Will The HIDDEN Blooket Chromas RETURN?

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what's up YouTube only talking about some gossip or rumors that have been happening with this pirate pack that just dropped on the book of Discord in the description below a lot of people been talking about this chroma here the pirate puffer fish the reason why when you click this pack you can kind of see that the pirate puffer fish is the new chroma but if you've been around the book game for a while this pirate puffer fish is actually a hidden chroma in the Aquatic pack you can see the puffer right here definitely check out this video it goes over the whole thing how to get the hidden aquatic blue so this has been around for a while you can see it's like 14 000 views all that check out that video because it's going to show you all the other hidden chromas Crimson octopus narwhal rainbow narwhal the illustrious poison dart fog we thought we were gonna get this dart frog as a one day only chroma if you don't know what that is watch my one day only Chrome videos all I'm trying to say is this they're a boatload of hidden chromas in this aquatic pack so watch that video to kind of see all of them but the ones that were hidden it's now in the pirate pack so a lot of people are wondering will we get these hidden chromas that are in the Aquatic pack like I said definitely check out that video will we get these either as unique will we get them in other packs or is it just a pirate puffer fish because it makes sense another one is the sandwich blue definitely check out this video has like 50k views will we get the sandwich finally will it maybe go into the breakfast pack wouldn't that be something cool because the breakfast pack is what 20 tokens wouldn't be cool if we're able to get a chroma from that I don't know but there are a boatload like I said of hidden bloops in look it these are just two of those videos but a lot of the rumors are we're gonna get them somehow either via unique or in these packs let me know what you think you think Brooklyn is going to repurpose some of these are we gonna get poison dart frog as a one day only chroma are we somehow gonna get the same sandwich are we gonna get all the other hidden aquatic blooks in different packs or is it just the pirate perfect it's just a one-off let me know concert things
Channel: MATH
Views: 4,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OdwwimOkk3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 56sec (116 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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