Thoughts about 2021

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[Music] hi everyone pam gregory astrologer i'd like to just um share with you today some thoughts i've been having about 2021 and this really i hope will provide some context to all of the updates that i'm going to be doing regularly twice a month all through the year but i think it would be helpful for us just to step back and have some perspective so we were very aware with the saturn pluto conjunction at the beginning of 2020 that happened in january but we knew it was going to dominate the year in terms of contraction control restriction hard times and it certainly delivered on what we expected but it's now different because two of those three planets in capricorn jupiter saturn pluto jupiter and saturn have moved into aquarius now leaving pluto in capricorn and it's going to stay in capricorn um until 2024 it's going to start to move into aquarius in 2023 more fully in 2024 as i've spoken about many times this is the deconstruction of the old order so although we have this real shift happening with jupiter and saturn moving into aquarius shifting the focus more to the people and to the government there is still going to be this um last attempt at this top down control and that's going to continue for a little while however it is going to be continually eroded if the power that is being held is not transparent doesn't have integrity and high principle at its core it will crumble it will be eroded and that will accelerate the collapse so we're moving into a very different phase 2021 is going to be fast moving it's going to be very quick it's going to be full of revelations disclosures truths our old belief systems are really going to crack and crumble it's going to be a very exciting time of change and innovation some wonderful new technologies i mean very positive ones coming um if not in 2021 very soon in terms of free energy energy being based more on magnetism which of course is life supporting rather than some of the the systems we've had in the past and gradually we are going to be moving from control centralization which is about capricorn into decentralization which is much more of this aquarian energy because as i've spoken about the aquarian energy is um much more horizontally based there is going to be huge social reform in 2021 and ongoing massive social reform in a way that and at a speed that we haven't known in our lifetimes now jupiter and saturn that conjunction is about our worldview our culture our values our economy our perspective and that is going to be very different we're thinking very much now from um the power of the people and what the people need what the people want rather than this sense of contraction that we've had in 2020 it is a much bigger year of rebellion and revolution as we go into 2021 now whenever we have um hard aspects we're going to have a we're going to have some squares between jupiter in aquarius and uranus in taurus we're going to have more important i'd say squares really all through the year but exact on the 17th of february the 14th of june and the 24th of december between saturn in aquarius and uranus in taurus now these are fixed signs aquarius is fixed air taurus is fixed earth and when you get these squares between um fixed signs there's a sense of a clash but there's also a sense almost of locked horns of intractability that certain a certain group of people have one set of views on a subject or various subjects and the other group of people have a very different set of views and never the twin shall meet it it's quite hard to see the others point of view so this this feeling of a clash and i think that will add to this kind of feeling of a splitting of the timelines too so be aware there's going to be that feeling of polarity and again although you may be very aware of that polarity say is that where you want to live is that where you want to put your focus or do you want to put your focus on unity consciousness which is where we're really headed to and we've really got to be now hard aspects has to be said between saturn and uranus tend to happen when we have hard times economically for instance um in 1930 to 1931 we had a square between again a square between saturn and uranus that was of course the time of the great depression but equally it did lead to president roosevelt's new deal which um catered for more equitable wealth for the people we also had an opposition another hard aspect between saturn and uranus in 208 209 so i think and also frankly because uranus is in euros as the planet of revolution it's in taurus banking finance economy we are going to see revolutions in that area crypto currencies are going to become bigger please don't write to me i know nothing about them but certainly all of our banking our economies our currencies are going to change quite radically so but ultimately that was going to be more equitable wealth in the world rather than so much inequality and that can only be a good thing yes we're moving very much towards a digital age it's interesting the last time that jupiter was in aquarius that was in 209 2010 that was really the beginning of cryptocurrencies and again they're going to go on to a new level as we move through 2021. saturn was last in aquarius between 1991 and 1994 that saw the birth of the development of nanotechnology which has its benefits but also of course its downsides it was also the beginning of the world wide web so with that background what was happening last time jupiter and saturn were in aquarius we are definitely going to see more digital um digitalization in our lives in every way now yes we have to be aware of that many people have written to me and saying well you know is that a good thing or not well saturn is the planet of control and it's in aquarius which is the sign of technology the internet so controlled by technology just check out how the chinese run their social credit system their videos online you can look at to get the idea about that but i think we have to be aware of that and again do we want to feed that timeline as fully as others might want us to jump on that bandwagon so be just be very aware because we the power is increasingly residing with us even though it doesn't seem that way the power is with the people and our numbers now saturn and aquarius are very very different archetypes and that as i say going to be in square all through 2021 they're going to be kind of clashing and to give you a flavor of that i'd just like to read you a whole list of possible expressions of those archetypes okay because i think this may help you get a an idea of what we're heading for in 2021 okay so saturn is limits uranus is no limits saturn is controlled uranus is freedom and that's a big big theme by the way of 2021 control versus freedom human rights big issue this jupiter saturn um conjunction is moving over the chinese moon and the chinese ascendant the chart for that country watch china any developments there saturn is the past and the old uranus is the future and the new has to do with conservatism uranus is the radical and the maverick one who breaks the rules so saturn is laws rules the status quo uranus is rebellion and revolution saturn is to do with time it's linked to in myth chronos lord of time chronology so linear time the wonderful thing about uranus is it's about no time uranus is in the moment it's that powerful ever present now so our power comes when we're in the moment not thinking about the past or fretting about the future and uranus is that lightning bolt in the moment feeling we are moving increasingly towards timelessness and away from a sense of linear time saturn is connected to logic uranus gets its information a different way by insights and downloads saturn is cautious slow methodical uranus is fast and urgent goes in leaps saturn is order uranuses break down to break through saturn is obedience uranus is all about trying to think politely this awakening to a higher order saturn is earthly tangible reality and the material uranus was the sky god things that come from the sky the galactic that's why it's linked to aviation as well saturn is regulation the centralization of power uranus is the deregulation it's to do decentralization it's about local communities remember in these battles uranus will always win because it's the further out planet but not without a challenge saturn is conventional uranus totally unconventional alternative rules astrology saturn's conformity uranus is all about discovering your uniqueness at a at a deeper level your unique essence at a deeper level going into 2021 saturn is stability unity is instability saturn is slow to respond uranus is impulsive reactive quick your saturn is old and uranus is connected to youth as well and i think young people will birth incredible innovations and ideas to solve a lot of our world's problems so you can see how different they are in their expression so but uranus as i say will always ultimately win because not only is is the euro uranus the further further our planet so it has more dominance it also aquarius and aquarian energy is coming online so strongly juvederm saturn there right now and pluto will um enter it in 2020 finally in 2024 so in terms of how astrology works astrology in a way is very like economics or meteorology it's about the study of cycles so what we as astrologers do myself included and i've just done it in talking about when jupiter and saturn were last in aquarius we look back at previous cycles and say okay what happened then what manifested then and if we if we put that aspect into current reality knowing what we know with a an informed estimate how do we feel that's going to manifest in our current times that's what we do that's what we do however there's some massive changes happening right now that i believe changes that whole methodology certainly for us as astrologers and i'm going to go through this many of them i've already talked about but i want to recap here for the sake of completeness first is cosmology massive our earth is moving through the galactic current sheet see i've talked about his work many times he talks about this so this only happens about once every 12 000 years so the earth is moving through the photon belt hence the massive amounts of neutrino gamma-ray light pouring onto our earth we've never known this in our lifetime the human resonance that that measures the heartbeat of the earth it's been pretty much rocksteady at 7.83 hertz that's just peeking out of recognition in terms of our recorded history so the cosmology of this is causing the earth to upgrade because all of this new energy new light is pouring in secondly second big change is it is causing us to upgrade us humans this is the biggest evolutionary leap for humanity in about 12 000 years it is huge so every cell in our body is being upgraded our entire being strike new strands of dna or old strands of dna that they thought were junk are now coming online this is and people are feeling it already people i'm talking to don't worry if you're not this is the beginning of the process of ascension remember not the end this is just the really the beginning but many people already since the jupiter saturn conjunction on the 21st of december are feeling more psychically sensitive abilities that we would currently call superhuman are coming online telepathy healing i believe this is going to cause a kind of blending ability for us as we become more wave and less particle which is a result of the upgrade and also the result of we're moving from earth to air i believe we will be able to blend with other humans other animals other trees other birds nature the earth hence we will develop a much greater sense of compassion and empathy and kindness kindness to animals kindness to nature kindness to the earth big time because of this blending ability which is going to come in for us aquarius is very much a mental energy and so i believe in this upgrade we're just going to have a sense of knowing that we haven't studied anything read a book done a course we just know and that's going to become a stronger ability because we'll just be able to tap into the akashic records tap into that field of knowledge and get our information so this is a really big rare incredibly rare roughly 12 000 year upshift in the evolution of humanity the next big difference is that the earth has apparently been offline from the rest of the galaxy for thousands of years it is now coming online and the benevolent galactics that are part of this whole upgrade are very much supporting our efforts here you know cheering us on and many people i i know and i know personally are channeling these benevolent galactics to get us to a better place in our understanding because we are becoming galactic citizens we're becoming much more multi-dimensional in our understanding so we can be higher frequency we're going to be more wave and less particle we're going to be more psychically tuned in which is going to have all kinds of benefits but we're going to be more aware of that galactic heritage and future so the fact the earth is coming back online is our third very big change and the fourth big change that i'm personally very excited about is this um opening up of the evolution of astrology to echo or perhaps lead humanity's evolution which are these kuiper belt objects these kbos some of which are dwarf planets i've talked about these in the last few videos it's very exciting but they are really all of the archetypes that i've looked at so far and again thanks principally to kelly hunter wonderful american astrologer again i'll put her website details below she's done the research on these but they are all quantum in their understanding of how reality is formed they're all magical in that sense but they're also deeply connected to nature and the earth and this is where we are headed as beings and i do believe that new planets new orbiting bodies become available to us are discovered and become available to us once on consciousness has has lifted to a certain frequency in order to access those new archetypes but they are going to help us in our understanding of what new gifts and talents we're going to be developing as we move into this more galactic more multi-dimensional age now these four things and there may be many more but certainly four that i are very obvious to us are game changers so it's not no longer just let's look at the same cycle what happened last time what can we say we'll repeat this time it's not going to repeat in the same way because this is a whole new world it's a whole new earth that we are creating with these new energies and that is just incredibly exciting so and remember the physics of the light the downward causation causes low frequency manifestations to dissolve so in this shift really keep your frequency high and i say this almost in every video but because i mean our future is always unknowable but it's even more unknowable because of this huge evolutionary shift and because we are moving from earth to air it's just ether so it can feel less stable because the earth is heavy and dense and predictable and things we've known structures we've known all of our lifetimes we are moving into this more ethereal age where everything is energy many people myself included have talked about we create our reality we are really going to get that principle going to consciousness will be the new currency we are going to create with light we are going to create from light and we are going to be very aware of doing that so we are going to know that we create via our frequency and our intention and clarity and we are going to be aware of us as beings being more light beings and we create with light so and however much kind of negative stuff is coming at you that doesn't look good in the 3d reality and there's lots of it about try and say and we're all human i know we can go eek you know that's that's not great but don't feed it with your focus and your attention remember the analogy of the two temple dogs i used if you feed it and give it your focus you're feeding that timeline you're strengthening strengthening that timeline the the timeline bandwidth is now greater so anchor in your heart bring your breath back to your heart in and out of your heart anchor always in your heart and pitch your frequency at unconditional love so even though the future is unknowable pitch your frequency look into the eyes of your dog look into the eyes of your child hug a tree anything that will raise that level easily for you to unconditional love talk to a friend that you care about just try and live at that level because that's what we're going to be creating with so it is incredibly exciting and you can if you want to you can keep on coming back to this um this video as the context for what we're moving into i do think the first couple of months of 2021 are going to be pretty wild chaotic volatile tumultuous gonna rock the boat upturn the apple cart with a lot of things we have believed or people we've trusted in or structures that we've known i do believe that the astrology is very strong and chaotic those first couple of months but necessary to get us to where we need to be it settles down in march i think mid-may to end july when jupiter moves into pisces is much more mystical even august looks looks good too and when jupiter moves more fully into pisces in 2021 at sorry 2022 i think that's gonna have beautiful energy too so it's really this first half of the year that's going to be quite challenging but remember the big you know the big themes of of freedom versus control and but don't dive into that polarity too much try and keep in unity consciousness try and keep in love and stay anchored in your heart i hope that's helped you um and if you want more information my website pam teaching videos long monthly newsletter and of course the constant updates so i'd also like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the incredible love that you give back to me i feel quite emotional now all the love and support and comments um and shares and all that you you you do for me because it helps share the very positive message that astrology can give to our for these times and also to use it as a navigational tool as we move forward into this new age of light and galactic citizenry god bless bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pam Gregory
Views: 176,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #astrology#2021astrology
Id: vQ3QvOrRfIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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