyone else now 60 years later i'm still running a 656 with the same model engine in it as he had way back then this is plenty dry enough to bail so i'm gonna go hook up the baler and i'll head right to it while he finishes raking well here we go again i have this relationship with the process of making hay that's kind of weird and i think most people that make hay share i both love making hay and it stresses me out like no other job on the farm making hay is one of the things i look forward to during the cold winter months i just think about getting out there on the tractors and i love cutting hay i love the whole process cutting raking tetting baling but i am in the most stress of any other job on the farm when i've got hay down it's a weird thing to try and describe to both love something and be so stressed out about it at the same time [Music] [Music] this haze followed my normal hay making procedure and it's what i call 48 hour hay and it's how most of my hay gets made in 48 hours and it really doesn't matter whether it's first cutting or second cutting it always seems to follow this general pattern on day one i cut the hay either late in the morning or through the afternoon and then on the morning of day two first thing when the dew's still on and the hay is still in its wilt phase i ted the hay and spread it out and i let it sit for the rest of day two then on day three when the dues burned off usually i get to it right after lunch i start raking the hay and i let it sit in the windrows usually that day hopefully actually is a nice sunny day with a breeze i let it sit in the windrows to dry a little bit more and i bail it in mid to late afternoon so if you figure from the afternoon of day one to the afternoon of day three cut to bail that's 48 hour hay the shortest time i've made dry hay is 30 hours and weather conditions were absolutely perfect for that warm weather plenty of breeze low humidity i cut it the morning of day one and i bailed it the afternoon of day two i've only done that once [Laughter] that's it now i got a nice clean field to work with i love a clean field how many bales did i get one two three four five six and four and a third in the baler and one partial over there so we'll call that seven oh well today felt like an odyssey in the heat i'm glad i got all the hay bale next week's gonna be busy too it looks like we got another hay in window i can get the rest of the hay off the fields for the season and finally we can divide the cattle so stay tuned and i'll be back with you have a great day and i'll see you next time
Channel: Just a Few Acres Farm
Views: 87,284
Rating: 4.9863443 out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, hobby farm, hobby farm guys, hobby farming for profit, homestead, how farms work, just a few acres farm, life on a farm, day on the farm, slow farming, busy day, farm day, hay, hay season, farmall 656, second cutting hay, old equipment, dexter cattle, farmall md, raking hay, baling hay, happy farmers
Id: xF48Wrp7rUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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