Dream interpretation: Understanding Different Types of Dreams

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okay what's the question regarding division well some people say that vision he sees maybe one vision every night some people say more than two or three virgins Marshall f3t did yesterday I saw a vision myself so lost 100 in a corner holla so is it what is what is the visions okay the regions are of three types as a professor lemme said first type which is from Allah from raha man which is a person sees himself in paradise he sees himself with the Prophet Muhammad masalas and with the prophets with the shoes which are scholars with the pious people sees himself in general he might see a lot of Hannah who were dad as well but we can't verify the what you see in love you could see because the prophet saw silent he had seen a lot in his begs best picture it makes image Allah saw him in his dream he did not see him with his either belongs in his head when he's awake my soul man his dream in the hadith which is hadith Alexis I'm in my Laila well-known hadith so a person which is seeing these things is from Allah to Muhammad Atta that's a true vision that's not that's the vision that you want to narrate to a scholar to interpret for you and to a person whom you love not somebody is going to envy you when prophet Yusuf Ali Salim so that those shams will come and Sun and the moon 11 planets all them prostrating to him it's a good vision so he told it to his father and his father's a prophet he said you have only lad that's also what you can aquatic don't narrate even those two your blood brothers fakey do like ok that they will envy you young blood brothers because those blood brothers they're from different mothers they might what plot against you and you are a young kid to see this vision hmm maybe Allah is going to specify it to be a prophet like your father so then you already so he said in the Shaitaan in signing I do movie verily Shaitaan is all the time so this is from the good vision you narrate it to the one whom you love and to the one who is a knowledgeable person to interpret it for you because if you did not interpret view very well he's going to be disaster to understand that so if somebody in favor to you like for example you've seen yourself for example in a green masha'allah field you can tell it to a person he said you're gonna be in a green paint you might end up with a green paint so make sure that the person who tells you that the vision interpretation is good person he knows what it's saying and the property of Eliza the vision is on the foot of a bird wherever it is being interpreted the bird will land so imagine that the bird is flying and you have a vision you interpret that vision once the interpretation takes place so imagine that the land is full of interpretation so that person chose this interpretation then let the bird will follow to that interpretation and it will take place and this is from the glad tidings that Allah has given to the believer because the proper source a means the prophethood is stopped revelation stopped when I may have kal-el Mashhad only the glad tidings is left Messenger of Allah what is the glad tiding color not your side I have a slightly higher harmonium the good vision that the marshes person ceases in history that's not the revelation and that is why when they came to me my Mary can you interpret this dream the king's people came to you from pharmacist that I can't mmm Malik you know him a manatee life to you o matic from medina mmm Malik we came up to you get a man in typically give him any interpretation he said a be new Oh what do you lamp am I gonna play around and mess about with the prophethood I've been new boo what do you like my Nana mess about with the prophethood we don't know the dream I can't repeat it second time is from the shape on shape and is from shape on is about because Abby's coming to unite miracle it nightmare a beast is following use to kill you your honor you coming and you wake up terrified huh you are like living it isn't it you're living the film subhanAllah and if that is persistent if science we are finding black snakes black dogs black cats black things and all the time black black black then that's not really good you need to seek hell could be magic whether the other been there so if you have seen it once or twice then you have to have an etiquette as well to encounter such dreams number one that is you seek refuge in Allah from Hanna what Allah from what you have seen number two you seek refuge in Allah from the three times three times and you as well spit on your left three times now this is a drawing glitch translation spit but in the Arabic is not right this is as I said only you have to take it from somebody to interpret it for you otherwise they're going to be spitting not correctly spit here like this this is my left see how much I turned it and this is the way it's called deathly nut busca and they could do it on your wife and you got to be in trouble during the fight so just blow this is what you do in the play as well isn't it when he ends up comes I was behind a person in one of the prayers in a row is in front of me about three four rows in order massagin well I I have seen this person been alive he did like this on the brother next day I almost laughed in the flap and I was really masha'Allah any sort of a style I were happy with that man that he had held himself he didn't punch him back or something like this you know if the Prophet on him he said if something came to the prayer in Sabbath Fulani aside they said this is how we do it we took it from the shoe from the learner people as well give it to you as well we don't just read the book spit on your left and then you become shape after the person is next to you let's get a spin to his left as well it's true or not so this is how the you to spit like this so nobody can notice that just like lilten and that's your left but to the person who's next to you and with some saliva flying I wouldn't be laughing called disease as well not also you play - raka you get up and play - raka also you move your place slightly so you also you move your position so it's in place like for example just about two inch away from because that place was a plan was and you move as well slightly to the right to lie to the left or to the back if you're not setting to the back slide to the right but don't ever sleep on your belly don't sleep on your belly that's the second type of the vision third type is been had it enough that is the person who does something usually or thinking about something all the time he will come to him in his dream that's what they said the scientist the scientist they said if the person keeps picking up tomatoes Tomatoes all day they guarantee for him they're going to pick it up while he's dreaming as well you gotta come to his really gonna pick up Tomatoes as well was dreaming so the person if he thinks about something too much okay he will some person so himself in a taxi driver he's a taxi driver himself that's not eating from the vision knowledge from the shape arm it's actually from hadith in Neffs we call it what you have been doing most of the day it comes to you during the night so we are concerned with number one hady vision Rockman this is from this 40 segment from 46 seconds of the prophethood what does that mean prophet of allah receive revelation through twenty three years from those 23 the six months of them is through vision I had issues to say the property of Allah is to see something in his vision it comes as it was in the following day exactly that's revelation so six month the ratio of it to 23 years if you are a mathematician six months is a half a year half over 23 that's one over 46 in the center the calculation is a segment out of 46 segments of the prophethood revelation so it's a glad tiding for you that the person he sees sometimes a vision marshal of the following day huh the following day it comes to same now one of the interpreters of the dreams very good one even seen heard about him in City okay even sitting they have attributed to him a book called interpretation of visions most of this not right that book is not right into attributed to him and but even seeing he was a great man and he there was lots of story about him how he's to interpret the dreams but the interpretation has to be close to the vision for verily one day man came to the profesor seldom and he wanted to in tell him what is his vision so Abu Bakr Allah hewan after he heard the vision the vision the messenger of allah by allah let me interpret it so he thought interpret the dream Abu Bakr once he finished interpretation he said I saw one wah ba-bah some of it was correct interpretation and somebody was what incorrect interpretation because your intermission has to be walked close to the vision close to the vision someone was correct somebody was wrong so this man came to American city he said to him I have seen in my vision I was making an event mashallah that is good now he knows that this person he's mashallah pious person he does the he sees he says to him well insha'Allah I believe they're gonna make Hajj well that was happy after a while another man came but he's wicked thief no good he may be sitting I have seen myself in my vision I am making an event now I could see that you're gonna steal and your handi gonna be cut off how do you interpret this in this they asked of the students in City why it's a well the pious man came and he told me about his vision I remember the verse of the Quran well I've been finesse he will had yet to carry Jayla and make an Evan destroyed volume Ali Salim that for the hatch and the people will come to make hatch as I'm certain hatch is gonna be but when that man came and he was a thief I know him well then I'm a demon I get two hundred euro in the Kula sorry boo colors we call oh this is the story of Yusuf Ali setup that you are thief's so it came to my mind that you want a thief either feet is going to have is had to be amputated so the vision is very important very good question and it needs a lecture by itself by the way just giving you inshallah enough information about it and as I said the vision is good to go and to tell it to somebody who is a rancher's man who is an interpreter whom you love and say to him straight away after you have seen it because if you keep it one or two three four days you might add to it and forget and the Prophet SAW suddenly warned us against lying in the interpretation and the vision because you see profitable I said men he who had forged a lie in his vision coonley fire multi EMA he will be told on the day of resurrection and yaki they're very inertia in our time that he will be told to connect between two barley seeds and you can't be able to do that can't because there's no ends for them so that means is impossible why they said the scholars because he see the person he can easily lie to his vision isn't it because there's no witness there because I said bring a witness that you have seen this vision a con he's always on witness so those people will come as I've seen the Prophet Muhammad Hassan he's a liar be careful as a punishment the resurrection does show off and we also if he had seen the prophet of Allah we ask him because the Shaitaan he will not come in there what the shape of the prophet of Allah but he could come and say into your dreams I am Muhammad follow me so the prophet of illogical description so if you've seen the prophet of Allah we ask you huh how does a puff solemn sell him look oh I've seen a man masha'Allah with big beard and white big beard boy when it sold separately issue he didn't see center close because the prophets Allah law it is seldom he's got very few gray hairs about 21 gray hair and all of his black eye hasn't got white hair white beard so I could be Santa Claus you don't know using them with Christmas close to Christmas so be careful what luck was that that it is not from the Sunnah to keep quiet unless there is no scholars and nobody do you love because you want to share that as well this is why I'm a veneer and material because I had this and by the blessings of your Lord talked about a lot commanded his prophet to show the blessings of Allah this is blessings of Allah on you show to the people whom you love not the one we're going to envy you okay so say it is like a la jolla Charlotte out that I make it a good vision for you with Allah please don't forget to like us and share us on the digital member Facebook and Twitter please also subscribe to the digital member YouTube channel in the links below
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni
Id: 09wzi8i5fdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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