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they got some sad news for bucket season five just dropped but a lot of people are just talking about it's my life something sad happened basically if you have a school account and it's tied into Google you have no access zero access to your account I mean you lost all your tokens you lost all your chromas everything is gone it's wiped okay so um I don't know if this is a short term fix short-term solution I don't know if Booker can help you with that but a lot of people's accounts I'm hearing a lot of chatter about this everybody and it's pretty much some people are like my school account I didn't get bad but a lot of people are like wait what huh my stuff is gone your stuff is gone everybody it's in flux okay essentially what happens is this your school if you logged in with Google like a Google account from your school or something like that they basically don't want any emails being sent to that and look it's new verification mode when you log in if they can't send you an email okay and if your school doesn't allow you to get emails which most schools don't want you to get emails at all because it's pretty dangerous to get them from like weirdos or something who knows right but the point is this they can't verify you Therefore your account is in flux it's like stuck in this like Purgatory mode unless your admin your Administration does something and you know good luck trying to do that right I don't know if that can even happen but it's it's good you're gonna take a hit that means all of your tokens all of your hard work are essentially like gone because you can't access them so if you're gonna play but look at I highly suggest you log in the book it with your own email your own email and go from there moving forward do not I repeat do not log in with the school account if you do you're not the admin you don't own that you don't own that email log in with the separate email moving forward for season five or you're gonna lose everything you're gonna lose absolutely everything okay let me know comments below what you think everyone are you are you just destroyed are you horrified did you lose a boatload of tokens a boatload of chromos I don't know let me know in the comments below whatever so thanks if you're just making a free chroma
Channel: MATH
Views: 4,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UuiCq6KxcCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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