Threaten a 16 Year Old? You'll Lose Your Job! | r/ProRevenge | #108

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hey everybody rob from karma karma chameleon coming at you with another pearl revenge story summer camp revenge let's jump right in this is my first post here so apologies if something is out of whack this happened close to 20 years ago so my memory of certain parts is a bit hazy it's a long story with some twists and turns but the payoff is worth it now buckle up because we are going for a ride I'm sixteen and about to graduate high school two weeks before the end of class I get approached by a teacher and offered a position at a summer camp we'll call this teacher Haram now Haram is a family friend as both of my parents are teachers within the same school board and have quite a bit of seniority Haram focus was on troubled kids who couldn't function or succeed in a normal curriculum he created a program within my high school to help these kids succeed learning trades I was not one of his students but I crossed paths with him in and outside of school the job I'm being offered is as a waiter at an upscale Jewish summer camp it consisted of setting up each dining hall before a meal serving foods to the kids and staff and then cleaning the dining hall after and prep for the next meal my direct boss would be the head waiter who is supposed to be reporting to the camp assistant director the pay was good and I was to get six days off in the seven weeks I'd be up there I figured why not I'll get away for the summer make some money and I was able to use the camp facilities in between shifts I get hired and I'm given my start date which is about three days before my prom haraam of course knows this and assures me that the camp has a policy of allowing paid time off for proms so not to worry the story I get up to camp meet the people I'm going to be working with and discover that well I am a waiter working for the camp the kitchen is run by a catering company that the camp has contracted out to handle all the food purchasing and prep the caterer and owner who will call dicken hires his own staff to stock the food cook it and manage all the dishes now dicken has this stock boy who will call clarence and he's Dickens right-hand man Dickon is in his late 30s and Clarence is late 20s remember the dicken and clarence give us a tour of the kitchen and then sit us all down for a chat dicken explains that the kitchen is his kingdom and if we look out for him he'll take care of us he then tells us to take any issues we have and day-off requests to Clarence I'm a bit confused at this point because this is not what I've been told and I've always been up by the books person I figure I'll play ball though because I want to make a good impression and approach Clarence to let him know my prom and that I'll be taking two days off for it Clarence then looks me up and down and says he can't let me take two days but he might be willing to let me have one if I can prove to be a hard worker and team player I'm like WTF this is not what I was guaranteed and I'm not missing my prom I decided the best course of action was to go speak with the head waiter to clear this up turns out he was useless and did whatever Clarence and Dickon told him to do went and spoke with Dickon who said he think about it and get back to me at this point I'm like this I don't work for you and go see haram now one important thing to know is that Haram and Dickon hate each other raw manages the camp infirmary one of his many jobs is to hire a real bona fide doctors to treat the kids and staff every year the doctors start seeing spikes of kids getting sick after about two weeks and they suspect it's malnutrition Haram is pretty sure that the malnutrition stems from the poor quality of the food coming out of the kitchen and has voiced this many times to the camp director Dickon in retaliation managed to turn quite a few waiters against Haram the waiters were all former students of Haram and it hurt him a lot some of them would even go to work directly for Dickon in and outside of the camp Dickon also had a god complex and doesn't like people telling him how to do things and went after anyone who went to the camp directorship about anything I go to see her arm about my days off for prom he gets this sour look on his face and says he'll take care of it the next day the camp assistant director comes into the kitchen speaks with Dickon and then tells me my days offer approved and wishes me a good prom I think great start working for the next few days and then leave for prom fYI it ended on a really sour note and my entire graduating class got kicked out of our hotel but that's a story for another day I get back up to camp excited to get back to work and forget about this show of my prom and things start off well I'm a pretty extroverted person so I make friends with the other waiters easily and it turns out I was pretty damn good as a waiter and quickly became the unofficial backup head waiter myself and one other waiter I'm managing an entire dining hall to ourselves 30-plus tables while the other eight managed the second dining hall we do our shifts and then head back to our bunks and chill during the time off but we were actively discouraged from venturing out into the camp proper by Clarence I thought this was weird but since none of my new friends wanted to go out I stayed in what I did not know at the time was that while I was away Clarence asserted his authority over the other waiters by pretty much treating them like crap unless they did what he wanted they were keeping him happy so they didn't get stuck with the real jobs another thing that I didn't know was that Clarence loved being the center of attention with the kids and hated someone taking the spotlight away from him he'd be giving out cookies and snacks all the time so the kids would come see him and we'd go out during meals to get the kids to cheer for him I love kids so I'd be goofing around with him at mealtime having fun doing fun things with the tables for the kids I also start making friends with some of the actual camp staff and this did not go unnoticed by Clarence but also by the camp management a waiter making friends with the staff was very uncommon at this camp the staff were all from well-off Jewish families mostly X campers and the waiters were mostly fuck-ups with attitude issues and were looked down on Clarence and Dickon used this to keep the waiters away from the rest of the camp and also keep what was going on in the kitchen quiet from the camp director a few weeks into camp I get approached by the assistant director and get offered a position in the camp proper working in a bunk to help oversee kids I stupidly said no I was enjoying what I was doing and didn't want to leave my new friends at this point though no one has had a day off Clarence's holding them hostage to get people to do more work for him and we're getting tired no one wants to go talk to him though because they're afraid that they'll get stuck cleaning out the garbage compactor the worst job I go speak with him and get flat-out told that no one has earned a day off and not to ask again at this point I'm starting to lose my cool with Clarence this King Stach boy is not my boss but is somehow refusing to let me take a day off and is treating my friends like crap I was largely left alone up to this point around this time Clarence pulls the stunt that crosses the line with me all the waiters have rooms and a large trailer like thing Clarence comes in one evening kicks everyone out of the trailer and tells us he's going to search our rooms for stolen items he puts on some rubber gloves and starts going through everyone's room one by one people are freaking out worried about what he's doing so I get on the phone with haraam and within 10 minutes he and the assistant director come tearing over demanding to know what's going on he spends some BS about a cook complaining that something was stolen and since no one admitted to the theft he was searching our rooms he's told to stop that he doesn't have the authority and any issues like that need to be brought to the camp directors attention once they leave Dickon shows up and him and Clarence sit us down and tell us that when they find out who went to the director they would be sorry I'm thinking something needs to be done but everyone is too afraid to go speak to the only people who can do something about it except me I need ammunition and I need backup I spent the night thinking and plotting and formed a plan this plan would be rough on me but the payoff was worth it I knew I could count on Haram to back me up but I needed something big for him to go to the camp with his animosity with Dickon was well-known in the camp so it had to be something that couldn't be ignored I had to push Clarence into doing something over-the-top step one was taking the spotlight away from Clarence with the kids and staff I started venturing out into the camp doing activities with the kids in my spare time hanging out with the staff more and doing bigger things during meals to entertain the kids and staff they started coming to see me instead of him and he hated it I started getting the spear jobs having to stay later in the kitchen to clean things were working but it wasn't enough I needed to push things further my participation in camp activities caught the eye of a few supervisors and program directors and they started chatting with me and asking me to attend some of the big camp activities which pissed off Clarence even more suddenly my waiter friends are not talking to me very much and some started getting hostile towards me he started turning my friends against me still not enough I need to pull out the big guns I still haven't gotten a day off because I've become so visible in the camp it's noticed that I haven't taken a day off program directors are curious about this and I tell them it's been hard to get one boom the assistant director gets involved demanding to know why no one is getting a day off and Clarence gets in two days off are reinstated Clarence is furious I'm pretty sure I've pushed him far enough to do something stupid I just didn't realize how bad it was going to be after a meal service and I'm done cleaning a dining hall at this point I'm having to clean one by myself when Dickon and Clarence pull me outside they tell me that they know I'm the one that's been going to the camp directors and that some people are pissed and that if I don't keep my mouth shut and head down for the next few weeks they could not guarantee my safety these two motherfuckers just threatened a 16 year old with physical violence I'm freaking out but I had my ammo I go to Haram and tell him what happened he's livid tells me he will do what he can and to ask for a transfer to the infirmary immediately I go request the transfer and tell the assistant director what happened he's skeptical but will investigate tells me to keep my head down and get back to me two days later Aram the assistant director and the camp director comes storming into the kitchen they grabbed Icahn and Clarence take them into an office and ream into them they come to me next tell me that today was my last day as a waiter and that I would be starting in the infirmary on the next morning doing triage I get this massive send-off from the supervisors PD's and the assistant director thanking me for being such a great waiter at my last service and I spend my last couple of weeks working a great job with an offer to join the camp drama staff next summer I'm happy and waiting to see what happens turns out that a massive investigation was launched the camp director got involved after hearing about the threat and managed to get the other waiters to tell him what had been going on with Clarence it was also discovered that the reason why Clarence was tearing people's rooms apart that night was because he lost some weed and thought someone had stolen it Dickon was told that if he wanted to keep his contract with the camp that Clarence would no longer be working for him here eeep got fired Clarence also worked with Dickon in school cafeterias when word of what he did spread he was not allowed to work in those cafeterias anymore thanks to Haram Dickon was kept on a very short leash moving forward and the camp waiters were treated much better as a result I stayed at the camp for another five years eventually running their drama program a few years later I moved into my first apartment and started to go to this little sandwich shop on the corner and you'll never guess who worked there Clarence I don't know if he remembered me but I enjoy having the piece of make me sandwiches for years part of me got to thinking if somebody was threatening a 16 year old kid then the camp administrators would likely get the police involved but we don't see that in this story which I find kind of odd we're just told that Clarence got kicked out and we later see him making sandwiches in a shop I'd like to think that there was more that happened there but maybe opie doesn't know exactly what the outcome was for Clarence in between the time he left the camp and the time we see him in the sandwich shop once again this is Rob from karma common chameleon if you liked the video I ask you to drop a like on it subscribe and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you [Music]
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 77,502
Rating: 4.8442683 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, comment awards, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, pro, revenge, nuclear, r/nuclearrevenge, nuclearrevenge
Id: h3BkGST3WHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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