Thorn in the Flesh | R.T. Kendall

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ephesians chapter 4 talks about people that are gifts to the body of christ one of those people are pastors and teachers well today we have a gift here at times square church each month we get to hear this gift share and break open the word of god every single month dr rt kendall dr rt kendall was the pastor for 25 years at westminster chapel in london england i'm so thankful not only to call him friend but to also call him a mentor and a spiritual father to me he has been such a blessing to us over these months and he is going to unpack for us probably one of the most powerful things i've heard him preach in the past years rt kendall is going to be talking to us about a thorn in the flesh i want you to prepare your hearts for something i believe that is so important for the church to hear today would you prepare your hearts for dr arty kendall i want to speak to you today on the subject the thorn in the flesh some of you will know exactly where this phrase comes from and i want to read to you today from 2 corinthians chapter 12 beginning at verse 1. the words of the apostle paul i must go on boasting though there's nothing to be gained by it i will go on to visions and revelations of the lord i know a man in christ is referring to himself who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven in those days the feeling was there's the first heaven where you see the birds and the clouds the second heaven where you see the moon the stars and the planets then beyond that the third heaven well that's what paul says he was brought up to and he says whether i was in the body or out of the body i don't know only god knows and i know that this man referring to himself was caught up to paradise whether in the body or out of the body i don't know god knows and heard things that cannot be told which man may not utter on behalf of this man i will boast but on my own behalf i will not boast except of my weaknesses though it would seem i could wish about that i could in that case wish to boast i wouldn't be a fool for i would be speaking the truth but i refrained from it so that no one would think more of me than he should or what he hears from me so to keep me from becoming conceited those are his words and because of the surpassing greatness of these revelations where he was caught up to the third heaven he said a thorn was given to me in the flesh thorn in the flesh he calls it a messenger of satan and yet god sent it figure that one out i'll come to that so this thought in the flesh messenger of satan to harass me to keep me from becoming conceited there it is three times i pleaded with the lord about this that it should leave me but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you and for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore says paul i will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of christ may rest upon me for the sake of christ that i am content with weakness weaknesses insults hardships persecutions and calamities for when i'm weak then i'm strong i take great comfort from those words when i'm weak then i'm strong brief word of prayer heavenly father i pray now for the sprinkling of the blood of jesus by your spirit to rest upon every person watching hearing in order that their perception of what i say will be heard as you intend cleanse my tongue that i will be your transparent vehicle to pass on everything that needs to be said nothing that doesn't need to be said help me to be very very clear very very simple and i ask that this be a life-changing word and a word that brings great honor and glory to your name i pray in jesus name amen well these words that i just read by paul in 2 corinthians chapter 12 have to be among the most candid transparent and vulnerable admissions of any servant of christ because of two things listen to this god having been extremely gracious to paul giving him those extraordinary visions and getting given paul's promise to take himself too seriously he said god sent this thorn in the flesh and so paul admits that he has this problem and so god sent this thorn in the flesh the greek word is schoolops thorn a splinter like a fish hook i don't know if anybody watching you're a fisherman uh i'm a fisherman that's my you could say my first love after preaching the gospel did you ever get stuck with a fish hook oh boy it'll ruin your day it hurts to move it the more you try it becomes more pain more painful constant pain and according to paul it was driven into his flesh the word for flesh is the greek word sarx well he doesn't mean a physical thorn in his body he's talking about a figure of speech it was something in his own personal life so because of the flesh the word flesh uh which uh john calvin defined as the unregenerate part of the soul when you hear the phrase of the phrase flesh and spirit in the bible flesh the unregenerate part of the soul well a thorn in paul's flesh god inflicted him with something painful it was something that wasn't going to go away we know because he said i prayed three times for it to go away well now if you know what has gone on before in 2 corinthians 10 11 and if up to now you have questioned whether the boasting of paul was boasting of his weakness and not his strength he makes it clear he wants to give you the final evidence the one thing it is one thing to have marvelous experiences with god and you know what paul might have referred to any of several experiences of god but here is the final evidence now we know from the book of acts uh in acts chapter 9 there were signs wonders miracles he had a vision of jesus but this is different he singles out something that had happened 14 years before something subsequent to that experience of his conversion on the road to damascus it lets you know that after you've been converted and you may have had an extraordinary experience with god it's interesting to know i find this comforting that that's not the last time god may reveal himself to you in a supernatural way he may show up again well here's paul's point had i been strong and truly a man of humility you would have thought paul i thought you were strong i thought you were a man of humility he says not really had i been strong and truly a man of humility and in total control of my ego god would have left me alone no need for a thorn in the flesh but because of what i am so weak and frail and so prone to take myself so seriously god sent this thorn isn't that amazing question does this surprise you did you think that a saint of god like paul would be so prone to take himself so seriously well i'll tell you there's a verse jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9. if you knew how often i think of this you may have trouble believing me it says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked well this thorn came to him shortly after the vision he had some 14 years below before now i want to make some general observations as i introduce this subject first it was a manifestation of god's glory question for you do you think that you have a thorn in the flesh if so are you able to see it as a manifest manifestation of the glory of god are you here's another thing i want to say about the thorn in the flesh not only is it a manifestation of god's glory it's a sincere but a severe form of chastening or being disciplined hebrews chapter 12 verse 6 whom the lord loves he chastens or some translations he disciplines the word discipline it comes from a greek word that means enforced learning where god gets your attention well i have to say if you are a christian worth your salt certainly certainly if you are a sovereign vessel i would define sovereign vessels one especially chosen of the lord for some form of ministry well you have a thorn in the flesh well if you don't have a thorn in the flesh you will it will come after all hebrews 12 6 whom the lord loves he chastens well i would say this thorn in the flesh three kinds of chase sitting all combined and i would say that this thorn in the flesh is an extreme form it's an extreme form of chastening now let me explain the three kinds of chastening internal external terminal first internal uh which i'm going to define but i want to say this that some christians have more than one thorn in the flesh uh you might say i've got more than one well well i've got more than one too although you may have more than one thorn in the flesh at one time chances are that there is probably one thing that stands out above all others well a thorn in the flesh is like a prison sentence i'm sorry it's a situation you are locked into i wish i could say otherwise but it is not likely to go away very soon if at all well you're going to say will it ever go away will it ever go away well the answer is yes if you don't need it any longer but don't anticipate that it's going away go away tomorrow afternoon or anytime soon now i'll share something with you that i wish were not true but i know of a well-known preacher who is one of these prosperity teachers who actually said if you can believe it he actually said that if the apostle paul had had my faith he wouldn't have had a thorn in the flesh well i think that's very dangerous way to speak i wouldn't want to be in the shoes of anybody that would say it or think it whom the lord loves he chastens and those who have been brought up for a particular purpose and i i believe i'm talking to someone today this is what you need you wonder what is going on uh what's happening well i've got good news it may not be all good news because you were hoping that an hour from now a day from now it will just go away well the first question what is the prerequisite for having a thorn in the flesh in fact i want to say five things today i want to talk about the prerequisite for the thorn the purpose of the thorn in the flesh i want to talk about the pain of the thorn of flesh then we will see there's a paradox but finally there is the permanence of the thorn in the flesh well the word prerequisite means required as a condition or in preparation for something else in other words how do you qualify what do you have to do to get a thorn in the flesh well it's not something you would likely stand in a queue for or if i were preaching this publicly i don't think i would give an appeal for all those who want a thorn in the flesh to stand up and come forward i don't think i would do that as a matter of fact never forget this in the lord's prayer which i hope you pray often my wife and i prayed every day the lord's prayer has that phrase in it lead us not into temptation the word temptation comes from greek word that means testing or trial and we are to pray we sincerely must pray every day lord i don't ask to be tested today i don't want it it's okay jesus said pray lead us not into temptation you don't want to be abroad to have to be thrown into the pool of the deep end you rather not have it just because you should count a trial pure joy as james put it in james chapter one verse two that doesn't mean you go out looking for a trial they'll come soon enough but there are four prerequisites or you could say uh conditions uh for this thorn the first here's the first qualification that god has been exceedingly good to you is that you 1 peter chapter 2 verse 3 you have tasted that the lord is good he's gracious if you say well god's been good to me well that's the first qualification that's the first prerequisite if you cannot say that god has been good to you you're exempt but all listening if you would say honestly god's been good to you i have to tell you you qualify that's the first prerequisite the second prerequisite that one of your weaknesses is that you tend to take yourself too seriously in other words if you don't have any problem with pride congratulations don't worry you're not going to have a thorn in the flesh and and not only will you not have a thorn in the flesh you probably won't need any chastening either because as i said the greek word for chastening means enforced learning and whom the lord loves he chastens and if you don't have a problem with pride don't worry you're not going to have a thorn in the flesh i'll just say it again i think needs to be said it may shock you but there is this famous preacher who said if the apostle paul had my faith he wouldn't have had a thorn in the flesh i don't mean to be unfair that means this man says i don't have a problem with pride well it shows that a person like that has no conviction of sin a person like this has no objectivity about himself and if you have no conviction of sin and you're not aware that you have a problem with pride i don't mean to be unfair but you don't have objectivity about yourself but then there's a third prerequisite that you've been called to a special ministry this will almost certainly mean you're going to need special preparation i think if when david was anointed by samuel samuel poured the oil on david and from that moment the spirit of god came upon david and someone might hastily say well david he's only 17 years old but he's got the anointing he's ready to be king listen hard listen to learn for some of us just because we have an anointing doesn't mean we're ready for the ministry to which we've been called the truth is david would need another 20 years of preparation charles spurgeon the great baptist preacher of the 19th century said if i knew i had 25 years left to live i'd want to spend 20 of it in preparation you see that's an older man as he realizes he could have spent more time knowing the bible and being prepared uh and so preparation is part of what we're talking about so the thorn in the flesh is because you need special preparation and we come now to this preparation will be painful i would put it like this if you have been given a thorn in the flesh you have just qualified for entrance into the university of the holy ghost not harvard not yale not princeton not oxford how would you like to be in the university of the holy ghost well there's another reason to know that you qualify god is not finished with you yet you haven't yet graduated from the need for preparation and so you ask how long will this thorn be in me why this pain well as long as we need it as long as we need it psalm 84 verse 11 no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly well you see there's more work for you to do and more disciplining so we come to the purpose of the thorn in the flesh what is the purpose of the thorn in the flesh well that we might be partakers of god's holiness hebrews chapter 12 verse 10 that we may partake of his holiness you put it this way it's god's ordained means of sanctification i would define sanctification this is an important theological point if i could say this parenthetically sanctification is the doctrine of gratitude in other words why be a holy person in order to get you to heaven no that misses the point because you know you're going to heaven by the blood of jesus it's a way of saying thank you lord for saving my soul and you thank him not only with your lips but by living a holy life sanctification is the doctrine of gratitude all right we're called to this chastening because it's god's way of getting our attention and making us more like jesus hebrews chapter 5 verse 9 i would say that this verse is one of the most extraordinary verses in the new testament you see amazing this that god perfected jesus by jesus suffering now i don't get this i don't understand it's one of the strangest verses a lot of verses in the bible i don't understand and when i get to heaven i hope that i'll get it then i'd like on the way to heaven to know some reason for verses why would jesus need suffering for his perfection well god's ways are higher than our ways and if jesus listen to me if jesus needed suffering to make him perfect how much more do we need it and so it's the only way it seems that god can bend us have you ever heard that phrase before lord bend me i don't know if you've ever heard of the welsh revival 1904 in wales the main figure was a young man by the name of evan roberts and he was praying one night people recall hearing him say it lord bend me lord bend me and it can be very painful but that's what evan roberts prayed and look how god used him well are you willing to pray lord bend me i'll put it this way we must welcome god's plan a which i call internal chastening and that is uh when god chases through his word internal the holy spirit operates on you if you're listening to me right now and god is speaking to you that's plan a he's trying to get your attention through this word and by the way plan a internal chastening best way to have your problem solved but sooner or later we all need i'm afraid god's plan b external chastening that's plan b because internal uh we don't seem to listen but i can tell you this the external though painful uh it achieves in us a far greater weight of glory 2 corinthians 4 verse 17 and i'll tell you another fringe benefit of external chase of it you know why god does this not only to prepare you for the ministry to which you've been called it ensures that we will receive a reward at the judgment seat of christ god wants you to have a reward well in a word i can summarize it's the best thing that has happened to us plan b god said to jonah go to nineveh jonah said no and god said really and god sent the wind god sent the fish to get jonah's attention and if god has had to bring in plan b external chastening here's what it does not only to prepare you for reward at the judgment seat of christ another friend's benefit it tends to keep us out of trouble well one day you will treasure it one day you will appreciate it and i would say learn to do this now well what then is the specific purpose of the thorn in the flesh well as one bible scholar put it to puncture our pride how does that make you feel does your pride need to be punctured well that's the purpose i would call it a compensatory puncture from god a compensatory puncture now some people get a positive compensation in this life because they have been deprived but sovereign vessels they'd get a negative compensation because they've been so privileged and so blessed so compensation is to make up for a deficiency and so if you've become uh taki you've been guilty of taking yourself a little bit too seriously or people complement you and you begin to believe their compliments and god looks down and says oh my servant needs a compensatory puncture it won't be fun at the moment you get a great sense of glory i was brought up in the church of the nazarene many years ago the very famous preacher he was known as uncle buddy robinson he was tongue-tied uneducated a long story about him i'd love just to tell you more about him but he tells a story that one day someone came up to him and said uncle buddy that's the greatest sermon i've ever heard and uncle buddy said lord keep me from getting puffed up ten seconds later someone came up to uncle buddy and said uncle buddy that's the worst sermon i've ever heard he said lord keep me from getting puffed down well we all need something and so we're talking about uh how god can do this it's compensation to make up for a deficiency but we're not talking about god compensating us by material blessings a thorn in the flesh is a compensation because we have a deficiency in many areas let me give you five areas very quickly first of all faith do you realize that paul's own greatest trial uh he describes it in two corinthians chapter one he admits why he needed it he said so i would rely on god i want to say paul i thought you already trusted god he would say well yes but not like i should and maybe god has given you this so that you would rely on god like you haven't because of your lack of faith or take the word love my greatest trial led to my coming into total forgiveness the worst trial i ever had in my life honestly the worst louise and i went through years ago do you know at that time the future was so bleak i thought life was over i now can tell you it's the best thing that ever happened to me and so a thorn in the flesh you're not going to enjoy it at the moment but i can tell you if you don't give up and you don't complain and paul needed it for faith for more love and i'm getting ready to spell the word flesh faith love empathy do you lack in showing empathy for those who are hurting then there's the word sin do you need to be reminded what a sinner you are you say oh i i'm trying to live a good life i can tell you right now isaiah the prophet had been prophesying for years that one day he saw the glory of god and he said woe is me i'm undone and god has a way of bringing us face to face with what we're really like a sense of sin 1 john 1 8 listen if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us f l e s sin h humility it comes down to this do you take yourself too seriously i'll tell you what i'll come clean it's one of my greatest problems and i've got a thorn i wish it would go away but i just trust that god knows what i need well paul admits to why he needed it he actually said so i'm amazed at this you see if you were to read the biography of the great saints of god in history do you want to know what they had in common the greatest saints always saw themselves as the greatest sinners contrast that with a man who says if the apostle paul had my faith he wouldn't need a thorn in the flesh terrible thing to say paul admits he had a problem with pride in verse seven well what we have in this phrase is what i would call an intentional ambiguity in the greek language ambiguity means more than one meaning for example one meaning paul says lest i be exalted above measure what does he mean well that's the way it's put in the king james version lest people put him on a pedestal and admire him too much well paul says god's going to make sure that people around me are going to see something that will keep them from praising me like i'm an angel or another translation this is why i say it's um an ambiguity intentional ambiguity another way to put it lest he be conceited or arrogant uh in other words uh if you get an awareness of your weakness and how you've messed up that'll go a long way to keep you from being arrogant and paul said that's what i needed well there's another translation he said is to keep him from exalting himself in other words someone gives you a compliment and you think oh good i needed that and maybe you did but if you're not careful you'll just gloat on that for days and you'll need a humbling i never will forget preaching at westminster chapel in london the one sunday god was just good to me i mean it was so good i said i can't wait to preach a week from now i think i've learned how i think i've learned how to preach for the first time i couldn't wait for sunday to come and i went to that same pulpit i made the biggest mess i've just learned that there will be ups and downs and paul said i needed this storm of the flesh so i would always be humbled as i need to be well to keep himself from being too elated thereby getting his joy from external things whether it be from revelations by the holy spirit or being excited over people bragging on you well i just referred earlier to jeremiah 17 9. i think of this verse i think every day i hadn't thought of it till this second it's possible i think of this verse more than i think of romans 8 28 all things work together for good i think of that every day but let me tell you jeremiah 17 9 the heart this is for saved people for everybody the heart is deceitful above all things desperately wicked incurably wicked that's what the hebrew says we never outgrow this and if you think you've outgrown jeremiah 17 9 watch out watch out oh here's a great verse god knows our weaknesses and i love this verse psalm 103 verse 14. you know what it says i love it god remembers our frame he remembers that we're dust at the same time god knows when our pride needs a knockout blow well question how does this thorn do its job or how does it keep one from being conceited well i think i'd put it this way it curbs one's proneness to give into the flesh by letting us be embarrassed and god uses the threat of being embarrassment to being embarrassed to to protect protect yourself from ourselves how does it work well through pain yeah the pain now come to the pain of the thorn in the flesh hebrews 12 10 and 11 is for our holiness but then the writer says something obvious it's almost redundant he would need to say it but he said it chastisement being disciplined is painful it's painful a thorn thorn like a fish hook into your skin it's a nuisance but it hurts and you think about it all the time you can be out fishing you get a fish hook and i don't care how many fish you catch you'd rather get that fish hook out it keeps from getting it keeps us knowing that we need help you see a thorn hurts it keeps getting our attention it won't go away why would god inflict us with pain it doesn't kill us it only hurts as it's because then listen carefully god's glory is a no joke thing like it or not he's a jealous god god is determined that no flesh shall glory in his presence if there were no pain we would forget and lapse back into our normal fleshly ways but it helps to keep us from competing with god's glory isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 my glory i give to no other never forget this about god isaiah 42 verse 8 my glory i will not give to another you see it ensures that we will take no personal credit or glory and it makes certain that we will always give god all the glory what else then can be said about a thorn in the flesh it's a trial it hurts it's obtrusive always there it reminds you of it it's a nuisance and paul said to torment me as i said to give his pride a knockout blow it keeps one's feet on the ground it keeps one from thinking i have arrived well in short listen the good it does more than compensates the pain it causes welcome now to the paradox of this thorn in the flesh the word paradox means what appears to be contradictory so paul says two things god said it and yet the devil did it paradox said it was given me god sent it but then he uses the devil messenger of satan the devil did it uh how could this be god did it the devil did it this is nothing new this is nothing new look at what god did to job do you realize that god initiated all that job went through god started it god said to the devil have you considered my servant job and i dare say to i'm talking to someone right now you wonder why you're going through this god called your name to the devil and says have you considered my servant john emma joyce rudolph whatever god knows your name and he has allowed the devil to do this there's another example compare 2 samuel 24 1 with 1 chronicles 21 1. one says god did it the other satan did it or uh let me read to you from peter's sermon on the day of pentecost acts 2 23 he says that jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of god you crucified by the hands of lawless men so who crucified jesus you could make a case for bearish ones the soldiers did it the romans did it pontius pilate did it the jews did it satan did it god says i did it god is at the bottom of it all and so you need to sow see that all that you're going through is by the plan and foreknowledge of god well god allows satan to go so far but no further god does it the devil does it well god is in control he sent his son to die on a cross satan entered jesus satan realized he'd been outwitted it says in one corinthians 2 8 the devil wouldn't have done it had he known that this was god's plan and so how wonderful that the same god who sent his son and used the devil to give you the same kind of attention he gave jesus i close permanence of the thorn in the flesh paul said i prayed three times you see there's nothing wrong with paul praying that god would remove it far worse had he tried to remove it himself so it's okay to ask god to remove it but don't try to remove it yourself it will only bring more pain if you ask how can i know that what i have is a thorn in the flesh and i would put it this way if something painful that won't go away after you have prayed again and again it's a good sign that you have a thorn not unlike paul you are honored it's a painful situation you're locked into but when you pray for it it doesn't go away congratulations god is up to something don't complain but rather i urge you say yes lord we all ask what exactly was paul's thorn in the flesh well was it a frailty was it a fault was it a friend was it a foe was it a failure was it a feeling well remember it is a figure of speech over 50 scholarly opinions in church history have been suggested some say his eyes his eyesight tertullian pain in the ear or head some would say troublesome people i could go on and on of the various views including paul worrying about persecuting the church i conclude god does not want us to know what paul's thorn was because if we knew 99 of us would not think of relating it to ourselves he uses an umbrella term we can all get under it i would say don't despise it don't resent it it's by god's sovereign pleasure it's for our good it's only a matter of time we will appreciate it it's only a matter of time and you will thank god for it may we pray heavenly father i ask you to apply this word to those watching those listening that this will be an encouragement life-changing comforting thank you that you are a sovereign god in control apply this message by your holy spirit i pray in jesus name amen thank you rt what a powerful word on a thorn in the flesh it is something that all of us needed to hear today when you think about what rt talked about and going through those difficult times i have to tell you you cannot go through those difficult times alone you can't do it simply by just being religious you have to do it by having a relationship it's called being born again and i want to let you know today that it is that relationship that changes everything you can face a thorn in the flesh you can face any trial when you know god is in your life jesus tells us in john chapter 3 how that relationship takes place in fact he calls the relationship being born again it's something so important that we feel that because jesus begins to bring it up in john chapter 3 it's really the most important question anybody can ever ask it literally begins to deal not just with our our life it deals with our eternity our forever because jesus said in john 3 3 he says these words to us no man no woman can see the kingdom of heaven unless they've been born again we have to understand what that phrase means in fact i heard one man say it like this eternity is too long to be wrong so that's why we have to get this right because some people think i get to go to heaven because i'm a good person or because i'm a religious person or my parents have been in church i go to church and all those things though they're good whether you say communion or whether you say i was i was dedicated as a baby as good as those things are that's not what jesus said it's eternity is too long to get it wrong so let's get this one right jesus said we must you must be born again john 3 5. well pastor tim how does that happen [Music] we'll let you know it's as simple as abc let me walk through those letters a is admitting that i'm a sinner that every person on this planet has a diagnosis a problem a brokenness inside of us the diagnosis is sin it can't be fixed by a by a promise that we make it can't be fixed by a program there's not a priest or a pastor that can fix it only god can fix it how does he fix it that's the b word it's b believing that god sent his son to fix the sin issue he diagnosed it as sin and says the remedy has to be my son becoming your sin bearer that's why jesus went to the cross that's why god sent him to come down if we could fix it ourselves then god wouldn't have had to send a son but he sent it and said it's by believing in him that he would be the one that would take our sin and bring it to the cross see jesus died the death that we were supposed to die he lived the life that we couldn't live and gave us the reward that we didn't deserve which is forgiveness in heaven and finally c confessing him as lord that word is so important because it comes from romans 10 9 and 10 about confessing jesus as lord it's literally saying you're in charge of my life the word actually means to be the boss in charge when you come to jesus you're not coming to a place a building you're coming to a person and you're saying you are in charge of my life a it's admitting b it's believing and c it's confessing wherever you're at right now whoever you are you could be in your living room you may be in a gymnasium a fitness center you could be on a subway a bus you may be on a walk through a park right now and god is speaking to your heart that he wants a relationship with you i want you to make the most important decision of your life that you want to be born again just as you had a first birth and were born physically this is your second birth or that born again date that you are going to be born spiritually how do we do it here's the next step i want you to pray with me right now wherever you're at would you pray these words with me come on say him with me out loud if you can dear lord jesus i believe you're the son of god i believe that on the cross you took my sin my shame and my guilt and you died for it you faced hell for me so i wouldn't have to go you rose from the dead to give me a place in heaven a purpose on earth and a relationship with your father today lord jesus i turn from my sin to be born again come on say this with me now god is my father jesus is my savior the holy spirit is my helper and heaven is my home a men you just made the greatest decision of your life in fact you decided today to become a follower of jesus christ you decided to be born again i want to ask you to do one thing for me which is a great next step for you in this brand new relationship would you do me a favor and text the word decided you're going to see it on the screen d-e-c-i-d-e-d to 88202 our team is going to send you what a next step looks like someone is going to begin to reach out to you just to let you know here is your next steps in the greatest relationship that you can ever have a relationship with jesus christ god bless you [Music]
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 7,264
Rating: 4.941606 out of 5
Keywords: RT Kendall, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: 3bf5ruxxSBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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